38 Care of the neurosurgical patient
Atony: Decreased or absent muscle tone.
Babinski Reflex: A reflex that is normal in newborns but abnormal in adults; in adults, it indicates a lesion in the pyramidal tract. The reflex is elicited with firm stroking of the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot, which normally elicits dorsiflexion of the big toe with extension and fanning of the other toes.
Baroreceptor: A sensory nerve cell aggregate present in the wall of a blood vessel that is stimulated by changes in blood pressure.
Compliance: The ability of the brain to yield when a pressure or force is applied.
Cranial Surgery: Surgery classified by infratentorial and supratentorial location.
Craniectomy: Removal of a portion of the skull without a replacement.
Cranioplasty: Repair of the skull with replacement of a part of the cranium with a synthetic material.
Craniotomy: A surgical opening of the skull.
Crepitus: A crackling sound produced by the rubbing together of fractured bone fragments or by the presence of subcutaneous emphysema.
Cushing Reflex: An elevated systolic blood pressure, bradycardia, and widening pulse pressure.
Decompensation: The inability of the heart to maintain adequate circulation because of an impairment in brain integrity.
Diabetes Insipidus: A metabolic disorder caused by injury or disease of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland (the hypophysis).
Focal Deficit: Any sign or symptom that indicates a specific or localized area of pathologic alteration.
Infratentorial: The area below the tentorium that includes the brain stem, cerebellum, and posterior fossa. This approach is used for lesions in the brain stem and cerebellum region.
Laminectomy: Excision of the posterior arch of a vertebra to allow excision of a herniated nucleus pulposus.
Phrenic Nucleus: A group of nerve cells located in the spinal cord between the levels of C3 and C5. Damage to this area abolishes or alters the function of the phrenic nerve.
Pyramidal Signs: Symptoms of dysfunction of the pyramidal tract, including spastic paralysis, Babinski’s reflex, and increased deep tendon reflexes.
Queckenstedt Test: The veins of the neck are compressed on one or both sides. In a healthy person, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure rises rapidly and then quickly returns to normal when the pressure is taken off the neck. In a patient with spinal cord obstruction, little or no increase in pressure is found. This test is diagnostically accurate for most cord compressions; however, false-negative results may be obtained if the lesion is located high in the cervical spine area. This test is not performed in patients with known or suspected increased intracranial pressure (ICP).
Rhizotomy: Surgical interruption of the roots of the spinal nerves within the spinal canal.
Spinal Shock: A state that occurs after a spinal cord injury. All sensory, motor, and autonomic activities are lost below the level of the transection, and reflexes are absent. Paralysis is of a flaccid nature and includes the urinary bladder. Autonomic activity gradually resumes as spinal shock subsides. When autonomic activity has returned, bladder and bowel training programs can be started. Flaccid paralysis may develop into varying degrees of spastic paralysis, as evidenced by spasms of flexor or extensor muscle groups. The presence of autonomic activity also allows for episodes of autonomic hyperreflexia.
Subarachnoid Block: The injection of a local anesthetic into the subarachnoid space around the spinal cord.
Subluxation: Partial or incomplete dislocation.
Supratentorial: The area above the tentorium that includes the cerebrum. The supratentorial approach is used for frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobe lesions.
Tonoclonic Movements: Tense muscular contractions that alternate rapidly with muscular relaxation.
Valsalva Maneuver: Contraction of the thorax in forced expiration against the closed glottis; results in increases in intrathoracic and intraabdominal pressures.
As shown in Chapter 10, the physiology of the nervous system is extremely complex. Many neurologic care units have emerged because of the specific type of care needed in the perioperative period. Special education on the physiology, pharmacology, and nursing care is necessary to facilitate appropriate outcomes for the neurosurgical patient. Because nurses in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) are able to render highly specialized nursing care to these patients, most facilities require that these patients first recover from anesthesia in the PACU before returning to the neurologic care unit or a routine care unit. Neurosurgical patients, or those with underlying neurologic conditions, present a challenge to the perianesthesia nurse. In addition to familiarity with routine perianesthesia care, the nurse must have a basic understanding of the nervous system and pathologic conditions or injuries that may affect this system and must be able to translate this knowledge into the skills necessary to assess, provide care for, and evaluate the neurosurgical patient. This chapter is divided into two sections: cranial surgery and spinal surgery. The division is made solely for this discussion because some aspects of care related to each topic are common to both areas. In addition, disease or injury in any portion of the nervous system may also affect other organs and systems of the body. In caring for the neurosurgical patient, the nurse must consider each structure of the nervous system (see Chapter 10) as it relates to the individual as a whole.
Cranial surgery
Diagnostic tools
Techniques used to ascertain the presence and extent of cranial injury or disease include invasive and noninvasive techniques. A brief discussion of invasive and noninvasive diagnostic procedures is included to familiarize the PACU nurse with the techniques and special considerations necessary in the care of these patients. Many interventional neuroradiology procedures with general anesthesia are now done; these patients go to the PACU after the procedure is completed. The specific PACU care is presented; if information on types of sedation (usually dexmedetomidine) for these patients is needed, please see Chapter 21.
Magnetic resonance imaging
The patient is placed within a cylindric high-powered magnet. Body tissues are then subjected to a magnetic field, which causes some of the hydrogen ions to align themselves with the field. A burst of low-energy radio waves is then applied to knock atomic protons within the tissues out of alignment. When the radio waves are discontinued, these protons release tiny amounts of energy that are “read” by a computer. Next, the MRI generates an image based on this information, thus yielding a detailed picture of the structural content and contours of the internal organs. Contraindications for MRI include claustrophobic, agitated, or obese patients and patients with metallic devices or fragments present in the body.
Positron emission tomography
Recent advances in technology have emerged combining the PET and CT scan together. The PET/CT imaging results in shorter imaging times than the PET scan alone. In addition, research indicates improved lesion localization in addition to more exact tumor staging.1
Cerebral angiography
Arteriography, or angiography, is the diagnostic tool for aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, and other cerebrovascular abnormalities. A cannulated needle2 is introduced into the femoral or axillary artery and threaded to the level of the common carotid artery. Radiopaque dye is then injected, and radiographs record its path through the cerebral vasculature (Fig. 38-1). Irritation brought on by use of the dye may manifest itself in altered states of consciousness, hemiparesis, or speech difficulties that are usually transient. During and after arteriography, the patient may have an allergic reaction to the dye that can range from mild urticaria to anaphylaxis. Resuscitative equipment must be immediately available until the danger of allergic reaction has passed.
Postprocedure care includes proper hydration to prevent renal complications from the dye.3 In addition, the patient will require close neurologic and cardiovascular monitoring. The proceduralist may have used a closure device at the arterial site. Manufacturer recommendations, institutional policies and proceduralist orders should all be maintained. These orders will consist of bedrest, puncture site checks for bleeding or hematoma and vascular check of the affected limb.4 Intravenous fluids are maintained until the danger of untoward reaction has passed and the patient no longer has the transient nausea that occasionally occurs.
Injuries and pathologic conditions of the brain
Types of injuries
Skull fractures are categorized as linear, comminuted, depressed, or basilar. The linear skull fracture associated with mild brain injury4 and do not require treatment. A comminuted fracture, also known as the eggshell fracture, is a culmination of multiple linear fractures.5 A depressed skull fracture is an inward depression of the skull and is classified as open (compound) or simple (closed).5 Infection is a primary concern, and surgery may be necessary to remove bony fragments, clean the wound, and elevate the depressed bone. Basilar skull fractures occur in the base of the skull and are difficult to diagnose with radiographs. Diagnosis is confirmed with clinical data. Patients often have “raccoon’s eyes” (periorbital ecchymosis), Battle sign (ecchymosis around the mastoid process), or CSF otorrhea.
Consequences of injury
Traumatic head injury can cause hemorrhage beneath a skull fracture or from a shearing of the veins or cortical arteries and results in epidural, subdural, subarachnoid, or intraventricular hemorrhage (Fig. 38-2). The signs and symptoms of brain ischemia and increased intracranial pressure (ICP) vary with the speed at which the functions of vital centers are altered. A small clot that accumulates rapidly may be fatal; however, the patient may survive a slowly developing, much larger hematoma through effective compensatory mechanisms.

FIG. 38-2 Types of hematomas. A, Subdural hematoma. B, Epidural hematoma. C, Intracerebral hematoma.
(From Black JM, Hokanson Hawks JH: Medical-surgical nursing: clinical management for positive outcomes, ed 8, St. Louis, 2009, Saunders.)
Subacute subdural hematomas fail to show acute signs and symptoms at onset. Brain swelling is not great, but the hematoma may become large enough to produce symptoms. Progressive hemiparesis, obtundation, and aphasia often appear 2 to 14 days after injury. The degree of ultimate recovery depends on the extent of damage produced at the time of injury.
Intraventricular hematoma, which is usually caused by a subarachnoid or intracerebral hemorrhage, is bleeding into the ventricles.6 This can be caused by brain trauma such as penetrating wounds or from an anterior communicating and basilar tip aneurysm.5 An intraventricular hematoma is associated with high mortality, and treatment includes a ventriculostomy with CSF drainage and ICP management.6
Types of pathologic conditions
Cerebral aneurysms are round dilations of the arterial wall that develop as a result of weakness of the wall from defects in the media layer of the artery. Most cerebral aneurysms occur at bifurcations close to the circle of Willis and usually involve the anterior portion. Common bifurcations include those with the internal carotid, the middle cerebral, and the basilar arteries and in relation to the anterior and posterior communicating arteries. The exact cause or precipitating factor is not well defined but may be related to congenital abnormality, arteriosclerosis, embolus, or trauma. Aneurysms are usually asymptomatic and present no clinical problem to the patient unless rupture occurs, which results in neurologic deficits. Ruptured cerebral aneurysm is the major cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage or hemorrhagic stroke. Depending on the severity of the cerebral bleed, the rupture of a cerebral aneurysm can often be fatal.6 If treatable, surgical intervention usually involves clipping or coiling of the aneurysm after identification through angiography. Careful consideration is given to the complications that can occur after aneurismal rupture or bleeding, which are rebleeding, vasospasm, and hydrocephalus.6
Intracranial pressure dynamics
Volume may be added to any of the cerebral compartments and results in increased ICP when the compensatory capacity is exceeded. Brain volume can be increased by a tumor, a hematoma, or edema. Blood volume can be increased through dilation of the vascular bed. CSF volume can be increased through obstruction in the ventricles, resistance to reabsorption, or, in rare instances, increased production of the CSF. Large brain tumors increase pressure by their mass, by blocking the rate of CSF reabsorption, or both. If the tumor is near the surface of the brain, it can cause inflamed meninges that may exude large quantities of fluid and protein into the CSF, thus increasing ICP. Hemorrhage or infection also causes increases in ICP. Large numbers of cells suddenly appear in the CSF and can almost totally block CSF absorption through the arachnoid villi. Regardless of the mechanism, when the volume added exceeds the volume that can be displaced, intracranial compliance is greatly reduced and ICP begins to increase.
Fig. 38-3 illustrates the relationship between intracranial volume and pressure. Phase I shows the success of compensatory mechanisms in maintenance of a constant ICP despite early increases in volume. In phase II, the limited capability of compensatory mechanisms has been exceeded and ICP begins to rise. In phase III, even a slight increase in volume causes a dramatic rise in ICP and thus results in complete decompensation and death. The shape of the curve may be altered by the rate at which the volume increases. Slowly developing increases in volume broaden the curve, whereas rapid increases narrow it.
Perianesthesia care for the patients with the potential for increased ICP requires an understanding of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the factors that affect it; these factors become defective during increased ICP and are manipulated to reduce ICP. CBF is directly proportional to cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and inversely proportional to cerebrovascular resistance. CPP described as the pressure required to perfuse the brain.7 CPP is typically expressed as the difference between the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and the ICP:
Consequently, any increase in ICP or reduction in MAP reduces CPP and resultant CBF. Average CBF is 50 mL per 100 g/min.4 The CBF below which cerebral ischemia occurs has been termed the critical CBF, which is a flow rate of 16 or 17 mL per 100 g/min. Average CPP is 80 mm Hg.4 CBF begins to fail at a CPP of 30 to 40 mm Hg.6 Irreversible hypoxia occurs at a CPP less than 30 mm Hg. When ICP equals MAP, CPP equals zero and CBF ceases.
The lower limit of CBF autoregulation is the blood pressure below which vasodilatation becomes inadequate and CBF decreases. When CPP decreases to less than 60 mm Hg because of increases in ICP, autoregulation ceases to be beneficial or effective in regulation of CBF. Defective autoregulation aggravates pressure increases and creates critical or irreversible levels of ICP by increasing the blood volume within the cranium in an effort to maintain CBF. Defective autoregulation generally occurs when ICP exceeds 30 to 35 mm Hg. Eventually, autoregulation ceases altogether, and blood flow fluctuates passively with changes in arterial pressure, regardless of metabolic activity or regulation.
When ICP is increased, CPP and CBF are reduced, which renders the tissues ischemic. Ischemic cerebral tissue releases acid metabolites that cause a relatively fixed reduction in cerebrovascular tone. Autoregulation ceases and any increase in MAP causes further increase in cerebral blood volume and elicits further increase in ICP. CPP is reduced and thus causes ischemic areas to enlarge, such as those that surround an expanding intracranial mass. As can be seen in Fig. 38-4, a pathologic cycle ensues in which ICP and MAP eventually equilibrate, the CPP drops to zero, CBF stops, and death occurs.
Neurosurgical procedures
Stereotaxis enables precise localization of a specified point. A stereotactic frame is applied to the patient’s head, and the target tissue is located with the stereotactic frame’s coordinates and CT scanning. Hemorrhage evacuation, catheter, shunt, or electrode placement and implantation of radioactive seeds are all procedures that may benefit from the use of stereotaxis. Additional uses include destruction of intracranial sensory pathways and the treatment of intractable chronic pain.8
Laser surgery
The benefit of laser surgery is that it enables the neurosurgeon to access areas that were surgically inaccessible with conventional surgery. With laser surgery, the surgeon can dissect a structure without trauma to the surrounding tissue, shrink tumors, and coagulate blood vessels. See Chapter 47