DNA Technology and Applications

Published on 16/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 16/03/2015

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CHAPTER 4 DNA Technology and Applications

In the history of medical genetics, the ‘chromosome breakthrough’ in the mid-1950s was revolutionary. In the past 4 decades, DNA technology has had a profound effect, not only in medical genetics (Figure 4.1), but also in many areas of biological science (Box 4.1).The seminal developments in the field are summarized in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Development of DNA Technology

Decade Development Examples of Application
1970s Recombinant DNA technology, Southern blot, and Sanger sequencing Recombinant erythropoietin (1987), DNA fingerprinting (1984), and DNA sequence of Epstein-Barr virus genome (1984)
1980s Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Diagnosis of genetic disorders
1990s Capillary sequencing and microarray technology Draft human genome sequence (2001)
2000s Next-generation ‘clonal’ sequencing First acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cancer genome sequenced (2008)

DNA technology can be split into two main areas: DNA cloning and methods of DNA analysis.

DNA Cloning

DNA cloning is the selective amplification of a specific DNA fragment or sequence to produce relatively large amounts of a homogeneous DNA fragment to enable its structure and function to be analyzed in detail.

DNA cloning falls into two main types: techniques that use natural in-vivo cell-based mechanisms of DNA replication and the more recently developed cell-free or in-vitro polymerase chain reaction.

In-vivo Cell-Based DNA Cloning

There are six basic steps in in-vivo cell-based DNA cloning.

Generation of DNA Fragments

Although fragments of DNA can be produced by mechanical shearing techniques, this is a haphazard process producing fragments that vary in size. In the early 1970s, it was recognized that certain microbes contain enzymes that cleave double-stranded DNA in or near a particular sequence of nucleotides. These enzymes restrict the entry of foreign DNA into bacterial cells and were therefore called restriction enzymes. They recognize a palindromic nucleotide sequence of DNA of between four and eight nucleotides in length (i.e., the same sequence of nucleotides occurring on the two complementary DNA strands when read in one direction of polarity, e.g., 5′ to 3′) (Table 4.2). The longer the nucleotide recognition sequence of the restriction enzyme, the less frequently that particular nucleotide sequence will occur by chance and therefore the larger the average size of the DNA fragments generated.

More than 300 different restriction enzymes have been isolated from various bacterial organisms. Restriction endonucleases are named according to the organism from which they are derived (e.g., EcoRI is from Escherichia coli and was the first restriction enzyme isolated from that organism).

The complementary pairing of bases in the DNA molecule means that cleavage of double-stranded DNA by a restriction endonuclease always creates double-stranded breaks, which, depending on the cleavage points of the particular restriction enzyme used, results in either a staggered or a blunt end (Figure 4.2).

Digestion of DNA from a specific source with a particular restriction enzyme will produce the same reproducible collection of DNA fragments each time the process is carried out.


A vector is the term for the carrier DNA molecule used in the cloning process that, through its own independent replication within a host organism, will allow the production of multiple copies of itself. The incorporation of the target DNA into a vector allows the production of large amounts of that DNA fragment.

For naturally occurring vectors to be used for DNA cloning, they need to be modified to ensure that the target DNA is inserted at a specific location and that recombinant vectors containing target inserted DNA can be detected. Many of the early vectors were constructed so that insertion of the target DNA in a gene for antibiotic resistance resulted in loss of that function (Figure 4.3).

The five main types of vector commonly used include plasmids, bacteriophages, cosmids, and bacterial and yeast artificial chromosomes (BACs and YACs). The choice of vector used in cloning depends on a number of factors, such as the particular restriction enzyme being used and the size of the target DNA to be inserted. Some of the early vectors, such as plasmids and bacteriophages, were very limited in terms of the size of the target DNA fragment that could be inserted. Later generations of vectors, such as cosmids, can take inserts up to approximately 50 kb in size. A cosmid is essentially a plasmid that has had all but the minimum vector DNA necessary for propagation removed (i.e., the cos sequence), to enable insertion of the largest possible foreign DNA fragment and still allow replication.

The development of BACs and YACs allows the possibility of cloning DNA fragments of between 300 kb and 1000 kb in size. YACs consist of a plasmid that contains within it the minimum DNA sequences necessary for centromere and telomere formation plus DNA sequences known as autonomous replication sequences, all of which are necessary for accurate replication within yeast. YACs have the advantage that they can incorporate DNA fragments of up to 1000 kb in size as well as allow replication of eukaryotic DNA with repetitive DNA sequences, which often cannot take place in bacterial cells. Many eukaryotic genes are very large, being up to 2 to 3 million base pairs (bp) in length (p. 388). YACs allow detailed mapping of genes of this size and their flanking regions, whereas the use of conventional vectors would require an inordinate number of overlapping clones.

Selection of Specific Clones

Several techniques have been developed to detect the presence of clones with specific DNA sequence inserts. The most widely used method is nucleic acid hybridization (p. 57). Colonies of transformed host bacteria with recombinant clones are used to make replica plates that are lyzed and then blotted on to a nitrocellulose filter to which nucleic acid binds. The DNA of the replica blot is then denatured to make the DNA single stranded, which will allow it to hybridize with single-stranded, radioactively labeled DNA or RNA probes (p. 58), which can then be detected by exposure to an x-ray film, or what is known as autoradiography. In this way, a transformed host bacterial colony containing a sequence complementary to the probe can be detected and, from its position on the replica plate, the colony containing that clone can be identified on the master plate, ‘picked’, and cultured separately (Figure 4.5).

Cell-Free DNA Cloning

One of the most revolutionary developments in DNA technology is the technique first developed in the mid-1980s known as the polymerase chain reaction or PCR. PCR can be used to produce vast quantities of a target DNA fragment provided that the DNA sequence of that region is known.


DNA sequence information is used to design two oligonucleotide primers (amplimers) of approximately 20 bp in length complementary to the DNA sequences flanking the target DNA fragment. The first step is to denature the double-stranded DNA by heating. The primers then bind to the complementary DNA sequences of the single-stranded DNA templates. DNA polymerase extends the primer DNA in the presence of the deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP) to synthesize the complementary DNA sequence. Subsequent heat denaturation of the double-stranded DNA, followed by annealing of the same primer sequences to the resulting single-stranded DNA, will result in the synthesis of further copies of the target DNA. Some 30 to 35 successive repeated cycles results in more than 1 million copies (amplicons) of the DNA target, sufficient for direct visualization by ultraviolet fluorescence after ethidium bromide staining, without the need to use indirect detection techniques (Figure 4.6).

PCR allows analysis of DNA from any cellular source containing nuclei; in addition to blood, this can include less invasive samples such as buccal scrapings or pathological archival material. It is also possible to start with quantities of DNA as small as that from a single cell, as is the case in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (p. 335). Great care has to be taken with PCR, however, because DNA from a contaminating extraneous source, such as desquamated skin from a laboratory worker, will also be amplified. This can lead to false-positive results unless the appropriate control studies are used to detect this possible source of error.

Another advantage of PCR is the rapid turnaround time of samples for analysis. Use of the heat-stable Taq DNA polymerase isolated from the bacterium Thermophilus aquaticus, which grows naturally in hot springs, generates PCR products in a matter of hours rather than the days or weeks required for cell-based in-vivo DNA cloning techniques.

Real-time PCR machines have reduced this time to less than 1 hour, and fluorescence technology is used to monitor the generation of PCR products during each cycle, thus eliminating the need for gel electrophoresis.

DNA cloning by PCR, in contrast to in-vivo cell-based techniques, has the disadvantage that it requires knowledge of the nucleotide sequence of the target DNA fragment and is best used to amplify DNA fragments of up to 1 kb, although long-range PCR allows the amplification of larger DNA fragments of up to 20 kb to 30 kb.