Elbow Injuries

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Last modified 11/03/2015

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2 Elbow Injuries

Pediatric Elbow Injuries in the Throwing Athlete: Emphasis on Prevention

Robert C. Manske, PT, DPT, SCS, MEd, ATC, CSCS, and Mark Stovak, MD


Approximately 30 million children and teenagers participate in organized sports in the United States (Adirim and Cheng 2003). Despite the fact that sports are the leading cause of injury in adolescent athletes, it is estimated that more than half of those injuries are preventable (Emery 2003). Pain in the elbow is a common occurrence in young baseball players, especially pitchers. Table 2-1 lists possible differential diagnoses in adolescents with elbow pain. One study found that elbow pain in youth baseball pitchers was associated with multiple factors including age, weight, height, number of pitches thrown during the season, satisfaction with performance, fatigue, lifting weights, and playing outside of the league (Lyman et al. 2001). Studies have found that, during a season, 26% to 35% of youth baseball players have either shoulder or elbow pain, with self-reported shoulder pain in more than 30% of pitchers and elbow pain in more than 25% immediately following a game (Lyman et al. 2001, Lyman et al. 2002). The simple act of throwing is violent because of the stresses it places on the elbow. Because ligaments and muscles are attached to the bone at the medial elbow at a time when the secondary ossification centers are not fused, a traction apophysitis can occur when this growth plate is not able to withstand the forces placed on it. Conversely, compression on the lateral side of the elbow commonly is a cause for Panner’s disease or osteonecrosis of the capitellum.

Table 2-1 Adolescent Elbow Pain Differential Diagnosis

Locale Possible Diagnosis Age (years)
Lateral Avascular necrosis of capitellum (Panner’s) 7–12
  Osteochondritis dissecans 12–16
Medial Medial apophysitis (Little Leaguer’s elbow) 9–12
  Medial collateral ligament strain/sprain All
  Flexor/pronator strain All
  Medial epicondyle avulsion <18
  Ulnar neuritis All
Posterior Olecranon apophysitis  
  Olecranon (posterior) impingement  
  Olecranon osteochondrosis  
  Triceps/olecranon tip avulsions  
Other Fracture All
  Loose bodies >18
  Synovitis All

Little Leaguer’s elbow

Little Leaguer’s elbow is considered a host of elbow pathology in a young throwing athlete. The various types of injuries that can be considered Little Leaguer’s elbow are listed in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Forms of Little Leaguer’s Elbow

Medial epicondyle fragmentation
Medial epicondyle avulsion
Delayed apophyseal growth of medial epicondyle
Accelerated apophyseal growth of medial epicondyle
Delayed closure of the medial epicondylar apophysis
Delayed closure of the olecranon apophysis
Osteochondrosis of the capitellum
Osteochondritis of the capitellum
Osteochondrosis of the radial head
Osteochondritis of the radial head
Hypertrophy of the ulna
Olecranon apophysitis

Medial tension injuries

Medial tension injuries most commonly include medial epicondylar apophysitis. With repetitive stress to the medial elbow in the throwing adolescent, the flexor pronator mass and the ulnar collateral ligament apply tensile forces that cause medial epicondyle apophysitis (Pappas 1982, Rudzki and Paletta 2004). This apophysitis is thought to occur rather than rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament (Joyce et al. 1995). Chronic attritional tears of the ulnar collateral ligament are fairly rare in adolescent athletes (Ireland and Andrews 1988). Despite this rarity, it appears that ulnar collateral injuries are increasing in high school athletes. Petty et al. (2004) reported that the percentage of high school athletes who required ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in their center jumped from 8% between 1988 and 1994 to 13% between 1995 and mid-2003. Injuries to the ulnar collateral ligament in adolescent athletes generally occur as acute events, rather than through attrition as in older, more skeletally mature athletes.


Parents and coaches need to take more control of players, especially those who are at risk. Unfortunately, these are most commonly the “better players,” which is why they may develop these problems to begin with. Petty et al. suggested that the risk of elbow problems in younger athletes can be reduced by following these guidelines:

Several associations have provided recommendations regarding adolescent athletes and prevention of both elbow and shoulder problems. The American Academy of Pediatrics and USA Baseball each have guidelines regarding pitch counts. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limits of 200 pitches per week or 90 per outing, while the USA Baseball Medical and Safety Advisory Committee recommends a more stringent 75 to 125 pitches per week or 50 to 75 pitches per outing depending on age (Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, USA Baseball Medical and Safety Advisory Committee 2001).

USA baseball guidelines

USA Baseball has developed guidelines and recommendations in an effort to decrease the risk of elbow or shoulder injury in vulnerable adolescent athletes.

Pitch Counts

Pitch counts should be carefully monitored and regulated in adolescents. Recommended limits vary depending on age of the pitcher (Table 2-3).

Table 2-3 USA Baseball Recommended Pitch Counts

Age (yrs) 2006 USA Baseball Guidelines 2010 Little League Baseball Regulations
Daily limits
17–18 n/a 105/day
15–16 n/a 95/day
13–14 75/game
11–12 75/game 85/day
9–10 50/game 75/day
7–8 n/a 50/day
Weekly limits
13–14 125/wk; 1000/season; 3000/yr  
11–12 100/wk; 1000/season; 3000/yr
9–10 75/wk; 1000/season; 2000/yr

Lyman et al. (2002) evaluated the association between pitch counts, pitch types, and pitching mechanics with shoulder and elbow pain in young pitchers. They found that more than half of 476 pitchers between the ages of 9 and 14 years of age had shoulder or elbow pain during a single season. Throwing a curveball was associated with a 52% increased risk of developing shoulder pain, and throwing a slider was associated with an 86% increased risk of elbow pain. They also found a significant relationship between the number of pitches thrown during a game and during a season and the rate of elbow pain and shoulder pain.

Additionally, pitchers 16 years of age or younger must adhere to the following rest requirements:

Pitchers 17 to 18 years of age should adhere to the following rest requirements:

Medial Collateral Ligament and Ulnar Nerve Injury at the Elbow

Michael Levinson, PT, CSCS, and David W. Altchek, MD

The medial collateral ligament (MCL) and ulnar nerve of the elbow are frequently injured in throwing athletes. Injuries occur most frequently in baseball players, especially pitchers; however, injuries in other throwing athletes such as quarterbacks and javelin throwers have been documented. Pitching generates a large valgus torque at the elbow. In addition, the angular velocity of the elbow from flexion to extension has been documented to reach 3000 degrees/second. Conservative treatment of these injuries has been poorly documented and without satisfactory results. Improved surgical techniques and greater understanding of rehabilitation principles have made surgery a more successful option for return to throwing. Thus, postoperative rehabilitation is the focus of this chapter.

Anatomy and biomechanics

The MCL is composed of two primary bundles. The anterior bundle runs from the sublime tubercle of the ulna and inserts on the inferior surface of the medial epicondyle. The anterior bundle tightens in extension and loosens in flexion. The posterior band runs from the posterior portion of the medial epicondyle and inserts at the ulna proximal and posterior to the sublime tubercle (Fig. 2-1). The posterior bundle tightens in flexion and loosens in extension. The anterior bundle is the prime focus of the MCL reconstruction. The ulnar nerve runs in the space posterior to the medial epicondyle. The space is referred to as the cubital tunnel. The roof of the tunnel is referred to as the cubital tunnel retinaculum. At this location, the nerve is significantly exposed.

Surgical treatment

Medial Collateral Ligament Reconstruction

Reconstruction of the medial collateral ligament is performed using the “docking technique” described by Altchek et al. (2000). The anterior bundle is the primary focus of the reconstruction. The ipsilateral palmaris longus is the graft of choice. In the absence of this muscle, the gracilus is used. Our rehabilitation guidelines are not affected by graft choice; however, when using the gracilis, the affected lower extremity must be considered.

This procedure includes a routine arthroscopic evaluation of the elbow through a muscle-splitting approach that preserves the flexor–pronator origin (Fig. 2-2). Bone tunnels are created in the humerus and ulna. The graft is “docked” securely in the tunnels with sutures (Fig. 2-3). This technique also minimizes the number of tunnels and reduces the size of the drill holes. Finally, this technique avoids an obligatory ulnar nerve transposition.


Figure 2-2 Exposure is created by splitting the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle.

(Redrawn from Levinson M: Ulnar Collateral Reconstruction in Postsurgical Rehabilitation Guidelines for the Orthopedic Clinician. 1st edition, St. Louis, Elsevier, 2006.)


Figure 2-3 Docking technique: The graft is “docked” securely into the bone tunnels using sutures.

(Redrawn from Levinson M: Ulnar Collateral Reconstruction in Postsurgical Rehabilitation Guidelines for the Orthopedic Clinician. 1st edition, St. Louis, Elsevier, 2006.)

Rehabilitation Overview and Principles

The rehabilitation program following MCL reconstruction is based on the healing restraints and functional demands of the graft (Rehabilitation Protocol 2-1). Time frames for returning to certain activities are based on allowing the graft to both strengthen adequately and regain adequate flexibility. The program features early, safe range of motion (ROM) to allow optimal tissue healing and minimize the effects of immobilization. Elbow ROM in a hinged brace is initiated after 1 week to prevent contracture, provide pain control, enhance collagen formation, and nourish articular cartilage. Range of motion is increased gradually in the brace over the initial 6-week postoperative period. Aggressive, passive stretching should be avoided throughout rehabilitation. Elbow extension is restored using a low-load, long-duration stretch, which has been demonstrated to be an effective method for restoring range of motion.

REHABILITATION PROTOCOL 2-1 Medial Collateral Ligament Reconstruction Guidelines

Strengthening is initiated at 6 weeks and, following kinetic chain principles, the focus of the rehabilitation program is on the scapula and glenohumeral joint. Rotator cuff strengthening is avoided until 8 to 9 weeks so as to avoid any excessive, early valgus stress on the elbow. As the program is progressed, a full upper extremity strengthening program is incorporated. Exercises and drills are incorporated to reproduce the functional demands of the throwing athlete. This includes eccentric training, overhead training, endurance training, and speed training. With a normal strength base, plyometric activities are introduced prior to throwing and hitting.

A recent alteration to the rehabilitation program involves the forearm musculature. It has been our experience that aggressive strengthening of the flexor–pronator group can result in tendinitis or further injury. Most throwers have adequate strength of these muscles secondary to throwing and other upper extremity exercises they perform. Therefore isolated exercises for the flexor–pronator group are either minimized or avoided.

Normal flexibility of the entire upper extremity must also be restored. Specific emphasis is placed on restoring internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint. Glenohumeral internal rotation has been demonstrated to form the physiologic counter to the valgus torque generated during the late cocking phase of throwing. In addition, internal rotation deficits have been associated with valgus instability of the elbow.

Following rehabilitation, if upper extremity strength and flexibility have been normalized, an interval throwing program is initiated at 4 months. An interval hitting program can begin at 5 months. This can be progressed from dry swings to hitting off a tee to live pitching. Pitchers who have completed a long toss program can throw off the mound at 9 months and not expect to pitch competitively until about 1 year.

Rehabilitation following ulnar nerve transposition follows the same progression as the MCL reconstruction; however, the progression is generally shorter (Rehabilitation Protocol 2-2). The brace is discontinued after 3 weeks, at which time a formal strengthening program is begun. A throwing program normally can be initiated at 10 to 12 weeks.

REHABILITATION PROTOCOL 2-2 Ulnar Nerve Transposition Guidelines

Conservative Treatment of Medial Collateral Ligament Injuries

As mentioned previously, improved operative techniques and rehabilitation guidelines have made surgical intervention the treatment of choice, especially for throwing athletes. Little scientific data exist to support conservative treatment, especially in competitive throwers, for return to pre-injury activity level. However, at times conservative treatment may be an option (Rehabilitation Protocol 2-3).

The goals of the initial phase of treatment are to reduce pain and inflammation, promote soft tissue healing, and avoid loss of ROM. Acute, traumatic injuries are sometimes braced; however, chronic, throwing injuries are not. The concern with the elbow is its tendency to become stiff. Reasons for this include the high degree of congruency of the ulnohumeral joint, the inflammatory response of the anterior capsule to trauma, fibrosis of the flexor–pronator, and the fact that the joint is traversed by muscle rather than tendons. Care is taken to avoid or minimize valgus stress to the elbow during the early phases of rehabilitation.

During the intermediate and advanced phases of rehabilitation, the goal is to restore full ROM, strength, and flexibility of the entire upper extremity. Functional progressions are similar to those of postsurgical guidelines with internal and external rotation exercises incorporated into the program later to avoid excessive valgus stress to the elbow. Time frames for these phases tend to be more individual, based on the patient’s symptoms and functional demands. For example, a throwing athlete must be able to perform overhead activities and complete a plyometrics program before beginning a throwing program.

Treating Flexion Contracture (Loss of Extension) in Throwing Athletes

Tigran Garabekyan, MD, and Charles E. Giangarra, MD

Gelinas et al. (2000) reported that 50% of professional baseball pitchers they tested had a flexion contracture (loss of extension) of the elbow. Typically, a loss of up to 10 degrees of extension is unnoticed by the athlete and is not required for “functional” elbow ROM.
Joint mobilization and low-load, long-duration stretching (Fig. 2-4) are advocated for restoration of extension. High-intensity, short-duration stretching is contraindicated for limited elbow ROM (may produce heterotopic ossification).

Recommended criteria for a safe return to sports include

See Rehabilitation Protocol 2-4 for the treatment protocol following elbow arthroscopy.

REHABILITATION PROTOCOL 2-4 After Elbow Arthroscopy

Post-Traumatic Elbow Stiffness

Daniel Woods, MD, and Charles E. Giangarra, MD


The etiology of elbow stiffness has been classified by various authors. Kay (1998) based his scheme on the anatomic components involved. Type I involves soft tissue contractures; type II involves soft tissue contractures with ossification; type III involves nondisplaced articular fracture with soft tissue contracture; type IV involves displaced intra-articular fractures with soft tissue contracture; and type V involves post-traumatic bony bars blocking elbow motion.

Morrey (1990) classified elbow stiffness into intrinsic, extrinsic, and mixed causes (Table 2-5). Intrinsic causes are related to intra-articular pathology resulting from deformities or malalignment of the articular surface, intra-articular adhesions, loose bodies, impinging osteophytes, and fibrosis within the olecranon or coronoid fossa. Extrinsic causes are related to all entities aside from the articular surface. Examples include skin contracture from scars or burns, capsular and collateral ligament contracture, and heterotopic ossification. Another important extrinsic cause is injury to brachialis or triceps resulting in a hemarthrosis, which may cause scarring, fibrosis, and limitation of motion. Entrapment of the ulnar nerve can lead to pain resulting in loss of motion and eventual capsular contracture. Mixed etiologies are defined as extrinsic contractures resulting from intrinsic pathology.

Table 2-5 Morrey’s Causes of Elbow Stiffness by Location of Pathology



Heterotopic ossification

Heterotopic ossification (HO) is an important cause of post-traumatic stiffness of the elbow. Direct trauma, neural axis injury, surgical intervention, and forceful passive manipulation may cause HO, which is directly related to the severity of the initial injury. Noted radiographically approximately 4 to 6 weeks following the event, HO presents with swelling, hyperemia, and loss of motion of the affected joint. HO in the upper extremity has been classified by Hastings and Graham (1994) into three types: I, without functional limitation, II, subtotal limitation, and III, complete bony ankylosis (Table 2-6). Treatment consists of physical therapy and indomethacin or a diphosphonate to begin shortly after the insult. If HO continues to progress, surgical excision of the heterotopic bone when the hyperemia and swelling begin to diminish is indicated. When the HO matures, prompt surgical treatment is important to avoid soft-tissue contractures that may result from prolonged loss of motion.

Table 2-6 Heterotopic Ossification Classification: Upper Extremity

Class Description
I Without functional limitation
II Subtotal limitation
IIA Limitation in flexion/extension
IIB Limitation in pronation/supination
IIC Limitation in both planes of motion
III Complete bony ankylosis

Evaluation of the stiff elbow


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