26 Hypothalamus
Gross Anatomy
The boundaries of the hypothalamus are as follows (see Figures 26.1 and 26.2):
Subdivisions and nuclei
In the sagittal plane, it is customary to divide the hypothalamus into three regions: anterior (supraoptic), middle (tuberal), and posterior (mammillary). The descriptive use of ‘regions’ has been convenient for animal experiments involving placement of lesions. Named nuclei in the three regions are listed in Table 26.1.
Posterior | Middle | Anterior |
Posterior | Paraventricular | Preoptic |
Mammillary | Dorsomedial | Supraoptic |
Tuberomammillary | Lateral | Suprachiasmatic |
Dorsal | Ventromedial Arcuate |
Hypothalamic control of the pituitary gland
The arterial supply of the pituitary gland comes from hypophyseal branches of the internal carotid artery (Figure 26.3). One set of branches supplies a capillary bed in the wall of the infundibulum. These capillaries drain into portal vessels which pass into the adenohypophysis (anterior lobe). There they break up to form a second capillary bed which bathes the endocrine cells and drains into the cavernous sinus.
Secretions of the pituitary gland are controlled by two sets of neuroendocrine cells. Neuroendocrine cells are true neurons in having dendrites and axons and in conducting nerve impulses. They are also true endocrine cells because they liberate their secretions into capillary beds (Figure 26.4). With one exception (mentioned below), the secretions are peptides, synthesized in clumps of granular endoplasmic reticulum and packaged in Golgi complexes. The peptides are attached to long-chain polypeptides called neurophysins. The capillaries concerned are outside the blood–brain barrier, and are fenestrated.
The parvocellular neuroendocrine system
Parvocellular neurons of the hypophysiotropic area give rise to the tuberoinfundibular tract, which reaches the infundibular capillary bed. Action potentials traveling along these neurons result in calcium-dependent exocytosis of releasing hormones from some and inhibiting hormones from others, for transport to the adenohypophysis in the portal vessels. The cell types of the adenohypophysis are stimulated/inhibited in accordance with Table 26.2. In the left-hand column, the only non-peptide parvocellular hormone is the prolactin-inhibiting hormone, which is dopamine, secreted from the arcuate (infundibular) nucleus.
Table 26.2 Hypothalamic parvocellular releasing/inhibiting hormones (RH/IH)
RH/IH | Anterior lobe hormone |
Corticotropin RH | ACTH |
Thyrotropin RH | Thyrotropin |
Growth hormone RH | Growth hormone |
Growth hormone IH | Growth hormone |
Prolactin RH | Prolactin |
Prolactin IH | Prolactin |
Gonadotropic hormone RH | FSH/LH |