Complex special situations

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Filed under Critical Care Medicine

Last modified 20/03/2015

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CHAPTER 11 Complex special situations

Abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome


Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) occurs when the amount of intra-abdominal contents (through edematous bowel or fluid accumulating in the cavity) exceeds the distendable capability of the fascia. The result is an intra-abdominal hypertensive state. which can lead to abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS). As the fluid accumulates (due to bleeding, ascites, volume overload, and other causes), the resulting increase in pressure (change in compliance/change in volume) initially affects regional blood flow and results in impaired tissue perfusion, which is then associated with a systemic inflammatory response. The resulting ischemia and inflammatory response further causes capillary leakage and compression of the intra-abdominal viscera. If untreated, the continually elevated free fluid and measured pressure begin to compress blood vessels, causing organ dysfunction both inside and outside the abdomen, and lead to abdominal compartment syndrome. The inflammatory response promotes the release of cytokines, causing vasodilation and cell membrane dysfunction. The cell membrane loses integrity, which causes further inflammation, profound edema and ultimately cell death. The elevated pressure in the abdominal cavity generated by the severe increase in extra vascular fluid load increases the intra-abdominal contents (free water) and further impairs intestinal tissue perfusion as compression of the arteries and veins continues. This process underlies the multi-organ effects of rising intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). When the IAP rises above critical level, blood flow to the abdominal viscera and organs decreases and ACS is imminent.


IAP refers to the pressure present within the abdominal cavity. The pressure within the cavity reflects the presence of extravascular fluids, which compress the blood vessels and organs in the abdominal cavity as well as displacing the diaphragm into the thoracic cage, which limits lung expansion. Elevated intrabladder pressure indirectly reflects high pressure within the abdominal cavity.

IAH is defined by the World Society of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (WSACS) as a measured IAP of 12 mm Hg or greater, recorded three times using standardized measurement methods 4 to 6 hours apart and/or an abdominal perfusion pressure (APP) of less than 60 mm Hg (mean arterial pressure [MAP] minus intra-abdominal bladder pressure [IABP]), recorded using two standardized measurements 1-6 hours apart). These measurements should be evaluated in the context of clinical symptomatology.

An IAP of greater than 20 mm Hg reflects significant IAH almost universally.

An IAP of 18 mm Hg indicates a high probability of organ compromise.

An IAP of 15 mm Hg reflects moderate probability of organ compromise.

An IAP of 12 mm Hg reflects a lower probability of organ compromise.

Increased IAP may reflect a critical finding in patients with multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (MODS) or multisystem failure, which contributes to global hypoperfusion, aggravating the effects of increased IAP (Table 11-1).


Graded Measurement Pressure Measurement and relevance Physiologic Events and clinical signs
Pressure Grade I 12–15 mm Hg
Significant in the presence of organ dysfunction
Cytokine release and capillary leak
Third spacing of resuscitative fluid
Decreasing venous return and preload
Early effects on ICP and CPP
Abdominal wall perfusion decreases 42%
Marked reduction in intestinal and intra-abdominal organ blood flow leading to regional acidosis and free radical formation.
Pressure Grade II 16–20 mm Hg
Significant in most patients
Markedly decreased venous return, CO and splanchnic perfusion
Increased SVR, CVP, PAWP
Decreased blood pressure, pulse pressure and particularly systolic blood pressure
Decreased TLC, FRC, RV.
Increased vent pressures, hypercapnia, hypoxia
Reduction to 61% of baseline mucosal blood flow and increasing gut acidosis
Oliguria, anuria
Increasing ICP and decreasing CPP
Pressure Grade III 21–25 mm Hg
Significant in all patients
Hemodynamic collapse, worsening acidosis, hypoxia, hypercapnia, anuria.
Inability to oxygenate, ventilate or resuscitate
Pressure Grade IV >25 mm Hg
Significant in all patients
Hemodynamic collapse, worsening acidosis, hypoxia, hypercapnia, anuria.
Inability to oxygenate, ventilate or resuscitate

If both pressure and clinical symptoms are met for grade III and/or grade IV, patient has abdominal compartment syndrome.

ACS is defined as “intra-abdominal hypertension with a gradual and consistent increase in the IAP value of [equal to or greater than] 20 mm Hg,” recorded by at least three standardized measurements taken 1 to 6 hours apart and in conjunction with at least one new onset organ dysfunction. ACS can be fatal and often complicates or results in a clinical condition refractory to treatment. The astute clinician suspects IAH and ACS when MODS is evolving and/or the patient presents with persistent lactic acidosis.

Historically, the belief of most critical care providers was that IAH and the more serious evolution of the state, ACS, was solely related to traumatic injury of the abdomen, including surgery. Within the last decade, the understanding of the pathophysiology involved in developing IAH and ACS has been enhanced by studies and revealed the prevalence in all critical patients; medical as well as surgical and trauma. The progressive conditions have been divided into two categories: primary or secondary abdominal hypertension disorders. The causes may differ, but outcomes are similar if either condition remains untreated.

Primary ACS is a condition associated with injury or disease in the abdominopelvic region that frequently requires early surgical or angioradiologic intervention. Any abnormal event that raises abdominal pressure can induce acute IAH, including blunt or penetrating abdominal trauma, abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), hemorrhagic pancreatitis, gastrointestinal (GI) obstruction, abdominal surgery resulting in retroperitoneal bleeding or secondary peritonitis, and with tight closure of abdominal incisions. Primary ACS also includes patients with abdominal solid organ injuries who were initially managed medically and then developed ACS. The condition has been relatively well understood by surgeons and their colleagues but is frequently misdiagnosed and/or untreated until surgical intervention is required.

Secondary ACS includes conditions that do not originate from abdominal injury that create IAH, including sepsis or any condition prompting capillary leak (e.g., major burns, and conditions requiring massive fluid resuscitation). A large multicenter study (Malbrain et al. 2005) found the prevalence of IAH was 54% among medical ICU patients and 65% in surgical ICU patients. This was remarkable, as most medical patients are not evaluated for or even considered recipients of IAH and ACS.

ACS treatments are the same regardless of the cause; however, the caregiver must be very careful in managing secondary ACS. The opportunity for early intervention may be lost with the subtle development of signs and symptoms of IAH and ACS. The lack of definitive signs often leads to delayed diagnosis and delayed recognition, and an urgent medical condition becomes an emergency surgical situation. Increased organ failure, increased mortality, increased resource utilization, and longer ICU lengths of stay may result. Similar to sepsis and severe sepsis, the greatest challenge is early recognition and diagnosis. Monitoring all high-risk patients would enable clinicians to trend the IAP, facilitating early, appropriate interventions when the syndrome is more likely to be responsive to medical therapy. The best management strategy is to prevent abdominal compartment syndrome via early monitoring, early medical interventions, and early surgical decompression if needed.



Observe for upward trends in respiratory and heart rates (RR and HR, respectively) and decrease in urine output. Signs and symptoms are nonspecific and subtle and may be attributed to other clinical conditions (Table 11-1). Elevated IAP affects the cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, and neurologic systems.

Cardiovascular: Hypotension may result from decreased CO, which results from IAH-induced vasoconstriction. Signs of shock, including pallor, tachycardia, and cool and clammy skin, may be present. Venous return is diminished due to compression of the IVC, resulting in loss of compliance (increased IVC pressure) and decreased preload (volume), which further reduces CO. Increased IAP compresses the aorta, resulting in elevated SVR (increased afterload), which reduces CO. The compensatory vasoconstriction affects blood flow to the hepatic and renal veins, leading to renal compromise, oliguria, and hepatic hypoperfusion; if untreated, kidney and liver failure can result.

Pulmonary: Respiratory distress results from the elevated abdominal pressure impeding diaphragmatic movement by forcing the diaphragm upward, which decreases functional residual capacity, promotes atelectasis, and decreases lung surface area. Tachypnea and increased work of breathing may be present. The worsening hypoxemia promotes elevated peak inspiratory pressures, with refractory hypoxemia and a poor P/F ratio, similar to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Alternative ventilatory support is often required to maintain oxygenation and ventilation.

Neurologic: Altered mental status results from obstruction of cerebral venous outflow, leading to vascular congestion and increased ICP. Increased IAP increases intrathoracic pressure, which compresses the veins within the thoracic cavity, making it difficult for cerebral veins to drain properly. The combination of decreased CO and increased ICP can lead to decreased CPP, which prompts further deterioration in level of consciousness (LOC).

Renal: Renal dysfunction results as the increasing abdominal pressure compresses the bladder and urethra as well as the renal arteries and veins. Urine output decreases and serum Cr and BUN increase although they may not do so in proportion to each other (BUN/Cr ratio).

Diagnostic tests

Methods of intra-abdominal pressure measurement

The best method for measurement of IAP is controversial. The most common method is measuring the response of intra-bladder compliance to an instillation of 25 ml of sterile fluid by measuring the resulting pressure.

Indirect methods:

Bladder pressure is commonly used, while other methods are infrequently used. Indirect methods include gastric pressure measurement through gastrostomy or a nasogastric tube, intrarectal pressure measurement using an esophageal stethoscope catheter, or bladder pressure measurement through a urinary catheter.

Bladder pressure measurement:

An indwelling urinary catheter is connected to either a pressure transducer or a fluid manometer to measure the pressure. Readings are reliable and easier to perform than direct intraperitoneal measurement.

The urinary bladder normally has a compliant wall. Many studies reveal compliance decreases when there is a high presence of intra-abdominal fluids, which increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity and compress the bladder, increasing resistance. When fluid is injected into the bladder pressure system, any decrease in bladder compliance is reflected by increased intra-bladder pressure. The procedure is generally easier and safer if a prepackaged closed bladder pressure system is used. If assembling the system without a prepackaged tool, use the urinary/Foley catheter with an aspiration or infusion port:

1. The nurse will connect a fluid filled pressure system to a transducer, then connect a needle to the distal end of the tubing (farthest from the transducer and after a stopcock).

2. The cable connecting the system to the monitor should allow for visualization of a small pressure (scale either auto or at 30 mm Hg).

3. The connected system will be inserted into the catheter infusion port.

4. After zeroing the system (transducer at the symphysis pubis and the stopcock will be turned off to the patient), the nurse will clamp the catheter drainage system just below the infusion port.

5. Using the stopcock, the system will be turned off to the monitor and 25 mls of sterile fluid (IV fluid is fine) will be injected rapidly into the infusion port on the urinary catheter. The stopcock will be then turned off to the injecting port, leaving a connected pressure system from patient to monitor.

6. Bladder pressure must be read during end expiration and the patient must be as flat as tolerated to facilitate accuracy. There is no dynamic waveform associated with bladder pressure. One should just observe the level of pressure in the first 10–20 seconds after fluid is instilled.

7. A normal value is generally considered between 0 and 5 mm Hg, although levels as high as 15 mm Hg are not unusual in the first 24 hours after abdominal surgery (see Table 11-1). If the pressures are elevated, document and repeat in the next hour using the same techniques. Inform the physician or midlevel practitioner if both measures are elevated.

8. Occlusion is then released and fluid is drained into the urine collection bag. Subtract the amount of fluid from the hourly output.

Collaborative management

Care priorities

1. Prevent abdominal compartment syndrome:

Patients who have a high index of suspicion should have bladder pressure monitoring initiated in order to identify IAH earlier and possibly avoid decompressive laparotomy, which is the only documented evidence-based therapy for ACS (Box 11-1). There are many approaches that may be used to reduce IAH. These strategies are directed at reducing increased abdominal cavity volume or decreasing compliance. Therapies include:

2. Perform a decompressive laparotomy to relieve acs:

Sudden release of the abdominal pressure may lead to further complications including ischemia-reperfusion injury, acute vasodilation, cardiac dysfunction, and arrest. Arteries and veins within the abdomen are suddenly able to expand to normal size and “refill” with normal blood volume. If the patient has insufficient volume to accommodate the renewed space within the vasculature, hypotension ensues. Patients should be hydrated with at least 2 L of intravenous (IV) fluid, which may include a “cellular protection cocktail,” such as 25 grams of mannitol 12.5% given along with 2 ampules of bicarbonate per liter. IV fluids and vasopressors should be immediately available in case severe hypotension occurs as the abdomen is decompressed.

After opening the abdomen, temporary closure will be applied. The goal is to permanently close the abdomen as soon as possible. For most patients who require emergent opening of the abdomen for ACS, a vacuum-assisted closure device (abdominal wound VAC) attached to a negative pressure device is commonly applied. An open abdomen may precipitate loss of liters of volume. The modified negative pressure wound VAC facilitates open wound fluid and management and supports granulation of tissue, as well as local perfusion, which facilitates eventual closure of the open wound.


Deficient fluid volume

related to either active intravascular fluid loss secondary to physical injury or a condition resulting in capillary leak syndrome with third spacing of fluids


Within 12 hours of this diagnosis, patient is becoming normovolemic evidenced by MAP at least 70 mm Hg, HR 60 to 100 beats/min (bpm), normal sinus rhythm on ECG, CVP 6 to 12 mm Hg, CI at least 2.5 L/min/m2, bladder pressure measurements of less than 15 mm Hg, APP at least 60 mm Hg, stroke volume variation (SVV) less than 15%, urinary output at least 0.5 ml/kg/hr, warm extremities, brisk capillary refill (less than 2 seconds), and distal pulses at least 2+ on a 0 to 4+ scale. Although hemodynamic parameters are helpful to determine adequacy of resuscitation, serum lactate and base deficit are required to evaluate cellular perfusion.

image Fluid Balance; Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance

Fluid/electrolyte management

1. Monitor BP at least hourly, or more frequently in the presence of unstable vital signs. Be alert to changes in MAP of more than 10 mm Hg. Even a small but sudden decrease in BP signals the need to consult the physician or midlevel practitioner, especially with the trauma patient in whom the extent of injury is unknown.

2. Once stable, monitor BP at least hourly, or more frequently in the presence of any unstable vital signs. Be alert to changes in MAP of more than 10 mm Hg.

3. If massive fluid resuscitation was necessary for either the trauma patient or a patient with third-spaced fluid, the patient is at higher risk for IAH and should be observed closely for signs of decreased perfusion, respiratory distress, and deterioration in mental status.

4. In the patient with evidence of volume depletion or active blood loss, administer pressurized fluids rapidly through several large-caliber (16-gauge or larger) catheters. Use short, large-bore IV tubing (trauma tubing) to maximize flow rate. Avoid use of stopcocks, because they slow the infusion rate. Fluids should be warmed to prevent hypothermia.

5. Measure central pressures and CO continuously if possible, or at least every 2 hours if blood loss is ongoing. Calculate SVR and PVR if data is available at least every 8 hours—more often in unstable patients. Be alert to low or decreasing CVP and PAWP. Be aware that profound tachycardia (>120 bpm) will decrease the cardiac compliance and therefore normal pressure readings in this instance can be misleading. Also anticipate mild to moderate pulmonary hypertension, especially in patients with concurrent thoracic injury, such as pulmonary contusion, smoke inhalation, or early ARDS. ARDS is a concern in patients who have sustained major abdominal injury, inasmuch as there are many potential sources of infection and sepsis that make the development of ARDS more likely (see Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, p. 365).

6. Measure urinary output at least every 2 hours. Urine output less than 0.5 ml/kg/hr usually reflects inadequate intravascular volume in the patient with abdominal trauma. Decreasing urine output may also signify compression of the renal arteries in ACS.

7. Monitor for physical indicators of arterial hypovolemia, which may include cool extremities, capillary refill greater than 2 seconds, absent or decreased amplitude of distal pulses, elevated serum lactate, and base deficit.

8. Estimate ongoing blood loss. Measure all bloody drainage from tubes or catheters, noting drainage color (e.g., coffee grounds, burgundy, bright red). Note the frequency of dressing changes as a result of saturation with blood to estimate amount of blood loss by way of the wound site.

imageElectrolyte Management; Fluid Management; Fluid Monitoring; Hypovolemia Management

Ineffective tissue perfusion: gastrointestinal

related to interruption of arterial or venous blood flow or hypovolemia secondary to physical injury or any condition resulting in third spaced fluid or development of ascites


Within 12 hours of this diagnosis, patient is becoming normovolemic evidenced by MAP at least 70 mm Hg, HR 60 to 100 beats/min (bpm), normal sinus rhythm on ECG, CVP 6 to 12 mm Hg, Bladder pressure measurements of less than 15 mm Hg, APP at least 60 mm Hg, CI at least 2.5 L/min/m2, SVV less than 15%, urinary output at least 0.5 ml/kg/hr, warm extremities, brisk capillary refill (less than 2 seconds), and distal pulses at least 2+ on a 0 to 4+ scale. There should be a normal bicarbonate or total serum C02. By the time of hospital discharge, patient has adequate abdominal tissue perfusion as evidenced by normoactive bowel sounds; soft, nondistended abdomen; and return of bowel elimination.


Tissue Perfusion: Abdominal Organs

Circulatory care: arterial insufficiency

1. Identify patients who are at high risk for IAH.

2. Monitor BP at least hourly, or more frequently in the presence of unstable vital signs.

3. Monitor HR, ECG, and cardiovascular status every 15 minutes until vital signs are stable.

4. Auscultate for bowel sounds hourly during the acute phase of abdominal trauma and every 4 to 8 hours during the recovery phase. Report prolonged or sudden absence of bowel sounds during the postoperative period, because these signs may signal bowel ischemia or mesenteric infarction, which requires immediate surgical intervention.

5. Evaluate patient for peritoneal signs (see Box 3-3, p. 249), which may occur initially as a result of injury or may not develop until days or weeks later, if complications caused by slow bleeding or other mechanisms occur.

6. Ensure adequate intravascular volume.

7. Evaluate laboratory data for evidence of bleeding (e.g., serial Hct) or organ ischemia (e.g., AST, ALT, lactic dehydrogenase [LDH]). Desired values are as follows: Hct greater than 28% to 30%, AST 5 to 40 IU/L, ALT 5 to 35 IU/L, and LDH 90 to 200 U/L.

8. Measure bladder pressure manually: See Diagnostic Tests, Bladder Pressure Measurement, p 864.

9. Prepackaged closed system bladder pressure monitoring: Complete bladder pressure monitoring systems became available in approximately 2004. The system remains completely closed throughout the injection of fluid into the bladder, making it more desirable as part of prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections.

10. Assess for changes in level of consciousness, possibly resulting from increased IAP, which may inadvertently affect the draining of the cerebral veins.

Additional nursing diagnoses

Also see Major Trauma, p. 235. For additional information, see nursing diagnoses and interventions in the following sections: Hemodynamic Monitoring (p. 75), Prolonged Immobility (p. 149), Emotional and Spiritual Support of the Patient and Significant Others (p. 200), Peritonitis (p. 805), Enterocutaneous Fistula (p. 778), SIRS, Sepsis and MODS (p. 927), and Acid-Base Imbalances (p. 1).

Drug overdose


It is beyond the scope of this chapter to include all the drugs and toxins leading to common presenting symptoms, but important clues to the poison may be gleaned from answering the following questions:

Diagnostic Tests for Drug Overdose

Drug Diagnostic Lab Tests Specific Considerations
Acetaminophen Serum drug level Therapeutic level: 10–20mcg/mL Draw level 4 hrs after ingestion. Subsequent levels are drawn according to the Rumack-Mathews nomogram until levels are below the predicted hepatotoxic range.
  Serum Na+, K+, CO2, BUN, blood glucose, creatinine, liver enzymes, bilirubin; PT, coagulation studies; CBC; protein; amylase; ABGs  
Blood level; urine drug screen  
Cyclic antidepressants
Serum K+, Na+, CO2, BUN, glucose, creatinine, CBC, liver studies, cardiac enzyme levels with isoenzyme fractionations are monitored.  
Barbiturates Serum drug level  
Serum K+, Na+, CO2, BUN, glucose, creatinine, CBC, ABGs, liver function studies  
Cocaine Urinalysis provides a quantitative method for identifying the presence of a cocaine metabolite. Assessing blood levels of cocaine is usually of little diagnostic value.
Hallucinogens Serum plasma drug level.  
Opioids Urine screening  
Salicylates Blood plasma level analyzed for presence of and amount Repeat every 4 – 6 hours since the patient could have ingested sustained release drug
Cyclic Antidepressants Blood plasma level; urine screen; gastric content analysis  

Treatment options

Gastric decontamination is a general term referring to interventions used to prevent absorption of a toxin. Timely administration is essential for success. Best results are obtained if done within an hour of ingestion.

Commonly abused drugs

Acetaminophen (apap)

Acetaminophen is one of the most commonly ingested drugs in overdose. Most patients admit taking this drug. Unintentional overdose may happen due to polypharmacy, wherein APAP is contained in one or more other medications being used. Unintentional overdose is more common in children. Signs and symptoms of toxicity vary significantly depending on the dose, time elapsed since ingestion, and whether overdose resulted from acute or chronic ingestion. Toxicity from acute ingestion may be asymptomatic for up to 12 hours.


Collaborative management



See Table 11-2.


Generic Name Common Brand Name Half-life (hr)
Amobarbital Amytal 8–42
Secobarbital Seconal 19–34
Pentobarbital Nembutal 15–48
Phenobarbital Luminal and others 24–140
Butabarbital Butisol 34–42
Secobarbital/amobarbital Tuinal 8–42

Note: Withdrawal symptoms can be correlated with the half-life of the drug that was used. Withdrawal from drugs with shorter half-lives produces more intense symptoms that last for shorter periods, whereas withdrawal from drugs with longer half-lives produces less intense symptoms that can be prolonged. Moreover, the severity of the withdrawal is directly related to the drug’s dosage.


See Table 11-3.


Generic Name Common Brand Name Half-life (hr)
Chlordiazepoxide Librium and others 7–28
Diazepam Valium and others 20–90
Lorazepam Ativan 10–20
Oxazepam Serax 3–21
Prazepam Centrax 24–200*
Flurazepam Dalmane 24–100*
Chlorazepate Tranxene 30–100
Temazepam Restoril 9.5–12.4
Clonazepam Klonopin 18.5–50
Alprazolam Xanax 12–15
Halazepam Paxipam 14

Note: Withdrawal symptoms can be correlated with the half-life of the drug that was used. Withdrawal from drugs with shorter half-lives produces more intense symptoms that last for shorter periods, whereas withdrawal from drugs with longer half-lives produces less intense symptoms that can be prolonged. Moreover, the severity of the withdrawal is directly related to the drug’s dosage.

* Includes half-life of major metabolites.