CHAPTER 4 Guidelines for Herbal Medicine Use
Estimates suggest that as many as 50% of Americans use some type of herbal supplements, as many as 18% use them in conjunction with pharmaceutical drugs, and most do not inform their health care providers of herbal medicine use (see Chapter 1). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Botanical medicine safety has, therefore, become a critical issue for practitioners, whether themselves prescribing herbal medicines in practice, or in caring for patients who are self-medicating with herbs.
Numerous and complex factors influence botanical medicine safety and risk, including:
Botanical medicine safety is a broad and complex subject, far larger than can be adequately addressed in a single chapter. Nonetheless, a text on botanical medicine would be incomplete without addressing this critical topic. This chapter provides an overview of the most pertinent botanical medicine safety concerns relevant to clinical practice. It is suggested that readers obtain additional references on this topic, recommendations for which appear in Table 4-1.
Texts | ||
Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs (three volumes) | DeSmet P. | Springer Verlag |
Botanical Dietary Supplements: Quality, Safety, and Efficacy | Mahady, G., Fong H., Farnsworth N. | Swets and Zeilinger |
Botanical Safety Handbook | McGuffin M., Hobbs C., Upton R., Goldberg A. | CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL |
Commission E (translated) | Blumenthal M. (ed.) | American Botanical Council, Austin, TX |
Expanded Commission E | Blumenthal M. (ed.) | American Botanical Council, Austin, TX |
Herb-Drug Interaction Handbook | Herr SM. | Church St. Books |
Herb, Nutrient, and Drug Interactions | Stargrove, M. Treasure, J. | Elsevier Mosby |
The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety | Bone K., Mills S. | Churchill Livingstone |
Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology of Herbal Products | Cupp M. | Humana Press |
Monographs | ||
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) | Upton R. (ed.) | American Herbal Pharmacopoeia, Scotts Valley, CA |
European Scientific Cooperative of Phytotherapy (ESCOP) | ESCOP | ESCOP |
World Health Organization (WHO) | World Health Organization | Geneva, Switzerland |
Websites | ||
The Cochrane Library | | |
Health Canada | | |
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) | | National Institutes of Health |
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database | | |
Natural Standard |* | Elsevier Mosby |
Natural Standard Herb and Supplemental Handbook: The Clinical Bottom Line |* | Elsevier Mosby |
Natural Standard Herb and Supplement Reference: Evidence–Based Clinical Reviews |* | Elsevier Mosby |
Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) | | National Institutes of Health |
TOXNET | | National Library of Medicine |
Class 1. Herbs that can be safely consumed when used appropriately.
Class 3. Herbs for which significant data exist to recommend the following labeling:
Class 4. Herbs for which insufficient data are available for classification.
Several operational definitions exist regarding what constitutes adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of varying severity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an ADR is defined as “Any response to a drug which is noxious and unintended, and which occurs at doses normally used in man for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of disease, or for the modification of physiologic function.”9 For reporting purposes, the FDA categorizes a serious adverse event as one in which “the patient outcome is death, life-threatening (real risk of dying), hospitalization (initial or prolonged), disability (significant, persistent, or permanent), congenital anomaly, or required intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage.”10 The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) defines a significant ADR as any unexpected, unintended, undesired, or excessive response to a drug that:
Consistent with this definition, allergic and idiosyncratic reactions are also considered ADRs.11 Not technically classified as ADRs are side effects, which are defined by ASHP as “an expected, well-known reaction resulting in little or no change in patient management (e.g., drowsiness or dry mouth due to administration of certain antihistamines or nausea associated with the use of antineoplastics)” and that has “a predictable frequency and an effect whose intensity and occurrence are related to the size of the dose.” Also not categorized as ADRs are “drug withdrawal, drug-abuse syndromes, accidental poisoning, and drug-overdose complications.”11
Following the thalidomide disaster of the 1950s, WHO established and has maintained an international adverse drug events reporting system. Since 1978, the WHO International Drug Monitoring Program (IDMP) has collected ADR reports from 60 participating nations, and now includes both pharmaceutical and botanical medicine information. Of the more than 2.5 million reports in their International Drug Information System (INTDIS) database, approximately 10,000 relate to herbal medicines, primarily involving multiple ingredients.12 This demonstrates a remarkably low incidence of serious ADRs resulting from herbal products, especially when compared with that of pharmaceutical drugs and the much larger worldwide consumption of botanicals compared with conventional medications. Many of the reports were associated with negative interactions with conventional medications and most side effects were reported for people 60 to 69 years of age.
A retrospective review of adverse effects reports (AERs) due to herbal medicines made to the National Poisons Unit of the United Kingdom was conducted in 1991. Between 1983 and 1989 a total of 1070 inquiries were made. Twenty-five percent of reports were of subjects with acute symptoms. Most confirmed adverse events were due to herbal sedatives.13 Ernst conducted a survey of complementary and alternative medicine users in the United Kingdom. Of those who had reported use of herbal medicines, 8% reported having observed adverse effects, none of which were considered serious.13
Adverse events associated with dietary supplements are not effectively monitored in the United States.14 The main AER systems are local and national poison control centers and the FDA’s MedWatch program, all of which have serious limitations. Most reporting systems, including these, are passive systems with no criteria for submission, no verification of the authenticity or accuracy of reports, and no effective follow-up or investigation. In order to be meaningful, AERs must be critically reviewed and products analyzed. Yet, neither a systematic review of the patient or event is conducted, nor is the product involved in an event typically analyzed, making it impossible to establish a causal relationship between an event and an herb/herbal product. Further, recording practices are highly variable between systems and between centers within the same reporting system and there is often selection bias.14
A relatively recent survey of data from US poison control centers evaluated the incidence of AERs for all dietary supplements.14 In a 10-month period, 1466 reports of potential events due to ingestion of supplements were made. More than one-third of these (534) were unintentional ingestions; 471 reported no symptoms. Half (741) of the total reports produced symptoms. The reviewers reported that 66% (489) were associated with dietary supplement exposure with varying degrees of confidence and 27% (132) were considered to be either definitely or probably related, whereas 34% (166) were reported as definitely or probably unrelated. The balance of reports (39%; 190) represented a 50% chance for the event to be correlated to supplement use. Ninety of the subjects used supplements in an attempted suicide, whereas the others used supplements for various reasons, ranging from the treatment of specific conditions (35%) to enhanced athletic performance (10%) and dieting (14%), among others. Botanicals most frequently associated with adverse events included ma huang (Ephedra sinensis), St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), guarana (Paullinia cupana), and ginseng (species not identified). Of a total of 401 calls specifically related to adverse events of dietary supplements, 286 events were classified as mild, 89 as moderate, and 22 as severe, with a total of four deaths. Subjects experiencing symptoms were taking as many as 44 ingredients concurrently and had more serious adverse events than did those taking fewer supplements long-term. However, 89% of these adverse events were considered mild (57%) or moderate (32%); 11% were reported as severe or resulted in death. Most acute reports (95%) were considered mild (77%) or moderate (18%), and 4% severe or death. Many of these reports suffer from the same limitations of not being subjected to critical review or product characterization. Of all the supplement adverse events reported, only 12 products were retrieved for analysis. In comparison, a total of 61,229 calls regarding adverse events due to other consumed substances, mostly pharmaceuticals, were made in the same time period.
The Toxicologic Medical Unit of Guy’s and St. Thomas Hospital in London conducted a 5-year toxicologic review of adverse events caused by herbal drugs based on reports made to the National Poison Control Center.15 Drowsiness and dizziness followed by vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea were the most commonly reported side effects. Other events of note included agitation and irritability, cardiac arrhythmias, psychological disturbances, and facial flushing. Interaction of botanical and conventional anticoagulants has resulted in reports of abnormal bleeding, and effects of interactions with herbs that rely on the cytochrome P450 enzyme system have resulted in elevations or decreases in serum drug concentrations affecting clearance times, efficacy, and toxicity. Reports of liver abnormalities were most commonly associated with Chinese herbal medicines.
Allergic and Idiosyncratic Reactions
An allergic reaction is defined as an immunologic hypersensitivity, occurring as the result of unusual sensitivity to a drug.11 Allergic reactions occur via immune-mediated mechanisms, for example, the development of drug-specific antibodies, reactions to drug–antibody complexes, or release of inflammatory compounds. They are largely unpredictable and can range from minor complaints such as itchy eyes, runny nose, and minor skin reactions, to fatal anaphylactic shock. Allergic reactions to herbal medicines are uncommon, but may result from a compound inherent to the plant, or from contamination of the plant with molds, fungi, or other agents. Patients with known sensitivity to specific allergens, for example, members of the Asteraceae family, should use herbs in this family with caution or avoid them altogether. Plants in this family are rich in sesquiterpene lactones, a constituent with known allergenicity, and primarily responsible for allergic reactions; however, any plant may cause a reaction in any individual.16
An idiosyncratic reaction is defined as an abnormal susceptibility to a drug peculiar to the individual.11 Idiosyncratic drug reactions (IDRs) are also immune mediated, and may result in severe skin reactions, anaphylaxis, blood dyscrasias, hepatotoxicity, and internal organ involvement. Symptoms such as fever and joint pain may accompany an IDR. The immune involvement appears to be a result of the interaction of cellular proteins with reactive drug metabolites, and thus differs slightly from the etiology of allergic reactions. These types of reactions occur very infrequently, are independent of dose, and are highly unpredictable. Risk factors for idiosyncratic reactions include increasing age, concurrent use of multiple medications (polypharmacy), hepatic disease, renal disease, malnutrition and/or decreased body weight, chronic alcohol consumption, and gender (women are more susceptible to IDRs). Specific enzyme deficiencies may be involved in some IDRs. Hepatotoxicity reactions reported with use of kava kava (Piper methysticum) are most likely a result of idiosyncratic reaction to this herb.16
Skin reactions, such as contact dermatitis, irritation, and burns are the most common types of allergic reaction to herbs, and are associated with the topical application of irritating herbs or repeated exposure through handling of herbs, such as among employees in the herbal manufacturing industry. Asthma is also known to occur as a result of repeated exposure in this latter population. Care must therefore be taken when applying external therapies and also with repeated exposure to herbs and dust from herbs. Reports of contact dermatitis, allergic reaction, or other skin irritation are especially common with garlic (Allium sativum), mustard powder, cayenne pepper (Capsicum annum), and members of the Asteraceae family. Oral administration of the following herbs has also been associated with general skin reaction: echinacea (Echinacea spp.), goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), and kava.16
Adverse Reactions Caused by Overdose
There are a number of reported incidences of overdose with herbal products, including unintentional overdose, as well as suicide attempts, most of which have failed.17 There is little information regarding the treatment of overdose of herbal products. As with all pharmacologic agents, treatment should be based on the herb’s mechanisms of action and the reaction.
Reactions Due to Specific Herbs and Toxic Compounds in Plants
Ephedra (Ma Huang)
Ma huang has been used in Chinese herbal medicine since at least the first century, primarily for acute conditions of the upper respiratory system. TCM practitioners and Western herbalists have used this herb with a high degree of safety. Pharmacologically, it is an adrenomimetic, mimicking the effects of epinephrine, eliciting a central nervous stimulating effect and accompanying thermogenic and appetite suppressant effects; thus, it is used in weight loss and “energy-enhancing” products. Both of these categories are subject to overuse and abuse for those seeking quick weight loss solutions and enhanced athletic performance. However, because the mechanism is one of putting the body into an artificial state of induced stress, the use of ephedra for both indications is counter to principles of most natural health care providers. In actuality, a review of the adverse events collected by FDA show that adverse events caused by the botanical itself are rare and even perhaps nonexistent. Rather, ephedra-related adverse effects have been alleged for products that contain concentrated amounts of ephedrine, usually in combination with high concentrations of caffeine. The most common side effects are nervous irritability, anxiety, heart palpitations, and hypertension. Although in most subjects these are minor and reversible upon discontinuation of the preparation, in some they have been associated with significant adverse effects and reportedly even fatal outcomes. Unfortunately, the ban on all ephedra products has led to a prohibition against the legitimate and appropriate use of the crude herb ma huang by herbal practitioners.
Kava Kava (Piper methysticum)
Nevertheless, based on these reports several countries have adopted restrictions on kava sales. For example, in Australia, kava products must be prepared as aqueous (nonalcohol) solutions of whole or peeled rhizome, and must not contain a recommended daily dose of more than 250 mg of kava lactones; tablets or capsules must not exceed 125 mg/tablet; tea bags must not exceed 3 g/tea bag. If a product contains more than 25 mg/dose, then appropriate warning labels must accompany the product. In the United Kingdom, legislation was enacted as of 2002 to prohibit the sale of foods containing kava, and herbal products were limited to 625 mg/dose. In June 2002, Germany banned the therapeutic use of kava completely.16 A review was conducted by the FDA. Due to the lack of compelling data about a causal relationship, no ban was imposed in the United States. However, fear of potential litigation has caused product liability insurance carriers to deny coverage for kava products, ostensibly eliminating widespread availability of kava. Such events have to be juxtaposed against prevalence of use. In Europe alone, more than 100 million daily doses are used. The Swiss regulatory agency in charge of the control of medicines reported the following: “It is estimated that 8 cases of hepatotoxicity have occurred in a total of 40 million daily doses or 1 case per 170,000 courses of treatments of 30-days duration.”18 The normal incidence of hepatotoxicity in the population at large is 10 in 10,000. This suggests that hepatotoxic events of kava are much less than what is normally observed in the population at large. For a thorough review of kava safety, see The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety.
Toxic Plants Not Typically Used
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids
The unsaturated form of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) found in a number of commonly used medicinal plants, for example, comfrey (Symphytum officinale), coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), or plants in the genus Senecio, can directly cause veno-occlusive disease (VOD) and have resulted in fatalities, usually when consumed as a survival food during times of drought or famine or when used medicinally over a prolonged period of time or in susceptible individuals. Because a number of botanicals used medicinally contain toxic PAs, and because some herb references continue to recommend such botanicals, caution is warranted (Box 4-1). Not all forms of PAs, such as the saturated PAs found in Echinacea species, are converted to toxic pyrroles, and therefore plants containing nontoxic PAs (saturated) should be distinguished from those that are toxic.16
Aristolochic Acids
Aristolochic acid (AA), even in small amounts, can cause both stomach and kidney cancer.19 A ban on AA-containing plants (Table 4-2) has been implemented in many countries, and the FDA issued a consumer advisory in 2001 warning the public about this problem. However, many products that may contain AA remain on the market in Asia. Domestically, plants that may be confused with AA-containing plants have been subjected to systematic analysis at the point of importation before they are allowed in commerce. Herbal practitioners must be vigilant about herbal and supplement products that may be mixed with AA-containing plants and ensure that manufactured products prescribed have the necessary controls to avoid adulterants.
TABLE 4-2 Botanicals Containing Aristolochic Acids (AAs) or Those That May Be Mixed with AA-Containing Plants
* These botanicals do not contain AA. It is recommended that these botanicals be subjected to AA testing to prevent adulteration. For a more complete listing see:
Botanical Quality Standards and Reactions Caused by Contamination and Adulteration of Herbs
The safety of any medicinal product is partly dependent on the manner in which the product is produced. Although individuals, organizations, industry, and government are actively working to establish national quality control (QC) standards, current standards are not a guarantee for herbal products in the United States, or those imported from countries such as China and India. European herbal product standards are generally stricter than most other countries, including the United States; thus, European herbal products have a greater likelihood of safety and quality. The most important aspects of QC include the accurate identification, relative purity, and relative quality of raw material used in herbal products (Tables 4-3 and 4-4).
TABLE 4-3 Potential Toxic Plant Adulterations Causing Safety Concerns
Black cohosh | Other species of cohosh | Some species of cohosh are toxic |
Echinacea purpurea and others species | Missouri snakeroot | Allergic reaction in sensitive individuals |
Siberian ginseng (eleuthera) | Chinese silk vine | Birth defects if used in pregnancy |
Skullcap | Germander | Hepatotoxicity |
Chinese star anise | Japanese star anise | Convulsions |
Stephania | Aristolochia fang ji | Nephrotoxicity, cancer |
TABLE 4-4 Potential Contaminants of Herbal Products
Botanicals | Aristolochic acid-containing plants, belladonna, Chinese silk vine, digitalis, germander, Japanese star anise, non-medicinal plant parts |
Filth | Dirt, insect fragments |
Microorganisms* | Toxic strains of E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, salmonella, shigella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Microbial toxins | Aflatoxins, bacterial endotoxins |
Pesticides** | Chlorinated pesticides (DDT, DDE, aldrin, dieldrin), fungicides, herbicides |
Sterilization Agents† | Ethylene oxide, methyl bromide, phosphine, gamma-irradiation |
Heavy metals‡ | Arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury |
Conventional Drugs§ | Analgesics, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatories, benzodiazepines corticosteroids, hormones |
* Current law prohibits the presence of toxic microorganisms in herbal products. Contaminated products can be removed from the market. To date, there have been no published reports of herbal products toxicity from such microorganisms.
** Although some of these pesticides have been banned in the United States for decades, they may still be in use in other countries. Conversely, some pesticides may be approved for use in common foods but lack approval for use on herbal products.
† These sterilization processes, although approved for use in certain foods, are not approved for use on herbal products.
‡ Heavy metals in food and water is a problem worldwide but have been specifically noted to occur in numerous herbal medicine products manufactured in China.
§ It is prohibited to combine conventional drugs in products marketed as dietary supplements.
Most herbs and botanical products are not tested before importation into the United States. It is impossible for consumers and health professionals to determine if such contaminations are present without subjecting the product to extensive testing. Again, any presence of a known pathogen (e.g., Escherichia coliform) or prohibited treatment (certain pesticides or gamma irradiation) renders a product adulterated and subject to removal from the market by the FDA. However, regulatory oversight in this area is almost nonexistent. The best way for practitioners to avoid potentially contaminated or adulterated products is to become knowledgeable of the practices of suppliers and manufacturers, and identify those with high quality standards (see Identifying Quality Botanical Medicine Products). Companies that are run by or employ qualified herbalists on their staff and that serve the needs of health professionals are often the most reliable, but this in itself is not a guarantee of quality.20
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines Mixed with Conventional Pharmaceutical Drugs
It is not uncommon for Chinese herbal products made in Asia, including those sold in the United States, to be adulterated with conventional pharmaceutical drugs.21 Adulterants have included caffeine, paracetamol, indomethacin, hydrochlorothiazide, prednisolone, barbiturates, and corticosteroids.22 The purpose for the inclusion of pharmaceutical drugs in botanical products is presumed increased efficacy. However, inclusion of such substances is not consistent with principles of traditional Chinese medicines. In a survey evaluating herbal products used in hospitals in Taiwan, approximately 24% of 2406 herbal drugs tested contained pharmaceuticals.
Significantly, in most cases the pharmaceutical adulterants are not disclosed on the product label or packaging. Herbal products adulterated with conventional medications have been found to be manufactured in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.21 In the United States, under dietary supplement regulations, such products are considered to be adulterated and are subject to removal from the market. Thus far, there have been no reports of the addition of pharmaceuticals in domestically made Chinese herbal products. Although there are undoubtedly high-quality herbal products manufactured in Asia, it is currently almost impossible for consumers and most health professionals (even trained TCM practitioners) to differentiate between adulterated and nonadulterated products. Thus, patients using some traditional Chinese herbal medicine products in combination with conventional medications may be also be unknowingly subjected to unexpected drug–drug interactions via a pharmaceutical adulterant.