CHAPTER 31 Intrathecal Therapies and Totally Implantable Drug Delivery Systems
The discovery of opioid receptors in 19711 and their subsequent isolation in nerve tissue in 19732 in brain tissue3 and the spinal cord were foundational to the idea of using intraspinal opioids for pain control. In 1976, intrathecal opioid infusion was first reported in animals.4,5 Subsequently, intrathecal and epidural morphine was used in humans in 1979.6,7 Both modes of intraspinal delivery were effective in effectively controlling chronic nonmalignant and cancer pain.8 The discovery of a pain processing and modulating role for gamma-aminobutyic acid (GABA) receptors, adrenergic receptors, glutamate receptors, and calcium channels, amongst others, at both spinal and supraspinal levels, expanded intrathecal therapy to include non-opioid agents for intrathecal analgesic application.
The treatment of chronic nonmalignant pain, like the treatment of cancer pain, requires that the treating physician understands the mechanism underlying the patient’s pain, the psychological and behavioral factors operant in perpetuating that pain, and the appropriate treating modalities to manage the diagnostic specific pain syndrome.9 It is important to know that there are no syndrome-specific therapies and there are many therapies to choose from for the management of chronic pain conditions. Because there are many therapies to treat chronic pain, from noninvasive to more invasive therapies, caregivers should choose therapies using a logical approach or algorithm to those choices. Fig. 31.1 is an example of a pain treatment continuum or algorithm of care that we use in our practice for patients with nonmalignant pain. This continuum of care starts with exercise at the bottom of the ladder moving up, by order of invasiveness and cost, towards more invasive therapies including implantable technologies and neuroablative therapies. This continuum of care should be placed in context by the reader and should not be considered guidelines to care. It is important to emphasize that spinal analgesia is a costly and an invasive therapy and therefore should be applied only when less invasive and less costly therapies have failed, including sequential systemic opioids trials.
Initially, intrathecal therapy was only used for patients with cancer-related pain syndromes, but over the years the indications for intrathecal therapy have expanded.10 Newer indications include neuropathic pain syndromes,11 failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS),12,13 complex regional pain syndromes,14 and head and neck pain.15 Intrathecal therapy is invasive and expensive treatment for chronic pain and should only be applied when certain criteria are applicable. These inclusion criteria for intrathecal therapy include:
Likewise, when choosing implantable technologies for pain control such as spinal cord stimulation (SCS) or intrathecal therapy with opioids, it is equally important to know if the patient’s pain is nociceptive, neuropathic, or mixed nociceptive/neuropathic. Neuropathic pain is amenable to spinal cord stimulation for pain, while nociceptive pain is not. Intrathecal opioid therapy is useful for nociceptive pain, but minimally useful for patients with primary neuropathic pain. Intrathecal therapy with non-opioids such as local anesthetics, alpha-adrenergic agents or voltage sensitive, N-type calcium channel-blocking agents have been shown to be effective with neuropathic pain syndromes. Because intrathecal therapies are moderately efficacious for neuropathic pain syndromes when using admixtures of opioids and non-opioids there exists no clear-cut boundaries when choosing between SCS or intrathecal analgesic therapies for neuropathic pain syndromes. Fig. 31.2 is a Venn diagram that presents clear-cut diagnoses which respond to intrathecal opioids alone and those that respond to spinal cord stimulation alone. The overlapping gray area represents diagnoses that will respond to both therapies.
When a patient meets all criteria for intrathecal analgesia delivery and that patient has failed conservative therapies as outlined in Figure 31.1, that patient should undergo a trial for intrathecal therapy.
If the patient does not tolerate the initial drug trialed and is in need of trial of a second agent, only the drug reservoir, the existing tubing and the first 0.22 micron filter which is proximal to the more distal filter (filter nearest the catheter exit site) is changed. Because it is known that infection rates of these systems is proportional to the ‘fiddle-factor’ in personnel handling the systems, we adopt a hands-off policy to system changes and dressing changes. We first change the dressing of the system within 48 hours of surgery and then, unless the dressing becomes wet, we only change the dressing, once every 7 days. We recommend that only physicians or nurses familiar with this system be involved in dressing changes. Biopatch® is left unchanged for 7 days unless saturated with blood.
The first drug delivery system approved for the delivery of intraspinal analgesics was the Infusaid, model #400 pump, which is no longer manufactured. This pump was a nonprogrammable, fixed-rate flow pump. Today, there are other FDA approved fixed-rate pumps including the Codman, model 400 pump (Fig. 31.3) and the Medtronic, Isomed Pump (Fig. 31.4). These pumps utilize a charging fluid that remains a fluid at room temperature, but becomes a gas exerting pressure on a metal bellows that extrudes drug at a fixed rate when implanted into a patient.
Other fixed-rate pumps used outside of the USA includes the Esox®, Archimedes®, Micromedes®, and the Anschutz pump®, all of which are fixed-rate pumps. Some new fixed-rate pumps are being developed by other companies and are not approved by the FDA in the USA today. An example is the AccRx Pump being developed by Advanced Neuromodulation Systems of Plano, Texas (Fig. 31.5). Because the rate of all of these fixed-rate pumps is preset and nonprogrammable, dosing changes are made by changing concentrations of the drug.

Fig. 31.5 AccRx, a fixed-rate pump in trials, manufactured by Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Plano, Texas.
Medtronic’s Synchromed® system is the only totally implantable and programmable pump that is approved in the USA and Europe. Other companies, including Codman (a Johnson and Johnson company), Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, and Advanced Bionics (a Boston Scientific company), are developing totally programmable intrathecal delivery systems. Rate and therefore dose of drug are externally programmable (Fig. 31.6).
Besides increasing or decreasing a continuous rate of delivery of the drug, the Synchromed® system can be programmed to deliver drug in different configurations that includes programming a single bolus of drug, a timed bolus of drug, a complex continuous delivery of drug, and a continuous delivery of drug.
Morphine remains the gold standard for intrathecal analgesic therapy. It has an extensive history, with an ample literature for intrathecal therapy, more than any other opioid.16 It is the only opioid approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for intrathecal analgesia. Other opioids are used for intrathecal therapy when patients are intolerant to intrathecal morphine and include hydromorphone,17 meperidine,18 methadone,19 fentanyl,20 sufentanil,20 and buprenorphine.21 The latter is a partial agonist that is used intrathecally in Europe. These agents are not labeled for intrathecal therapy and are not approved by the FDA, but are used empirically, based on efficacy and safety reported in the literature.
Morphine’s analgesic efficacy is well reported. A prospective survey by Kumar et al. of 16 patients (mean follow-up, 29±12 months) found that intraspinal morphine reduced pain scores for all types of pain by an average of 57%. Surprisingly, the greatest efficacy was found in patients with neuropathic pain and mixed nociceptive/neuropathic pain when compared to nociceptive pain (75% and 61% reductions, respectively).22 A national outcomes registry for low back pain collected prospective data on 136 patients using intraspinal infusion via implanted devices, 81% of whom received morphine. After 12 months, the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Scale ratings improved by 47% in patients with back pain and by 31% in patients with leg pain.23
The intrathecal opioid’s time to onset and duration of action, uptake and distribution, availability to supraspinal centers, and central nervous system (CNS) side effects are all governed by the opioid’s relative (to morphine) lipophilicity and its receptor affinity.24 Morphine’s low lipid solubility, high hydrophilicity, and high receptor affinity translates clinically to slow onset of action but prolonged analgesic action. Because of this hydrophilicity of morphine, it remains in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) longer and therefore is available to ascend to supraspinal centers through bulk flow of the CSF. Because morphine mixes in the CSF and is carried from low spinal centers to higher spinal centers and supraspinal centers, the position of the catheter tip within the thecal sac is relatively unimportant to provide segmental analgesia. On the other hand, this hydrophilicity of morphine increases the risks for CNS supraspinal side effects such as nausea, vomiting, sedation, and respiratory depression.
Intrathecal morphine delivery is associated with side effects. Both elevated concentrations of morphine-3-glucuronide, a metabolite of morphine in plasma, and an elevated plasma or CSF morphine-3-glucuronide over morphine-6-glucuronide ratio may play a pathogenic role in the development of the cutaneous dysesthesias, hyperalgesia, and allodynia and/or myoclonus seen with the long-term delivery of high-dose intrathecal morphine.25 It seems that morphine-3-glucuronide might exert this neuroexcitatory effect by indirect activation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, an inotropic glutamate receptor.26 Some patients might not tolerate morphine, but may tolerate hydromorphone, a relatively hydrophilic (to morphine) but more lipophilic agent than morphine. In some patients, supraspinal effects such as nausea and vomiting might be severe. In such cases, more lipophilic compounds which do not mix in the CSF such as fentanyl, sufentanil, or methadone might be chosen.
Intrathecal morphine delivery is known to be associated with hypothalamic–pituitary dysfunction. In a study conducted in Belgium, Abs et al.27 examined hypothalamic–pituitary axis function in 93 patients with non-cancer pain. Seventy-three patients received intrathecal morphine with a mean dose of 4.8 mg/day for a mean duration of 26.6 months. A 20-patient comparison group had comparable pain syndromes but was not treated with intrathecal morphine. A majority of patients of both genders in the intrathecal morphine group developed hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Fifteen percent also developed central hypocortisolism and/or growth hormone deficiency, compared to none in the control group. Further, decreased libido occurred in 96% of men and 69% of women who received intrathecal opioids, compared with 10% and 20% of men and women, respectively, in the controlled group. Hormone replacement therapy ameliorated decreased libido in 10 of 14 males and 7 of 12 premenopausal females. The authors suggested further investigations to determine the need for systematic endocrine evaluations and replacement therapy in patients treated with long-term intrathecal morphine.
Hydromorphone is a mu agonist that is 8–10 times more lipid soluble28,29 and 5–10 times more potent than morphine. It is a hydrogenated ketone of morphine. Although it is not FDA approved, it is increasingly being used for intrathecal therapy.30,31 Hydromorphone is stable when contained in an infusion system (SynchroMed) and held at 37°C for 4 months.32 Because of its higher lipophilicity than morphine, hydromorphone has a quicker onset of action, a shorter duration of action and, for the same reason, fewer supraspinal side effects because of less rostral spread.
Because of the incomplete cross-tolerance among opioids, switching from morphine to hydromorphone is a consideration when morphine use is associated with too many side effects or poor analgesia. The initial dose of hydromorphone should be 50% of its equianalgesic dose to morphine (equianalgesia is 1:5–10) and should be titrated higher until analgesia is achieved.
Hydromorphone is not only successful in delivering intraspinal analgesia33 but also has a lower incidence of side effects than morphine when given epidurally. In the retrospective study comparing intrathecal morphine to hydromorphone by Anderson et al.,30 37 patients received intrathecal hydromorphone after either inadequate analgesia or unmanageable side effects occurred during treatment with intrathecal morphine sulfate alone. Pain scores improved during the 10 months’ mean follow-up after changing to hydromorphone. Drowsiness and nausea lessened after patients were switched from morphine to hydromorphone and leg edema subsided temporarily, but eventually reoccurred after extended hydromorphone exposure
A known complication of intrathecal therapies is the development of intrathecal granuloma, an intradural but extramedullary mass associated with either high dose or high concentration of intrathecally delivered agents. This complication of intrathecal analgesia will be discussed later in this chapter. In contrast to morphine, hydromorphone exposure intrathecally was not associated with the development of catheter tip granuloma in a sheep model when daily doses, equianalgesic to doses of morphine that produced granulomas, were given.34
However, hydromorphone when used in humans is known to be associated with the development of tip granuloma. In an initial report, the formation of inflammatory masses at the catheter tip was reported in 9 patients who received hydromorphone, either alone or mixed with other drugs.35 A subsequent review of the same report and database and an additional six case reports identified was published with the number of new cases reported in the literature to be 15.36 It still is unclear whether these 15 reported cases of granuloma were due to the intrathecal hydromorphone delivered or due to other agents since all patients had, at one time or another, other agents, either alone or in combination with hydromorphone, in their pumps.
The neuroexcitatory side effects of opioids, e.g., hyperalgesia, are not reported to be more frequent with hydromorphone than morphine, although hydromorphone-3-glucuronide is a more potent neuroexcitant than morphine-3-glucuronide37 which could be responsible for these symptoms.
Meperidine is the only member of the opioid family that has clinically important local anesthetic activity in doses used for analgesia. Because of this quality of meperidine, it is the only opioid in current use that is active as a sole agent for spinal anesthesia (not analgesia). Surgical procedures to the lower limbs, inguinal area, perineum or c-section have been performed using spinal meperidine alone.38,39 Meperidine has been used for labor analgesia and found not to increase c-section deliveries.40 A 0.5 mg/kg intrathecal dose of meperidine produces anesthesia for up to 6 hours or longer.38 A dose of 1 mg/kg or a total dose of 100 mg has been associated with respiratory depression, bradycardia, and hypotension.18,41
There is limited literature on the use of continuous intrathecal meperidine via implantable infusion pumps. In a case report by Harvey et al.42 a woman with chronic low back who failed other medical interventional treatment modalities achieved significant pain relief using a continuous intrathecal meperidine infusion. Another case report also showed similar success.43 According to Chrubasik et al., the dose of meperidine should be 25–30 times higher than morphine to maintain equianalgesia.44 A dose of up to 60 mg per day appears to be safe.45
Methadone. In a survey by Hassenbusch and Portenoy, 2–4% of respondents cited use of this opioid.46 Methadone is more lipid soluble than morphine, hydromorphone, and meperidine, and therefore does not produce noticeable migration within CSF to supraspinal centers. Methadone, based on this lipophilicity, should have fewer supraspinal side effects than morphine when given intrathecally.
The L-isomer of methadone has mu agonist activity and D-isomers have noncompetitive antagonism of NMDA receptors.47 In vitro studies suggest that methadone induces desensitization of the delta opioid receptor by uncoupling the receptor from its underlying G-protein. This delta opioid activity is critical for the development of morphine-induced tolerance and dependence. Animal studies showed that D-methadone reduces the development of morphine tolerance and NMDA-induced hyperalgesia by virtue of its NMDA receptor antagonist activity.48
Studies of the prolonged use of intrathecal methadone for cancer and non-cancer pain showed overall effectiveness between 37.5% and 80% for those populations studied based on greater than 50% reduction49–51 in pain or pain reduction combined with improved scores on quality of life questionnaire.19 These studies involved both cancer and non-cancer patients. Methadone was administered at total daily dosages of 5–60 mg and the duration of treatment ranged from 3 days to 37 months.
Fentanyl is an opioid analgesic which preferentially binds to mu receptors. It is highly lipophilic and has a fast onset of action in the order of 5 minutes with a peak analgesic effect of approximately 20 minutes, when given epidurally. Due to lipophilicity, its effect is largely segmental, although continuous intrathecal infusion is associated with receptor saturation and mixing in the CSF. It is equipotent when given epidurally or intravenously.52
As fentanyl is 75–100 times more potent than morphine sulfate, lower doses are needed to produce similar analgesia. Thus, considerations for side effects must be made, especially since fentanyl side effects have been noted to be more severe than those of morphine sulfate. Cephalad spread of fentanyl which could lead to respiratory depression does occur, but less so than morphine. Although it is uncertain whether fentanyl’s exact location of action is systemic or spinal, the systemic mode of action appears to be favored by some.53 While scientific data on epidural and intrathecal fentanyl are evolving, there does appear to be a role for fentanyl in treating both acute and chronic pain processes.
Two retrospective studies on intrathecal fentanyl have been reviewed. One study of 122 patients examined the complications associated with implantable drug delivery systems. This study included two patients with the combination of fentanyl and bupivacaine54 and neither of these patients experienced serious adverse events. In another study, eight patients out of a total of 29 patients with intrathecal therapy received intrathecal fentanyl, 10.5–115 mcg/day for a mean duration of 31 months.55 The authors reported a 68% reduction in pain and an overall satisfaction of 3.25 on a scale of 1 (poor) to 4 (excellent) in all eight patients.
Due to being extremely lipid soluble, it largely diffuses into the central neural tissue when administered intrathecally, leaving less bulk drug available for rostral movement, and thus fewer central side effects such as nausea, vomiting, itching, urinary retention, and respiratory depression. Because of this lipid solubility, after intrathecal administration, sufentanil concentrations in the CSF decrease more quickly when compared to morphine. The mean residence time in the CSF, i.e., the time required to eliminate 63.2% of the drug, is approximately 0.9 hours after injection of 15 mcg sufentanil56 while that of morphine (0.05 mg/kg) is 2.3 hours.57
The higher affinity of sufentanil to mu opioid receptors when compared to morphine gives sufentanil a potential benefit in delaying the development of tolerance to the drug. It has been postulated that agents with high efficacy and receptor reserve, i.e. sufentanil, should produce less tolerance than agents of lower efficacy and lower receptor reserve, i.e. morphine.58 Rats develop, over time, less tolerance to intrathecal sufentanil when compared to morphine. Also, sufentanil requires the occupancy of fewer mu receptors to produce antinociception than does morphine.
In a survey performed by Hassenbusch and Portenoy,46 nearly 20% of pain clinicians have used either fentanyl or sufentanil in intrathecal drug delivery systems; however, there are no clinical data of long-term use of intrathecal sufentanil in humans. It is known that in humans a 10 mcg bolus of intrathecal sufentanil produces analgesia within 5 minutes with a duration of about 19 minutes.59
Because of its high lipophilicity, this agent is used when more hydrophilic drugs produce excessive supraspinal side effects. When converting morphine to sufentanil in an implanted pump, we, based on the potency ratio of sufentanil to morphine, arbitrarily use a dose conversion of 1 mcg of sufentanil to 1000 mcg (that is 1 mg of morphine) as shown in Table 31.1
Animal toxicology studies of intrathecal sufentanil have shown no detectable pathological effects on spinal cord histology. However, in a study performed in sheep, which have relatively smaller intrathecal spaces, a rather large dose of 7.5 mcg/kg of sufentanil did produce demonstrable neurotoxic changes. These authors did demonstrate a low-grade inflammatory response to the intrathecal catheter itself and concluded that the response was thought to represent a foreign body response.60
Bupivacaine. Local anesthetics are the most common adjuvant agents used with opioids for intrathecal therapy. By the year 2000, more then 20% of patients with intrathecal therapy for pain control had local anesthetics in their implantable pumps. According to this survey of implanting physicians, 60% of the responding physicians used morphine–bupivacaine combinations.46
Bupivacaine HCl has been shown to be stable and compatible with the Medtronic SynchroMed implantable pump, maintaining 96% of its initial concentration with chronic exposure to the system after 12 weeks at 37°C.61 Further, Trissel et al.62 in a stability study, showed that combinations of morphine sulfate, 5 mg/mL plus bupivacaine, 2.5 mg/mL, or morphine sulfate, 50 mg/mL plus bupivacaine, 25 mg/mL, packaged in 20 mL aliquots in plastic syringes and maintained at 4°C or 23°C for 60 days or −20°C or 37°C for 2 days remained stable. In other words, the morphine remained stable at, or greater than, 97% and the potency of bupivacaine remained greater than 95%, after the study. Frozen samples exhibited microparticulates upon thawing, suggesting that freezing of morphine–bupivacaine combinations should be avoided.
Bupivacaine is the intrathecal local anesthetic most widely used in humans. Other local anesthetics including tetracaine and lidocaine have been tried but their use has been abandoned due to their relative known toxicity.63 Recently, ropivacaine has been tried in humans;64 however, it offers little advantage over the less expensive bupivacaine.
Human postmortem studies and the long-term usage of bupivacaine do suggest clinical safety of the long-term infusion of low doses of intrathecal bupivacaine.65 There are, however, reports in the anesthesia literature of permanent neurological sequelae, specifically the cauda equina syndrome, when some local anesthetics, specifically 5% lidocaine, are used for spinal anesthesia, particularly when delivered through small-bore intrathecal catheters.66 It is unclear, as reported by the authors, whether this complication was drug related, catheter related, technique related, or a combination of these.
The positive analgesic response with the use of local anesthetic–opioid combinations intraspinally, for the treatment of cancer and non-cancer-related pain, has been previously reported.67,68 Deer et al., in a retrospective study of 109 patients, 25 with cancer pain and 84 with nonmalignant pain, studied the effect of the addition of bupivacaine intrathecally to patients who did not receive analgesia with their intrathecal opioids alone (morphine, mean dose of 8 mg/day, or hydromorphone, mean dose 1.5 mg/day).69 All patients who had a poor response to the opioid alone, who were switched to opioid–bupivacaine combinations, reported significantly lower pain scores and experienced a mean opioid dose reduction of 23. In a nonrandomized, noncontrolled prospective study, performed by van Dongen et al.,70