Suggested management plan. CS: cesarean section; FNAIT: fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia; HPA: human platelet antigen; ICH: intracranial hemorrhage; IVIG: intravenous immunoglobulin; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; US, USS: ultrasound scan; FBS: fetal blood sampling; IUPT: intrauterine platelet transfusion.
Key learning points
FNAIT is rare but a potentially disastrous condition.
Management should focus on prevention of ICH.
The majority of ICH occurs during intrauterine life.
There is a lack of good quality evidence to guide management.
The index pregnancy is the most important factor for risk estimation of ICH.
Maternal IVIG administration appears to reduce risk of ICH even when the platelet count shows no response.