Gas Diffusion

Published on 12/06/2015 by admin

Filed under Pulmolory and Respiratory

Last modified 12/06/2015

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Gas Diffusion

What is Diffusion?

Diffusion is the result of high-speed random motion of gas or liquid molecules. For example, if the number of molecules present in area A is greater than in area B, mathematical probability dictates that more molecules will move from A to B than from B to A. This net movement of molecules from high to low concentrations is called diffusion. Diffusion in the above-mentioned example continues until the molecules are evenly distributed such that the number of molecules moving from A to B and from B to A is the same. This state is called equilibrium.

The high-speed random impacts of atmospheric air molecules on solid surfaces create the atmosphere’s pressure. Air is a gas mixture; the contribution that each gas makes to the atmospheric pressure is proportional to the number of its molecules present (i.e., each gas exerts its own partial pressure, as explained in Chapter 4). A gas diffuses from one point to another when there are differences in its partial pressures within the mixture; the direction of diffusion is always from high to low partial pressure. When no partial pressure difference exists for any gas throughout the mixture, equilibrium is present. Individual gas partial pressure differences are called diffusion gradients. During diffusion, each gas in a mixture moves according to its own diffusion gradient. That is, two different gases may simultaneously diffuse in opposite directions because of oppositely oriented partial pressure gradients. This occurs for oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) across the alveolar capillary membrane (Figure 7-1).

Diffusion is not the same as bulk gas flow, in which a large pressure gradient causes all molecules of all gases to move together in one direction. An example of bulk gas flow is ventilation, in which mouth and alveolar pressure differences cause gas to move in and out of the lungs. In terminal airways and alveoli, random molecular diffusion is the main mechanism whereby gas molecules reach the alveolar surface.

Diffusion Gradients of Respiratory Gases

Figure 7-2 illustrates diffusion gradients between alveolar gas and blood and between blood and body tissues. Inspired air contains about 21% O2 and essentially no CO2. Inspired oxygen partial pressure (PIO2) is about 160 mm Hg, as the following calculation shows:

Conducting airway PO2 is lower than the air’s PO2 because gas in the lung is 100% saturated with water vapor. At body temperature, the partial pressure of water vapor in the lung (PH2O) is 47 mm Hg. PO2 in conducting airways is about 150 mm Hg, as the following calculation shows:

Alveolar PO2 (PAO2) is lower still because CO2 diffuses into the alveoli, diluting incoming O2 and lowering PAO2 to about 100 mm Hg. (Calculation of PAO2 is discussed in the next section.)

The diffusion gradient between alveolar gas and mixed venous blood is much larger for O2 than it is for CO2 (60 mm Hg vs. 6 mm Hg), as shown in Figure 7-2. At rest, these diffusion gradients transfer about 250 mL of O2 into the blood and 200 mL of CO2 into the alveoli each minute. By the time blood leaves the alveolar capillary, the PO2 and PCO2 of the blood have reached equilibrium with alveolar gases, even during exercise when blood flows very rapidly through the capillary. PO2 of blood entering the left atrium is never as high as PO2 of blood leaving the pulmonary capillaries (see Figure 7-2) because a small amount of deoxygenated bronchial venous blood mixes with capillary blood; this constitutes a normal anatomical shunt. Anatomical shunt is mostly responsible for the normal P(A-a)O2 (alveolar-to-arterial oxygen pressure difference). Left atrial blood normally flows unaltered into the systemic arteries.

Alveolar Air Equation

The sum of all gas pressures at any point in the lung must equal 760 mm Hg at sea level. When air—which is CO2-free—is inspired and enters the alveoli, its PCO2 immediately increases to 40 mm Hg as it mixes with the CO2 present in the alveoli; because the sum of all alveolar gas pressures is constant (760 mm Hg), the inspired air PO2 decreases by about 40 mm Hg. If the amount of O2 diffusing out of alveoli into the blood each minute were exactly equal to the amount of CO2 diffusing

from the blood into alveoli each minute, PAO2 would be calculated by simply subtracting alveolar PCO2 (normally 40 mm Hg) from the result of equation 2. However, O2 diffuses out of the alveolus at a greater rate than CO2 diffuses into the alveolus. At rest, pulmonary capillary blood removes about 250 mL per minute of O2 from the alveoli, replacing it with only 200 mL per minute of CO2. The ratio of alveolar CO2 excretion (V˙imageCO2) to blood oxygen uptake (V˙imageO2) is called the respiratory exchange ratio (R), and its value is normally about 0.8 (R=V˙CO2/V˙O2=200/250=0.8image).

When R is equal to 0.8, the CO2 diffusing into the alveolus replaces only 80% of the volume that O2 vacated when it diffused out of the alveolus. This uneven exchange causes the alveolar gas volume to shrink slightly, but alveolar gas pressure remains constant at 760 mm Hg. The shrinkage in alveolar volume concentrates the alveolar nitrogen molecules, which the alveolar air equation takes into account. This equation is known as the ideal alveolar air equation because it assumes the ventilation-to-blood flow ratios of each alveolus in the lung are identical, as the following calculation shows:

In this equation PIO2 equals FIO2 (760 − 47). FIO2 represents inspired oxygen concentration expressed as a decimal fraction. The bracketed part of equation 3 is a correcting factor that considers the effect of R on PAO2. When R equals 1, the correction factor equals 1 and does not need to be applied.

The term 1 − FIO2 is equal to the inspired nitrogen concentration. When R is less than 1, the effect is to increase nitrogen concentration, causing the bracketed term to increase to values greater than 1. In equation 3, if R = 0.8 and FIO2 = 0.21 (room air), the bracketed factor is equal to 1.2.

Examination of equation 3 shows that higher FIO2 values require progressively smaller correction factors; at 100% inspired oxygen (FIO2 = 1.0), no correction is needed. A sufficiently accurate equation for clinical use is a simplified form of equation 3 for patients breathing an FIO2 of 0.60 or less. This is shown as follows:1

For FIO2 values greater than 0.60, a sufficiently accurate clinical equation is as follows:1

In equations 4 and 5, PaCO2 is substituted for PACO2 because these two values are generally equal, unless the lungs have a high degree of alveolar dead space.

A normal PAO2 for a person breathing room air at sea level, with a PaCO2 equal to 40 mm Hg and an R equal to 0.8, is about 100 mm Hg (using equation 4). This is shown as follows:







Table 7-1 summarizes respiratory gas partial pressures at sea level in dry inspired air, humidified (tracheal) air, alveolar air, and mixed expired air. Expired gas PO2, PCO2, and PN2 differ from alveolar values because expired air contains dead space gas mixed with alveolar gas.


Partial Pressures of Gases at Sea Level

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  Dry Air Humidified Air Alveolar Air Expired Air
Gases mm Hg % mm Hg % mm Hg % mm Hg %
Nitrogen 600.2 78.98 563.4