Clinical features

Other features of shock may include an increased or decreased core temperature, hypoventilation or hyperventilation, renal and hepatic dysfunction, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and altered mental status. (See Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, p. 326 and Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome, p. 327.) The young fit patient with an adequate cardiac reserve may well be able to initially compensate for the pathophysiological disturbances leading to shock. Consequently, shock occurring in an otherwise fit young person often represents a greater physiological disturbance or a later stage of illness as compared with the situation in an elderly patient, in whom conditions such as fixed cardiac output, peripheral and coronary artery disease and reduced organ function reduce the ‘physiological reserve’.
The aetiology of shock is frequently multifactorial. Typical causes are listed in Table 4.1. Although all causes of shock are seen on the ICU, the commonest in practice is septic shock (see Septic shock, p. 331).
Classification | Underlying cause |
Hypovolaemia | Dehydration Haemorrhage Burns Sepsis Increased capillary permeability |
Cardiogenic | Myocardial infarction/ischaemia Valve disruption Myocardial rupture (e.g. VSD) |
Mechanical/obstructive | Pulmonary embolism Cardiac tamponade Tension pneumothorax |
Altered systemic vascular resistance | Sepsis Severe anaemia Anaphylaxis Addisonian crisis |
* Note, more than one cause may be present in an individual patient.
Oxygen consumption (VO2)
If cardiac index is used in the above calculations (see below), then oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption can also be expressed as an index relative to body surface area. Typical normal values are shown in Table 4.2.
TABLE 4.2 Typical adult values for oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption
Oxygen delivery | 1000 mL / min |
Oxygen delivery index DO2I | 550 mL / min / m2 |
Oxygen consumption VO2 | 250 mL / min |
Oxygen consumption index VO2I | 150 mL / min / m2 |
Optimizing oxygen delivery
From the formula for oxygen delivery above, it follows that oxygen delivery can be improved by:
Optimizing haemoglobin
Since haemoglobin (Hb) carries oxygen to the tissues, one might assume that raising a patient’s Hb to 15 g / dL might provide optimal oxygen delivery. However, clinical studies have not confirmed that raising the haemoglobin concentration improves outcome and indeed, the opposite is likely to be true. Evidence from the Canadian Multicentre Clinical Trials Group suggests that restrictive transfusion strategies produce the best outcome in critically ill patients and that the optimal level in most cases is a Hb of 8–10 g / dL. (See Indications for blood transfusion, p. 246.) This study excluded patients, however, with significant coronary artery and vascular disease, who may benefit from a higher Hb. If in doubt about optimal haemoglobin for an individual patient, seek senior advice.
In order to take account of patient size, cardiac output is usually expressed as cardiac index (CI), which is the CO divided by the patient’s body surface area (BSA). BSA can be derived from a patient’s height and weight using nomograms. In practice, however, height and weight are usually entered directly into monitoring systems and all necessary calculations performed automatically. Typical values are shown in Table 4.3.
Cardiac output (CO) | 4–6 L/min |
Cardiac index (CI) | 2.5–3.5 L / min / m2 |
The factors that affect cardiac output are discussed below.
Stroke volume (SV)
This is defined as the ventricular wall tension at the end of diastole. In simple terms preload refers to the degree of ventricular filling. According to the Frank–Starling law of the heart, the greater the degree of ventricular filling, the greater the force of myocardial contraction and thus SV. Above a certain point, however, the ventricle becomes over-stretched and further filling may result in a fall in SV. Heart failure and pulmonary oedema may then develop (see Fig. 4.1).
This represents the ability of the heart to work independent of the preload and afterload. Increased contractility, as, for example produced by inotropes, results in increased SV for the same preload (see Fig. 4.1). Decreased contractility may result from intrinsic heart disease, or from the myocardial depressant effects of acidosis, hypoxia and disease processes, e.g. sepsis.
Pressure–volume–flow loops
A more recent approach to understanding the interdependency of preload contractility and afterload and the effects thereof, on cardiac output and stroke volume, is to consider pressure–volume–flow loops of the left ventricle (see Fig. 4.2).
Assuming contractility is unchanged, the ejection systolic point at the end of any heart beat will fall along a curve. Changes in contractility will shift the position of this curve (Fig. 4.2). Increased contractility for example as a result of inotropic drugs, shifts the curve upwards and to the left, so that the same ejection systolic pressure is associated with an increased ejection fraction, greater stroke volume and reduced end systolic volume. Reduced contractility, for example resulting from intrinsic heart disease, or from the myocardial depressant effects of acidosis, hypoxia or sepsis shifts the curve to the right and flattens it. The same systolic blood pressure is associated with a reduced ejection fraction and stroke volume and a much greater end systolic volume.
Although considerable information on the cardiovascular status of a patient can be obtained from simple clinical examination (pulse, blood pressure, core peripheral temperature gradient, urine output etc.) additional information obtained from invasive monitoring is useful, particularly when assessing the response to changes in therapy.
Pulmonary artery catheterization
Pulmonary artery (PA) catheterization has for a number of years been the gold standard cardiovascular monitoring tool in ICU. This technique enables the measurement of pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) and CO, and also allows many other haemodynamic variables to be calculated or derived. Typical values are given in Table 4.4.
TABLE 4.4 Normal values of common haemodynamic variables derived from PA catheterization
Central venous pressure (CVP) | 4–10 mmHg |
Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) | 5–15 mmHg |
Cardiac output (CO) | 4–6 L / min |
Cardiac index (CI) | 2.5–3.5 L min−1 m−2 |
Stroke volume (SV) | 60–90 mL / beat |
Stroke volume index (SVI) | 33–47 mL / beat per m2 |
Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) | 900–1200 dyne.s / cm5 |
Systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) | 1700–2400 dyne.s / cm5 per m2 |
Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) | <250 dyne.s / cm5 |
Pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI) | 255–285 dyne.s / cm5 per m2 |
These ‘normal values’ provide a guide only. They may not be achievable or appropriate for all critically ill patients (See Goal directed therapy, p. 78).
Pulse contour analysis
Currently, systems based on pulse contour analysis are perhaps the most likely to enter widespread use. In general terms these require venous access (peripheral or central) and an arterial line with a sensor either built in or attached. To calibrate the system an indicator is injected into the venous catheter and is detected by the arterial line producing a standard dilutional CO measurement. From this the systems are able to provide continuous CO, SV and systemic vascular resistance by analysis of the pulse waveform. To maintain accuracy they must be calibrated every 8–12 h or whenever there is a significant change in cardiovascular status. A popular device using this technique is the Picco system, which combines pulse contour analysis with intermittent calibration by thermodilution. The thermodilution calibration curves can also be used to estimate thermal volumes of distribution in the chest, providing a reasonably well validated measure of global end diastolic volume (a surrogate for filling) and extra vascular lung water, useful in resuscitation and the management of acute lung injury.
Pulse power analysis
A related approach is an analysis of the area under the curve of the arterial waveform. This is known as ‘pulse power analysis’ and has some theoretical advantages over pulse contour analysis. In particular, it does not require proximal arterial cannulation and should in theory be slightly more robust under conditions of damping. It is used commercially in the LiDCO system. This device combines pulse power analysis with calibration using lithium dilution every 12–24 h. An injection of a very low dose of lithium into a vein (not necessarily a central vein) is accompanied by measurement of a dilation curve in an artery. Blood is pumped from the arterial line across an electrode calibrated to measure monovalent cations. In theory, the only such ion whose concentration varies in the time course of the measurement is lithium. Injection of other charged substances at the same time invalidate the measurement. In practice, the only common confounding factor is recent injection of atracurium (a positively charged quaternary nitrogen compound).
Transthoracic echocardiography is minimally invasive and can be repeated at short intervals to assess cardiac function and response to therapy. The key information available from echocardiography is shown in Table 4.5.
Structure | Anatomical abnormalities (e.g. congenital heart disease) |
Filling | Assessment of end diastolic volume of RA / RV / LA / LV |
Function | Assessment of contractility Identification of areas of dyskinesia (suggestive of ischaemia) Presence of dilated chambers Valve function |
Pericardium | Presence of pericardial effusions Evidence of tamponade |
There is increasing availability of bedside, transthoracic and to a lesser extent transoesophageal, echocardiography in intensive care, for use by suitably trained intensive care staff, as opposed to cardiologists or sonographers. Abbreviated training packages have been developed for this purpose, which enable individuals to undertake focused examinations (e.g. FATE). All these packages accept the limitations of examinations by non-specialists and emphasize the need for formal referral to echocardiography where there is doubt about the findings. Nevertheless it seems likely that echocardiography will increasingly become an extension of the traditional clinical examination of patients in ICU. All patients will be likely to receive a focused echocardiography examination on admission and at intervals and the findings used to guide haemodynamic therapy.
Goal directed therapy
The availability of so many measured haemodynamic variables (above) led to attempts to improve the outcome of critically ill patients by manipulation of the variables to achieve ‘standard goals’. Shoemaker, for example, compared measured variables in trauma survivors and non-survivors and suggested that outcome could be improved by manipulating haemodynamics to achieve supranormal values of cardiac index (4.5 L / min / m2), oxygen delivery index (650 mL / min / m2) and oxygen consumption index (165 mL/min/m2). There is little evidence, however, that this approach improves outcome in the general population of critically ill patients.
Rational approach to optimization of haemodynamic status
Avoid aiming to achieve absolute numbers for CO and other variables. Use ‘normal values’ only as a guide and think in terms of achieving adequate haemodynamic performance for the individual patient. A rational approach is to optimize fluid (filling) status first and then to add an inotrope or vasoconstrictor as required. Figure 4.3 provides a simple algorithm for optimizing haemodynamic status and the management of shock regardless of the underlying cause.
Use of vasoactive drugs
There is a tendency to refer to all vasoactive drugs as inotropes. This is not only incorrect but can lead to confusion when deciding which agent to choose in any given circumstance. By classifying the available agents according to their receptor pharmacology and actions, a rational approach to their use can be achieved. Table 4.6 shows the effects of agonists at various receptors.
Receptor | Effects |
α1 | Vasoconstriction |
β1 | Increased myocardial contractility and heart rate |
β2 | Vasodilatation (and bronchodilatation) |
DA | Splanchnic and renal vasodilatation |