Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies Requiring Critical Care

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15 Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies Requiring Critical Care

Essential anatomy and physiology

Blood Components

Blood is the fluid that sustains life. This highly specialized body fluid has many functions, including transporting oxygen and nutrition, eliminating waste, acid-base buffering, and maintaining homeostasis. The hematopoietic system consists of the bone marrow, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus gland.27 Each of these components plays a specific role in the regulation of blood.

Blood is composed of a liquid phase called plasma and a formed or cellular phase. Approximately 90% of plasma consists of water, and the remaining portions are solutes including factors that form clots (e.g., clotting factors, fibrinogen, globulins) and serum that contains electrolytes, hormones, antibodies, nutrients, and other factors. The cellular portion of the blood consists of the formed elements: RBCs, white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets (for an illustration, refer to Evolve Fig. 15-1 in the Chapter 15 Supplement on the Evolve Website).

The body’s first hematopoietic stem cell is produced in the yolk sac of the embryo. The fetal liver becomes the site for hematopoiesis at approximately the second month of fetal life. The liver is the main organ producing blood cells from the second to the fifth month of fetal life.27 At approximately the fourth month, the bone marrow begins producing blood cells and remains the production site throughout life. Bone marrow, one of the largest organs in the body, is located in the cavities of all bones.

Hematopoiesis consists of the production, differentiation, and development of blood cells; it normally occurs in the bone marrow.27 RBCs, WBCs, and platelets are all thought to arise from multipotential stem cells that inhabit the bone marrow. These stem cells have the ability to differentiate into any of the three cell lines, based on the needs of the body. The process of cell differentiation by the pluripotent stem cell is normally (i.e., in the absence of disease) self regulatory. In children, all bones produce blood cells. When bone growth ceases, often by 18 years old, only the ribs, sternum, vertebrae, and pelvis continue to produce blood cells.27

The lymphatic system—the lymph fluid, lymph structures and nodes, spleen, tonsils and thymus—plays an important role in the regulation of blood cells in hematopoiesis. However, the lymphatic system does not produce the blood cells.

The formed elements of the hematopoietic system are the RBCs, WBCs, and platelets. Each has a unique function in the blood. RBCs, also called erythrocytes, transport hemoglobin from the lungs to the tissues. Hemoglobin (Hgb) is the iron-containing pigment of RBCs. The hematocrit (Hct), or packed cell volume (PCV), is a measure of the proportion of RBCs present in the blood. As a general rule, the Hct is normally three times the Hgb concentration (in grams per deciliter).

When the Hgb and Hct are abnormally high, this condition is called polycythemia. Polycythemia may be present in children with cyanotic congenital heart defects and in newborn infants. A relative polycythemia can be seen in dehydrated patients, but this represents a deficit in intravascular fluid rather than an excess of RBCs.

When the Hgb and Hct are abnormally low, this condition is known as anemia. Anemia can result from an acute episode of bleeding or from other causes such as increased destruction of the RBCs or decreased production. When anemia develops gradually it may be asymptomatic, whereas acute (e.g., after hemorrhage) or severe anemia often produce cardiovascular compromise.

After RBCs are made in the bone marrow, they normally extrude their nuclei before reaching the peripheral circulation. Nucleated RBCs can be found in the peripheral blood at times of increased RBC production, including the neonatal period. Young, developing RBCs are called reticulocytes. A reticulocyte count measures the amount of immature RBCs in the blood and can be helpful in determining the cause of an anemia. As a general rule, the reticulocyte count is high when there is increased RBC destruction, and it is low if the bone marrow is not producing cells.

The life span of normal RBCs is approximately 120 days. Transfused RBCs have a shorter life span, as do RBCs in patients with hematologic disease such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia.

WBCs, also called leukocytes, defend the body against infectious agents. Their main function is to fight infection by migrating to the site of inflammation to assist in defending the body against foreign antigens. There are several different types of WBCs, each with a specific purpose. The differential of a complete blood cell count (CBC) reveals the percentages of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils. The numeric value of the WBCs is not as important as an evaluation of the absolute neutrophil count (ANC), a more accurate measure of the body’s ability to fight infection (see Neutrophils below and formula for ANC calculation in Box 15-1).

A WBC such as the large macrophage or monocyte that has an unsegmented nucleus, is a type of mononuclear cell. Some leukocytes contain granules in their cytoplasm; these cell are called granulocytes and are divided according to the shape of their nuclei and the staining of the cytoplasmic granules. Neutrophils are granulocytes with segmented nuclei; these cells also are called polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Other granulocytes include eosinophils and basophils. Nongranular leukocytes include the monocytes and lymphocytes, which contain clear cytoplasm. The function of each of these WBCs is discussed briefly as follows.

Lymphocytes are an essential part of the immune system. B lymphocytes produce antibodies (immunoglobulins), which are proteins that recognize and bind to bacteria and speed their destruction. T lymphocytes attack viruses, parasites, and other nonbacterial infections and also mediate the rejection of transplanted tissues. In an analogous fashion, foreign T cells introduced into a host by transfusion or transplantation can attack host tissues, producing graft-versus-host disease. A subset of T lymphocytes, T helper cells, is the primary target of the human immunodeficiency virus.

Neutrophils provide the primary defense against bacterial infections, because they engulf and destroy invading organisms. The ANC is determined from a WBC differential by multiplying the percent of neutrophils plus bands by the total WBC count (Box 15-1 shows an example of ANC calculation). In general, children with an ANC of less than 500/mm3 have a high risk of developing life-threatening bacterial infections. The risk of infection is particularly high in patients with neutropenia as the result of failure of neutrophil production, rather than those with immune-mediated neutropenia.

Monocytes are large mononuclear WBCs that differentiate into macrophages when they leave the vascular space. Both monocytes and macrophages migrate to areas of infection and inflammation, where they play important roles in phagocytosis of bacteria and debris.

Basophils are polymorphonuclear leukocytes that are located in tissue, usually adjacent to small arterioles. They are similar but not identical to mast cells. Substances released by basophils, such as histamine or arachidonic acid, and their metabolites mediate the inflammatory response.

Eosinophils are leukocytes that resemble neutrophils but contain only two nuclear lobes. These cells contain granules that stain red with Wright’s stain and are filled with enzymes. Eosinophils contribute to inflammation, and they migrate to areas where antigen-antibody complexes are forming.

Leukemia is cancer of WBCs in which immature lymphoid or myeloid cells (blasts) fill the bone marrow and replace normal cells. Leukemic cells commonly are found in the peripheral circulation and in the marrow.

Platelets are derived from megakaryocytes. Platelets in a true sense are not actually cells, because they lack cellular structure. The primary function of platelets is hemostasis and vascular repair following injury to a vessel well. When there is a site of injury, the platelets aggregate at the site and quickly develop a plug. The life span of a platelet is approximately 7 to 10 days. At any time, approximately one third of all circulatory platelets can be found normally in the spleen. In normal circumstances, platelets are removed by the liver and spleen in 10 days if not utilized in a clotting reaction.

Clotting Cascade

Normal hemostasis is maintained by a complex balance of procoagulant and anticoagulant factors. Together, these factors provide rapid and localized control of bleeding at sites of injury while preventing the clotting process in unaffected tissues. A simplified scheme of the coagulation process is shown in Evolve Fig. 15-2 in the Chapter 15 Supplement on the Evolve Website.

The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) measures activity of the intrinsic and common pathways. This test is useful when screening for deficiencies of most plasma coagulation factors (V, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII, with the exception of factors VII and XIII. Factors VII and XIII are not evaluated with the aPTT; these factors must be activated by tissue injury (the extrinsic pathway). The aPTT may be prolonged (abnormal) in patients with coagulation factor deficiencies (e.g., hemophilia, von Willebrand disease), in the presence of circulating inhibitors, and in patients receiving heparin.

The prothrombin time (PT) measures activity of the extrinsic and common pathways; this test is used to screen for deficiencies of factors V, VII, and X and to monitor patients receiving warfarin (Coumadin). Either the PT or aPTT, or both, may be abnormal if DIC is present.

Formation of a normal clot requires the conversion of fibrinogen, a soluble clotting protein, into fibrin through the action of the enzyme thrombin. When fibrinogen is broken down, fibrin monomers are formed and will then polymerize with other fibrin monomers to form the latticework of the clot. The presence of fibrin monomer in the blood indicates that the clotting cascade has been activated and clot formation is occurring.

At the same time that fibrin is formed to create a clot, the fibrinolytic system is activated through factor XII, and clot lysis begins. Fibrin split products (FSPs) are released as fibrin is broken down by plasmin during clot breakdown. The presence and quantity of FSPs can be used to monitor the degree of activation of the fibrinolytic system. FSPs are quantified using a blood sample sent to the laboratory in a tube containing thrombin (blood always clots in this tube). A rise in FSPs normally is observed after surgery, trauma, or burns, but also may indicate the development of DIC. FSPs are insoluble, but they normally are cleared by the liver. If liver disease is present, the level of FSPs is likely to be higher than normal.

A D-dimer test can be ordered if DIC is suspected. A positive D-dimer means there is an abnormally high level of FSPs in the body, which is indicative of significant clot formation and breakdown. The D-dimer is abnormally high in the presence of DIC, a deep vein thrombosis, or a pulmonary embolus. The D-dimer does indicate clot formation and breakdown, but does not indicate the cause or identify the location.

The Spleen

The spleen is a large vascular organ located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen behind the stomach and just beneath the left diaphragm. Splenic blood flow is supplied by the splenic artery, which arises from the abdominal aorta via the celiac trunk. Splenic venous return occurs through the portal vein. The spleen serves as a filter for the blood; its network of red pulp, splenic sinuses, splenic cords, and white pulp removes aged and damaged red cells, platelets, and encapsulated bacteria from the circulation. In addition, the spleen is a site of antibody production.

Lack of normal splenic function can result in the persistence of nuclear remnants within RBCs, called Howell-Jolly bodies. If these Howell-Jolly bodies are observed microscopically on a peripheral blood sample, true asplenia or splenic dysfunction (functional asplenia) may be present.

The child with asplenia is at increased risk for the development of infection from encapsulated organisms, such as Haemophilus influenzae or Pneumococcus species. These infections may cause sepsis and septic shock. Pneumococcal vaccination and antibiotic prophylaxis with penicillin decrease the risk of septicemia in patients with both functional and true asplenia.

A palpable spleen is normal in infants and young children. If the spleen tip descends below the edge of the left costal margin in a child older than 6 months, splenomegaly is present. Hypersplenism is enlargement of the spleen, with resultant entrapment and destruction of normal blood cells and consequent reduction in circulating blood cells.

Common clinical conditions

Acute Anemia


Anemia is present when the number of circulating RBCs is reduced, resulting in decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Anemia is the most common hematologic condition of infancy and childhood. Most patients with anemia have an underlying disease, so anemia is a symptom rather than a disease. Causes of anemia include acute or chronic blood loss, decreased production of RBCs, splenic sequestration, and hemolysis (Box 15-2).


Anemia results from blood loss, decreased RBC production, or increased RBC destruction. The pathophysiology of each is different.

Clinical Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of anemia will vary based on the acuity and severity of the anemia and the resultant effect on oxygen delivery. Mild anemia can manifest insidiously, and the patient may be asymptomatic because heart rate and cardiac output maintain oxygen delivery. In contrast, if anemia is acute or severe, overt clinical symptoms may be present. If anemia is chronic, the child retains fluid to maintain circulating blood volume and increases heart rate and cardiac output to maintain oxygen delivery. High-cardiac-output congestive heart failure may develop.

An increase in heart rate may be associated with a systolic flow murmur caused by high flow passing through normal valves. Patients often report fatigue, dizziness, lethargy, dyspnea on exertion, headache, and heart palpitations. Physical signs may include pallor and tachycardia.

Signs of congestive heart failure, including tachycardia with a gallop, pulmonary edema, poor peripheral perfusion and hepatosplenomegaly, usually develop once the Hct is less than 15% or the Hgb concentration is less than 5   g/dL.

Anemia from RBC hemolysis often causes jaundice. Splenomegaly will be noted if sequestration of RBCs develops.

Laboratory studies will demonstrate a fall in Hct; the average Hgb concentration varies based on age and gender, so values should be evaluated in light of these characteristics. Anemia can be classified on the basis of the mean corpuscular volume as microcytic if the RBCs are small, normocytic if they are normal, and macrocytic if the RBCs are large. Examination of a peripheral smear of blood enables assessment of RBC morphology (i.e., shape, size, and color). The reticulocyte count is helpful in diagnosing the cause of the anemia; it is decreased in disorders of RBC production and usually elevated in the presence of increased RBC destruction (e.g., a hemolytic process). Laboratory studies will differentiate whether the anemia is of one cell line (RBCs only) or all cell lines (RBCs, WBCs, and platelets).


The management of a patient with anemia is influenced by the severity and cause of the anemia. If the child exhibits congestive heart failure or shock, initial therapy focuses on supporting oxygen delivery and cardiorespiratory function. Once the child’s condition is stable, the cause of the anemia must be identified to effectively restore the RBCs.

Management of anemia with severe cardiorespiratory distress (e.g., CHF) includes immediate oxygen administration, insertion of two large-bore venous catheters, or establishment of intraosseous access for blood product and fluid administration. Insertion of an arterial line is recommended to allow continuous blood pressure monitoring. Although phlebotomy should be limited in a child with severe anemia, obtain a CBC with a reticulocyte count, and blood for type and cross match. If shock is present, a venous pH will enable quantification of any acidosis. If possible, a purple-top EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) and a green-top (heparin) tube should be filled for later establishment of the cause of the anemia (e.g., these samples can be used for Hgb electrophoresis, osmotic fragility, or G-6 PD [Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase] deficiency studies).

If chronic anemia is present, the child has retained fluid and albumin to maintain circulating blood volume and has increased cardiac output to maintain oxygen delivery. Transfusion therapy in this patient can produce hypervolemia and precipitate (or worsen) congestive heart failure. Administering PRBCs at the rate of approximately 3   mL/kg per hour should prevent hypervolemia and worsening of CHF. Often a diuretic is administered simultaneously.

If severe CHF or profound compensated anemia is present, a partial exchange transfusion will enable removal of some intravascular volume (which contains a low Hgb and Hct) and replacement with PRBCs (with an Hgb of approximately 18 to 20   g/dL and an Hct of approximately 65% to 70%). This will produce an improvement in oxygen-carrying capacity without expanding the intravascular volume (refer to Blood Component Therapy later in this chapter).

The symptomatic patient with hemolytic anemia caused by intrinsic RBC abnormalities will benefit from RBC transfusions. Because the transfused RBCs are unaffected, they will not be susceptible to hemolysis.

In contrast, immune-mediated hemolytic anemia might not be responsive to transfusions, because the offending antibodies might not distinguish between host and transfused RBCs. The presence of antibodies can preclude crossmatching of blood (in the blood bank) for these patients, using standard Coomb’s testing. Therefore virtually every unit of blood administered to the patient may be labeled as incompatible. In these patients, in vivo crossmatching is performed: blood is administered, and the patient is monitored closely for evidence of a severe transfusion reaction (see Blood and Blood Component Therapy). In some cases, steroid therapy (prednisone, 2 to 10   mg/kg per day) or splenectomy may be effective in reducing RBC antibody formation and RBC destruction.

Serial monitoring of blood counts is essential to evaluate response to therapy. Patients with some types of anemia, such as decreased production of RBCs, may benefit from the administration of hematopoietic growth factors. Administering growth factors may decrease the need for blood transfusions.


Etiology and Pathophysiology

Patients with thrombocytopenia have a decrease in circulating platelets. This condition can occur as a result of decreased production of platelets, increased destruction of platelets, or sequestration of platelets in the spleen or liver (Box 15-3). The cause of the thrombocytopenia affects the treatment.

Patients with decreased platelet production may have an underlying failure of hematopoiesis in their bone marrow. For example, in leukemia the bone marrow may be overwhelmed with blast cells, which overwhelm and replace the platelet-forming megakaryocytes, decreasing platelet production.

Thrombocytopenic patients with increased platelet destruction may have developed platelet antibodies. This process is immune mediated. The antibodies attach to the patient’s platelets, and the platelet-antibody complexes are rapidly removed from the circulation in the liver and spleen. Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia may be triggered by a viral illness, or it may be caused by drugs (e.g., heparin) or by a breakdown in the body’s ability to recognize its own antigens (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus and other collagen vascular diseases).

Clinical Signs and Symptoms

There is no definitive test to determine the etiology of thrombocytopenia. Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia is a diagnosis of exception when other diseases or disorders have been ruled out. Diagnostic procedures include a CBC with evaluation of peripheral smear, coagulation studies, and a reticulated platelet value and platelet function testing. Normal platelet counts range from 150,000 to 400,000/mm3, and patients with severe thrombocytopenia may have a platelet count of less than 20,000/mm3. Spontaneous bleeding can occur when the platelet count is less than 20,000/mm3, and intracranial hemorrhage can occur when the platelet count is below 5000/mm3.

Reticulated platelets (RPs) are newly synthesized platelets with increased ribonucleic acid content. These new platelets can be identified and quantified, and the RP value can aid in determining the cause of the thrombocytopenia. A decrease in RP value in the patient with thrombocytopenia suggests bone marrow suppression (i.e., platelets are not being made despite a fall in platelet count), whereas a high RP value in a patient with thrombocytopenia suggests immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (i.e., platelets are being made but are not correcting the thrombocytopenia).21

The clinical presentation of thrombocytopenia will vary based on the platelet count and the patient’s activity level. The most common clinical signs of thrombocytopenia include: easy bruising, petechia, purpura, menorrhagia, and bleeding from mucous membranes such as the nose, mouth, and gastrointestinal tract. More worrisome signs and symptoms of internal bleeding include: hematuria, headache, dizziness, retinal hemorrhages, hematemesis, melena, precipitous decrease in Hgb and Hct levels, and symptoms of a cardiovascular collapse (e.g., tachycardia, hypotension, peripheral vasoconstriction).

Intracranial bleeding is a serious potential complication of thrombocytopenia. Such bleeding may be particularly difficult to diagnose in infants and toddlers, because it can produce vague symptoms such as irritability, fussiness, and poor feeding. In patients with severe thrombocytopenia, nurses must quickly identify and investigate any change in level of consciousness or behavior, severe headache, vision changes, ataxia, slurred speech, complaints of weakness or numbness, and severe vomiting not associated with nausea; these may be signs of intracranial hemorrhage.


The priority for management is to prevent, quickly detect, and treat bleeding episodes. Nurses should test urine, gastric drainage, and stool for the presence of blood, report any positive results, and watch for any signs of frank bleeding. Nurses should handle the patient gently, provide a soft mechanical diet, provide stool softeners, and avoid rectal medications. Intramuscular injections are to be avoided, and prolonged pressure must be applied to any injection or venipuncture sites. Aspirin and other drugs (e.g., some antiinflammatory agents) that inhibit platelet function are contraindicated.

If severe thrombocytopenia is present, nurses should perform neurologic examinations frequently and with any change in patient condition. Unilateral headache is often a sign of intracranial hemorrhage.

Prophylactic platelet transfusion is provided if the platelet count is less than 10,000/mm3, to reduce the risk of spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage. Although published data indicate no difference in outcomes for patients with leukemia when platelet transfusion thresholds were 10,000/mm3 or 20,000/mm3 in the absence of active bleeding, institutional practices vary widely based on local practice guidelines.28 In general, lower thresholds are used for platelet transfusion for children with conditions such as fever, central nervous system tumors, bleeding, or coagulopathies or those requiring procedures.2 Patients can safely have “major invasive procedures” such as bone marrow aspirate and biopsies with platelet counts of 50,000/mm3; the thresholds can vary slightly among institutions.23,24,28

It is important to identify the underlying cause of thrombocytopenia to provide appropriate therapy. For patients with decreased platelet production or bone marrow failure, provide supportive care, including administration of platelet transfusions to maintain hemostasis and treatment of the underlying disorder or continuing support until the condition resolves.

Patients with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia typically do not benefit from platelet transfusions, because administered platelets will likely be destroyed by the same mechanism that produced the thrombocytopenia. However, when life-threatening bleeding is present, platelet transfusion is provided. HLA-matched platelet transfusions can increase platelet count more effectively, but will be more challenging to acquire.

Patients with immune-mediated platelet destruction can be treated with high-dose steroids (prednisone, 4 to 8   mg/kg per day), intravenous immune gamma globulin (0.5 to 1   g/kg of immunoglobulin G), or both. Children with exceptionally low platelet counts and acute bleeding require inpatient hospitalization with close observation. Bone marrow aspirate is recommended before initiating high-dose methylprednisolone (30 to 50   mg/kg per day) to treat severe bleeding. These children may also receive a 2- or 3-day course of intravenous immune gamma globulin.13 Frequent monitoring of laboratory tests may be necessary until the platelet count improves. Monitor the patient closely for signs of bleeding.

When thrombocytopenia is chronic, caretakers and patients (if age-appropriate) should be taught safety precautions, including restriction of high-risk activities and management of common bleeding episodes. Children with chronic thrombocytopenia should wear medical alert jewelry.

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

Pathophysiology and Clinical Signs and Symptoms

DIC is characterized by an abnormal coagulation process—the entire clotting mechanism is triggered inappropriately. Unrestrained clotting causes systemic or local formation of fibrin clots. This development of fibrin clots leads to microthrombi and excessive bleeding secondary to the consumption of the platelets and clotting factors. The fibrin clot development triggers the clotting cascade process to break down the clots and fibrin that have been formed. Fibrinolysis results in the development of fibrin degradation products, which in turn will act as anticoagulants and promote more bleeding. Organ injury may be the end result of intravascular clots, which cause microvascular occlusions and anoxia.20 In addition, when the RBCs flow through obstructed vessels the end result is additional hemolysis that can lead to hemolytic anemia (Fig. 15-2).


Fig. 15-2 Pathophysiology of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

DIC, Disseminated intravascular coagulation; FDP, fibrin degradation products.

(From Pagana K, Pagana T: Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests, St Louis, 2006, Mosby-Elsevier.)

The mechanisms producing DIC are not completely understood. Excess activation with subsequent depletion of essential coagulation factors produces unrestrained clotting and consumption of procoagulants, and bleeding results. The final common pathway includes production of thrombin, which converts the soluble clotting protein—fibrinogen—into insoluble fibrin, the major component of normal clots.

Microthrombi will be present, and fibrin deposition will occur in the microvasculature. In turn, disseminated deposits of fibrin trap and destroy platelets and RBCs and consume clotting factors, so that a consumptive coagulopathy (synonymous with DIC) results. This process, if unchecked, can result in continuous activation of clotting components and a collapse of normal hemostasis, with resultant widespread bleeding and clotting manifestations. The patient with DIC then demonstrates evidence of both excessive clotting (with a fall in fibrinogen, consumptive coagulopathy, and presence of fibrin monomer) and clot breakdown (with a resultant rise in levels of fibrin degradation products).

If low-fibrin degradation product DIC is present, a predominance of clot formation is present, and embolic vascular obstruction is likely to occur. Renal artery embolization will produce renal failure, and peripheral extremity embolization will result in ischemia and necrosis of digits or extremities.

The clinical signs and symptoms of DIC include: petechia, purpura, ecchymosis, hematomas, prolonged oozing, or bleeding from orifices or minor procedures such as venipuncture sites or incisions. Critically ill patients in the critical care unit may also experience life-threatening thrombotic complications of DIC, such as uncontrolled bleeding, pulmonary embolism, stroke, renal compromise, organ failure, ischemia, and possible gangrene of extremities. Closely monitor the child with DIC to detect changes in perfusion, level of consciousness, organ function, and urine output.

No single test can be used to diagnose DIC. Laboratory abnormalities consistent with the diagnosis of DIC include thrombocytopenia, prolonged PT or activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), decreased fibrinogen, elevated fibrin degradation products (fibrin split products), and anemia (Table 15-1). The presence of fibrin monomer indicates that fibrinogen is being broken down by thrombin and that clot is being formed. A rise in fibrin monomer is an early indication of DIC.

Table 15-1 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Blood Tests

Test Result
Bleeding time Prolonged
Platelet count Decreased
Prothrombin time Prolonged
Activated partial thromboplastin time Prolonged
Coagulation factors I, II, V, VIII, X, and XIII decreased
Fibrin degradation products Increased
Red blood smear Damaged red blood cells
Euglobulin lysis time Normal or prolonged
D-dimer Increased
Thrombin time Prolonged
Fibrinopeptide A Increased
Prothrombin fragment Increased


The primary goal of management of DIC is identification and treatment of the underlying cause. However, supportive therapy is often needed to reverse existing coagulation abnormalities and to treat shock. The healthcare team will use clinical and laboratory data to monitor the course of the disease and the patient’s response to therapy.

Perform frequent and ongoing assessment to detect and treat shock, bleeding, or any compromise in organ perfusion and function. Evaluate tissue perfusion and oxygenation and monitor for bleeding, petechiae, dyspnea, lethargy, pallor, tachycardia, hypotension, headache, dizziness, muscle weakness, and restlessness. When the patient is actively bleeding, the nurse must measure external blood loss, avoid disturbing clots, and control bleeding by applying pressure and ice. The nurse must also monitor for internal bleeding, by checking both the urine and stool for occult blood, and for signs of intraabdominal and intracranial bleeding.

Patients with DIC may require frequent administration of blood or blood components. The overall prognosis for DIC has improved significantly over the last two decades because of advances in critical care, such as prompt recognition of DIC, and improved supportive care such as treatment of shock and antifibrinolytic and blood transfusion therapy.

Heparin can be administered to patients with purpura fulminans (e.g., DIC with necrosis of digits and thromboembolic phenomena). In this case, the fibrin degradation products may be elevated moderately, suggesting that little clot breakdown is occurring, and clot formation predominates. Before heparin therapy is initiated under these conditions, plasma must be administered to restore levels of antithrombin III in order for heparin to provide anticoagulation.



Perform frequent pulmonary and neurologic assessment to detect early respiratory or neurologic compromise. Evaluate oxygenation and respiratory effort, and evaluate the patient’s ability to follow commands, pupil size, and response to light. Next, immediately investigate any change in level of consciousness or headache (see Increased Intracranial Pressure in Chapter 11). In addition, monitor systemic perfusion and fluid and electrolyte balance.

The initial intervention for patients with an increased WBC count is hyperhydration (approximately 3000   mL/m2 per day). In general, avoid (or use with caution) fluids containing potassium, because the rapid WBC turnover increases the risk of hyperkalemia.

Uric acid-lowering agents such as oral allopurinol (rasburicase [Elitek]) are given. These drugs assist in reducing the uric acid level and usually prevent the development of hyperuricemic nephropathy (renal failure). For the majority of newly diagnosed oncology patients, oral allopurinol is sufficient as a uric acid lowering agent; the intravenous form is reserved for patients with large tumor burdens and/or for children who are unable to take oral medications.

Closely monitor the patient’s fluid intake and output, CBC, electrolytes, and daily weight. Test the urine for the presence of blood. Urine output should average 1-2   mL/kg per hour.

In addition to hyperhydration, other methods to reduce hyperleukocytosis can include leukapheresis, exchange transfusions, and chemotherapy administration. Improved supportive care in the critical care environment has greatly reduced the permanent complications of hyperleukocytosis and has improved the quality of life of oncology patients experiencing this medical emergency.

Acute Tumor Lysis Syndrome