Published on 14/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Emergency Medicine

Last modified 14/03/2015

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When a woman is ready to give birth, the contractions of labor are usually intense and uninterrupted, or separated by intervals of less than 3 to 5 minutes. If the child to be born is not the woman’s first, labor can progress very quickly, so don’t wait until the last minute to set up. On the other hand, don’t deliver a baby in the woods if it isn’t necessary. If the child is the mother’s first, if the contractions are more than 5 minutes apart, if the waters have not “broken” (a gush of fluid from the ruptured amniotic sac) and there has been no passage of bloody mucus, and if no bulging is present in the vaginal area, consider whether you have time to make it to the hospital. If the waters have broken and labor has not begun, it is best to evacuate the mother, because delivery must occur or be induced within 24 hours to avoid the onset of an infection that could jeopardize the infant and mother. If the umbilical cord or any other part of the infant other than the head is showing at the vagina, the delivery will be difficult and should be performed if at all possible by a skilled obstetrician.

If delivery is imminent (the mother wishes to push) and you are outdoors, spread a towel or blanket. The birthing process is fairly messy, so don’t expect to salvage the ground cloth. Wear sterile latex rubber gloves from your first-aid kit. If you are allergic to latex, use other nonpermeable gloves (such as nonlatex synthetic). If you don’t have gloves, wash your hands with soap and water. Have the following supplies ready: four towels for drapes; two sturdy strings to tie the umbilical cord; a sharp pair of scissors, scalpel, or knife to cut the umbilical cord; a towel to dry the baby; a blanket to wrap the baby; a rubber suction bulb for the baby’s mouth and nose; and a large plastic bag to carry the placenta.

Have the mother undress below the waist and cover her with a blanket or sheet. She should lie on her side between contractions until she feels that she is ready to push. When she wants to push, have her lie on her back with her legs spread as far apart as possible. Place a towel (drape) over each thigh, across the abdomen, and under the buttocks to “frame” the vagina.

It is extremely helpful to elevate the buttocks with a folded blanket or pile of towels. This is because the most difficult part of a normal birth is delivery of the upper shoulder, which is facilitated by pushing the infant downward at the proper time.

When the mother is undergoing a contraction, and you see some wrinkled skin and a wisp of hair from the infant’s head showing in her vagina, have the mother grab behind her legs and pull them up toward her head, or plant her feet firmly, while she bears down (like having a bowel movement) and pushes. This may go on while the vaginal entrance stretches to accommodate the infant’s head. If the fluid-filled, transparent amniotic sac is bulging out in front of the infant’s head, it can be nicked with a sharp blade or scissors to allow the fluid to be released and the delivery to proceed. Do not do this unless you are absolutely certain that the childbirth will occur away from a hospital. A mother may prefer to squat during delivery, but this makes assisting her more awkward.

During a push, put one hand gently on the infant’s head and another underneath his head, providing countertraction against the woman’s perineum (the area between the anus and the vaginal opening) to allow gradual stretching of the opening and to then assist delivery of the head and control the speed of delivery. You do not want the head to “pop out,” to avoid a large tear in the vagina.

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