Chapter 20
Control of Cardiac Output and Hemodynamic Measurements
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• Describe how various physiological factors affect preload, afterload, and contractility
• Distinguish between factors that affect venous return and cardiac output
• Describe the way in which cardiac output and venous return are interdependent
• Use combined cardiac and venous return curves to illustrate the compensatory interaction between the heart and vasculature during abnormal hemodynamic conditions
• Explain why decreased left ventricular contractility leads to pulmonary edema
• Explain why various clinical hemodynamic measurements are indicators of preload, afterload, and contractility
• Develop diagnostic classifications based on analysis of hemodynamic data
• Develop a general therapeutic approach based on analysis of hemodynamic data
left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP)
mean circulatory filling pressure
mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP)
pulmonary artery end-diastolic pressure (PAEDP)
pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI)
right ventricular end-diastolic pressure (RVEDP)
Factors Controlling Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is determined by (1) peripheral circulatory factors that affect venous return, such as vascular resistance and blood volume, and (2) the heart’s ability to pump the amount of blood it receives through the veins. The factors affecting venous return are normally the most important in controlling cardiac output in healthy people. The built-in Frank-Starling mechanism in the normal heart automatically adjusts to any amount of blood returning from the veins. Any increase in venous return is immediately pumped into the aorta. Only in pathological conditions does the heart fail to pump all of the blood it receives—in which case pumping ability becomes the factor that determines cardiac output.1
Cardiac Factors
Preload: Frank-Starling Mechanism
An increased venous return increases the end-diastolic or filling volume of the ventricles. The greater the end-diastolic volume, the more the ventricular muscle fibers are stretched. This load, or stretch, placed on myocardial fibers just before contraction is the heart’s preload. According to the Frank-Starling law, an increase in preload causes myocardial fibers to contract with greater force and eject a greater stroke volume (see Chapter 17). Within physiological limits, the ventricles pump all the blood they receive without allowing it to dam in the atria and veins. Figure 20-1 is a Frank-Starling curve, also known as a cardiac function curve.

Another mechanism related to muscle fiber stretch also influences cardiac output. When increased venous return stretches the right atrial wall, it stretches the sinoatrial node, increasing its impulse generation frequency by 10% to 20%.1 Myocardial fiber stretch increases cardiac output by increasing both contraction force and heart rate, although the Frank-Starling mechanism is the most important in this regard.
Contractility and Ejection Fraction
The force of myocardial muscle fiber contraction for a given preload and afterload is known as the heart’s contractility. In other words, the heart’s response to changes in preload while the afterload is constant is a measure of contractility. A heart with increased contractility produces a greater stroke volume for a given preload (filling pressure) than a heart with normal contractility. This means that the ventricle ejects a larger fraction of its end-diastolic volume as contractility increases—that is, the ejection fraction increases. Ejection fraction is thus a measure of ventricular contractility. The heart’s normal ejection fraction is approximately 60% of the end-diastolic volume under resting conditions; in strenuous exercise, it may increase to 90%.1
The concept of contractility is shown in the Frank-Starling curves in Figure 20-2. These curves are also known as cardiac function curves. The greater the heart’s contractility, the greater is its workload and oxygen demand. Factors influencing the heart’s contractility are called inotropic factors. Positive inotropic factors increase the heart’s contractility; negative inotropic factors decrease contractility.
Vascular Factors
Vascular factors affecting venous blood return are the most important factors in regulating cardiac output in the normal heart.1 Venous blood flow returning to the right atrium is equal to the sum of all venous blood flows from all parts of the peripheral circulation.
Long-term peripheral vascular resistance is a very important factor in determining venous return and cardiac output levels. The effect of chronically increased peripheral vascular resistance is to reduce the cardiac output level, whereas a chronic decrease in vascular resistance increases the cardiac output.1 In the long-term, cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance change in opposite directions.
Blood volume is also an important vascular factor in determining cardiac output. For example, severe hemorrhage decreases the circulating volume to such a low level that there is not enough pressure to push blood back to the heart; the heart is underfilled, and cardiac output decreases. In the end, the major vascular factors that determine venous return and cardiac output are (1) right atrial pressure, which represents a force hindering venous blood return to the heart; (2) mean filling pressure of the systemic circulation, which is the force pushing blood back to the heart; and (3) vascular resistance to blood flow between the peripheral vessels and the right atrium.1
Venous Return Curves
As discussed earlier, the cardiovascular system consists of cardiac and vascular subdivisions. The Frank-Starling curve (see Figure 20-1) is relevant to the cardiac subdivision; it illustrates the relationship between cardiac output and right atrial pressure. The venous return curve (Figure 20-3) is relevant to the vascular subdivision; it illustrates the relationship between right atrial pressure and venous return. A positive feedback relationship exists between the cardiac and vascular subdivisions: In the cardiac subdivision, an increase in right atrial pressure causes an increase in cardiac output (Frank-Starling mechanism); in the vascular subdivision, an increase in cardiac output secondary to increased contractility causes a decrease in right atrial pressure, which enhances venous return.2 At any given point in time, the right atrial pressure is common to both cardiac and vascular subdivisions, simultaneously playing a different role in each.

The venous return curve shows that if cardiac output were to suddenly fall to zero (as it would in cardiac arrest) and if all neural circulatory reflexes were abolished, right atrial pressure would increase to a maximum of about 7 mm Hg, reflecting the overall static equilibrium between venous and arterial pressures.1 This hypothetical vascular equilibrium pressure established under static, no-flow conditions is called the mean circulatory filling pressure. The vascular equilibrium pressure in this hypothetical situation is lower than the simple average of pressures in venous and arterial vessels because the veins are highly distensible and serve as a large reservoir in which blood pools.
The mean circulatory filling pressure is determined by two major factors: the blood volume and intravascular space, or the size of the vascular “container.” The intravascular space is determined mainly by vessel diameter, which is a factor of (1) the elastic recoil force of the vessels and (2) vessel smooth muscle tone, or the degree of vasoconstriction present.3 When blood is circulating normally, the average pressure at the venous end of the systemic capillaries is about equal to the theoretical mean circulatory filling pressure.3 The difference between this pressure and right atrial pressure is the pressure gradient that drives venous return.1 If the heart fails to pump all the blood it receives from the veins, blood dams up in the right atrium and increases its pressure, which decreases the pressure gradient that drives venous return. As a result, venous inflow of blood falls to match the failing heart’s reduced pumping capacity. On the other hand, if cardiac contractility increases and the heart pumps out more blood than it receives, right atrial pressure falls, increasing the pressure gradient that drives venous return.
If the heart pumps blood so vigorously that right atrial pressure falls below zero (see Figure 20-3), venous return and cardiac output stop rising. The reason for this phenomenon is that as the heart contracts more powerfully, it generates an increasingly greater subatmospheric pressure in the right atrium and the inferior vena cava, collapsing this great vein just before it enters the thoracic cavity; that is, the higher abdominal cavity pressure surrounding the vein caves in its walls just before it enters the chest. As a result, venous return and cardiac output cannot increase further.
Effect of Blood Volume and Arteriolar Resistance on Venous Return Curve
Figure 20-4 illustrates the effect of increased and decreased blood volume on the venous return curve. The mean circulatory filling pressure, hypothetically equal to intravascular pressure during circulatory standstill, depends only on vessel wall recoil (compliance) and blood volume. For a given vessel compliance, increased blood volume (hypervolemia) increases the mean circulatory filling pressure; decreased blood volume (hypovolemia) decreases mean circulatory filling pressure. Figure 20-4 illustrates this concept, showing mean circulatory filling pressures of 9 mm Hg for hypervolemia, 7 mm Hg for normovolemia, and 5 mm Hg for hypovolemia. In other words, the more the vascular space is filled, the “tighter” the vessels become; this increases the mean circulatory filling pressure and shifts the venous return curve up and to the right. Conversely, the less the vascular space is filled, the “looser” the system becomes, lowering the mean circulatory filling pressure and shifting the venous return curve down and to the left.
Figure 20-5 illustrates the effect of arteriolar resistance on the venous return curve. Because the arterioles contain only about 3% of the total blood volume, their constriction or dilation does not significantly affect mean circulatory filling pressure.4 Therefore, the venous return curves representing different arteriolar resistances in Figure 20-5 have different slopes but converge on the same mean circulatory filling pressure “hinge” point (7 mm Hg). (These curves assume that blood volume and vascular compliance remain constant.) Figure 20-5 shows that a decrease in arteriolar resistance allows more blood to flow through systemic capillaries, into the veins, and into the right atrium. This rotates the curve about its mean circulatory filling pressure hinge point (7 mm Hg) in an upward direction; the decrease in the curve’s slope denotes less resistance (higher cardiac output for a given right atrial pressure). Conversely, high arteriolar resistance decreases the amount of blood that can flow through systemic capillaries each minute and reduces blood return to the right atrium; this rotates the venous return curve around the same hinge point in a downward direction; the increased slope of the curve denotes greater resistance (lower cardiac output for a given right atrial pressure).
Coupling of the Heart and Vasculature: Guyton Diagram
Figure 20-6 shows the coupling of the heart and systemic blood vessels. The blood pressure at the venous end of the systemic capillaries is represented by the 7-mm high blood column at the right of the figure. The pressure at the bottom of the blood column is the mean circulatory filling pressure (7 mm Hg). Right atrial pressure is 0 mm Hg, so a pressure gradient of 7 mm Hg exists between the venous end of the capillaries and the right atrium. This gradient supplies the force or “push” to move blood through the veins to the right atrium.1
Both venous return and cardiac output curves can be superimposed on the same graph, forming a Guyton diagram (Figure 20-7)2; this requires the axes of the venous return curve to be reversed (compare with Figure 20-3). The point at which the cardiac function and venous return curves intersect identifies the right atrial pressure common to both the cardiac and the vascular subdivisions of the cardiovascular system. This intersection is the cardiovascular system’s equilibrium or operating point, the point at which cardiac output and venous return are equal. The Guyton diagram in Figure 20-3 represents the normal circulation in which a right atrial pressure of about 2 mm Hg is associated with a cardiac output and venous return of about 5 L per minute.
Effect of Contractility Changes
Figure 20-8 illustrates the effect of increased and decreased myocardial contractility on the cardiovascular system. Point A is the normal operating point. In a hypothetical situation in which only contractility increases (constant blood volume and vascular resistance), the cardiac function curve moves up and to the left, intersecting the venous return curve at point B. This point represents a new equilibrium in which the heart pumps more blood from the right atrium, decreasing right atrial pressure and increasing the gradient for venous return. Consequently, venous return increases to match the increased cardiac output. In the end, cardiac output and venous return are greater at a lower right atrial (preload) pressure, which is the hallmark of increased contractility.
Conversely, if myocardial contractility suddenly decreases (assuming a constant blood volume and vascular resistance), cardiac output decreases. The cardiac function curve moves down and to the right, intersecting the venous return curve at point C in Figure 20-8. This point represents a new equilibrium in which the heart pumps less blood than normal from the right atrium, and right atrial pressure increases. The resulting decrease in the venous return pressure gradient is consistent with the decreased cardiac output. In this situation, cardiac output and venous return are lower at a higher right atrial pressure, which is a hallmark of decreased contractility (e.g., congestive heart failure). (The term “congestive” refers to the congestion or pooling of blood in the veins.)
Effects of Blood Volume Changes
An increased blood volume (as occurs with intravenous fluid infusion) increases vascular pressures throughout the system; mean circulatory filling pressure increases, causing the venous return curve to shift up and to the right, intersecting the cardiac function curve at point B (Figure 20-9). Cardiac output increases, moving from point A to point B in Figure 20-9. In this way, cardiac output increases to accommodate the increased venous return; however, this increase does not represent greater contractility because the position of the cardiac function curve stays constant in this example. As venous blood flow into the heart increases, the heart responds according to the Frank-Starling law by contracting with greater force, but its ejection fraction does not change.
A sudden blood volume loss such as occurs with hemorrhage has the opposite effect. Venous pressures fall and myocardial fibers are less stretched; in accordance with the Frank-Starling law, cardiac output decreases. The venous return curve shifts down and to the left to a new equilibrium point (point C in Figure 20-9).
Effect of Peripheral Arteriolar Resistance Changes
An increased arteriolar resistance produces complex changes in the Guyton diagram because both cardiac and venous return curves shift simultaneously. To understand the general concept, it is helpful to consider the hypothetical effect of an increased arteriolar resistance alone, with the right atrial pressure and cardiac force of contraction remaining constant (Figure 20-10). Under such circumstances, an increased resistance would cause the venous return curve to rotate down and to the left, pivoting around its constant right atrial pressure hinge point (mean circulatory filling pressure) on the graph’s horizontal axis. At the same time, the cardiac function curve would shift down and to the right because at a constant right atrial pressure and force of contraction, the heart would pump less blood against a greater resistance or afterload. The right atrial pressure would stay constant in this hypothetical example because of proportional decreases in both cardiac output and venous return. The new equilibrium point B would be formed below the original point A.
However, Figure 20-10 artificially separates the effects of vascular resistance from the effects of subsequent compensatory factors. It does not take into account the normal physiological response of the healthy heart to an increase in afterload. As explained previously, an increased afterload raises the heart’s end-systolic volume, increasing the preload; in response, the Frank-Starling mechanism increases the healthy heart’s contracting force and stroke volume. The resulting increase in arterial pressure overcomes the increased arteriolar resistance and maintains the cardiac output at a normal level. However, if the heart has poor contractility and is already overstretched, an increased vascular resistance may induce acute cardiac failure.
Normal Compensatory Response to Sudden Loss of Contractility
Acute myocardial infarction suddenly reduces the heart’s contractility and pumping ability (usually the left ventricle), and cardiac output acutely decreases. Momentarily, blood flows into the left ventricle at a higher rate than it is pumped out, causing blood to dam up in the left atrium, the pulmonary vasculature, and ultimately the right ventricle and atrium. Increased right atrial pressure is reflected throughout the systemic venous circulation. A new low-flow state develops in which cardiac output and venous return are again equal, with higher venous pressures and lower arterial pressures than normal. This situation, called acute uncompensated heart failure, is shown in Figure 20-11 (see point B).
The body’s immediate response is a massive sympathetic nervous discharge. Sympathetic stimulation is helpful in two ways: (1) it immediately increases the damaged heart’s contractility or inotropic state, and (2) it causes systemic arterial and venous vasoconstriction. Improved contractility shifts the cardiac function curve slightly up and to the left. At the same time, vasoconstriction “tightens” the blood vessels, shifting the venous return curve up and to the right. Over the long-term, blood volume increases because the kidney conserves water in response to the chronically low blood pressure. The combination of (1) improved contractility, (2) vasoconstriction, and (3) renal fluid retention creates a new compensated equilibrium point (see point C in Figure 20-11). This is known as compensated heart failure. Cardiac output is restored to normal values, but this requires higher left ventricular filling pressures than