Published on 22/06/2015 by admin

Filed under Complementary Medicine

Last modified 22/06/2015

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Botanical Names: Turnera diffusa, Turnera aphrodisiaca#
Family: Turneraceae
Plant Part Used: Leaf

# Alternative name.


Actions Nervine tonic, tonic, mild laxative
Potential Indications

Contraindications None known. Warnings and Precautions None required. Interactions None known. Use in Pregnancy and Lactation No adverse effects expected. Side Effects None expected if taken within the recommended dose range. Dosage Dose per day* Dose per week*   3–6 ml of 1:2 liquid extract 20–40 ml of 1:2 liquid extract

* This dose range is extrapolated from the British Pharmaceutical Codex 1934, the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia 1983, the British Herbal Compendium 1992, and the author’s education and experience.


Traditional Prescribing
Impotence and frigidity in both sexes,1,2 irritation of the urinary mucous membranes, renal catarrh2
Native Brazilians and Mexicans used damiana, with early documented use by the Mayan people. Uses by native northern Mexicans included muscular and nervous debility, as an aphrodisiac and emmenagogue, for menstrual disorders, to aid in childbirth, and for spermatorrhea, orchitis, nephritis, and irritable bladder. In addition to the aphrodisiac uses, Hispanic herbalists of Mexico used damiana for sterility, nervous disorders, and diabetes.35 Damiana was also consumed in Mexico as a pleasant, stimulating, tonic beverage without the side effects of tea or coffee and was employed therapeutically as a hot drink for suppressed menstruation.6
Damiana was official in the NF from 1916 to 1942 and was referred to as a stimulant and laxative, with a reputation as an aphrodisiac.7
Pharmacologic Research
A methanol extract of damiana induced relaxation of isolated smooth muscle from the corpus cavernosum.8 Oral administration of damiana extract (0.25 to 1.0 ml/kg) demonstrated a stimulating effect on the sexual behavior of male rats. Copulatory performance was improved in sexually sluggish or impotent animals, but not in potent animals.9
Oral administration of damiana infusion resulted in hypoglycemic activity in an experimental model.10 Aqueous alcohol (70%) and 100% alcohol extracts of damiana inhibited the formation of gastric lesions in several experimental models after oral or intragastric administration.11
Clinical Studies No clinical studies using damiana have been found.


Botanical Name: Taraxacum officinale
Family: Compositae
Plant Parts Used: Leaf, root


Actions Dandelion leaf and root are considered to have similar actions:bitter tonic, choleretic, diuretic (especially leaf), mild laxative, and antirheumatic.
Potential Indications

Both the traditional prescribing information and the information obtained from pharmacologic research suggest that dandelion leaf has the stronger diuretic activity and dandelion root has the stronger choleretic and cholagogue activities. This data should be reflected in the preferred use of the specific plant parts. Contraindications Dandelion leaf and root are contraindicated in closure of the bile ducts, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction,1 and known allergy. (A sesquiter-pene lactone found in both leaf and root is responsible for causing allergic dermatitis. Other constituents within dandelion may also be allergenic.2) Warnings and Precautions Interactions None known. Use in Pregnancy and Lactation No adverse effects expected. Side Effects None expected if taken within the recommended dose range. Dosage Dandelion leaf:     Dose per day* Dose per week*   6.0–11.5 ml of 1:1 liquid extract 40–80 ml of 1:1 liquid extract   Dandelion root:     Dose per day* Dose per week*   3 to 6 ml of 1:2 liquid extract 20 to 40 ml of 1:2 liquid extract

* This dose range is extrapolated from the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia 1983, the British Herbal Compendium 1992, and the author’s education and experience.


Traditional Prescribing
In traditional Western herbal medicine, the uses of dandelion leaf are similar to those of dandelion root, but the leaf was considered to be weaker in activity than the root (except for diuretic activity).4
Native Americans used dandelion root for heartburn and as a bitter tonic. Dandelion root was official in the USP from 1831 to 1926 and remained official in the NF until 1965. Dandelion root was used as a diuretic, tonic, and mild laxative.6
Native Americans also used dandelion leaf as a tonic.6
Pharmacologic Research