Cardiovascular system

Published on 27/05/2015 by admin

Filed under Internal Medicine

Last modified 27/05/2015

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The primary function of the cardiovascular system is to maintain perfusion of organs and tissues with oxygenated blood. Complex homeostatic mechanisms exist to ensure that an adequate cardiac output and blood pressure are maintained to meet the needs of the individual. When these mechanisms fail, ‘shock’ ensues, which uncorrected, can result in organ failure, prolonged ICU stay and death.


The aetiology of shock is frequently multifactorial. Typical causes are listed in Table 4.1. Although all causes of shock are seen on the ICU, the commonest in practice is septic shock (see Septic shock, p. 331).

TABLE 4.1 Typical causes of shock*

Classification Underlying cause
Hypovolaemia Dehydration
Increased capillary permeability
Cardiogenic Myocardial infarction/ischaemia
Valve disruption
Myocardial rupture (e.g. VSD)
Mechanical/obstructive Pulmonary embolism
Cardiac tamponade
Tension pneumothorax
Altered systemic vascular resistance Sepsis
Severe anaemia
Addisonian crisis

* Note, more than one cause may be present in an individual patient.



Assuming that oxygen saturation and haemoglobin are optimal, then the main determinant of systemic oxygen delivery is cardiac output (CO). This is defined as the volume of blood ejected by the heart per minute. It is the product of heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV), as shown:


In order to take account of patient size, cardiac output is usually expressed as cardiac index (CI), which is the CO divided by the patient’s body surface area (BSA). BSA can be derived from a patient’s height and weight using nomograms. In practice, however, height and weight are usually entered directly into monitoring systems and all necessary calculations performed automatically. Typical values are shown in Table 4.3.

TABLE 4.3 Typical adult values for cardiac output

Cardiac output (CO) 4–6 L/min
Cardiac index (CI) 2.5–3.5 L / min / m2

The factors that affect cardiac output are discussed below.

Stroke volume (SV)

The stroke volume is the volume of blood ejected with each heartbeat, and is the difference between the volume of the full ventricle (end diastolic volume) and the volume of the ventricle after ejection of blood is completed (end systolic volume). Traditionally, SV has been thought of as being determined by preload, contractility and afterload.


This represents the ability of the heart to work independent of the preload and afterload. Increased contractility, as, for example produced by inotropes, results in increased SV for the same preload (see Fig. 4.1). Decreased contractility may result from intrinsic heart disease, or from the myocardial depressant effects of acidosis, hypoxia and disease processes, e.g. sepsis.

Pressure–volume–flow loops

A more recent approach to understanding the interdependency of preload contractility and afterload and the effects thereof, on cardiac output and stroke volume, is to consider pressure–volume–flow loops of the left ventricle (see Fig. 4.2).

End diastolic volume, which represents ventricular filling, is a function of venous return (pressure) and the diastolic compliance. Increased venous pressure leads to increased ventricular filling and this additional filling is greatest where diastolic compliance is optimal. Where diastolic dysfunction or failure occurs, the diastolic compliance is reduced (with a steeper diastolic compliance curve) and higher venous pressures are required to achieve adequate ventricular filling. Diastolic dysfunction may be seen in hypoxia, myocardial ischaemia, metabolic derangement or as a consequence of mechanical compromise such as pericardial effusion or tamponade.

The end systolic point describes the relationship between the end systolic volume (the volume of blood remaining in the ventricle at the end of systole) and the ejection systolic pressure. This point is determined by a combination of contractility and outflow resistance (afterload). The end systolic point moves upwards and to the right if the ejection systolic pressure is increased (e.g. increased afterload), and downwards to the left if the ejection systolic pressure is reduced (e.g. decreased afterload). Thus under conditions of vasodilation, (e.g. sepsis) there is reduced afterload, lower ejection systolic pressure and reduced end systolic volume. Conversely, vasoconstriction (increased afterload) leads to increased ejection systolic pressure, and increased end systolic volume.

Assuming contractility is unchanged, the ejection systolic point at the end of any heart beat will fall along a curve. Changes in contractility will shift the position of this curve (Fig. 4.2). Increased contractility for example as a result of inotropic drugs, shifts the curve upwards and to the left, so that the same ejection systolic pressure is associated with an increased ejection fraction, greater stroke volume and reduced end systolic volume. Reduced contractility, for example resulting from intrinsic heart disease, or from the myocardial depressant effects of acidosis, hypoxia or sepsis shifts the curve to the right and flattens it. The same systolic blood pressure is associated with a reduced ejection fraction and stroke volume and a much greater end systolic volume.


Although considerable information on the cardiovascular status of a patient can be obtained from simple clinical examination (pulse, blood pressure, core peripheral temperature gradient, urine output etc.) additional information obtained from invasive monitoring is useful, particularly when assessing the response to changes in therapy.

Pulmonary artery catheterization

Pulmonary artery (PA) catheterization has for a number of years been the gold standard cardiovascular monitoring tool in ICU. This technique enables the measurement of pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) and CO, and also allows many other haemodynamic variables to be calculated or derived. Typical values are given in Table 4.4.

TABLE 4.4 Normal values of common haemodynamic variables derived from PA catheterization

Central venous pressure (CVP) 4–10 mmHg
Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) 5–15 mmHg
Cardiac output (CO) 4–6 L / min
Cardiac index (CI) 2.5–3.5 L min−1 m−2
Stroke volume (SV) 60–90 mL / beat
Stroke volume index (SVI) 33–47 mL / beat per m2
Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) 900–1200 dyne.s / cm5
Systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) 1700–2400 dyne.s / cm5 per m2
Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) <250 dyne.s / cm5
Pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI) 255–285 dyne.s / cm5 per m2

These ‘normal values’ provide a guide only. They may not be achievable or appropriate for all critically ill patients (See Goal directed therapy, p. 78).

The value of pulmonary artery catheters has recently been questioned and the technique has been the subject of a number of major multicentre trials leading to a critical re-evaluation of the role of PA catheterization. Recent trials failed to show benefit or harm in a mixed adult ICU population with the suggestion that it should be reserved for the more complicated case where specific questions about the dynamic variables are required to be answered. The use of PA catheterization has fallen significantly with the introduction of alternative forms of monitoring. Relatively non-invasive systems for continuous cardiac output monitoring are available based on transthoracic bioimpedance, oesophageal Doppler, pulse contour and pulse power analysis.


Optimization of haemodynamic status is a key goal in both the critically ill patients and the high risk patient undergoing major surgery. This encompasses both optimization of cardiac output and oxygen delivery and also the maintenance of adequate organ perfusion.