Endocrinology and metabolism

Published on 21/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Pediatrics

Last modified 21/03/2015

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12 Endocrinology and metabolism


Significant hypoglycaemia – defined as blood glucose <2.6 mmol/L (as in Case 12.1) – is rare outside the neonatal period. The symptoms of altered consciousness, pallor and sweatiness are secondary to impaired cerebral metabolism (neuroglycopenia) and adrenaline (epinephrine) release. After a period of fasting, blood glucose levels fall, insulin secretion is suppressed and lipolysis leads to ketone body production. Thus, ketosis during fasting is a normal physiological response. This response is exaggerated in ketotic hypoglycaemia, and ketones rise to toxic levels causing severe acidosis, in addition to the presence of hypoglycaemia, as in Case 12.1. Affected children may have recurrent episodes during illness or after exercise. Treatment is with additional high-energy snacks and carbohydrate-containing drinks at bedtimes and during illness.

Hypoglycaemia with ketosis also occurs with hypopituitarism and primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency secondary to growth hormone and/or cortisol deficiency. Metabolic causes include glycogen storage diseases, fatty acid disorders, galactosaemia and fructose intolerance. Absence of ketones with hypoglycaemia implies the presence of insulin; this occurs with dysregulated insulin secretion as occurs in persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy, or insulinoma, or exogenous insulin administration as in diabetes.


Type 1 diabetes mellitus results from progressive immune-mediated destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells, as in Case 12.2. It is increasingly common in children (0.2% of children under 16 years), and the mean age of diagnosis is falling. Insulin deficiency results in progressive hyperglycaemia, weight loss, polydipsia and polyuria (as in Case 12.2). Rapid lipolysis results in production of acidic ketone bodies (ketosis), and ultimately diabetic ketoacidosis, if the symptoms of diabetes are not recognized. For management of diabetic ketoacidosis, see Appendix I, p. 290.

When diabetes is suspected, it is imperative to measure blood glucose. If diabetes is confirmed (random glucose >11.1 mmol/L), then prompt referral to the local diabetes team is indicated, even if the child seems well, as deterioration may be rapid.

In hospital, it is now routine to assess blood ketones (beta-hydroxybutyrate) using a rapid bedside test. This is very helpful in identifying the child with ketoacidosis and gives a result within minutes. Blood ketones above 3.0 mmol/L indicate the potential for ketoacidosis, which is confirmed by blood gas testing. Particularly in the very young, symptoms of diabetes may be difficult to spot. Ketosis may induce abdominal pain and vomiting which may be mistaken for gastroenteritis, and hyperventilation secondary to metabolic acidosis (‘Kussmaul respiration’) may be mistaken for asthma or pneumonia.

After diagnosis, the key goals are to teach the child and parents to administer insulin and to perform blood glucose testing. Insulin administration is facilitated by modern insulin pens and, in the younger child, pens which can administer insulin in ½ unit increments. Blood glucose monitoring should be made integral to insulin therapy, and parents and children should be encouraged to adjust insulin doses from the outset. With conventional ‘human’ insulins, it is necessary to wait 20–30 minutes before eating, but with newer rapid-acting insulin analogues this is unnecessary. Modern intensive insulin regimes use a once-daily injection of long-acting ‘basal’ insulin and mealtime boluses of quick-acting insulin (‘basal-bolus’). This allows flexible mealtimes and insulin dosing adjusted to carbohydrate intake, and is particularly suitable for older children and teenagers with diabetes. Insulin infusion pumps are a refinement of the basal-bolus technique, and are increasingly being used in the UK.

Complications and co-morbidity

Hypoglycaemia is part of life for children with diabetes. Mild hypoglycaemia in which the patient feels ‘low’ occurs commonly in a well-controlled diabetic, but moderate and severe hypoglycaemia should be avoided if possible. Moderate hypoglycaemia induces irritability and autonomic symptoms: sweating, pallor, tachycardia. Recurrent episodes of hypoglycaemia cause loss of hypoglycaemic awareness and greatly increase the risk of severe hypoglycaemia. Severe hypoglycaemia, characterized by collapse, coma or seizures secondary to neuroglycopenia, requires third-party assistance. Treatment of mild and moderate hypoglycaemia is with glucose in the form of food, drink or dextrose tablets or oral glucose gel. Severe hypoglycaemia requires prompt administration of oral glucose gel (not in unconscious or fitting patients), intramuscular glucagon, or, if practicable, intravenous glucose.

Screening for microalbuminuria and elevated blood pressure should be undertaken at least annually from diagnosis. Microalbuminuria is an early marker of diabetic nephropathy. Screening for diabetic retinopathy should commence annually from 12 years of age, ideally with retinal photography. In adults, it is recognized that blood pressure and lipid levels also contribute to complication risk. Trials of therapy are under way to determine whether adolescents may benefit from antihypertensive and lipid-lowering therapies.

Growth may be impaired, particularly if there is marked non-compliance with therapy, and height and weight should be plotted at each visit to the clinic.

Annual thyroid function testing is recommended for all children with diabetes, due to the high incidence of autoimmune thyroid disease. Coeliac screening is recommended at diagnosis. Some centres continue to screen for coeliac disease 3-yearly, but this falls outside current NICE guidance on screening for coeliac disease. The value of lipid screening in children with type 1 diabetes is unclear. Elevated cholesterol and/or triglycerides are commonly seen with poor glycaemic control.

Adrenal insufficiency

The adrenal glands, named for their position at the superior pole of each kidney, comprise an inner medulla and an outer cortex. The medulla secretes the vasoactive catecholamines adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and dopamine. The adrenal cortex secretes the steroids cortisol and aldosterone and a modest quantity of androgens. Cortisol production is stimulated by the pituitary hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH).

Cortisol is essential for survival and has diverse effects on metabolism, immunity and cardiovascular and renal function. These effects are most apparent as mediators of the body’s response to stress, such as illness, through its ability to mobilize glucose stores, improve myocardial and skeletal muscle contractility, and to enhance the pressor action of catecholamines.

Aldosterone has a key role in maintaining electrolyte balance and blood pressure by causing sodium retention and potassium excretion by the kidney. Retention of sodium leads to elevation of blood pressure.

Adrenal insufficiency most often occurs due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (see p. 152) or secondary to hypopituitarism (as in Case 12.3). Primary adrenal insufficiency is extremely rare. It may be congenital, but it most commonly arises from autoimmune destruction of the adrenal gland, often in association with other autoimmune diseases, notably mucocutaneous candidiasis, hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus (polyglandular endocrinopathy), in which case there is often a positive family history. It manifests with insidious malaise, weakness and weight loss and orthostatic hypotension. Hyperpigmentation may occur, classically affecting the buccal mucosa, scars and skin creases.

Physiological steroid replacement with hydrocortisone is essential. This must be doubled or trebled with intercurrent illness, and in severe illness the parenteral route must be used. Failure to give adequate steroid therapy results in adrenal crisis, as in case 12.3, when the patient presents with refractory hypotension, hypoglycaemia, hyponatraemia and variable hyperkalaemia. Prompt treatment with intravenous fluids, glucose and hydrocortisone is essential.

Adrenal crisis may also occur with surgery or intercurrent illness in patients on chronic steroid therapy, or following abrupt cessation of high-dose steroid therapy. Patients at particular risk include those with asthma on high-dose inhaled steroids, notably fluticasone preparations, or those who have recently completed high-dose steroid therapy, such as children with leukaemia or inflammatory bowel disease.