(Left) Graphic shows 4 sections that depict the 8 segments of the liver, which are separated by vertical planes through the hepatic veins and a horizontal plane through the portal vein.
(Right) The sections in this axial CECT correspond to levels in the previous graphic. The liver segments are numbered. The falciform ligament plane separates the medial (segment 4) from the lateral (segments 2 and 3) left lobe. Segment 3 is not shown.
(Left) CT arteriogram shows conventional hepatic arterial anatomy. This coronal reformation shows both hepatic arteries arising from the proper hepatic artery , which in turn arises from the common hepatic artery .
(Right) MR angiogram in the venous phase shows the hepatic and portal vein branches. Some of the intravenously injected contrast medium is still circulating through the arteries, resulting in enhancement of the aorta .
(Left) In this previously healthy young woman with RUQ pain and hypotension, CECT shows a brightly enhancing mass that has ruptured, causing massive hemorrhage with a sentinel clot . This is essentially diagnostic of an hepatic adenoma.
(Right) This man with known cirrhosis presented with acute pain and hypotension. A coronal CECT image shows an encapsulated mass , ascites, and sentinel clot indicating rupture of the mass, essentially diagnostic of HCC in this setting.
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