Published on 20/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Critical Care Medicine

Last modified 20/03/2015

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It has been stated that chest trauma is the primary cause of death in up to 25% of fatalities following traumatic injury, and a major contributing factor in another 25%, although as few as 5%–15% require acute operative intervention. Based on these generalizations, it is accepted that overall chest injury is common, acute operative intervention uncommon, and a significant, although ill-defined, number of thoracic operations are performed for delayed complications. The actual incidence of each of these varies from center to center based on ratio of blunt to penetrating admissions as well as overall volume. The two most common complications, persistent air leak and empyema, occur roughly in 5% of patients admitted who have required tube thoracostomy.


Persistent Air Leak

There are three simple scenarios that describe persistent air leak: persistent air leak after parenchyma injury, after anatomic lung resection, and in ventilated patients. Persistent air leak after parenchyma injury can occur because of penetrating injury, blunt trauma with maceration or rib penetration, or in patients with underlying predisposing parenchyma lesions, primarily bullous disease. In this setting, management has followed the algorithm for spontaneous pneumothorax. Simple tube thoracostomy suffices in more than 80% of cases as long as there is full expansion. Occasionally, placing the chest drain to water seal will actually hasten resolution as the transpleural gradient is diminished. Air leak during more than 3 days or associated with recurrent pneumothorax appear to be most efficiently managed by thoracoscopic approaches than persistent chest drainage. Schermer and colleagues reviewed the course of 39 trauma patients who, except for air leak, were ready for discharge. This was determined by air leakage over more than 3 days. Twenty-five agreed to video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) with reduced chest tube duration (total 8 vs. 12 days) and length of stay (10 vs. 17 days). Of course, technical factors should be ruled out (tube dislodgement or disconnection). Computed tomography (CT) scans can help define local lesions that may be amenable to thoracoscopic wedge resection or glue application, which may also prompt earlier VATS. In many instances, simply breaking down soft loculations and placing a chest drain under direct vision is the primary therapeutic benefit of thoracoscopy. We prefer to not use chemical pleurodesis, but rather pleural abrasion as we feel that this reduces the risk of parenchyma trapping and the uncertain long-term impact of chemical agents in younger patients. Patients with underlying lung lesions should be managed as they would in nontrauma circumstances. A final option in patients with prohibitive operative risks or small leaks is to convert the patients to Heimlich valve and manage them outpatient. As many as 80% will seal within 3 weeks using this approach.

As lobectomy and pneumonectomy are rarely performed for traumatic injury, it follows that the incidence of air leak (bronchopleural fistula [BPF]) is also small. However, the nature of acute lung resections is such that the risk is higher than after elective resection. Risk factors include long stumps, devascularization, and contaminated hemothorax. Ideally, after lobectomy/pneumonectomy, the stump should be reinforced either at the time of original resection or second-look exploration with pleural, intercostals, or other flap. Once it occurs, management is determined by timing (less than or more than 7 days postoperatively), degree (ventilatory compromise and whether the defect can be visualized endoscopically), physiologic status, and whether the patient is ventilated. BPF may present in stable patients as a new productive cough, with a drop in pleural fluid levels (after pneumonectomy) of two or more rib spaces, or new air–fluid level. In ventilated patients, empyema and loss of tidal volume may predominate. The primary goal is to prevent aspiration. In nonintubated patients, this is best accompanied by upright positioning or affected side down. Then, drainage should be instituted if a chest drain is not in place. If a drain is not in place, the new drain should be placed above the thoracotomy scar, as the diaphragm tends to rise to the level of the scar and adhere. If the leak is small, and endoscopically the hole cannot be clearly visualized, it is reasonable to attempt bronchoscopic glue application. Reoperation and stump closure are possible within 7 days, but the associated empyema increases the risk of failure. The longer the interval between the initial and second operation, the greater the difficulty. After pneumonectomy, the mediastinum becomes inflamed, the stump can only with difficulty be visualized, and mobilization is essentially impossible. Thus, after pneumonectomy, the best option is probably to occlude the stump with omentum, pack the chest with packs, and plan serial washouts until the leak scarifies closed. An alternative approach, particularly after right-sided pneumonectomy, is to perform transcarinal right mainstem resection. The residual stump cannot be removed as it tends to be fixed, but the mucosa should be cauterized and omentum or other viable tissue should be used to reinforce the new stump. The empyema cavity can then be treated by the drainage procedure of the surgeon’s choice. After lobectomy, similar options are possible, but further resection may be required (e.g., right middle lobectomy after right lower lobe stump leak).

Persistent air leak in a ventilated patient without a discrete lesion is better thought of as an alveolar-pleural fistula rather than a BPF. Clearly, the underlying lung injury affects outcome, with alveolar-pleural leak in adult respiratory distress syndrome patients being associated with up to 80% mortality. Whatever the underlying anatomy, air leak in ventilated patients can be a significant marker of increased mortality. Pierson and colleagues reviewed the course of 39 patients (out of a population of 1700 mechanically ventilated patients) who presented with air leak lasting more than 24 hours, of whom 27 were trauma patients. The risk factors for mortality correlated with the following: air leak not present on admission or shortly thereafter (45% early vs. 94% if developed later); leak greater than 500 ml per breath (57% if less vs. 100% if greater); and post–chest trauma (56% for trauma admissions vs. 92% for nontrauma admissions). These findings illustrate that while the course in trauma admissions is more benign, it still represents a major concern. On the other hand, the air leak itself is rarely the cause of death. These air leaks can lead to persistent or even tension pneumothorax that compromises ventilation. Pleural tubes (at times multiple) may be required. Less commonly, air leak is significant enough to affect oxygenation. The primary treatment is to minimize alveolar pressure, using end-inspiratory plateau pressure as an (admittedly crude) reflection of this. Ideally, the end-inspiratory plateau pressure should be less than 30 cm H2O. The most common method of attaining this is to combine low tidal volume and permissive hypercapnia. Alternative methods if this approach fails are high-frequency jet ventilation or independent lung ventilation. It should be stressed that high-frequency jet ventilation, although used successfully in patients with central airway disruption and in the operating room, does not reduce mean airway pressure consistently, nor does it uniformly reduce air leak or improve oxygenation. Thus, it should not be used routinely in patients with alveolar-pleural fistula. A temporizing technique is to isolate the lobe that is the primary source of leak bronchoscopically. This is done by sequentially occluding bronchi with a Swan-Ganz or other balloon catheter. If this results in elimination or significant reduction in air leak, occlusive material (Gelfoam, fibrin glue, blood mixed with tetracycline, etc.) can be injected. In most cases, the air leak will diminish as airway pressure decreases. Surgery can be performed, but in the setting of diffuse parenchyma injury, lung inflammation, severe emphysema, and/or steroids, the risk is that staple lines will fail and the leak will be exacerbated. If surgery is felt to be needed, reinforced staple lines (i.e., with bovine strips, etc.), apical tents (mobilizing the apical pleura so that it falls onto the area of resection), and/or anatomic lobectomy (if predominantly one lobe) should be considered.


Pneumatocoeles occur when disruption of lung parenchyma leads to internal rather than external leak of air and/or blood. They occur more commonly after blunt injury, but can be seen occasionally with deep stab or low-caliber missile injuries. These lesions are thus best described as a pulmonary laceration. They are usually solitary, at times multilobulated, and occasionally multiple. They are typically not apparent on initial radiographs, because small size and/or a superimposed contusion or hemorrhage obscures them. Over time, they evolve into thin-walled cavities with air and/or fluid. The location and size are affected by the mechanism. Compression leading to rupture, the most common mechanism, tends to be associated with central lesions. Compression, leading to shear forces, tends to present as an elongated paramediastinal cavity extending from hilum to diaphragm, and may be confused with loculated pneumothorax. Rib penetration forms tend to be small and peripheral. Adhesion tears are the least common. In the vast majority of cases, pneumatocoeles are benign. In rare cases, they may result in persistent air leak or become infected, in which case they are treated as abscesses.

Hematomas are formed by the same mechanisms that result in pneumatocoeles. They may remain solid, or with partial evacuation they can develop an air-fluid level or even a fibrin wall resulting in a crescent of air on the superior surface that mimics a fungus ball. Usually these lesions resolve over 3–6 months, and recognizing the shrinking process is one method to avoid confusing these with malignant processes.

Necrotizing Lung Infection

Necrotizing lung infections comprise a triad of clinical scenarios that overlap or can be present concomitantly. These are lung abscess, necrotizing pneumonia, and lung gangrene. All three are similar in that lack of perfusion is combined with tissue devitalization. In simplistic terms, lung abscess can be described as a region of necrosis less than a lobe with viable surrounding or bordering parenchyma. Lung gangrene represents complete lobar or entire lung destruction, often with only a rim of tissue remaining. Lung necrosis is best represented by patchy, often nonanatomic, loss of perfusion with variable parenchyma destruction, often seen on radiograph as multiple small abscess-like cavities. Although the three can be discussed separately, in most cases two or three coexist and so the management can also overlap.

The cause(s) of lung abscess in the surgical intensive care unit (ICU) population include aspiration, complications of pneumonia, retained foreign body, septic emboli, and/or infected traumatic injury. More specific etiologies in the trauma population include aspiration (with or without bronchial obstruction), infected pneumatocoele, infected site of resection (in particular emergent tractotomy), and late complications of ventilatorassociated pneumonia. As a whole, these are less common in trauma patients than nontrauma patients. Of 45 thoracotomies performed at our institution over 7 years for abscess, necrotizing pneumonia, and lung gangrene, only 4 were in patients initially admitted after traumatic injury.

The diagnosis of lung abscess may be relatively simple. Fever, purulent sputum production, or hemoptysis may prompt chest radiograph, which will identify an air-fluid cavity. On the other extreme, a persistently febrile patient in the ICU with dense consolidation may require CT scan before the underlying cavity can be recognized.

Over the three decades of approximately the 1950s through the 1970s, a number of advances reduced the mortality rates from approximately 50% to 10%. These advances included recognizing the importance of antibiotics, the role of aspiration, the need for pulmonary toilet (including liberal use of bronchoscopy), and finally the benefit in selected patients of operative intervention. Subsequently, the major addition to the armamentarium has been image-guided catheter drainage as an intermediate category between medical and surgical management. Percutaneous catheter drainage can be performed even in ventilated patients and has reduced the number of thoracotomies required. While there is always concern about the risk of empyema and/or bronchopleural fistula, the former can be usually easily managed by chest drainage, and the latter is rarely so significant as to impair oxygenation. Some patients will require thoracotomy, which, in the trauma population, usually results from persistent sepsis and inability or incomplete drainage, hemoptysis, or persistent or major bronchopleural fistula (see Table 1

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