Central nervous system

Published on 06/02/2015 by admin

Filed under Anesthesiology

Last modified 06/02/2015

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TOPIC 4 Central nervous system

Assessment of consciousness

Test: Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)

How it is done

Table 4.1 Glasgow coma scale scores for the three tests, plus variables in children

Best eye response
Score Description
4 Eyes open spontaneously
3 Eyes open to speech. Do not confuse with arousal of sleeping patient
2 Eyes open to pain. Try fingernail bed pressure. Supraorbital pressure will cause grimace and eye closure
1 No eye opening, ensure painful stimulus is adequate
Best verbal response
Score Description
5 Orientated in time, person and place
4 Responds to questions but is disorientated and confused
3 Inappropriate, random words
2 Incomprehensible sounds and moans but no words
1 None
Verbal response is adjusted in children
Score Verbal response Preverbal/grimace response
5 Appropriate babbles, words or phrases to usual ability Normal facial oromotor activity
4 Inappropriate words, or spontaneous irritable cry Less than usual ability, response only to touch
3 Cries inappropriately Vigorous grimace to pain
2 Grunts to pain, occasional whimpers Mild grimace to pain
1 No vocal response No response to pain
Best motor response, test and record in each limb*
Score Description
6 Obeys commands
5 Localizes pain. Hand should cross midline or get above clavicle in attempt to remove the stimulus
4 Withdraws from pain. Pulls limb away from fingernail bed pressure. Normal flexion observed
3 Abnormal flexion, decorticate response (spastic wrist flexion)
2 Extension to pain, decerebrate response (extensor posturing)
1 No motor response. Ensure adequate painful stimulus and no spinal injury

* Upper limb responses are more reliable as lower limb responses could be spinal reflexes.

Table 4.2 Severity of acute head injury

GCS score Coma
≤8 Severe
9–12 Moderate
≤13 Minor

CSF analysis

Test: Lumbar puncture

Normal values

See Table 4.3

Table 4.3 Lumbar puncture results

Measure Normal values
Opening pressure 7–20 cmH2O
Cell count 0–5/mm3, all lymphocytes
Protein concentration 0.15–0.45 g/L
Glucose concentration 2.8–4.2 mmol/L
CSF: blood glucose ratio 65%

Test: CSF appearance (spectrophotometry)

Test: CSF cell counts



See Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Causes of elevated CSF white blood cell count

Bacterial meningitis Often >1000/mm3, usually PMN
Viral meningitis <100/mm3, usually lymphocytes
Intracerebral haemorrhage  
Guillain-Barré syndrome <50 monocytes/mm3
Multiple sclerosis <50 monocytes/mm3
Other inflammatory conditions  

Test: CSF opening pressure



See Table 4.7.

Table 4.7 Causes of altered CSF pressure

High pressure (>25 cmH2O) Low pressure (<6 cmH2O)
Intracranial haemorrhage CSF leak
Space-occupying lesions Previous lumbar puncture
Meningitis Severe dehydration
Cerebral oedema Inadequate production
Congestive cardiac failure Shunt
High venous pressure Obstructive hydrocephalus Excess absorption
Idiopathic/benign intracranial hypertension Drugs: acetazolamide, diuretics