Hyperbaric Oxygen in Critical Care

Published on 22/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Critical Care Medicine

Last modified 22/03/2015

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56 Hyperbaric Oxygen in Critical Care

Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) treatment involves intermittent breathing of pure oxygen at greater than ambient pressure. Over the past 20 years, HBO2 has undergone refinement, with increased understanding of mechanisms of action and clinical applications. Along with an expansion of the knowledge base, formalized education now exists for emergency, critical care/anesthesia, and surgically trained physicians, who may obtain special competency board certification through the American Board of Medical Specialists. This chapter will summarize existing literature on uses for hyperbaric oxygen therapy and some special issues related to care of critically ill patients.

image Applications

HBO2 treatment is carried out in either a monoplace (single person) or multiplace (typically 2 to 14 patients) chamber. Pressures applied while in the chamber are usually 2 to 3 atmospheres absolute (ATA), representing the sum of the atmospheric pressure plus additional hydrostatic pressure equivalent to 1 or 2 atmospheres. Treatments usually are for 2 to 8 hours, depending on the indication, and may be performed from 1 to 3 times daily. Monoplace chambers are usually compressed with pure oxygen. Multiplace chambers are pressurized with air, and patients breathe pure oxygen through a tight-fitting facemask, hood, or endotracheal tube. During treatment, the PaO2 typically exceeds 2000 mm Hg, and levels of 200 to 400 mm Hg occur in tissues.1

HBO2 should be viewed as a drug and the hyperbaric chamber as a dosing device. Elevating tissue oxygen tension is a primary effect. Although this may alleviate physiologic stress to hypoxic tissues, lasting benefits of HBO2 must relate to abatement of underlying pathophysiologic processes. The accepted indications comprise a heterogeneous group of disorders (Box 56-1), thus implying that there are several mechanisms of action for HBO2 (Box 56-2).13

Arterial Gas Embolism and Decompression Sickness

Among the earliest application of hyperbaric therapy was to treat disorders related to gas bubbles in the body. Compressed air construction work required exposure to elevated ambient pressure within compartments (caissons) for many hours to excavate tunnels or bridge foundations in muddy soil that otherwise would flood. In the 19th century, workers were noted to frequently experience joint pains, limb paralysis, or pulmonary compromise when they returned to ambient pressure. This condition—decompression sickness (DCS), caisson disease, or bends—was later attributed to nitrogen bubbles in the body, and recompression was found to relieve symptoms. The mechanism, based purely on Boyle’s law, with reduction of gas bubble volume due to pressure, was later improved by adding supplemental oxygen to hasten inert gas diffusion out of the body. Similar observations were made at later times for scuba divers, who are also prone to develop arterial gas embolism (AGE) due to pulmonary overpressurization on decompression.

Iatrogenic AGE has been reported in association with cardiovascular, obstetric/gynecologic, neurosurgical, and orthopedic procedures and generally whenever disruption of a vascular wall occurs. Nonsurgical processes reported to cause AGE include overexpansion during mechanical ventilation, hemodialysis, and after accidental opening of central venous catheters.4

Treatment of gas bubble disorders includes standard support of airway, breathing, and circulation plus prompt application of HBO2. Gas bubbles have been reported to persist for several days, and although delays should be avoided, HBO2 may be beneficial even when begun after long delays.59 Controlled animal trials support efficacy of HBO2, but randomized clinical trials have not been done.10 In their review of 27 case series, Moon and Gorman described substantial benefit with HBO2 treatment—78% of 441 cases receiving HBO2 fully recovered and 4.5 % died, whereas only 26% of 74 cases not undergoing HBO2 treatment fully recovered and 52% died.4

Mechanisms of action of HBO2 in AGE and DCS treatment include reduction of gas according to Boyle’s law, hyperoxygenation to hasten inert gas diffusion, and an additional effect related to inhibition of leukocyte adherence to injured endothelium. Endothelial dysfunction occurs in association with mechanical interactions of bubbles at vessel walls and lumen occlusion.1115 Neutrophil activation and perivascular adherence occur and are associated with functional deficits post decompression.16,4,17 Animals depleted of leukocytes before experimental cerebral air embolism suffer less severe reduction of cerebral blood flow and better neurologic outcome.18 HBO2 has been shown to temporarily inhibit human β2-integrin adhesion function.19 Inhibition of neutrophil β2-integrin adhesion by HBO2 has been described in a number of animal models including skeletal muscle ischemia-reperfusion, cerebral ischemia-reperfusion, pulmonary smoke inhalation injury, and brain injury after carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.2023 The mechanism for this effect involves S-nitrosylation of cytoskeletal β-actin, which impedes the coordinated cell-surface β2-integrin migration required for firm adherence.24

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide is the leading cause of injury and death by poisoning in the world.25 The affinity of CO for hemoglobin, to form carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), is more than 200-fold greater than that of O2. CO-mediated hypoxic stress is a primary insult, but COHb values correlate poorly with clinical outcome.* Pathologic mechanisms, in addition to elevations of COHb, include intravascular platelet-leukocyte aggregation, leukocyte-mediated oxidative injury to brain, excessive release of excitatory amino acids such as glutamate, impaired mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, and possible myocardial calcium overload. Survivors of acute CO poisoning are at risk for developing delayed neurologic sequelae (DNS) that include cognitive deficits, memory loss, dementia, parkinsonism, paralysis, chorea, cortical blindness, psychosis, personality changes, and peripheral neuropathy. DNS typically occurs from 2 to 40 days after poisoning, and the incidence is from 25% to 50% after severe poisoning.

References 3339.

Administration of supplemental oxygen is the cornerstone of treatment for CO poisoning. Oxygen inhalation will hasten dissociation of CO from hemoglobin as well as provide enhanced tissue oxygenation. HBO2 causes carboxyhemoglobin dissociation to occur at a rate greater than that achievable by breathing pure oxygen at sea level. Additionally, HBO2, but not ambient pressure oxygen treatment, has several actions that have been demonstrated in animal models to be beneficial in ameliorating pathophysiologic events associated with central nervous system (CNS) injuries mediated by CO. These include an improvement in mitochondrial oxidative processes,40 inhibition of lipid peroxidation,41 and impairment of leukocyte adhesion to injured microvasculature.22 Animals poisoned with CO and treated with HBO2 have been found to have more rapid improvement in cardiovascular status,42 lower mortality,43 and lower incidence of neurologic sequelae.44

Despite online criticisms of their analysis, a meta-analysis by the Cochrane Library concluded that it is unclear whether HBO2 reduces the incidence of adverse CO-mediated neurologic outcomes.45 There are five prospective, randomized trials that have assessed clinical efficacy of HBO2 for acute CO poisoning.30,31,32,46,47 Several failed to find benefit,30,47 but methodological weaknesses discussed by several authors39,48 diminish their clinical impact. Only one clinical trial satisfies all items deemed to be necessary for the highest quality of randomized controlled trials.49 HBO2 treatment also appears to diminish acute mortality, based on a retrospective analysis.48

Blood Loss Anemia

In rare instances when transfusion is not possible due to cross-matching incompatibilities or religious beliefs, intermittent use of HBO2 has been applied to temporarily relieve physiologic stress from severe acute anemia. Anecdotal reports describe using 2.5 to 3.0 ATA O2 to raise PaO2 in plasma to meet metabolic needs.5053 Treatments are often administered for only brief times when physiologic decompensation occurs, because O2 toxicity can be a problem (see later discussion). Short-term treatments, applied many times over several days, have been used to support life until red cells become available or until adequate red cell mass is generated endogenously.

Clostridial Myonecrosis (Gas Gangrene)

Successful treatment of gas gangrene depends on prompt recognition and aggressive intervention. Mortality rates from 11% to 52% have been reported. There are five retrospective comparisons and 13 case series in the literature. These have been discussed in several reviews.1,54,55 Because of difficulties with comparison among patient groups, impartial assessment of HBO2 efficacy based on mortality or “tissue salvage” rates is difficult. Most authors comment on clinical benefits associated with treatment. Temporal improvement of vital signs in patients with gangrene can be among the most dramatic observations in day-to-day practice.

Crush Injury

There is limited experience with HBO2 for acute traumatic peripheral ischemia and suturing of severed limbs. A single randomized controlled trial (involving 36 patients) on this type of injury has been performed, which found HBO2 to improve healing and reduce infection and wound dehiscence.56 In a case series of 23 patients, HBO2 was deemed to improve limb preservation, and it was also observed that the change in transcutaneous tissue oxygen level from ambient to hyperbaric conditions may predict outcome.57 The rationale for considering HBO2 is to temporarily improve oxygenation to hypoperfused tissues and because arterial hyperoxia will cause vasoconstriction that can diminish edema formation.58,59 This latter mechanism has been demonstrated most convincingly in the context of experimental compartment syndrome.60 Broad comparative evaluation of HBO2 treatment for traumatic injuries is described as showing considerable benefit.61

Progressive Necrotizing Infections

The use of HBO2 for treatment of necrotizing fasciitis and Fournier’s gangrene, which are mixed aerobic-anaerobic infections, has been reported in six nonrandomized comparisons and four case series.* As with gas gangrene, variations in time of diagnosis and clinical status on admission compromise assessment of the existing literature. Most studies have reported that when HBO2 is added to surgery and antibiotic therapy, mortality is reduced versus surgery and antibiotics alone. Animal trials have been difficult to assess because synergistic bacterial processes are difficult to establish. One report has found HBO2 to potentiate antibiotics in streptococcal myositis),72 and several animal models of polymicrobial bacteremia and sepsis have reported increased survival with HBO2.7375

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