
Published on 02/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 02/06/2015

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square-bullet Look at reticulocyte count and MCV.
square-bullet The reticulocyte count can help distinguish excess RBC destruction or blood loss (↑ reticulocyte count) from ↓ production (↓ reticulocyte count).
square-bullet The mean MCV classifies anemia as normocytic, microcytic, or macrocytic.
square-bullet A diagnostic algorithm for anemia based on MCV and reticulocyte count is described in Figure 7-1.

1. Anemia Secondary to Maturation Defects or Underproduction

a. Iron Deficiency Anemia

square-bullet Blood loss from GI or menstrual bleeding (GU blood loss less often the cause)
square-bullet Dietary iron deficiency (rare in adults)
square-bullet Poor iron absorption in pts w/gastric or small bowel surgery
square-bullet Repeated phlebotomy
square-bullet ↑ Requirements (e.g., pregnancy)
square-bullet Other: traumatic hemolysis (abnlly functioning cardiac valves), idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (iron sequestration in pulmonary macrophages), PNH (intravascular hemolysis)
square-bullet Fatigue, dizziness, exertional dyspnea, pagophagia (ice eating), pica. Pt’s hx may also suggest GI blood loss (melena, hematochezia, hemoptysis).
square-bullet Vary w/the stage of deficiency: absent iron marrow stores and ↓ serum ferritin → ↓ serum iron, ↑ TIBC → ↓ MCV
square-bullet Peripheral smear: microcytic hypochromic RBCs w/a wide area of central pallor, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis
square-bullet ↑ RDW (usually <15), ↓ MCV, ↓ serum ferritin level, ↑ TIBC, ↓ serum iron
square-bullet Ferrous sulfate 325 mg PO qd, parenteral iron, transfusion of PRBCs depending on severity

b. Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency

square-bullet Pernicious anemia (PA): gastric anti–parietal cell Abs in 90% of pts, anti–intrinsic factor Abs in >70% of pts
square-bullet Malabsorption, atrophic gastric mucosa, bacterial overgrowth, IBD, meds (PPIs, metformin)
square-bullet Impaired memory, gait disturbances, paresthesias, and complaints of generalized weakness in advanced stages
square-bullet CBC: macrocytic anemia and leukopenia w/hypersegmented neutrophils
square-bullet ↑ MCV, ↓/nl reticulocyte count
square-bullet Plasma MMA (P-MMA) (↑) and urinary MMA (↑), total homocysteine level (↑): used for detecting cobalamin deficiency in pts w/nl vitamin B12 levels
square-bullet Traditional Rx of severe cobalamin deficiency consists of IM injections of vitamin B12 1000 μg/wk for 4 wk followed by 1000 μg/mo IM indefinitely.
square-bullet PO cobalamin (1000-2000 μg/day) is effective for dietary deficiency and in mild cases of PA because about 1% of PO dose is absorbed by passive diffusion, a pathway that does not require intrinsic factor.

Clinical Pearl
square-bullet Anemia is absent in 20% of pts w/cobalamin deficiency, and macrocytosis is absent in >30% of pts at the time of dx.

c. Folate Deficiency

square-bullet Malnutrition (alcoholism), ↑ needs (pregnancy), ↑ cell turnover (sickle cell, psoriasis)
square-bullet RBC folate more accurate (serum folate may be nl after just 1 folate-containing meal)
square-bullet ↑ Homocysteine (>90% sensitivity/specificity) in dx despite nl folate level


FIGURE 7-1 Algorithm for diagnosis of anemia. (From Goldman L, Schafer AI [eds]: Goldman’s Cecil Medicine, 24th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2012.)

square-bullet Folate 1 to 5 mg/day PO
square-bullet R/o vitamin B12 deficiency before Rx as folate Rx can improve anemia but not B12 neuro sx
square-bullet If folate deficiency or pregnancy

d. Inflammatory Anemia (Anemia of Chronic Disease [ACD])

square-bullet Chronic infections (TB, SBE)
square-bullet Chronic inflammation (connective tissue disorders, burns)
square-bullet Malignant disease (carcinomas, lymphomas)
square-bullet Endocrine (hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, hypopituitarism)
square-bullet CKD, Chronic liver disease, IBD
square-bullet Mechanism: ↓ erythrocyte survival, ↑ uptake and retention of iron within cells of the RES, limited availability of iron for erythroid progenitor cells, iron-restricted erythropoiesis
square-bullet Normochromic, normocytic, or microcytic anemia
square-bullet ↓ Iron and transferrin saturation, ↓ TIBC, and N/↑ ferritin level
square-bullet Table 7-1 compares various causes of microcytic anemia.


Lab Differentiation of Microcytic Anemias

Abnormality Ferritin Serum iron TIBC RDW
Iron deficiency
Inflammatory anemia N/↑ N
Sideroblastic anemia N/↑ N N
Thalassemia N/↑ N/↑ N/↓ N/↑


square-bullet Rx is aimed at identification and Rx of underlying disease.
square-bullet Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) (epoetin alfa, epoetin β, and darbepoetin) can be used in pts w/CKD (to ↑ Hgb to max of 11-12 g/dL), in HIV pts undergoing myelosuppressive Rx, and in pts w/cancer who are undergoing chemoRx.

e. Sideroblastic Anemia

Iron-loading anemia secondary to defective heme synthesis


square-bullet Primary hereditary sideroblastic anemia: inherited as a sex-linked recessive disease
square-bullet Secondary acquired sideroblastic anemia: caused by alcohol, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, cycloserine, chloramphenicol, copper deficiency, lead poisoning


square-bullet Hypochromic anemia (↓ MCV, ↑ RDW)
square-bullet Peripheral smear: dimorphic large and small cells revealing “Pappenheimer bodies” or siderocytes when stained for iron
square-bullet Bone marrow: ringed sideroblasts, which represent iron storage in the mitochondria of normoblasts


square-bullet ESAs
square-bullet Avoid alcohol
square-bullet Sideroblastic anemia secondary to isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and cycloserine: vitamin B6 (50-200 mg/day)

2. Acquired Hemolytic Anemia

a. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA)

Premature destruction of RBCs caused by the binding of auto-Abs (IgG [80%], IgM [20%]) or complement to RBCs. AIHA may be idiopathic or associated with other disorders.


square-bullet Warm AIHA (WAIHA): IgG (often idiopathic or associated w/leukemia, lymphoma, thymoma, myeloma, viral infections, and collagen-vascular disease)
square-bullet Cold agglutinin disease (CAD): IgM and complement in majority of cases (often idiopathic, at times associated w/infections [EBV], lymphoma)
square-bullet Drug-induced: three major mechanisms:
Ab directed against Rh complex (e.g., methyldopa)
Ab directed against RBC drug complex (hapten-induced, e.g., PCN)
Ab directed against complex formed by drug and plasma proteins; the drug–plasma protein–Ab complex causes destruction of RBCs (innocent bystander, e.g., quinidine)


square-bullet Pallor, jaundice
square-bullet Tachycardia w/flow murmur if anemia is pronounced
square-bullet Dyspnea and fatigue: most common presentation
square-bullet Pts w/intravascular hemolysis may present w/dark urine and back pain.
square-bullet Presence of hepatomegaly or lymphadenopathy suggests an underlying lymphoproliferative disorder or malignant neoplasm.
square-bullet Splenomegaly may indicate hypersplenism as a cause of hemolysis.
square-bullet Initial labs: ↑ reticulocyte count, ↑ LFTs (indirect bili, LDH), Coombs’ test (+ direct Coombs’ = Abs or complement on the surface of RBC; + indirect Coombs’ = anti-RBC Abs freely circulating in the pt’s serum), ↓ haptoglobin level
square-bullet RBC clumping in CAD, falsely ↑ MCV
square-bullet CXR
square-bullet CT of chest and abd: r/o lymphoma


square-bullet WAIHA: Prednisone 1 mg/kg/day. Consider rituximab, splenectomy, danazol, cyclophosphamide in resistant cases.
square-bullet CAD: Avoid cold exposure in pts w/cold Ab.
square-bullet Drug-induced AHA: Remove drug, and consider fludarabine.

b. Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia

Erythrocyte lysis during travel through the vascular system results in schistocytes or helmet cells on peripheral blood smear.

Differential Diagnosis

square-bullet TTP
square-bullet HUS
square-bullet DIC
square-bullet Intravascular foreign devices
square-bullet ↓ Haptoglobin, ↑ LDH
square-bullet Hemoglobinuria


square-bullet Rx varies depending on etiology.
square-bullet Plasma exchange may be lifesaving in pts with TTP or HUS.

c. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)

Acquired clonal stem cell disorder (mutation in PIG-A gene) → episodes of intravascular hemolysis and hemoglobinuria, usually occurring at night


square-bullet CBC (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, reticulocytosis)
square-bullet ↓ Serum iron saturation, ↓ ferritin
square-bullet RBC smear: spherocytes
square-bullet () Coombs test, (+) Ham test
square-bullet ↓ LAP, ↓ haptoglobin, ↑ LDH
square-bullet ↑ Urine hemoglobin, urobilinogen, hemosiderin
square-bullet Flow cytometry for detection of CD55 and CD59 deficiency on surface of peripheral erythrocytes/leukocytes
square-bullet Normoblastic hyperplasia on marrow aspirate or bx
square-bullet First morning urinary void reveals hemoglobinuria with progressive clearing throughout day (25%), bleeding/anemia (30%), and thrombosis (40%).


square-bullet Anticoagulation in acute thrombotic event: Consider prophylaxis if >50% CD55 or CD59deficient.
square-bullet Eculizumab has shown ↓ transfusion requirements, ↑ quality of life.
square-bullet Consider corticosteroids.

d. Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction

Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (AHTR)
Almost always caused by ABO incompatibility between donor and recipient (clerical error)
Physical Exam and Clinical Findings
square-bullet Hypotension, fever, kidney failure, pain at transfusion site, DIC


square-bullet Stop transfusion immediately, recheck specimen for incompatibility, and provide supportive care (fluid resuscitation, vasopressor support, mannitol).
Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (DHTR)
Via amnestic response of preformed erythrocyte alloantibody after repeat exposure to erythrocyte antigen outside the ABO system
Physical Exam and Clinical Findings
square-bullet 5-10 days s/p transfusion: anemia, jaundice, fever


square-bullet Supportive care

3. Congenital Hemolytic Anemias

a. Sickle Cell Syndrome

Substitution of the amino acid valine for glutamic acid in the sixth position of the γ-globin chain = Hgb S → exposed to low Po2 → RBC sickling → stasis of RBCs in capillaries → obstruction of blood flow


square-bullet PE is variable, depending on the degree of anemia and presence of acute vaso-occlusive syndromes or neurologic, CV, GU, and musculoskeletal complications.
square-bullet Bones are the most common site of pain. Dactylitis, or hand-foot syndrome (acute, painful swelling of the hands and feet), is the first manifestation of sickle cell disease in many infants.
square-bullet Pneumonia develops during the course of 20% of painful events and can manifest as chest and abd pain. In adults, chest pain may be a result of vaso-occlusion in the ribs and often precedes a pulmonary event. The lower back is also a frequent site of painful crisis in adults.
square-bullet The acute chest syndrome manifests w/chest pain, fever, wheezing, tachypnea, and cough. CXR reveals pulmonary infiltrates. Common causes include infection (mycoplasma, chlamydia, viruses), infarction, and fat embolism.
square-bullet Musculoskeletal and skin abnlities: leg ulcers (particularly on the malleoli) and limb-girdle deformities caused by avascular necrosis of the femoral and humeral heads
square-bullet Endocrine abnlities: delayed sexual maturation and late physical maturation, especially evident in boys
square-bullet Neurologic abnlities: seizures and MS changes
square-bullet Infections: Salmonella, Mycoplasma, and Streptococcus are common.
square-bullet Severe splenomegaly secondary to sequestration often occurs in children before splenic atrophy.
square-bullet Hgb electrophoresis confirms the dx and can identify Hgb variants, such as fetal Hgb and Hgb A2.
square-bullet ↑ Bili and LDH ↓ haptoglobin
square-bullet Peripheral blood smear: sickle cells, target cells, poikilocytosis, hypochromia
square-bullet ↑ BUN and Cr: in pts w/progressive renal insufficiency
square-bullet U/A: hematuria, proteinuria
square-bullet CXR
square-bullet Bone scan or MRI scan in suspected osteomyelitis
square-bullet CT or MRI of brain: in pts w/TIA, CVA, seizures, or MS changes
square-bullet Transcranial Doppler study: in pts at risk for stroke
square-bullet Doppler echocardiography: r/o pulmonary HTN


square-bullet Avoidance of conditions that may precipitate sickling crisis, such as hypoxia, infections, acidosis, and dehydration
square-bullet Maintain adequate hydration (PO or IV).
square-bullet Correct hypoxia.
square-bullet Ceph and azithromycin + incentive spirometry and bronchodilators in pts w/acute chest syndrome
square-bullet Pain relief during the vaso-occlusive crisis
Narcotics (e.g., morphine 0.1 mg/kg IV q3-4h or 0.3 mg/kg PO q4h) should be given on a fixed schedule (not PRN for pain), w/rescue dosing for breakthrough pain as needed.
Except when contraindications exist, concomitant use of NSAIDs should be standard Rx.
square-bullet Indications for transfusion include aplastic crises, severe hemolytic crises (particularly during third trimester of pregnancy), acute chest syndrome, and high risk of stroke.
square-bullet Hydroxyurea is indicated for severe disease, typically in pts w/> 3 acute painful crises or episodes of the acute chest syndrome in the previous year.
square-bullet Replace folic acid (1 mg PO qd).
square-bullet Exchange transfusions: Consider for pts w/acute neurologic signs, in aplastic crisis, or undergoing surgery.
square-bullet Allogeneic SCT can be curative in young pts w/symptomatic sickle cell disease; however, the death rate from the procedure is nearly 10%.
square-bullet PCN V 125 mg PO bid should be administered by age 2 mo and to 250 mg bid by age 3 yr. PCN prophylaxis can be discontinued after age 5 yr except in children who have had splenectomy.

b. Thalassemia

square-bullet β (+)-Thalassemia (suboptimal β-globin synthesis)
square-bullet β (0)-Thalassemia (total absence of β-globin synthesis)
square-bullet δ-β-Thalassemia (total absence of both δ-globin and β-globin synthesis)
square-bullet Lepore hemoglobin (synthesis of small amounts of fused δ-β-globin and total absence of δ- and β-globin)
square-bullet Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPHF) (increased hemoglobin F synthesis and reduced or absence of δ- and β-globin)
square-bullet Silent carrier (three α-globin genes present)
square-bullet α-Thalassemia trait (two α-globin genes present)
square-bullet Hemoglobin H disease (one α-globin gene present)
square-bullet Hydrops fetalis (no α-globin gene)
square-bullet Hemoglobin constant sprint (elongated α-globin chain)
square-bullet Heterozygous β-thalassemia (thalassemia minor): no or mild anemia, microcytosis and hypochromia, mild hemolysis manifested by slight reticulocytosis and splenomegaly
square-bullet Homozygous β-thalassemia (thalassemia major): intense hemolytic anemia; transfusion dependency; bone deformities (skull and long bones); hepatomegaly; splenomegaly; iron overload leading to cardiomyopathy, diabetes mellitus, and hypogonadism; growth retardation; pigment gallstones; susceptibility to infection
square-bullet Thalassemia intermedia caused by combination of β- and α-thalassemia or β-thalassemia and Hgb Lepore: resembles thalassemia major but is milder
square-bullet Silent carrier: no symptoms
square-bullet α-Thalassemia trait: microcytosis only
square-bullet Hemoglobin H disease: moderately severe hemolysis with microcytosis and splenomegaly
square-bullet The loss of all four α-globin genes is incompatible with life (stillbirth of hydropic fetus).


Labs: β-Thalassemia
square-bullet Microcytosis (MCV: 55 to 80 fL)
square-bullet Smear: nucleated RBCs, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, polychromatophilia, Pappenheimer and Howell-Jolly bodies
square-bullet Hemoglobin electrophoresis: ↓ hemoglobin A, increased fetal hemoglobin, variable increase in the amount of hemoglobin A2
square-bullet Markers of hemolysis: elevated indirect bilirubin and lactate dehydrogenase, decreased haptoglobin
Labs: α-Thalassemia
square-bullet Microcytosis
square-bullet Hemoglobin electrophoresis: normal except for the presence of hemoglobin H in hemoglobin H disease


square-bullet Thalassemia minor: No treatment is indicated, but avoid iron administration for incorrect diagnosis of iron deficiency.
square-bullet β-Thalassemia major (and hemoglobin H disease)
Transfusion as required together with chelation of iron with desferrioxamine. Deferiprone, an oral chelating agent, can be used as a second-line treatment.
Splenectomy for hypersplenism if present
Bone marrow transplantation
Hydroxyurea may increase the level of hemoglobin F.

c. Glucose-6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency

square-bullet Mutation on X chromosome
square-bullet Most common RBC enzyme defect → inability to generate NADPH = hemolysis when exposed to oxidant stress
square-bullet Episodic hemolysis following exposure to fava beans (Mediterranean G6PD variant) or drugs (nitrofurantoin, dapsone, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) in African variant form
square-bullet Peripheral smear: “bite” cells, denturated oxidized hemoglobin (Heinz bodies)
square-bullet G6PD levels not helpful during acute hemolysis (may be falsely normal because of ↑ G6PD in young reticulocytes)
square-bullet Removal of offending agent, supportive care

d. Hereditary Spherocytosis

square-bullet Autosomal dominant
square-bullet Most common RBC membrane disorder → spectrin deficiency = loss of erythrocyte surface area → spherocytic shape → trapping and destruction in spleen
square-bullet Neonatal jaundice, hx anemia, gallstones, splenomegaly
square-bullet Osmotic fragility test with 24-hr incubation = ↑ fragility
square-bullet Direct Coombs ()
square-bullet Peripheral smear: spherocytes
square-bullet Vaccination against meningococcus, pneumococcus, Hib followed by splenectomy in symptomatic pts

B. Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes

1. Aplastic Anemia

Bone marrow failure is characterized by stem cell destruction or suppression leading to pancytopenia.


square-bullet CBC: pancytopenia. Macrocytosis and toxic granulation of neutrophils may also be present. Isolated cytopenias may occur in the early stages, ↓ reticulocyte count.
square-bullet Additional initial labs: vitamin B12 level, RBC folate, HIV, Ham test (r/o PNH) hepatitis serology
square-bullet Bone marrow examination: paucity or absence of erythropoietic and myelopoietic precursor cells. Pts w/pure red cell aplasia demonstrate only absence of RBC precursors in the marrow.
square-bullet Chromosomal breakpoint analysis to r/o Fanconi anemia in pts <50 yr old


square-bullet Transplantation of allogeneic marrow (HSCT) or peripheral blood SCT from a histocompatible sibling is preferred initial Rx (cure rate >80%) in pts <40 yr old.
square-bullet Immunosuppressive Rx with ATG and cyclophosphamide is indicated in pts who are not candidates for allogeneic bone marrow (long-term survival >60%).

2. Pure Red Cell Aplasia (PRCA)

Bone marrow failure affects erythroblasts (leukocyte and Plt production is normal).


square-bullet Idiopathic or secondary (thymoma, parvovirus B19, meds [chloramphenicol, phenytoin, INH]), collagen vascular and lymphoproliferative disorders, pregnancy)
square-bullet PE: splenomegaly, signs of RA (33% of pts)


square-bullet Flow cytometry: CD57+ T-cells, clonality T-cell receptor gene rearrangement
square-bullet Normocytic anemia
square-bullet Presence of large granular lymphocytes when PRCA results from large granular lymphocytosis


square-bullet Removal of offending drugs/Rx secondary condition (IV Ig if parvovirus B19 infection)
square-bullet Refractory cases: prednisone, ATG, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide (first-line agents with response 3-12 wk)
square-bullet If sx anemia: erythrocyte transfusion

3. Thrombocytopenia


square-bullet ↑ Destruction
Drugs: quinine, quinidine, digitalis, procainamide, thiazide diuretics, sulfonamides, phenytoin, ASA, PCN, heparin, gold, meprobamate, sulfa drugs, phenylbutazone, NSAIDs, methyldopa, cimetidine, furosemide, INH, cephs, chlorpropamide, organic arsenicals, chloroquine, Plt glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors, ranitidine, indomethacin, carboplatin, ticlopidine, clopidogrel
Transfusion reaction: transfusion of Plts w/plasminogen activator (PLA) in recipients w/o PLA-1
Fetal/maternal incompatibility
Collagen-vascular diseases (e.g., SLE)
Lymphoreticular disorders (e.g., CLL)
Prosthetic heart valves
Giant cavernous hemangioma
square-bullet ↓ Production
Abnl marrow
Marrow infiltration (e.g., leukemia, lymphoma, fibrosis)
Marrow suppression (e.g., chemoRx, alcohol, irradiation)
Vitamin deficiencies (B12, folate)
Hereditary disorders
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: X-linked disorder characterized by thrombocytopenia, eczema, and repeated infections
May-Hegglin anomaly: megakaryocytes but ineffective thrombopoiesis
square-bullet Splenic sequestration
square-bullet Hypersplenism
square-bullet Dilutional (massive transfusion)


Diagnostic Approach (Fig. 7-2)
square-bullet Thorough hx (particularly drug hx)
square-bullet PE: Evaluate for presence of splenomegaly (hypersplenism, leukemia, lymphoma).
square-bullet CBC, Coombs, LDH, INR, PTT, Plt Ab, D-dimer, fibrinogen level
square-bullet Peripheral blood smear; note Plt size and other abnlities (e.g., fragmented RBCs may indicate TTP or DIC; ↑ Plt size suggests accelerated destruction and release of large young Plt into the circulation, normal smear and ↑ platelet size = ITP).
square-bullet Bone marrow: ↑ megakaryocytes suggest accelerated Plt destruction.

4. Neutropenia


square-bullet Congenital: mild forms not associated with ↑ infection risk; Rx not necessary

FIGURE 7-2 Evaluation of thrombocytopenia. (From Goldman L, Schafer AI [eds]: Goldman’s Cecil Medicine, 24th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2012.)

square-bullet Acquired: drugs (chemotherapeutic agents, antibiotics [trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, cephs, chloramphenicol], anticonvulsants [phenytoin, carbamazepine], NSAIDs, antiarrhythmics [procainamide, amiodarone]), SLE, RA (Felty syndrome if splenomegaly present), viral infections (CMV, EBV, HIV), bacterial infections (S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis), rickettsia, vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies, myelodysplasia, large granular lymphocytosis, and other malignant disorders
square-bullet PE: splenomegaly, signs of RA (Felty syndrome)


square-bullet Antineutrophil Ab (if test available)
square-bullet Bone marrow exam if suspecting stem cell disorder


square-bullet Removal of offending drugs/Rx of secondary condition
square-bullet Consider G-CSF Rx in severe neutropenia.

C. Myelodysplastic Syndromes

This group of acquired clonal disorders affecting the hematopoietic stem cells is characterized by cytopenias w/hypercellular bone marrow and various morphologic abnlities in the hematopoietic cell lines. Myelodysplastic syndrome cells show abnl (dysplastic) hematopoietic maturation. Marrow cellularity is ↑, reflecting an effective hematopoiesis, but inadequate maturation results in peripheral cytopenias.


square-bullet The French-American-British (FAB) classification is described in Table 7-2.
square-bullet The WHO classification includes the following disease subtypes: refractory anemia, refractory anemia w/ringed sideroblasts, refractory cytopenia w/multilineage dysplasia, refractory cytopenia w/multilineage dysplasia and ringed sideroblasts, refractory anemia w/excessive blasts (1, 2), unclassified myelodysplastic syndrome, and myelodysplastic syndrome associated w/isolated deletion (5q).


French-American-British Classification Chart

Subtype Abbreviation Peripheral Blood Bone Marrow
Refractory anemia RA Blasts <1% Blasts <5%
Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts RARS Blasts <1% Blasts <5%, and >15% ringed sideroblasts
Refractory anemia with excess blasts RAEB Blasts <5% Blasts 5%-20%
Refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation RAEB-T Blasts >5% Blasts 20%-30% or Auer rods
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia CMML Monocytes >1 × 109/L Any of the above
Acute myelogenous leukemia AML Blasts >30%


From Hoffman R et al: Hematology, basic principles and practice, ed 5, Philadelphia 2009, Churchill Livingston.


square-bullet Splenomegaly, skin pallor, mucosal bleeding, and ecchymosis may be present.
square-bullet Fatigue, fever, dyspnea
square-bullet CBC w/diff, HIV, RBC folate, vitamin B12 level, bone marrow exam, cytogenetic analysis


ESAs in sx anemia
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation should be considered in pts <60 yr old.


square-bullet Risk of transformation to AML varies w/% of blasts in bone marrow.
square-bullet Advanced age, male sex, and deletion of chromosomes 5 and 7 are associated w/poor prognosis.
square-bullet The most important variables in disease outcome are the specific cytogenetic abnlities, the % of blasts in bone marrow, and the number of hematopoietic lineages involved in the cytopenias.

D. Myeloproliferative Disorders

1. Polycythemia Vera

This myeloproliferative disorder is characterized mainly by erythrocytosis.

Diagnosis (Fig. 7-3)

Clinical Presentation
square-bullet Sx associated w/ ↑ blood volume and viscosity or impaired Plt function
Impaired cerebral circulation: headache, vertigo, blurred vision, dizziness, TIA, CVA
Fatigue, poor exercise tolerance

FIGURE 7-3 Diagnostic algorithm for polycythemia vera (P. vera). (From Goldberger E: Treatment of Cardiac Emergencies, 5th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1990.)

Pruritus, particularly after bathing (caused by overproduction of histamine)
Bleeding: epistaxis, UGI bleeding (incidence of PUD)
square-bullet Abd discomfort secondary to splenomegaly, hepatomegaly
square-bullet Nephrolithiasis and gouty arthritis from hyperuricemia
square-bullet Facial plethora, congestion of oral mucosa, ruddy complexion
square-bullet Enlargement and tortuosity of retinal vein
square-bullet Splenomegaly (>75% of pts)
square-bullet ↑ RBC count, ↑ Hgb/Hct
square-bullet ↑ WBC (often w/basophilia), ↑ Plts (majority of pts)
square-bullet ↑ LAP, serum vitamin B12, and uric acid levels
square-bullet ↓ Serum erythropoietin level
square-bullet + JAK2 V617F mutation (>95% of pts)
square-bullet Nl O2 sat
square-bullet Bone marrow exam: RBC hyperplasia and absent iron stores


square-bullet ASA 81 mg/day
square-bullet Phlebotomy to keep Hct <45%
square-bullet Additional options: hydroxyurea, interferon alfa-2b


square-bullet The median survival time w/o Rx is 6 to 18 mo after dx; phlebotomy extends the average survival time to 12 yr.
square-bullet Prognosis worse in pts >60 yr of age and those who have h/o thrombosis.

2. Essential Thrombocythemia

↑ Plt count w/o conditions causing secondary thrombocytosis

Epidemiology and Presentation

square-bullet <1% of pts progress to AML.
square-bullet 20%-30% arterial/venous thrombosis. Leukocytosis predicts severity.
square-bullet If + JAK2 V617F mutation (50% pts) is present, then the course is more aggressive.
square-bullet Hemorrhagic sx (40%)


square-bullet Plt count >600,000/μL on 2 separate occasions 1 mo apart
square-bullet R/o secondary causes (iron deficiency, cancer, infection) in the absence of Philadelphia chromosome (t9:22).


square-bullet Plt-lowering agents in pt >65 yr old w/hx/↑ risk thrombosis
square-bullet Hydroxyurea + low-dose ASA = ↓ risk thrombosis
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