Growth and Development

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2 Growth and Development

AS AN INFANT GROWS and matures, vital changes occur that affect the child’s response to disease, drugs, and the environment. Growth is an increase in physical size, and development is an increase in complexity and function. An overview of the subject is presented so that anesthesiologists can appreciate the uniqueness of developing children from both physical and psychological perspectives.

The physician should understand the main developmental changes that occur over time, as well as how these changes affect both responses to diseases and to drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

Normal and Abnormal Growth and Maturation

Growth is the quantitative development of the body and maturation is the acquisition of new functionalities; both phenomena occur during pregnancy and after birth. Prenatal growth is the most important phase in development, comprising organogenesis in the first 8 weeks (embryonic growth), followed by the functional development of organ systems and maturation of the fetus to full term (fetal growth). Rapid growth occurs particularly in the second trimester; a major increase in weight from subcutaneous tissue and muscle mass occurs in the third trimester. Environmental agents may affect the human embryo in a negative way. The duration of gestation and the weight of an infant have an important relationship (Table 2-1).

TABLE 2-1 The Relationship of Gestational Age to Weight

Gestation (weeks) Mean Weight (grams)
28 1165 ± 109
32 1760 ± 128
36 2621 ± 274
40 (full term) 3351 ± 448

Data from Naeye RL, Dixon JB. Distortions in fetal growth. Pediatr Res 1978;12:987-91.

The term prematurity has conventionally been applied to infants weighing less than 2500 g at birth, but the designation preterm infant is more appropriate and is defined as one born before 37 completed weeks of gestation. A term or full-term infant is one born between 37 and 42 completed weeks of gestation. A postterm infant is one born after 42 completed weeks of gestation.

Preterm infants are further classified according to their actual birth weight. A low–birth-weight (LBW) infant is one weighing less than 2500 g regardless of the duration of the pregnancy. A very low–birth-weight (VLBW) infant weighs less than 1500 g, and an extremely low–birth-weight infant weighs less than 1000 g. In addition, infants weighing less than 750 g are now being called “micropremies”; there is very little published information regarding the anesthetic management of this vulnerable subpopulation of neonates (see Chapter 35). Common neonatal problems as they relate to age and birth weight are presented in Table 2-2.

TABLE 2-2 Common Neonatal Problems with Respect to Weight and Gestation

Gestation Relative Weight Neonatal Problems at Increased Incidence
Preterm (<37 weeks) SGA Respiratory distress syndrome
Perinatal depression
Viral infection
Congenital anomalies
Maternal drug addiction
Fetal alcohol syndrome
AGA Respiratory distress syndrome
LGA Respiratory distress syndrome
Hypoglycemia: infant of a diabetic mother
Normal (37-42 weeks) SGA Congenital anomalies
Viral infection
Maternal drug addiction
Perinatal depression
LGA Birth trauma
Hypoglycemia: infant of a diabetic mother
Postmature (>42 weeks) SGA Meconium aspiration syndrome
Congenital anomalies
Viral infection
Maternal drug addiction
Perinatal depression
Aspiration pneumonia
LGA Birth trauma
Hypoglycemia: infant of a diabetic mother

AGA, Appropriate for gestational age; LGA, large for gestational age; SGA, small for gestational age.

After birth, physical growth continues at a rapid pace during the first 6 months of extrauterine life but slows by about 2 years of age. Physical growth accelerates a second time during the pubertal period. A simple way to remember how rapidly the infant grows is that birth weight doubles by 6 months of age and triples by 1 year. Length doubles by 4 years of age. This scale, however, does not affect all organs or functions in the same way. It is important to be able to assess correctly and precisely the stage of development of the child, because any abnormal slowdown requires investigation to find the cause.

Gestational Age Assessment

The gestational age of an infant may be assessed in one of three ways. The most accurate means of assessing gestational age is by measuring the crown-rump length of the fetus during a first-trimester ultrasonographic examination. Another method involves calculating gestational age from the first day of the mother’s last menstrual period, but this is commonly inaccurate, leading to errors in estimation. Finally, the Dubowitz scoring system is a well-accepted method combining neurologic and physical criteria of the infant to provide an accurate assessment of gestational age.1,2 A summary of the more significant neurologic and physical signs of maturity is presented in Table 2-3.

TABLE 2-3 Neurologic and External Physical Criteria to Assess Gestational Age

Physical Examination Preterm (<37 weeks) Term (≥37 weeks)
Ear Shapeless, pliable Firm, well formed
Skin Edematous, thin skin Thick skin
Sole of foot Creases on anterior third Whole foot creased
Breast tissue Less than 1 mm diameter More than 5 mm diameter
Male Scrotum poorly developed
Testes undescended
Scrotum rugated
Testes descended
Female Large clitoris, gaping labia majora Labia majora developed
Limbs Hypotonic Tonic (flexed)
Grasp reflex Weak grasp Can be lifted by reflex grasp
Moro reflex Complete but exhaustible (>32 weeks) Complete
Sucking reflex Weak Strong, synchronous with swallowing

Weight and Length

Assessment of growth is measured by changes in weight, length, and head circumference. Percentile charts are valuable for monitoring the child’s growth and development. Deviation from growth within the same percentile for a child of any age is of greater significance than any single measurement (Figs. 2-1 and 2-2). Weight is a more sensitive index of well-being, illness, or poor nutrition than length or head circumference and is the most commonly used measurement of growth. Change in weight reflects changes in muscle mass, adipose tissue, skeleton, and body water and thus is a nonspecific measure of growth. Measurement of length provides the best indicator of skeletal growth because it is not affected by changes in adipose tissue or water content.

Term infants may lose 5% to 10% of their body weight during the first 24 to 72 hours of life from loss of body water. Birth weight is usually regained in 7 to 10 days. A daily increase of 30 g (210 g/week) is satisfactory for the first 3 months. Thereafter, weight gain slows so that at 10 to 12 months of age it is 70 g each week (Table 2-4).

TABLE 2-4 Approximate Relationship of Age to Weight

Age (years) Weight (kg)
1 10
3 15
5 19
7 23

When plotting the weight of a preterm infant on a growth chart, it is common to use the infant’s corrected gestational age (postmenstrual age; postconceptual age is taken from conception and is approximately 2 weeks shorter) instead of his or her chronologic age (postnatal age, i.e., from birth) during the first 2 years of the infant’s life in order to correct for prematurity.

Weight and length are important but changes affect the composition of the body itself, especially total body water, which decreases at the expense of the extracellular compartment, with adult levels attained at 1 year of age.3,4 This finding has implications for drug dosing and distribution in the infant. Males have a greater percentage of water, whereas females have a slightly greater percentage of fat. The percentage decrease in extracellular water is greater than the decrease in total body water because of the simultaneous increase in intracellular water (Table 2-5).5

Another, more precise way to assess development is to calculate the body surface area (BSA).6


BSA can also be described using an allometric equation with an exponent of image (see Chapter 6):


Head Circumference

Head size reflects growth of the brain and correlates with intracranial volume and brain weight. Changing head circumference reflects head growth and is a part of the total body growth process; it may or may not indicate underlying involvement of the brain. An abnormally large or small head may indicate abnormal brain development, which must alert the anesthesiologist to possible underlying neurologic problems. A large head may indicate a normal variation, familial feature, or pathologic condition (e.g., hydrocephalus or increased intracranial pressure), whereas a small head may indicate a normal variant, familial feature, or pathologic condition such as craniosynostosis or abnormal brain development.

During the first year of life, head circumference normally increases 10 cm, and it increases 2.5 cm in the second year. By 9 months of age, head circumference reaches 50% of adult size, and by 2 years it is 75%. Head circumference is closely followed on standard percentile growth curves. As with weight, deviations of growth of the head within the same percentile are more significant than a single measurement.

The anterior fontanel should be palpated to assess whether it is sunken (dehydration) or bulging abnormally (suggesting increased intracranial pressure as in hydrocephalus, infection, hemorrhage, or increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood [PaCO2]). If it is bulging, the sutures should be palpated for abnormal separation as a result of increased intracranial pressure. The anterior fontanel closes between 9 and 18 months of age; the posterior fontanel closes by 2 to 4 months of age (Fig. 2-3). Cranial molding occurs particularly in LBW infants and is usually of no clinical importance.

Airway and Respiratory System

Airway development includes a large number of structures including cranial vault and base, craniovertebral development, face, branchial apparatus, larynx and oral cavity.

These structures are involved in the respiratory function (to provide enough oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide) but also to separate the circulation of air from the circulation of liquid and food. A variety of processes, including ventilation, perfusion, and diffusion, are involved in fulfilling these functions. Specifically, the anesthesiologist has to consider these developmental changes because of their implication in airway management and ventilation.

Upper Airway Development

During the course of development, the infant upper airways undergo deep anatomic modifications that include changes in size, shape, and interrelationship; this is particularly prominent during the first few years of life.

The face and the nasal chamber, the oropharynx with the tongue, and the laryngotracheal lumen are the three main parts of the upper airway involved. The development of the neurocranium will lead to the maturation of the cranial vault and skull base, and the development of the viscerocranium to the skeletal part of the face. The primordial areas involved in forming the covering of the tongue appear early in the second month of development.

The larynx is developed embryologically from ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal tissues that are derived from the third, fourth, and sixth branchial arch and pouch apparatus. The development of the larynx and airway in the neonate is outlined in detail in Chapter 12. The laryngeal opening (epiglottis and vocal cords) in a neonate and 2-year-old boy are shown in Figure 2-4. Note the omega-shaped long epiglottis and the pearly white vocal cords in the neonate.

The skull base grows rapidly until age 6 years, with relatively slower growth thereafter. The cranial base flexes postnatally in a rapid growth trajectory that is complete by 2 years of age.

The depth of the nasopharynx increases due to remodeling of the palate as well as changes in the angulation of the skull base. During childhood, the soft tissues of the pharyngeal structures surrounding the upper airway grow proportionally to the skeletal structures. After birth, the dimensions of the nasal cavity increase very rapidly. During the first year of life, the total minimal cross-sectional area is increased by 67%, and the volume of the anterior 4 cm of the nasal airways by 36%.9

The volume of the oral cavity in the neonate is proportionally less than that in the adult, owing to a significantly shorter mandibular ramus. The volume of the oral cavity significantly increases during the first 12 months because of rapid growth in the height of the mandibular ramus.

Compared with the adult, the tongue in the neonate contains considerably less fat and soft tissue, but overall is large in size relative to the dimensions of the mouth, with relatively larger extrinsic musculature and a less developed superior longitudinal muscle resulting in a flat dorsal surface with poor lateral mobility (see also Chapter 12).

Transition to Air Breathing

Fetal breathing movements have been detected as early as 11 weeks of gestational age; they are interspersed with long periods of apnea and produce little tidal movement of lung fluid.10,11 The critical event in the change from placental to pulmonary gas exchange is the first inspiration, which initiates pulmonary ventilation, promotes the clearance of lung fluid, and triggers the change from the fetal to the neonatal pattern of circulation.

The first breath is a gasp that generates a transpulmonary distending pressure of 40 to 80 cm H2O.12 This moves the tracheal fluid (100 times more viscous than air), overcomes surface forces that develop as the air−fluid interface reaches the small airways, and overcomes tissue resistance. In some children, the removal of lung fluid may be delayed, producing the syndrome called transient tachypnea of the newborn.13 Tachypnea lasts for 24 to 72 hours and is associated with a characteristic chest radiographic appearance consisting of increased perihilar markings, fluid in the interlobar fissures, and streaky linear opacities in the parenchyma.

With the onset of pulmonary ventilation, pulmonary blood flow sharply increases. Decreased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and increased peripheral systemic vascular resistance (loss of the umbilical circulation) are the two crucial events involved in the immediate transition from the fetal circulation to the normal postnatal pattern. The increase in systemic afterload causes an immediate closure of the flap valve mechanism of the foramen ovale and reverses the direction of shunt through the ductus arteriosus. Until these fetal shunt pathways close anatomically, the pattern of circulation is unstable. Increased pulmonary vascular reactivity in response to hypoxia and acidosis may precipitate a reversal to right-to-left shunting (“flip-flop” circulation).

In the first few minutes of life, a state of “normal” asphyxia exists as a result of impairment of placental blood flow during labor. The partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) and pH are low, whereas the PaCO2 is increased immediately after birth, but these parameters change rapidly in the first hour of life. Extrapulmonary shunting through fetal channels and intrapulmonary shunting, probably through unexpanded regions of the lung, persist for some time after birth, so that in neonates the physiologic right-to-left shunt is about three times that in adults.14

Mechanics of Breathing

Chest Wall and Respiratory Muscles

The accessory muscles of inspiration are relatively ineffective in infants because of an unfavorable anatomic rib configuration. In infancy, the ribs extend horizontally from the vertebral column, moving little with inspiration.15 These factors increase the workload on the diaphragm. Consequently, and in contrast to an adult, thoracic cross-sectional area is fairly constant throughout the breathing cycle, and inspiration occurs almost entirely as a result of diaphragmatic descent.

The chest wall of a neonate is floppy because it comprises noncalcified cartilage, its musculature is poorly developed, and the ribs are incompletely calcified.16,17 As the work of breathing increases, diaphragmatic displacement must also increase to maintain the tidal volume. The increased workload may lead to diaphragmatic fatigue and respiratory failure or apnea, especially in preterm infants.18,19

The tendency to respiratory muscle fatigue is the result of the metabolic characteristics of the diaphragm, which has very little type I (slow twitch, high oxidative capacity) muscle fibers (see Fig. 12-11).

Total Lung Capacity

Adults have a markedly greater total lung capacity (TLC) than infants (Fig. 2-5). This difference reflects the fact that TLC is an effort-dependent parameter, depending on the strength and efficiency of the inspiratory muscles, which can be estimated by the maximum inspiratory pressure at functional residual capacity (FRC). An adult can generate negative pressures in excess of 100 cm H2O; negative inspiratory pressures as high as 70 cm H2O have been recorded for neonates, a surprisingly high value in view of their underdeveloped musculature and highly compliant chest wall. This may be a consequence of the small radius of curvature of an infant’s rib cage, which by the Laplace relationship converts a small tension into a large pressure difference.21


FIGURE 2-5 Lung volumes in infants and adults. Note that, in infants, tidal volume breathing occurs at the same volume as closing volume. CC, Closing capacity; FRC, functional residual capacity; VC, vital capacity.

(Modified from Nelson NM. Respiration and circulation after birth. In: Smith CA, Nelson NM editors. The physiology of the newborn infant. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas; 1976. p. 207.)

Functional Residual Capacity

FRC is similar on a per-kilogram basis at all ages, but the mechanical factors on which it is based are different in infants and adults.22 In adults, FRC is the same as the volume at which the elastic forces generated by the passive recoil of the chest wall are balanced by the recoil of the lung (Fig. 2-6); this is the volume attained at end-expiration with an open glottis.