Coronary Artery Disease: Ischemia, Infarction, and Complications

Published on 21/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 21/06/2015

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11 Coronary Artery Disease

Ischemia, Infarction, and Complications

Wall Motion Abnormalities and Their Relation to Blood Flow

Due to the high myocardial extraction of oxygen (the greatest O2 extraction by any organ in the body), myocardial function is dependent on adequate perfusion. The correlation of coronary blood flow and myocardial motion and thickening is the flow–function relationship. Reduced coronary flow results in reduced wall motion (translation) and thickening. Hence, the echocardiographic hallmark of ischemia/infarction is segmental wall motion disturbance. Systolic wall thickening is viewed as a superior (more specific) depiction of myocardial function than is translation for the following reasons:

Conduction disturbances render translation more difficult to assess than thickening. Given the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD), wall motion abnormalities (WMAs) are seen most commonly in the context of CAD, but are not specific for it.

Although echocardiographic estimates using wall motion correlate well with autopsy estimates of infarction,1,2 in general, echocardiography tends to overestimate the amount of ischemic/infarcting muscle.3 Pathologic:echocardiographic correlations

Echocardiography for Wall Assessment in Acute Myocardial Infarction

Wall motion score index at the time of acute myocardial infarction (MI) is prognostic of the in-hospital course. A wall motion score index >2 has a higher incidence of the following:

In terms of 1-year mortality, a WMS <2 has high predictive value for a good prognosis and low complication rate. A WMS >7 on admission predicts Killip Class 3 or 4 with a sensitivity of 88%, specificity of 57%, positive predictive value of 35%, and negative predictive value of 95%, and may, therefore, be helpful in identifying early low-risk patients.4 The degree of systolic function of the nonischemic/infarcting myocardial segments is largely a function of the adequacy of perfusion to these other territories. The normal response of noninfarcting myocardium is hyperkinesia. The absence of hyperkinesia correlates with more extensive CAD (e.g., prior infarction, acute ischemia, stunning, or hibernation), and high risk for early mortality.4,5 Echocardiography is superior to electrocardiography in determining infarct extension.6 Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular systolic function (presence/absence of WMAs) in patients presenting to the emergency department with cardiac-related symptoms is able to stratify patients (Table 11-1).

Echocardiographic Views to Assess Left Ventricular Wall Motion and its Relation to Coronary Arteries

The LV segmental nomenclature suggested by the American Society of Echocardiography lends itself to inference of underlying coronary artery anatomy and lesions.

Coronary Care Unit Echocardiographic Studies

Echocardiography for the Assessment of Complications of Acute Myocardial Infarction

Pump Failure

Mechanical Complications of Infarction

Free Wall Rupture

Free wall rupture accounts for approximately 10% of postinfarction sudden deaths. Rupture typically occurs through the lateral (but it may be through any) wall of the left ventricle. The right ventricle is one-seventh as likely to rupture as the LV. Rupture occurs only following a transmural infarction. The time is typically 3 to 5 days following MI, but may be earlier, especially if the patient received fibrinolytics. A subset of patients with free wall rupture will not experience immediate sudden death: this group is said to have “subacute rupture”7 with echocardiographic signs of tamponade, pericardial effusion >5 mm, and echodensities in the pericardial space that represent coagulated blood. Suspected clot in the pericardial space, which appears as an echo-dense mass in the pericardial space, may be a sign of free wall rupture8 and renders the likelihood of evacuation through a pericardiocentesis needle unlikely. Urgent surgical repair will salvage some cases. Bedside echocardiography is the most suitable test to identify free wall rupture. Ultimately, there is no perfect echocardiographic sign to distinguish severe early postinfarction tamponade from rupture. Identification of clot in the pericardial space is useful, however.

Left Ventricular (or Other) False Aneurysm

Ventricular false or “pseudo” aneurysms contain no myocardial layer; a free wall rupture is contained by adherence of overlying pericardium or by a thin layer of epicardium beneath pericardium. A false aneurysm develops because a tear into a portion of recently transmurally infarcted myocardium extended up to the epicardium or even through it, and complete rupture of the LV into the pericardial cavity was avoided because pericardial adhesions (the result of prior pericarditis) contained the rupture. Thus, a false aneurysm is to be considered an intermediate form of rupture, and reparative surgery is urgently indicated. The contained rupture typically extends away from the neck to appear as an echo-free space with the shape of a mushroom cap. The neck usually is less than half the width of the body of the false aneurysm. This is in contradistinction to the wide neck of a (true) aneurysm, which usually is as wide as the body of the aneurysm itself (the dimension of the neck/the dimension of the body is 0.9 to 1.0).9 It is the width of the neck, more than any other detail, that renders the outpouching of the LV a false aneurysm rather than a true aneurysm. In systole, the false aneurysm typically bulges out as it receives part of the LV stroke volume. The flow in and out (or “to-and-fro”) is evident by color and spectral Doppler.10 Two-dimensional echocardiography is the procedure of choice to establish the presence of a pseudoaneurysm. Cineangiography and MRI also are excellent means to image false aneurysms. Confusion occurs about aneurysms of the base of the LV between the body of the posteromedial papillary muscle and the mitral annulus. Often the traction of the papillary muscle keeps the neck narrow, replicating the sign of a false aneurysm. Thus the “neck” sign is best applied away from the trouble spot on the posterolateral wall, where both aneurysms and false aneurysms occur, but where they cannot be easily distinguished by neck morphology alone.

The diagnosis can be made by TTE in most cases. TEE offers confirmation in some cases that the neck is narrow, and the wall disrupted. TEE is probably better able to image posterior wall false aneurysms and may increase the detection rate of small posterior false aneurysms.