CHAPTER 1 Introduction to endoscopy
1.1 Anatomy of an endoscope
Key Points
1 The control handle
The control handle (Fig. 1) combines the following elements:
1.1 Suction and insufflation/cleaning valves
1.1.1 Suction
The cylinder (Fig. 2), which is attached to the aspirator at its base, communicates with the operating channel, to which it is joined by a circular channel.
1.1.2 Insufflation–cleaning
The cylinder (Fig. 2) integrates separate inlets and outlets for air and water. The inlet–outlet group that is closest to the base is the insufflation channel. The second group, which is higher up, is the lens cleaning channel.
This mechanism is either fully activated or deactivated, i.e. there is no intermediate position.
Clinical Tips
1.2 Bending section controls
The two flexing controls (Fig. 3) (large wheel for up/down, small wheel for left/right) are coaxial and each has a separate brake.
When the drum is rotated using the control wheel, it rolls up the cable, which is attached to the tip of a series of articulated steel rings that are attached to each other (like vertebrae) and can bunch up in such way as to provoke the deformation shown in Figure 3.
There are generally either four or six control buttons housed on top of the control handle.
2 Main insertion tube
The insertion sheath, which is mounted on the handle, combines the following elements:
Internally, the sheath (Fig. 4) contains a spiral metal element covered with a metal plait that provides the external synthetic resin coating with support. The characteristics of the spiral determine the texture of the sheath, depending on the thickness of the metal element, and the extent to which the wound elements tend to form joints with each other. The type of metal used is also a key factor. Stainless steel is used for the upper segment, whereas bronze is used for longer colonoscopes. Alternatively, to obtain better rotational torque, two parallel coaxial spiral elements are integrated and move in opposite directions in such a way that they oppose each other.
3 Bending section
The bending section (Fig. 3), which is the continuation of the main sheath, bears a strong resemblance to an alligator’s spine. The bending section is composed of a series of circular rings that are reciprocally articulated at a 90° angle. Each ring combines hinge plates that guide the bending section cables and keep them in place. The cables, which are soldered to the distal chain, pass over the hinge plates, and when they reach the main sheath, they enter the insertion tube. The rings must be non-contiguous, so that when a cable is pulled, causing the rings to bunch up toward the sheath, they cannot pivot on their axes and abut each other. When two cables are pulled concurrently, the flexing occurs at the bisector of the angle formed by the cables. Multidirectionality is obtained by the force of these crossed impulses.
4 The optical head
The optical head (Fig. 5), which is an endoscope’s most distal component, provides either forward or side-viewing optics, depending on its intended destination and use.
Videoendoscopes have supplanted fiberscopes. Fiberoptic image conductors have been replaced by miniature charge coupled devices (CCDs) that are increasingly sophisticated and that allow the operator to see far more detail than would be possible with the naked eye, while still employing the same types of operator controls and channels without compromising robustness or reliability (Fig. 6).
1.2 Electronic videoendoscopy
Key Points
Fiberoptic endoscopes have a number of serious drawbacks:
The first electronic videoendoscope came on the market around 1986 (Fig. 2).
1 Electronic videoendoscopes
The electronic videoendoscope works like a digital camera. Its distal end combines a coupled charge device (CCD; Fig. 3). This technology allows better image transmission and storage, leading to improved diagnosis and therapy. It has a coupled charge device and a color system.
1.4 Full frame read-out CCD (Fig. 6)
Color is not a physical reality. It is an impression generated in our brain, via our eyes, by luminous radiation from objects. In 1676, Isaac Newton showed that sunlight can be broken down into the colors of the spectrum by passing light through a prism (Fig. 7).
1.5 Color system selection
1.5.2 CCD colors: a mosaic system
A CCD combines a mosaic filter that is transparent to one of the primary colors (red, green, or blue) or their complements (cyan, magenta, or yellow). Each photodiode captures a color and then reconstitutes a pixel using four photodiodes. Inasmuch as cyan is composed of blue and green, and yellow is composed of red and green, the color green has more potential luminance, i.e. red and blue have only 25% as much luminance as green (Fig. 8).
2 Electronics and the endoscope
2.1 Resolution
Box 1 Advantages of electronic videoendoscopes
Endoscopic imaging is making major advances thanks to the migration to digital technology.
New high resolution CCDs are 45% smaller than classic CCDs and integrate octagonal photodiodes that theoretically allow storage of more information in the same surface area. With this type of CCD, 1.7 times more photodiodes can be obtained relative to the previous generation of CCDs (Figs 9, 10).
Houcke P, Canard J-M, Chirol P-L, et al. Evaluation technique des vidéo-endoscopes couramment utilisés en gastro-entérologie [Technical evaluation of gastroenterological videoendoscopes]. Hépatogastroenterology. 1997;6:495-504.
Machida H, Sano Y, Hamamoto Y, et al. Narrow-band imaging in the diagnosis of colorectal mucosal lesions: a pilot study. Endoscopy. 2004;36(12):1094-1098.
Pelletier M. La technique du zoom ou magnification. [Zoom/magnification techniques] CREGG, Paris, 27 September 2003. Acta Endoscop. 2003;33(Suppl 3):446.
1.3 Endoscopic accessories
Key Points
1 Tissue grasping and acquisition
Gastrointestinal biopsies pose a major challenge for the endoscopist. They are undertaken using 5 mm-long forceps with spoon-shaped jaws (Fig. 1), which employ one of the following mechanical principles:
2 Injection
Injections are performed: (a) with the aid of a basic catheter for fluoroscopic opacification (prior to insertion of a gastrointestinal stent); (b) with the aid of a spray catheter for chromoendoscopy, or (c) via disposable needles for tattooing, hemostasis, variceal sclerotherapy, chromoendoscopy (see Ch. 2.4), EMR, submucosal dissection, and antireflux treatment (Fig. 2).
3 Clips and ligation devices
Hemostasis can be performed using clips and ligation systems. Reusable and disposable clipping systems are available and their use is described in Chapter 7.8. Clips can also be used for marking the site of a lesion or for closing small perforations that occur during polypectomy, EMR or ESD. Disposable ligation systems are available with 6–10 elastic bands for esophageal variceal ligation and to assist EMR (Ch. 7.8). They are also used for hemostasis of bleeding Dieulafoy lesions, and for Mallory–Weiss tears (Fig. 3).
4 Dilatation
Dilatation (see Ch. 7.1) is performed using progressively larger bougie dilators over a rigid or semi-rigid metal guidewire or else using disposable balloons (Fig. 4A). Balloon diameters and length vary. The balloons are passed through the operating channel and dilatation is performed hydrostatically (except in cases of achalasia) under visual and/or fluoroscopic control.
5 Coagulation
Coagulation (see Ch. 1.4) can be monopolar, bipolar (Fig. 4B), or multipolar, and can be performed using dedicated probes. Coagulation is useful for tumor debulking and for hemostasis. In monopolar coagulation, a high-frequency electric current is applied to the tissue, requiring a patient grounding pad (25–40 watt (W) pulses for 7–10 s). This method is risky as the muscle layer may be coagulated and delayed perforation may occur. Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is less risky, and is also more appealing by virtue of its cost-effectiveness and multifunctionality (60 W, 0.8–1.5 l/mn). The advantage of bipolar coagulation, which uses three electrodes, is that the electric current is conducted back to the electrosurgical generator (useful in the presence of a pacemaker).
Bipolar probes contain a lateral spiral filament at their distal end (10–20 W, 3–4 pulses lasting 10–14 s each). The contact must be tangential as the distal tip of the probe is perforated and has no conductor, thus allowing for cleaning. Some probes are equipped with a distal injection needle. Diathermic heater probes (Fig. 5A), which are used in some countries, comprise an internal thermocouple that generates a constant temperature of 250°C at the distal end (which has an anti-adhesive coating). This system also houses three 1-cm cleaning channels above the active distal portion (8-s 20–30 joule pulses).
6 Tissue resection
Sectioning (see Ch. 7.11) occurs using 200–500 volts HF current that generates an electric arc between the diathermy snare and the tissue. The latest generation of electrosurgical generators allows automatic stabilization of fluctuations in potential and intensity. The heat generated at the points where the electric arc comes into contact with the tissue is so high that the tissue is immediately vaporized. Following this, as the snare moves across the tissue, electric arcs are generated continuously wherever the gap between the tissue and snare is small enough, thus producing the resection.
It is useful to have a range of snares (Figs. 5B,C,D): monofilament; braided; small size (10 mm); large size (20–30 mm); asymmetric for esophageal EMR; and barbed for large colonic EMRs. Transparent caps with an edge groove (into which the loop inserts) are also essential.
7 Gastrointestinal stents
A range of self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) (see Ch. 7.2) are available for use in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, biliary tree, and colon. Most of today’s gastrointestinal prostheses are made of hardened steel (articulated components that are 2.5 cm in diameter and that do not become shorter on expansion), nitinol or Elgiloy (mesh or webbing composed of one or more wires, the length of which decreases by 30% as the prosthesis expands). The stents are straight, and may or may not have funnel-shaped or ‘dog-bone’ tips. Anchorage, extraction and antireflux valve systems are also available for these devices and some may be completely or partially membrane-covered to minimize tumor ingrowth.
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Committee. Technology Status Evaluation Report. Endoscopic hemostatic devices. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009;69(6):987-996.
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Committee. Technology Status Evaluation Report. Guidewires for use in GI endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2007;65(4):571-576.
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Committee. Technology Status Evaluation Report. Gastrointest Endosc. 2007;65:741-749.
1.4 Electrosurgical generators: procedures and precautions
Key Points
1 Electrophysical basis of electrosurgery
2 Problems associated with older electrosurgical generators
The power created by older electrosurgical generators is constant and does not vary with tissue and cutting surface impedance. Cutting speed and electric arc intensity are the only variable parameters with these devices. In today’s generators, electric-arc intensity is constant and controlled. Cutting speed is preadjusted in endoscopic diathermy mode without the need for any action on the part of the operator. The electrosurgical generator’s output power is regulated automatically in accordance with the contact surface. The most common unit is the ERBE ICC 200 (Fig. 3), recently replaced by the VIO 200 or 300 series.
2.2 Sectioning may inadvertently result in tissue coagulation
This can occur if too little current is applied to the target contact surface (Fig. 4). Sectioning a 1 mm2 contact surface requires a high level of current density. This same current applied to a 1 cm2 surface will be unduly low and will induce coagulation. New electrosurgical generators avoid this problem by automatically adjusting the instrument’s output current to the characteristics of the tissue being sectioned, within the limits of the maximum-current setting, which must be high enough to allow sectioning, as otherwise the tissue will be coagulated.
3 Principles of endoscopic diathermy (electrosurgery)
In endoscopic diathermy, all of the electrical settings that are applied to the section and its characteristics are automatically controlled and adjusted so as to achieve optimal cutting performance throughout the process (Fig. 5). The electrical arc’s voltage and intensity between the tissue and cutting wire are measured, analyzed and stabilized by an onboard microprocessor. Endoscopic diathermy is a fractionated process that is carried out via the following stages:
All of these parameters are regulated automatically via the device’s power.
3.2 What to do if the resection does not start immediately
There are two possible scenarios in this case:
6 Alarm systems
These alarm systems allow for detection of:
They ensure that endoscopic electrosurgery is safe for the patient and operator. The grounding pad monitoring system (NESSY) guarantees that no skin burn will occur under the neutral pad, providing that double-face pads are used (Fig. 8).
7 Statutory requirements of endoscopy rooms
The endoscopy room must meet the following statutory requirements:
9 Practical tips for endoscopic electrosurgery
9.1 General tips
9.2 Standard settings for an ERBE ICC 200 electrosurgical generator
The endoscopic diathermy (‘endo-cut’) function can only be obtained using the yellow pedal, in which case cutting and coagulation will alternate automatically (Fig. 9).
9.3 Polypectomy
9.5 Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR)
There are small but significant differences with the newest range of ERBE electrosurgical generators (VIO 200 or 300) (Fig. 10). Two different endo-cut functions (Q and I) exist: ‘endo-cut Q’ is designed for polypectomy and functions much as described above with slow cutting and more coagulation. The standard setting for a polypectomy is 120 W, effect level 3 (the effect level can be reduced to 2 if less coagulation is desired). There are, however, many adjustable settings and general recommendations are outlined in Tables 1 and 2. ‘Endo-cut I’ is designed for sphincterotomy with a different cutting-coagulation cycle, designed for quick cutting and less coagulation, although it can be adjusted.
Table 1 Manufacturer’s recommended settings for ERBE VIO series electrosurgical generators
Table 2 Manufacturer’s recommended settings for ERBE VIO series electrosurgical generators when performing endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)
ASGE Technology Committee. Technology status evaluation report. Electrosurgical generators. Gastrointest Endosc. 2003;58:656-660.
ASGE Technology Committee. Technology status evaluation report. The argon plasma coagulator. Gastrointest Endosc. 2002;55:807-810.
Canard JM, Ponchon T, Napoléon B, et al. Bistouris électriques: principes et précautions d’utilisation [Electrosurgical generators: usage principles and precautions] SFED., September 2003.
Canard JM, Védrenne B. Clinical application of argon plasma coagulation in gastrointestinal endoscopy: has the time come to replace the laser? Endoscopy. 2001;33(4):353-357.
Farin G, Grund KE. Technology of argon plasma coagulation with particular regard to endoscopic applications. End Surg. 1994;2:71-77.
Maier M, Kohler B, Benz C, et al. A new HF current electrosurgical generator with integrated self modifying system (endo-cut mode) for endoscopic sphincterotomy: a prospective randomized trial. Gastrointest Endosc. 1995;41:308.
Rey JF, Beilenhoff U, Neumann CS, Dumonceau JM. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) guideline: the use of electrosurgical units. Endoscopy. 2010;42(9):764-771.
1.5 Organizational structure of an endoscopy unit
Key Points