Emergency Veterinary Medicine
3. They are fearful for their lives
4. Their young are approached too closely
5. They are cornered or otherwise threatened
6. They are protecting their territory
Pretrip Animal Health Considerations
The normal vital statistics of trek animals are itemized in Table 63-1.
Emergency Restraint
Know how to create a halter tie (Fig. 63-1) and a temporary rope halter (Fig. 63-2).
FIGURE 63-1 Sequence of steps to create a halter tie.
FIGURE 63-2 Temporary rope halters.
Conditions Common to All Species
Skunk Odor Removal
Management of Odor Removal
1. Neutroleum alpha is nontoxic and may be used on clothing and pets..
2. Skunk-Off is nontoxic and nonirritating, even to mucous membranes, and safe to use on pets and clothing.
3. Odormute is available in granular form and easy to transport. It is nontoxic and may be applied to pets and clothing after being dissolved in water.
4. Summer’s Eve douche is an effective product to neutralize skunk spray odor.
Plant Poisoning
Certain highly toxic plants that grow in wilderness areas of the United States should be recognized as potentially harmful to pack animals (Table 63-2).
Table 63-2
Poisonous Plants That May Affect Horses or Llamas on Trek