General concepts in caring for the critically ill

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Last modified 20/03/2015

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CHAPTER 1 General concepts in caring for the critically ill

Acid-base imbalances

Cells must transport ions, metabolites and gases in order to respond appropriately. For this to occur, the bloodstream’s chemical environment must be electrically stable. The stability of the environment is measured by the arterial pH and must be chemically neutral (pH 7.40) for all systems to function properly. The arterial blood gas (ABG) is the most commonly used analysis to measure acid-base balance and to assess the efficacy of oxygenation. Respiratory (CO2) and metabolic acids (H+) are generated as cells work and must be buffered or eliminated to maintain a neutral chemical environment. When the chemical environment is no longer neutral, the patient has an acid-base imbalance. Ineffective metabolism (tissue level), renal dysfunction, and/or problems with ventilation (breathing gasses effectively) are often the cause of acid-base imbalance.

There are two main types of acid-base imbalance: acidosis and alkalosis. The kidneys and lungs work in tandem to maintain chemical neutrality, but it is actually cellular function which produces acid. When either the kidneys or lungs are over or under functioning, the other system is designed to have the opposite response in order to compensate and bring the pH back to a normal range. When the kidneys fail to regulate metabolic acids (H+), the lungs must compensate. When the lungs fail to regulate respiratory acid (CO2), the kidneys must compensate. Additional buffering mechanisms are also available to help regulate the accumulation of acids. Control of alkaline states, resulting from accumulation of bases or loss of acids, is maintained in a similar fashion between the lungs and kidneys.

Pathophysiology of acid-base regulation

Arterial pH is an indirect measurement of CO2 and H+ concentration, which reflects the overall level of acid and effectiveness of maintaining the balance. The normal acid-base ratio is 1:20—1 part acid (the H+ and CO2 component of H2CO3) to 20 parts base (HCO3). If the ratio is altered through an increase or a decrease in either acid H+ or CO2 or the base, HCO3, the pH changes. Chemically, the CO2 does not contain H+, but when dissolved in water (plasma), CO2 + H2O yields H2CO3 (carbonic acid). CO2, when combined with H2O, becomes the largest contributor of H+ (acids), which must be eliminated or buffered to maintain normal pH. Too many H+ ions in the plasma creates acidemia (pH less than 7.35), while too few H+ ions creates alkalemia (pH greater than 7.45).

Maintaining the 1:20 ratio (“the balance”) depends on the ability of the lungs and kidneys to help normalize concentrations of carbonic acid (H2CO3) a product of hydrogen ion (H+) plus bicarbonate buffer (HCO3). Both the kidney and lung are designed to eliminate carbonic acid effectively and therefore the pH should always be in the range of normal. A pH change is a symptom that there is a significant problem with one or both of the systems.

Acidosis: Extra acids are present or base is lost, with a pH less than 7.35.

Buffering of acid or compensation for an acid state, occurs in three primary ways:

Alkalosis: Extra base is present or there is loss of acid, with a pH greater than 7.45.

Alkalosis: Compensating for an alkaline state occurs in two ways:

Example of compensation (ph regulation):

When metabolic acids accumulate, they are attracted to bicarbonate. The marriage of H+ and HCO3 buffers the acid. This yields an increase in carbonic acid and causes the pH to go down. Chemoreceptors are stimulated by this acid presence and the hypothalamus, if not damaged, triggers a hyperventilation response. Since H+ is not measured directly, the indirect calculation of bicarbonate or the base is used to evaluate the presence or absence of metabolic acid. As H+ goes up, the bicarbonate or base goes down. When evaluating the acid base balance, it is simplest to look at bicarbonate but to think in terms of H+. They travel in completely opposite directions (when bicarbonate is down, H+ is up and vice versa).

The lungs increase buffering to compensate for a failure of the kidneys or a cellular excess acid production to keep the pH balanced. The lungs do this by effectively exhaling more CO2 than usual, breaking down the carbonic acid and therefore bringing pH back towards normal.

When CO2 is retained or increased because of respiratory failure, the kidneys should, in turn, respond by processing the increased H2CO3. The kidneys separate the carbonic acid into H+ and HCO3 and excrete the H+ while retaining HCO3 bicarbonate. If either the kidneys or lungs do not respond to a pH change (no compensation) or they provide an ineffective response (partial compensation), the patient will remain in acid-base imbalance. If the pH is outside of the range of normal, then there is a primary problem and compensation is inadequate or has failed. Patients may have a pure acidosis or alkalosis and the overall problem may be masked by compensation or two problems presenting at the same time.

It is essential to understand that unless the patient has ingested acid (aspirin, ethanol, etc.), all acid in the bloodstream was produced at the cellular level (Table 1-1). When evaluating patients, care providers must have a basic understanding of the acid-base balancing system. The main formula for maintenance of acid-base balance is the following:


Acid Pathways Cause Measure
Cells produce acid (acid production increases). Hypermetabolic states, such as pain, hyperthermia, or inflammation. The respiratory and heart rates increase, and bicarbonate is initially consumed by buffering. HCO3
Tissues are hypoxic; anaerobic metabolism ensues resulting in lactic acidosis. Lactate level ↑
Absolute insulin deficiency results in failure of glucose to be transported into cells. Blood glucose level ↑
Ketoacids ↑
Cells regulate acids. When acid production (H+) increases, pH decreases, bicarbonate is initially consumed by buffering, and CO2 is exhaled in larger amounts, and H+ exchanges for K+ as cells buffer acid. pH ↓
Total serum CO2
Lungs regulate acid. When acid increases due to hypermetabolic states such as pain, hyperthermia, or inflammation, carbonic acid (H2CO3) increases and rapidly converts to CO2 and H2O. The respiratory rate increases to blow off CO2. Paco2
Kidneys regulate acid. When acid increases, tubules are affected by low blood pH, and work to neutralize increased carbonic acid (H2CO3) by separating it into H+ and bicarbonate HCO3. Kidneys excrete what is necessary to sustain normal pH if renal function is normal. If abnormal, kidneys may not perform this task. HCO3
Kidney function is assessed by serum BUN and creatinine; elevated BUN and creatinine indicate abnormal kidney function.


The most important component identified is the H2CO3, or carbonic acid. As carbonic acid increases (“goes up”), the pH decreases (“goes down”), reflecting the presence of acid. If the carbonic acid decreases (“goes down”), the pH increases (“goes up”), reflecting the absence of acid. The equation is constantly shifting from left to right and right to left to maintain a normal H2CO3 and therefore a normal pH. Whatever causes the change of carbonic acid concentration (may be related to a regulation failure by either the lungs or kidneys or a metabolic acid production state) is the “primary culprit.” Identifying the origin or cause of the change in pH direction identifies the problem. Therefore, if the problem is too much acid (either increased CO2 or H+ ), the carbonic acid goes up and the pH goes down. The primary problem is acidosis. Further evaluation is needed to determine whether failure to regulate the acid was ineffective regulation by the lungs, the kidneys or an increase in cellular acid production (ketoacidosis or lactic acidosis).

Understanding the arterial blood gas

The ABG is the most commonly used measurement to help assess the origins of problems with acid-base imbalance and to guide treatment designed to restore pH balance and effective oxygenation. “Perfect” values for each reflects chemical neutrality. There are normal variations or a range for each value.

Abg values

Blood gas analysis is usually based on sampling of arterial blood. Mixed venous blood sampling from a pulmonary artery (PA) catheter (SvO2) and central venous sampling from a central intravenous (IV) line (ScVO2) may also be performed for very critically ill patients. Venous values are given for reference only.

Normal Arterial Values Normal Venous Values
pH: 7.35–7.45 pH: 7.32–7.38
PaCO2: 35–45 mm Hg PvCO2: 42–50 mm Hg
PaO2: 80–100 mm Hg PvO2: 40 mm Hg
SaO2: 95%–100% SvO2: 60%–80%
Base excess (BE): −2 to +2 BE: −2 to +2 (only calculated on ABG analyzer)
HCO3: 22–26 mEq/L total Serum CO2: 23–27 mEq/L

pH (perfect 7.40, range of normal 7.35 to 7.45): This reflects the level of respiratory and metabolic acids found in the blood during the continuous “balancing act” that regulates the acid environment. If this balance is altered, derangements in pH occur. Any alteration in pH should be evaluated. If the pH has changed from perfect, it can only be one of two reasons: normal variation, or abnormality with compensation. When pH is less than 7.35 or greater than 7.45, it is considered an acute change that is uncompensated. When full compensation is attained for an acid-base imbalance, the pH normalizes. Failure to bring pH to range of normal means that there is failure to compensate, even if there is an attempt. Traditionally this was known as partial compensation. That term is no longer advocated.

Paco2 (perfect 40, range of normal 35 to 45 mm Hg): This is a measure of pressure (partial pressure which is designated by the P) that the dissolved CO2 exerts in the arterial blood. The dissolved gas exerts the pressure of CO2, enabling it to diffuse across the capillary and alveolar cell wall.

CO2 is released during aerobic metabolism and is the main contributor to serum acid. CO2 is controlled through ventilation. In the normal lung, CO2 is regulated by changes in the rate and depth of alveolar ventilation. CO2 is carried both bound to hemoglobin and dissolved in the blood. The measured CO2 is termed PaCO2. PaCO2 is directly measured (not calculated) and is a reliable indicator of respiratory acid-base regulation. The correlation between PaCO2 and respiratory-based pH changes is direct, consistent, and linear. In other words if PaCO2 is up and pH is down, the cause is respiratory deregulation. If the issue is metabolic, and respiratory compensation has occurred, the PaCO2 will decrease in order to bring pH back to normal levels. Respiratory compensation typically occurs rapidly in metabolic acid-base disturbances as long as respiratory function is not impaired. When a patient hyperventilates, PaCO2 decreases as it is “blown off” by rapid exhalations. During hypoventilation (slow and/or shallow breathing), PaCO2 increases. Although the only way to evaluate true lung function is by the gas exchange, the capacity of the lungs (CO2 regulation response) is measured via the minute ventilation (VE or MV). This measures the amount of volume exhaled per minute (VE) calculated as respiratory rate (RR) × VT. Normal MV is about 8 to 10 L/min. B

Pao2 (perfect 95 to 100 mm Hg, normal range 80 to 100 mm Hg): The partial pressure of oxygen (O2), or PaO2, is a measure of the dissolved (usable) gas in the arteries. The dissolved gas exerts the pressure of O2, enabling it to diffuse across the capillary and cell wall to oxygenate cells. PaO2 normally declines in the older adult.

P/F ratio (greater than 300): PaO2 is evaluated in relationship to FIO2; that is, the higher the percent O2 pressure that is delivered to the lungs, the higher the O2 in the blood should be.


Sao2 (perfect 100% or 1.0, normal range 95% to 100% or 0.95 to 1.0): O2 saturation (SaO2) reflects the loading of O2 onto hemoglobin (Hgb) in the lungs. When Hgb is loaded with O2, it is termed oxyhemoglobin. Hgb is the primary transporter of O2 and supplies a reservoir (reserve) of O2 for cellular use. Each Hgb molecule carries 1.34 to 1.36 ml of O2. O2 must be released from the Hgb, dissolve in blood (PaO2), and exert pressure to diffuse across the cell wall. The uptake/use of O2 by the tissues is measured by SvO2 and/or ScVO2 (mixed venous and/or central venous saturation of Hgb, respectively). Cellular metabolism and O2 utilization are affected by changes in stress level, temperature, pH, blood flow, and PaCO2. When the PaO2 falls to less than 60 mm Hg, there is a large drop in saturation, reflected in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve.

BE (perfect 0, normal range −2 to +2): Base excess or base deficit uses a calculation to reflect the presence (excess) or absence (deficit) of buffers. The calculation reflects the tissue and renal tubular presence (or absence) of acid. As the proportion of acid rises, the relative amount of base decreases (and vice versa). Abnormally high values (greater than +2) reflect alkalosis, or an excess of base; low values (less than 2) reflect acidosis, or a deficit of base (base deficit).

All buffers: Absorb acids (H+), but do so with a varying affinity. Buffers are present in all body fluids and cells and act within 1 second after acid accumulation begins. They combine with excess acid to form substances that may not greatly affect pH. Some buffers have a strong affinity to acid; others are weak. The three primary plasma buffers are bicarbonate (HCO3−), intracellular proteins, and chloride (Cl). All are negatively charged to facilitate attraction to positively charged hydrogen ions (H+). Combining positively charged with negatively charged ions yields a neutral substance.

Proteins: Serum and intracellular proteins offer a significant contribution to buffering acids. Hgb not only transports O2 but also provides a very strong buffer for hydrogen ions (H+). Albumin is also a significant buffer, and hypoalbuminemia must be considered when performing anion gap calculations.

HCO3 (perfect 24, normal range 22 to 26 mEq/L): Serum bicarbonate (HCO3) is one of the major components of acid-base regulation by the kidney. Bicarbonate is generated and/or excreted by normally functioning kidneys in direct proportion to the amount of circulating acid to maintain acid-base balance. Because bicarbonate is affected by both the respiratory and metabolic components of the acid-base system, the relationship between metabolic acidosis and bicarbonate is not particularly linear or predictable. When the bicarbonate level changes, the acid level changes in the opposite direction. To determine the cause of bicarbonate changes (as the source of a pH problem versus compensation), the relationship to pH must be evaluated. The pH changes in the presence or absence of acid, and the directional relationship reflects what caused the pH alteration. The kidney is responsible for the regeneration of bicarbonate ions, as well as excretion of the hydrogen ions. Although serum bicarbonate is a buffer, it is usually reported in the standard electrolyte panel from a venous blood sample as “CO2 content” or “total CO2” rather than as bicarbonate (HCO3). The serum HCO3 concentration is usually calculated and reported separately with ABG analysis. Either value may be used as part of the assessment of acid-base balance (Table 1-2).

Chloride (Cl−): The number of positive and negative ions in the plasma must balance at all times. Aside from the plasma proteins, bicarbonate and chloride are the two most abundant negative ions (anions) in the plasma. To maintain electrical neutrality, any change in chloride must be accompanied by the opposite change in bicarbonate concentration. If chloride increases, bicarbonate decreases (hyperchloremic acidosis) and vice versa. However the combination of H+ and chloride actually exerts an acid effect (HCl). Chloride concentration may influence acid-base balance (see anion gap). Chloride concentration should be observed closely when large amounts of normal saline are administered to patients.

Other buffers: Other buffers, including phosphate and ammonium, are present in very limited quantities and have a lesser impact on the regulation of acid.

Cellular electrolytes: The cells also offer protection in the metabolic acid environment. H+ may exchange across the cell wall, attracted by negatively charged intracellular proteins in a cellular buffering process. When this happens, K+ is released from the proteins and shifts out of the cell, causing an excess of K+ in the blood.

Anion gap: Anion gap is an estimate of the differences between measured and unmeasured cations (positively charged particles, such as Na and H+ respectively) and measured and unmeasured anions (negatively charged particles such as HCO3 and Cl. Normally, cations and anions are equally balanced in live humans (in vivo), but when measured in the laboratory (in vitro), the difference may be between 10 to 12 mmol/L. This difference is termed a normal gap (between + and – ions). Particles that possess charges tend to have high affinity to bind to other particles that possess charges that are opposite their own (hence the term, “opposites attract”). Anion gap is used to determine if a metabolic acidosis is due to an accumulation of nonvolatile acids such as lactic acid or ketoacids. Both contribute a positive charge due to excess H+ or from net loss of bicarbonate (e.g., diarrhea). The gap is not affected when a patient has metabolic acidosis purely from kidney failure. The formula for calculation of anion gap is


Role of the ABG Measures Normals
Evaluation of arterial oxygen (dissolved oxygen and oxygen bound to hemoglobin) Arterial oxygen saturation
 (oxygen bound to hemoglobin)
Sao2: 0.95–1.0 or 95%–100%
Partial pressure of arterial oxygen (dissolved oxygen) Pao2: 80–100 mm Hg (decreased over the age of 70)
Calculation of alveolar-arterial (A-a) oxygen gradient Alveolar-arterial gradient A-a Do2: <20 mm Hg
Pao2/Fio2 ratio PF ratio: .300
Evaluation of cellular environment pH (reflects H2CO3)
i.e., ↑↑ H2CO3 then pH ↓↓
Perfect: 7.40
Normal range: 7.35–7.45
Evaluation of ventilation Paco2 Paco2
Normal range: 35–45 mm Hg
Evaluation of tissue metabolism H+ inversely (indirectly) reflected by buffers:
Bicarbonate (HCO3)
Base measures (+ or −)
Total CO2
i.e., ↑↑ H+ then buffers ↓↓
Perfect: 7.40
Normal range: 7.35–7.45
HCO3: 22–26 mEq/L
Total CO2: 20–26
Normal range: −2 to +2
Anion gap: 12 + or −2
Additional measures of tissue metabolism Both contribute H+ to blood
lactic acid
Lactic acid: 1–2 mmol/L
Blood: 0.27–0.5 mmol/L
Urine levels
Small: <20 mg/dl
Moderate: 30–40 mg/dl
Large: >80 mg/dl
Evaluation of renal clearance Appropriate clearance of
excessive components:
H+ or HCO3
Appropriate clearance of
excessive components:
BUN and creatinine
Perfect: 7.40
Range: 7.35–7.45
BUN: 0–20 mg/dl
Creatinine: <2.0 mEq/L


Step-by-step guide to abg analysis

A systematic analysis is critical to the accurate interpretation of ABG values to determine the origin of acid-base imbalance, and level of compensation (see Table 1-2).

Step 1: check the ph: determine if ph is perfect (7.40)

When there is a perfect balance of acid and buffer (base), the pH is termed neutral or perfect. If it is not perfect, determine if the direction of the difference is above or below 7.40. Next, determine if it is in the range of normal (7.35 to 7.45). If it is abnormal, identify whether it is on the acidotic (less than 7.35) or alkalotic (greater than 7.45) side of normal. “Perfect pH” occurs when the system preserves neutrality (pH 6.8) inside the cells, where most chemistry occurs, and maintains the serum pH at 7.40. For the purposes of learning, the perfect pH is where all measurement begins. When the system contains too many acid ions (in the form of ↑CO2 or ↑H+), this causes acidemia. When the system contains too few acid ions (in the form of ↓CO2 or ↓H+), this causes alkalemia, and the pH will reflect the change. Any variation in the pH in relationship to perfect (7.40) must be noted by the provider. If the pH is in the range of 7.35 to 7.45, there are only two possibilities: First, the deviation is a normal variation, wherein no abnormalities exist on either the respiratory side (PaCO2) or the metabolic side (HCO3) of the pH equation. The second possibility is there is a problem with ventilation (respiratory), cellular acid production (metabolic), or the ability of the kidneys (metabolic) to balance the pH. Diagnosis of a problem with metabolic acid-base balance is more complex, as many conditions generate metabolic acids and renal failure creates an acid clearance deficit.

Respiratory acidosis


Step 2: paCO2 is 55 mm hg, not perfect (40 mm hg) and above the normal range of 35 to 45 mm hg indicating an excess of respiratory acid.

Investigation begins:

Respiratory acidosis (hypercapnia, hypoventilation) is always related to a ventilation problem caused by inadequate therapeutic interventions or lung pathophysiology, resulting in retention of PaCO2. PaCO2 derangements are direct reflections of the degree of ventilatory function or dysfunction. The degree to which the increased PaCO2 alters the pH depends on the rapidity of onset and the blood and kidney’s ability to compensate via the blood buffer and renal regulation systems. The pH may be profoundly affected initially because of the time required (hours to days) for kidney compensation to occur. The most common cause of inadequate CO2 excretion (CO2 retention) is inadequate alveolar ventilation, or alveolar hypoventilation. Alveolar hypoventilation can occur when there is airway obstruction, loss of alveolar recoil, or inadequate time for exhalation affecting the ability to express carbon gas into the environment. For CO2 to be removed from the blood, the partial pressure of CO2 in the alveoli must be less than that in the blood. In air-trapping syndrome (loss of alveolar recoil or elasticity or airway obstructive disease) or profound hypoventilation states, the alveolar concentration of CO2 increases, which then limits the removal of CO2 from the blood. If the problem is not properly managed, the patient may deteriorate into acute respiratory failure.

Step 5: paO2 92 mm hg (not perfect 98 to 100 mm hg but within normal range 80 to 100 mm hg), saO2 91% (not perfect 100% and below normal range of 95% to 100%).

Investigation begins: slight decrease is apparent in paO2 and saO2

1. Use of O2: If O2 is not in use on a patient with reduced PaO2 and SaO2, applying O2 often corrects the readings. If O2 is in use, changing to a device that delivers a higher concentration of O2, such as changing from a nasal cannula to a face mask, may be sufficient to correct the alveolar levels of O2. If the PaO2 and SaO2 do not respond to the first device change or values further deteriorate, a 100% nonrebreather mask may be applied to provide close to 100% O2. Note: All ABG readings must be recorded with consideration of the mode of O2 delivery recorded, as well as the FIO2 or concentration of O2. Otherwise, evaluation of the PaO2 and SaO2 values is meaningless. If the values are NOT recorded, the assumption is made the readings are done on room air, without O2 in place.

2. Evaluating risk for poor tissue oxygenation: Thus far, ventilation has been evaluated using the ABG, but both ventilation AND perfusion must be evaluated as part of O2 delivery to the cell level. To objectively and proactively identify the patient at risk for tissue hypoxia, early signs of the perfusion changes that precede increases in serum lactate and the widening anion gap associated with lactic acidosis may be noted. Changes in heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), respiratory rate, urine output, saturation of continuous central or mixed venous Hgb, and serum creatinine are common. In the shock setting, normal or near normal PaO2 and SaO2 readings are possible on an ABG while capillary bed dysfunction ensues. Normal readings indicate O2 is being provided in adequate amounts to saturate Hgb effectively; but the ABG is unable to assess whether all tissue beds are receiving O2 or whether the cells are able to use the O2. Until metabolic acidosis ensues due to accumulation of lactic acid byproducts of anaerobic metabolism due to hypoperfusion, the ABG and SpO2 readings may be misleading.

Collaborative management: acute respiratory acidosis

Care priorities

Chronic respiratory acidosis

The compensated scenario just described is what is often seen with chronic hypercapnia, which occurs with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (e.g., chronic emphysema and bronchitis, cystic fibrosis), restrictive disorders (e.g., pneumothorax, hemothorax, Pickwickian syndrome), neuromuscular abnormalities (e.g., myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), respiratory center depression (e.g., brain tumor, stroke, bleed, head injury), and poor ventilation management. In patients with a chronic lung disease, a near-normal pH is the result of kidney compensatory mechanisms as discussed earlier.

Patients with chronic lung disease can experience acute rises in PaCO2 or lose their metabolic compensation (increased production of metabolic acid or loss of renal function) secondary to superimposed disease states such as pneumonia, hypermetabolic cellular hypoxia, or renal dysfunction. If the chronic compensatory mechanisms in place (e.g., elevated) are inadequate to meet the sudden increase in PaCO2 or if the circulation of metabolic acids increases, pH may change rapidly. In fact, these patients frequently have normal HCO3 measures upward of 30. As an acute (on top of chronic) process begins, the pH drops, but the bicarbonate may be slower to reflect the real problem. Care must be taken when evaluating patients with chronic respiratory acidosis who have secondary issues.

Monitoring parameters

Use pulse oximetry to assess if hypoxemia ensues due to ineffective ventilation. The patient needs close observation for deterioration, so appropriate steps can be taken to provide noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) such as bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) or endotracheal (ET) intubation with mechanical ventilation.


Impaired gas exchange

related to alveolar-capillary membrane changes secondary to pulmonary tissue destruction


Within 24 hours of initiation of treatment, patient improves and is reevaluated. The ultimate goal of adequate gas exchange is evidenced by PaCO2, pH, and SaO2 that are normal or within 10% of patient’s baseline.

image Respiratory Status Ventilation, Vital Signs Status, Respiratory Status: Gas Exchange, Symptom Control Behavior, Comfort Level, Endurance, Acid-Base Management: Respiratory Acidosis

Additional nursing diagnoses and interventions:

Nursing diagnoses and interventions are specific to the pathophysiologic process. See Acute Pneumonia, (p. 373), Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, (p. 365) and Acute Respiratory Failure, (p. 383), along with Mechanical Ventilation, (p. 99).

Respiratory alkalosis

Acute respiratory alkalosis

Respiratory alkalosis occurs as a result of an increase in the minute ventilation (alveolar hyperventilation). Defined as PaCO2 less than 35 mm Hg, acute alveolar hyperventilation results most frequently from anxiety and is commonly referred to as hyperventilation syndrome. Caution must be applied to evaluate whether hyperventilation is actually a compensatory mechanism for primary metabolic acidosis. Although it may become necessary to control the patient’s minute ventilation, in the presence of metabolic acidosis, loss of the hyperventilation compensation may create a life-threatening acidotic pH and profound refractory hypotension and asystole.

In the alkalotic environment, cells release H+ and take up K+. The result is frequently serum hypokalemia (with intracellular hyperkalemia). Kidney compensation for the respiratory alkalosis is not clinically apparent for 4 to 48 hours. Acute respiratory alkalosis progresses to chronic respiratory alkalosis if it persists for longer than 6 hours and/or renal compensation occurs.

Chronic respiratory alkalosis

Chronic respiratory alkalosis is a state of chronic hypocapnia caused by stimulation of the respiratory center. The decreased PaCO2 stimulates the renal compensatory response and results in a proportionate decrease in plasma bicarbonate (and retention of H+) until a new, steady state is reached. Maximal renal compensatory response requires several days to occur and can result in a normal or near-normal pH. Chronic respiratory alkalosis is not commonly seen in acutely ill patients but, when present, it can signal a poor prognosis.