Causes of Nontraumatic Hemorrhagic Stroke in Children: Pediatric Moyamoya Syndrome

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Chapter 11 Causes of Nontraumatic Hemorrhagic Stroke in Children

Pediatric Moyamoya Syndrome

Clinical Pearls

Ischemic stroke is relatively rare in children (approximately 2 to 3 per 100,000 children) compared to the adult population. In adults, 80% to 85% of strokes are ischemic, whereas the remaining 15% to 20% are hemorrhagic. In children, 55% of strokes are believed to be ischemic, and the remainder hemorrhagic.

Early diagnosis of this condition is of paramount importance to minimize sequelae of potential strokes. The etiology of stroke in children covers a wide spectrum to include congenital heart disease, anemia, genetic causes, and moyamoya syndrome.

The clinical status of the patient at the time of treatment is the most important predictor of long-term outcome. As such, any child with a stroke should have moyamoya syndrome considered in the differential diagnosis to minimize the risk of missing the presence of the disease. There is no medical treatment for moyamoya syndrome that can stop the progressive nature of this condition. Furthermore, the natural history of this condition is that of progressive narrowing of the cerebral vessels; therefore, referral of children with diagnosed moyamoya syndrome to a center experienced with the care of these complex patients is critical to providing optimal care.

Optimal treatment of moyamoya syndrome appears to be operative, although class I data such as a randomized controlled trial between medical and surgical treatment does not exist. The surgical management of this condition is often successful in experienced centers and consists of cerebral revascularization through a variety of indirect means, such as pial synangiosis in which an extracranial vessel is laid on the cerebral cortex for vascular ingrowth or direct means in which an extracranial vessel is anastomosed to an intracranial vessel. Although direct methods afford immediate revascularization, it is not often technically possible in young children and indirect methods also offer success with revascularization in months.

Ischemic stroke in children is a relatively rare entity relative to the adult population. The World Health Organization’s MONICA Project defines stroke as “rapidly developing clinical signs of focal (or global) disturbance of cerebral function, with symptoms lasting 24 hours or longer or leading to death with no apparent cause other than of vascular origin.”1 The definition includes ischemic and hemorrhagic infarction and intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage. In adults, 80% to 85% of strokes are ischemic, whereas the remaining 15% to 20% are hemorrhagic. In children, 55% are believed to be ischemic, and the remainder hemorrhagic.2,3

Pediatric Ischemic Stroke

In this chapter, the major causes of ischemic stroke in children are reviewed with an emphasis on diseases with neurosurgical relevance, particularly moyamoya syndrome. Reference will be made to the recent American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Statement on the Management of Stroke in Infants and Children as a resource for current management guidelines.4 Causes of hemorrhagic stroke, including aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are presented in other chapters in this text.


It is difficult to ascertain the general incidence of ischemic stroke in children as there is limited information regarding pediatric stroke epidemiology. A population study from Rochester, Minnesota, of children under 15 years of age detected an incidence of cerebrovascular disease (including both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke) of 2.5 per 100,000 population. In general, retrospective studies have reported stroke incidence of approximately 2.5 to 3.1 cases per 100,000 children per year.5,6 In Japan, a series looking at ischemic cerebrovascular disease in children under 16 years of age (excluding moyamoya syndrome) identified a rate of 0.2 cases per 100,000 children. This reported rate may be low not only because of the exclusion of strokes caused by moyamoya disease (a leading cause of stroke in Japan) but also because of low rates of congenital heart disease.6 The higher rate of approximately 13 cases of stroke per 100,000 children per year, in a prospective European study, probably reflects the increased availability of better imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT).7 Hemorrhagic strokes account for approximately half of all strokes in the pediatric population. In a hospital autopsy series, 8.7% of patients died of complications related to cerebrovascular disease, but the most common cause of death was hemorrhage from an AVM, not ischemic stroke. The rate of recurrence is estimated to be 20% in these children.8

Neonatal Stroke

The presentation of children with fixed neurological deficits during the perinatal period has been a topic of debate. Often grouped under the rubric of cerebral palsy, it appears that there may be multiple etiological factors in different children that account for the resultant neurological deficits. Perinatal hypoxia may result from birth-related trauma or asphyxia, and in utero arterial occlusions may occur secondary to embolic phenomena. Perinatal systemic disease may also contribute to ischemic brain injury, including disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), systemic infection, and congenital heart disease.

It may be difficult to dissect out cause versus effect of strokes in children who are hypotonic or have labile systemic vital signs (hypotension, apnea, bradycardia) at birth. Use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and CT may be helpful in evaluation of parenchymal abnormalities in association with abnormal clinical presentation. Recent appreciation of the delayed risk of radiation use in children—especially the very young—has resulted in many institutions making efforts to minimize childhood exposure to CT when possible. In general, MRI can identify ischemic stroke earlier than CT or ultrasound, and offers better anatomical definition of the affected tissue. Although infarcted tissue cannot be repaired, knowledge of extent of infarct can be useful for prognostic purposes, including immediate risks from swelling, possibility of seizure with cortical injury, and overall prognosis with substantial stroke burden.

Genetic Disorders

Several heritable conditions have been implicated in pediatric ischemic stroke. These genetic conditions may be known from family history or may be newly diagnosed in a given patient.9 Congenital metabolic derangements can contribute to premature arteriosclerosis and resultant ischemic stroke.

Dyslipoproteinemias, inborn errors in the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol, have been associated with increased stroke in children. Deficiencies of proteins C and S, antithrombin III deficiency, prothrombin G20210A mutant genotype, sickle cell disease, and activated protein C resistance are examples of inherited hematological abnormalities associated with ischemic stroke.4,10,11 Homocystinuria is a genetic disorder in which endothelial cell injury occurs, with ensuing thrombotic and embolic infarcts. Other inherited metabolic disorders such as the syndrome of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS), Fabry disease, Menkes disease, and Tangier disease may also be associated with strokes. Although direct correction of the underlying genetic defects of the aforementioned diseases is not yet available, treatment currently focuses on normalizing the metabolic abnormalities. Early knowledge of the predisposing condition can result in heightened vigilance in monitoring for neurological sequelae, and in some cases, stroke burden can be minimized through preventive measures.

Thrombotic Stroke: Sickle Cell Disease and Hypercoagulable Conditions

Thrombotic stroke is a phenomenon described in children, often in association with polycythemia, dehydration, and infection. One of the most common entities associated with thrombotic stroke in children is sickle cell disease.4

Sickle cell disease affects nearly 1 in 400 African Americans, with a nearly 10% lifetime risk of stroke.15 Many strokes occur in children, with most strokes occurring before 10 years of age.16 Cerebral infarction is often caused by progressive occlusion of the distal internal carotid artery, usually involving the anterior cerebral and middle cerebral artery distributions. Treatment includes hydration, transfusion, and in some cases bone marrow transplant to correct the underlying genetic disorder. Of particular note, recent literature—from our group and others—has highlighted the finding that a substantial number of children with sickle cell disease will fail medical therapy and develop moyamoya syndrome.17,18 Importantly, there is evidence supporting the premise that this subset of children respond well to surgical treatment of their moyamoya disease and should thus be considered for referral to a neurosurgical center experienced in the management of this condition.4,17,18

Other conditions are also associated with prothrombotic disorders. In children who present with ischemic strokes, between 10% and 50% have been reported to have some type of prothrombotic state.1921 These prothrombotic processes can be genetic, such as factor V Leiden mutation, antiphospholipid antibodies, hyperhomocysteinemia, and elevated lipoprotein(a), or acquired, such as deficiencies in clotting pathways resulting from infection, medications, hepatic disease, or renal disease. Protein C, protein S, and antithrombin III deficiency may be either inherited or acquired. In all children who present with ischemic stroke, laboratory investigation of these hypercoagulable states should be undertaken.

Extracranial Arterial Dissection

Dissection of the carotid or vertebral arteries can occur in children spontaneously or may be secondary to trauma. Stroke can result from emboli from the site of dissection or from reduced blood flow from the narrowed vessel caliber. Of all patients (adult and pediatric) with dissections of these vessels, 6.8% were under the age of 18.22 Presenting symptoms are usually pain (either headache or neck pain) and neurological signs referable to the site of injury. With carotid dissections, Horner syndrome may be present due to injury of the sympathetic plexus surrounding the artery, in addition to neurological deficits referable to the regions of the brain supplied by the carotid. In the posterior circulation, Horner syndrome can also be caused as a result of lateral medullary infarction.

The history may be notable for no injury or seemingly insignificant trauma and there may be an interval of several days between the presumed causative event and the presenting symptoms. Although the gold standard remains conventional six-vessel angiography, the diagnosis of craniocervical dissection is increasingly being made with noninvasive imaging modalities, such as computed tomographic angiography (CTA) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).23 Because of technique constraints, MRA and CTA may miss some dissections, particularly those involving the posterior circulation. Particular attention should be paid to the C1-C2 region, as that is the most common site of vertebral artery dissection.24

Treatment is predicated on minimizing embolic events and allowing the injured vessel wall to heal. The risk for recurrent dissection is 12% and seems to be particularly high in the first several months immediately following presentation.22 Optimal treatment remains controversial. At Children’s Hospital Boston, we favor the use of anticoagulation, using heparin initially, followed by conversion to warfarin (Coumadin) for 6 months. Follow-up angiography often discloses healing of the dissection, after which anticoagulation is discontinued. If recurrent symptoms or radiographic progression occurs, endovascular therapy is considered.

Cerebral Vasculitis

Cerebral vasculitis is an uncommon cause of stroke in children. The vasculitis may be infectious or noninfectious. Infectious cases include sepsis of any type (particularly meningitis), varicella, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and mycoplasma.2530 Noninfectious causes include a wide variety of autoimmune disorders, including Behçet disease, sarcoidosis, Sjögren syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Kawasaki disease, and Schönlein-Henoch purpura (SHP), among others.4,31,32

Cerebral vasculitis is often a difficult diagnosis to make. It should be considered when the stroke is associated with systemic manifestations such as fever, anorexia, myalgias, arthralgias, renal disease, and skin lesions. Presentation may be nonspecific, including both global (encephalopathy) and focal (often multiple) neurological deficits. Further complicating the diagnosis, stroke and other neurological symptoms might be the result of vasculitis or the result of a nonspecific disease process.

Previous work has demonstrated that only 4% of strokes in children were attributable to vasculitis.33 Further study did not find any cause of vasculitis in children younger than 14 years of age with cerebrovascular disease.5 Taken together, these findings suggest that the incidence of vasculitis, even in at-risk populations, is very low. These data are important, as the neurosurgeon will often be consulted for consideration of brain biopsy in an attempt to make the diagnosis of cerebral vasculitis.

Miscellaneous Causes

One increasingly common cause for stroke in children is the use of illicit drugs. Strokes have been reported in association with the use of amphetamines, cocaine, and phencyclidine (PCP) among others. Suggested mechanisms include transient cerebral vasoconstriction, unmasking of a preexisting cardiovascular disease, toxic vasculitis, and prothrombotic tendencies.34

Migraines are usually benign in children; however, there are reports of infarcts, usually in the vertebrobasilar distribution, associated with this disorder. Presumably these permanent deficits are the result of decreased vessel caliber during the migraine, leading to ischemia and infarction.4

Atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease in children, although rare, has been implicated in stroke. Disorders of lipids may contribute to this process, as well as uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes.

Fibromuscular dysplasia has been associated with childhood stroke. Management of this disease is controversial, but many favor medical treatment with antiplatelet agents. Rarely, surgery or endovascular therapy may be utilized to bypass or dilate affected vessel segments.

Radiation-induced vasculopathy is a cause of stroke in patients involving either large or small vessels. Most commonly seen in patients treated for tumors, it may present in a delayed fashion. A recent study found that approximately 6% of children with central nervous system tumors treated with radiation had radiographic evidence of stroke.35 One of the most important stroke syndromes associated with radiotherapy is moyamoya syndrome (see following section).36,37

Moyamoya Syndrome

Moyamoya syndrome, a vasculopathy characterized by chronic progressive stenosis at the apices of the intracranial internal carotid arteries, is an increasingly recognized entity associated with cerebral ischemia.38 This progressive stenosis occurs simultaneously as characteristic arterial collateral vessels develop at the base of the brain. These collateral vessels, when visualized on angiography, have been likened to the appearance of haze, a cloud, or a puff of smoke, which translates to “moyamoya” in Japanese.

This arteriopathy results in diminished blood supply to the brain, with resultant transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), seizures, headaches, hemorrhage, and strokes (Table 11.1). It has been associated with approximately 6% of childhood strokes.39,40 There are few to no class I or II data on the treatment of pediatric moyamoya syndrome, and the evidence that serves as a basis for guidelines is aggregated class III data.4 A recent meta-analysis of the literature of surgical treatment of pediatric moyamoya syndrome and a review article in the New England Journal of Medicine offer two sources for more comprehensive summaries of the literature.38,41

TABLE 11.1 Frequency of Presenting Signs and Symptoms in Patients with Moyamoya Syndrome

Sign/Symptom No. of Patients Affected (N = 143)
Stroke 97 (67.8%)
TIAs (including drop attacks) 62 (43.4%)
Seizures 9 (6.3%)
Headache 9 (6.3%)
Choreiform movements 6 (4.2%)
Incidental finding 6 (4.2%)
Intraventricular or intracerebral bleed 4 (2.8%)

TIAs, transient ischemic attacks.

Symptom totals are greater than patient total because some patients had multiple symptoms at presentation.


First described in Japan, moyamoya syndrome has now been observed throughout the world and affects individuals of many ethnic backgrounds, with increasing detection of this disease in American and European populations.42,43 In Japan, it is the most common pediatric cerebrovascular disease; affecting females almost twice as much as males with a prevalence of approximately 3 per 100,000.39,44 In Europe, a recent study cited an incidence of 0.3 patients per center per year, which is approximately one tenth of the incidence in Japan.45 A 2005 U.S. study suggests an incidence that was 0.086 per 100,000 persons. The ethnicity-specific incidence rate ratios compared to whites were 4.6 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.4 to 6.3) for Asian Americans, 2.2 (95% CI: 1.3 to 2.4) for African Americans, and 0.5 (95% CI: 0.3 to 0.8) for Hispanics.46

In the United States and Korea, reports corroborated historical claims of a bimodal age distribution of moyamoya syndrome, one group in the pediatric age range (around the first decade of life) and a second group of adults in the 30- to 40-year-old range. Adults—who still predominantly present with stroke—have a sevenfold increased likelihood of presenting with hemorrhage as compared to children.38,47,48 In contrast, children usually present with TIAs or strokes, which may prove more difficult to diagnose because of the patient’s age, leading to delayed recognition of the underlying moyamoya.38,49

Associated Conditions

A number of clinical conditions or predisposing factors have been associated with moyamoya syndrome.18,5052 Table 11.2 summarizes the clinical associations noted in a recently published series.51

TABLE 11.2 Comorbid Conditions, Risk Factors, and Syndromes Associated with Moyamoya Syndrome

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Condition/Risk Factor/Syndrome No. of Patients Affected
No associated conditions (idiopathic) 66
Neurofibromatosis type I (NF 1) 16
Asian ethnicity 16
Cranial therapeutic irradiation for neoplasia 15
   Hypothalamic-optic system glioma: 8  
   Craniopharyngioma: 4  
   Medulloblastoma, with Gorlin syndrome: 1