TOPIC 3 Cardiovascular system
Perioperative cardiac risk assessment
Test: Risk assessment scoring
In 1977 Goldman and colleagues developed a preoperative cardiac risk index (Table 3.1) based on nine clinical factors to give a cumulative risk score, predicting outcome after noncardiac surgery.
Risk factor | Score | |
Third heart sound (S3) | 11 |
In 1986 this was modified by Detsky (Table 3.2) to include angina, suspected aortic valve disease and pulmonary oedema. Based on this model patients are stratified as low, intermediate or high risk for a cardiac event.
Table 3.2 Detsky’s modified cardiac risk index
Factor | Risk |
Age older than 70 years | 5 |
Myocardial infection within 6 months | 10 |
Myocardial infection after 6 months | 5 |
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Angina Classification* | |
Class III | 10 |
Class IV | 20 |
Unstable angina within 6 months | 10 |
Alveolar pulmonary oedema | |
Within 1 week | 10 |
Any history of pulmonary oedema | 5 |
Suspected critical aortic stenosis | 20 |
Arrhythmia | |
Rhythm other than sinus plus atrial premature beats | 5 |
More than five premature ventricular beats | 5 |
Emergency operation | 10 |
Poor general medical status | 5 |
Class | Points | Cardiac risk |
I | 0–15 | Low |
II | 20–30 | |
III | 31+ | High |
* The Canadian Cardiovascular Society Angina Grading Scale is commonly used for the classification of severity of angina: Class I – angina only during strenuous or prolonged physical activity; Class II – slight limitation, with angina only during vigorous physical activity; Class III – symptoms with everyday living activities, i.e., moderate limitation; Class IV – inability to perform any activity without angina or angina at rest, i.e., severe limitation.
Metabolic equivalent task (MET)
METs are a measure of functional capacity, which estimate the energy requirement to carry out activities of daily living (Table 3.3). One MET is defined as the average resting oxygen uptake for a 70-kg male and is equal to approximately 3.5 mL/kg/min. Assessment predicts a patient’s exercise capacity, which may contribute to patient risk assessment.
No of METs | Activity |
2 METs | Eat, dress or use the toilet. Walk indoors around the house. Walk on level ground at 2–3 mph or 3.2–4.8 km/h |
4 METs | Light work around the house like dusting or washing dishes. Climb a flight of stairs or walk up a hill. Walk on level ground at 4 mph or 6.4 km/h. Participate in moderate recreational activities like golf, bowling |
>10 METs | Participate in strenuous sports like swimming, singles tennis, football, basketball or skiing |
Adapted from the Duke Activity Status Index and AHA Exercise Standards.
Test: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPEX)
VO2max (Fig. 3.1): Represents maximal oxygen uptake during exercise of increasing intensity. Expressed in mL/kg/min, VO2max is a function of both the maximal cardiac output and the maximal tissue extraction of O2. Under exercise conditions, oxygen consumption becomes a linear function of cardiac output. This measurement is therefore an indirect measure of ventricular function.
Anaerobic threshold (AT) (Figs 3.2 and 3.3): This is the point during exercise at which anaerobic metabolism is used to supplement aerobic metabolism as a source of energy. In exercise, when lactate is produced it is buffered by bicarbonate, leading to increased production of CO2. This causes a rise in VCO2, which exceeds the rise in VO2, therefore the VCO2/VO2 ratio increases.

Fig. 3.3 Implications of anaerobic threshold (AT) with respect to perioperative cardiovascular risk.
(Adapted from Older P et al. Chest 1999. 116(2) 355–62 Cardiopulmonary exercise testing as a screening test for perioperative management of major surgery in the elderly.)
An AT of >11 mL/min/kg predicted postoperative survival with a high sensitivity and specificity. Cardiovascular death was virtually confined to patients with an AT <11 mL/min/kg. Older P. Chest 1999. 116(2)355–62