Chapter 3
Diffusing Capacity Tests
1. Identify the steps for performing the single-breath Dlco.
2. List at least two criteria for an acceptable single-breath Dlco test.
3. Describe why Dlco is often reduced in emphysema.
1. Describe at least two nonpulmonary causes for reduced Dlco.
2. Explain the significance of a reduced Dl/VA.
3. Compare diffusion limitation caused by membranes and pulmonary capillary blood volume.
Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity
CO combines with hemoglobin (Hb) approximately 210 times more readily than oxygen (O2). In the presence of normal amounts of Hb and normal ventilatory function, the primary limiting factor to diffusion of CO is the status of the alveolocapillary membranes. This process of conductance across the membranes can be divided into two components: membrane conductance (Dm) and the chemical reaction between CO and Hb (Figure 3-1). Dm reflects the process of diffusion across the alveolocapillary membrane. Uptake of CO by Hb depends on the reaction rate (θ) and the pulmonary capillary blood volume (Vc). These two components occur in series, so the diffusion conductance can be expressed as:

A small amount of CO in inspired gas produces measurable changes in the concentration of inspired versus expired gas. Because little or no CO is normally present in pulmonary capillary blood, the pressure gradient causing diffusion is basically the alveolar pressure (PAco). If the partial pressure of CO in the alveoli and the rate of uptake of the gas can be measured, the Dlco of the lung can be determined. There are several methods for determining Dlco (Table 3-1). All methods are based on the following equation:
Table 3-1
Advantages and Disadvantages of Dlco Testing Methods
Method | Technique | Advantages | Disadvantages | Applications |
Dlcosb (breath hold) | CO and tracer gas analysis relatively simple; 10-sec breath hold | Easy calculations, simple, fast; highly standardized and automated; minimal COHb back-pressure effect | Sensitive to distribution of ventilation and ![]() ![]() |
Screening and clinical applications |
Dlcorb (rebreathing) | Rapid analysis of CO and tracer gas required; rebreathing must be controlled | Less sensitive to VA than Dlcosb; less sensitive to ![]() ![]() |
Complex calculations (computerized); rapidly responding analyzers required; sensitive to COHb back-pressure | Clinical and research applications; provides most accurate Dlco |
Dlcoib (intrabreath) | Rapid analysis of CO and tracer gas during single controlled exhalation | Breath holding not required; can be used during exercise | Complex calculations (computerized); flow must be controlled; sensitive to uneven ![]() ![]() |
Screening and clinical applications; may be useful in patients who cannot hold their breath |
1/Dm + 1/θVc (membrane diffusing capacity) | Dlcosb repeated at two different levels of alveolar PO2 | Differentiates membrane transfer resistance from red cell uptake | Complex calculations; estimates of alveolar PO2 are critical | Research with limited clinical applications |

co milliliters of CO transferred/minute (STPD)
PAco = mean alveolar partial pressure of CO
PCco = mean capillary partial pressure of CO, assumed to be 0
Dlco is expressed in milliliters of gas/minute/unit of driving pressure at STPD conditions.
Single Breath-Hold Technique (Modified Krogh’s Technique)
The patient exhales to RV and then inspires a vital capacity breath (referred to as the IVC or VI) from a system such as that in Figure 3-2. A special diffusion gas mixture is delivered either from a spirometer, a reservoir bag, or by means of a demand valve. The diffusion mixture usually contains 0.3% CO, a “tracer” gas, 21% O2, and the balance is N2. The tracer gas is usually an insoluble, inert gas such as helium (He), methane (CH4), or neon (Ne). The tracer used depends on the type of analyzer implemented to analyze the exhaled gas. The traditional method used He (usually about 10%) as the tracer gas. Rapidly responding infrared analyzers (see Chapter 11) have been used for continuous analysis of the small changes in CO. The same type of infrared analyzer can use CH4 as the tracer gas, so that a single analyzer can rapidly detect changes in both CO and the tracer. Another method uses gas chromatography (see Chapter 11) to detect changes in CO with neon used as the tracer gas.

FAco0 = fraction of CO in alveolar gas at beginning of breath hold (time = 0)
FIco = fraction of CO in reservoir (usually 0.003)
FAtracer = fraction of tracer in alveolar gas sample
FItracer = fraction of tracer in inspired gas (varies with tracer gas used)

VA = alveolar volume, mL (STPD)
60 = correction from seconds to minutes
PB = barometric pressure, mm Hg
47 = water vapor pressure at 37 °C, mm Hg
T = breath-hold interval, seconds
FAco0 = fraction of CO in alveolar gas at beginning of breath hold
FAcoT = fraction of CO in alveolar gas at end of breath hold
VA may be calculated from the single-breath dilution of the tracer gas:

VI = volume of test gas inspired, mL (see Figure 3-3)

VD = dead space volume (anatomic and instrumental), mL
FAtracer = fraction of tracer in alveolar gas sample
FItracer = fraction of tracer in inspired gas (depends on tracer used)

FAtracer = fraction of tracer in alveolar gas, equal to FAco0
FAcoT = fraction of CO in alveolar gas at end of breath hold
Ln = natural logarithm of the ratio
This technique avoids the necessity of analyzing the absolute concentrations of the two gases. However, it requires that the analyzers be linear with respect to each other. Analysis of CO is often done using infrared analyzers (see Chapter 11), and their output is nonlinear. Care must be taken to ensure that corrected CO readings are used in the computation. These corrections are easily accomplished either electronically or via software in computerized systems. Systems that use the same detector for both CO and the tracer gas (e.g., infrared, gas chromatography) also need to provide linear output. The linearity of the system should be within 0.5% of full scale. This means that any drift or nonlinearity should cause no more than a 0.5% error when analyzing a known gas concentration (See Chapter 12).
Dlco gas analysis is commonly performed with either a rapidly responding multigas analyzer or gas chromatography. Multigas analysis uses specialized infrared analyzers capable of detecting several gases simultaneously. These systems use methane (CH4) as a tracer gas. One advantage of multigas analysis is that CO and CH4 are measured rapidly and continuously (Figure 3-4) so that the calculated Dlco is available as soon as the exhalation has been completed. Gas chromatography (see Chapter 10) can also be used for Dlco gas analysis. Neon (Ne) is used as the tracer gas (Figure 3-5). Helium is used as a “carrier” gas for the chromatograph. Although gas analysis using chromatography is slow (60–90 seconds), it is extremely accurate.

The timing device for the maneuver should be accurate to within 100 msec over a 10-second interval (1%). Most computerized systems time the maneuver automatically. However, a means of verifying the accuracy of the breath-hold time should be available. The Jones and Meade method of timing the breath hold should be used (see Figure 3-5). The Jones and Meade method measures breath-hold time from 0.3 of the inspiratory time to the midpoint of the alveolar sample collection.
Dlcosb maneuvers should be performed after the patient has been seated for at least 5 minutes. The patient should refrain from exertion immediately before the test; exercise increases cardiac output, which increases Dlco. The patient should be instructed about the requirements of the maneuver and the technique demonstrated. Expiration to RV should be of a reasonable duration, usually 6 seconds or less. Patients who have airway obstruction may have difficulty exhaling completely in this interval. Inspiration to TLC should be rapid but not forced. Healthy subjects and patients with airway obstruction should be able to inspire at least 85% of their VC within 4 seconds (Criteria for Acceptability 3-1). The single-breath calculation assumes instantaneous filling of the lung. Prolonged inspiratory times will decrease the actual time of breath holding at TLC, typically resulting in a lower Dlco. The breath hold should be relaxed, against either the closed glottis or a closed valve. The patient should avoid excessive positive intrathoracic pressure (Valsalva maneuver) or excessive negative intrathoracic pressure (Müller maneuver). A Valsalva maneuver reduces pulmonary capillary blood volume and may produce a falsely low Dlco. A Müller maneuver increases pulmonary capillary blood volume and may falsely increase Dlco. Expiration after the breath hold should be smooth and uninterrupted. Exhalation should take less than 4 seconds, and alveolar gas sampling should occur in less than 3 seconds (again because the calculations assume instantaneous emptying of the lung). Patients who have moderate or severe airway obstruction may have difficulty achieving these criteria. The breath-hold time, measured using the Jones and Meade method (see Figure 3-3), should be 10 seconds ± 2 seconds. Prolonged inspiratory or expiratory times may result in breath-hold times greater than 12 seconds and should be noted on the report.
To obtain an alveolar sample, dead space gas needs to be washed out (i.e., discarded). A washout of 0.75–1.0 L is usually sufficient to clear the patient and sampling device dead space. For patients with small vital capacities (>2.0 L), the washout volume may be reduced to 0.5 L. A sample volume of 0.5–1.0 L should be collected, but a smaller sample may be necessary in patients whose VC is less than 1 L. In Dlcosb systems that analyze expired gas continuously (see Figure 3-4), inspection of the washout of the tracer gas may be used to select an appropriate alveolar sample. Rapidly responding gas analyzers that measure the CO and tracer gas simultaneously allow adjustment of washout volume (i.e., dead space) and sample volume after completion of the maneuver. These adjustments may be particularly useful in subjects who have very small vital capacities (e.g., pediatric patients or adults with severe restrictive disease). Such adjustments assume that both the CO and tracer gas concentrations reflect changes occurring at the mouth. Alveolar sampling may be adjusted to begin at the point where the tracer gas and CO indicate an “alveolar plateau” (see Figure 3-4). In patients who have uneven mixing or emptying of the lungs, there may not be a clear demarcation between dead space and alveolar gas. Adjustments to either washout (dead space) volume or sample volume should be noted on the report.
Two or more acceptable Dlcosb maneuvers (see Criteria for Acceptability 3-1) should be averaged. Duplicate determinations should be within 3 mL CO/min/mm Hg of each other, or within 10% of the largest value obtained from an acceptable effort. No more than five repeated maneuvers should be performed because of the effect of increasing carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) from inhalation of the test gas. There should be a 4-minute delay between repeated maneuvers to allow for washout of the tracer gas from the lungs.

Actual | Predicted | % | |
Dlco mL/min/mm Hg | 19.0 | 25.0 | 76 |
Dlco (Hb corrected) mL/min/mm Hg | 19.0 | 19.9 | 95 |

Dlco predicted for altitude = Dlco predicted/(1.0+0.0031[PIO2-150])