Cardiovascular Assessment of Infants and Children

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chapter 10 Cardiovascular Assessment of Infants and Children

Cardiology, to a degree perhaps seen in no other subspecialty, relies heavily on the clinical skills of practitioners to identify disease. This reliance on clinical skills has not changed, even in this age of advancing and readily available technology. Cardiovascular assessment of children requires patience, thoroughness, and flexibility, because often you must adapt to children who are in varying states of arousal and may not be at all ready for you to examine them. It also requires a great deal of compassion, because few things engender as much parental anxiety as the thought that something may be wrong with their child’s heart.

In this chapter, we will review an approach to the history and physical examination of children at different ages. Because disease states may surface at different times during childhood, and because the cardiovascular system changes with age, clinical symptoms to be explored and the approach to the physical examination are described separately for four age groups: the infant, the 3- to 5-year-old child, the school-aged child, and the teenager. A systematic approach to history-taking and physical examination helps you develop the skills and confidence that will allow you to make correct decisions for most children without resorting to indiscriminate use of imaging or other investigations.

Classification of Heart Disease in Children

When taking a history of a presenting complaint with a potential cardiac cause or association, remember that heart disease in children takes several forms. These types of heart disease may be divided into the following categories:

Thus, in approaching the cardiovascular examination of the child, be aware not only of the variations of normal but also of the wide spectrum of diseases that may occur.

Case History

Peter is a 3-month-old who is brought to the office by his mother because of new concerns about feeding. In the past 2 weeks, his feeding has decreased significantly. He is irritable and upset a lot of the time and seems to be constantly clammy or sweaty. His mother thinks he also breathes faster than other babies. She has never noticed him to look looks blue, but her friends comment on how pale he is. Her husband, who works on an oil rig offshore, thinks the baby has colic and that she is overreacting.

The experienced clinician will recognize these symptoms as potentially worrisome and highly suggestive of congestive heart failure. Further history-taking that explores the details around his symptoms, any associated symptoms, and the perinatal and family history will help narrow down potential causes. A careful, thorough physical examination will help confirm suspicions and allow appropriate investigation, referral, and timely treatment.

In this case, the timing of the onset of symptoms is slightly later than is usually seen in lesions, such as VSDs or atrioventricular (AV) septal defects (AV canals), which are the most common causes of congestive heart failure in infancy. These lesions usually become symptomatic between 4 and 6 weeks of life, as pulmonary vascular resistance falls enough to allow enough left-to-right shunting to cause congestive heart failure. Given the later onset and the irritability in this child, a more unusual lesion also must be considered—an aberrant left coronary off the pulmonary artery. These lesions “steal” blood away from the left coronary system and result in both a dilated cardiomyopathy and recurrent angina for the baby. Correction of this problem can be accomplished surgically but is much more urgent than correction of a ventricular level shunt.

The assessment of infants and children who present with symptoms suggestive of heart disease is described in this chapter. Tips for separating “functional” or benign symptoms or physical examination findings from more serious ones are also provided.

History of Present Illness and Cardiac Functional Inquiry in the Infant and Young Child

Of every 1000 live births, approximately 13 infants are born with a congenital cardiovascular anomaly. Hence, when evaluating newborns and infants for potential cardiac problems, congenital heart disease should be at the top of your differential diagnoses. Less common conditions that may arise are persistent pulmonary hypertension, asphyxia, and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias.

Congenital heart lesions can be divided into three groups:

The three most common clinical presentations of heart disease in a newborn or infant are (1) a murmur, (2) cyanosis, and (3) respiratory difficulty.

To help identify the underlying pathology, always interpret clinical findings in terms of the underlying hemodynamic disturbance, as described in the following discussions of clinical manifestations.

Age of onset

Significance of the Age of Onset of Congestive Heart Failure

The clinical significance of the age of onset of congestive heart failure is as follows:

Approach to Cardiovascular Examination of the Infant

Because infants and children have an unfortunate habit of not always cooperating, you need to have an organized approach to the cardiovascular examination, while also staying flexible. Do what can be done when the opportunity arises. Begin by assessing the child’s physical development and looking for dysmorphic features, using a systematic approach (see Chapter 5).

Five percent of congenital heart lesions are associated with a chromosomal disorder, and many nonchromosomal dysmorphic syndromes have an associated cardiac lesion. A child with a cleft palate, for example, has a 20% possibility of having a congenital heart lesion.

Infants and toddlers usually are most comfortable on the parent’s lap during the examination. Taking a minute to play a game such as peek-a-boo at the start of the examination of a toddler often goes a long way toward winning the trust of the child, and it pays dividends in the cooperation you get later during the examination.

Looking for central cyanosis

Because the most pressing clinical problems are congestive heart failure and cyanosis, decide early in the examination whether central cyanosis is present. Because this determination is not always easy, you may find an experienced nurse’s opinion invaluable. Many normal newborns have a deep plethoric appearance as a result of a transiently high hemoglobin concentration, particularly if there was a delay in clamping the umbilical cord. Plethora is not as obvious in the mucous membranes, so look carefully in the baby’s mouth. Deep pressure on the skin may help, because the blanched area does not pink up as quickly in infants with central cyanosis. Many normal infants exhibit a generalized mottling, particularly after being bathed (see Fig. 4-2); this condition is called cutis marmorata (literally, marbled skin) and is not pathologic. It also is common in children with Down syndrome. Observe the effect of crying. Invariably, central cyanosis resulting from cardiac disease increases during crying, but do not make the baby cry until after you have listened to the heart.

It is important to be certain of the presence of cyanosis; this determination may require a second examination and often is not at all obvious. When you are examining a child in the hospital, measuring the blood oxygen saturation will help greatly, as may observing the effect of having the child breathe 100% oxygen. Finally, remember that cyanosis may occur in only one part of the body; for example, the lower part of the body may show cyanosis while the upper part remains pink. This condition can occur with an aortic coarctation or persistent pulmonary hypertension when there is associated right-to-left shunting through a PDA.

Clinical manifestations of heart failure

When low cardiac output and high pulmonary venous pressure cause sufficient hemodynamic disturbance to produce clinical manifestations, cardiac enlargement is invariably present. Whether the disturbance involves primarily the left or the right ventricle, the left side of the thorax becomes prominent anteriorly (Fig. 10–1). Although this prominence may not be evident in the first month of life, it certainly will be evident by the age of 3 months. When respiratory distress due to heart failure has been present for 2 months or longer, the greater diaphragmatic contractions during respiration may produce a sulcus in the lower thorax, with outward flaring of the inferior rib cage edge. Therefore, look for a sulcus, left-sided chest prominence, abnormal chest or abdominal movement, an increased respiratory rate, and subcostal indrawing.


Now lay your prewarmed hand very gently on the infant’s chest, remembering that the heart may not be in its normal position. With the tips of the first and second fingers of your right hand, depress the thorax just left of the xiphoid process (Fig. 10–2). Your fingertips are now lying on the right ventricle. A faint impulse is allowable, but if the heart is enlarged, a definite forceful movement will be present. When you perform this maneuver repeatedly in normal infants, you soon will be able to tell the difference between normal and abnormal findings. This distinction will help you make a quick decision about whether the 6-week-old baby who presents with respiratory distress has a cardiac or a respiratory problem.

Now depress the thorax in the apical area. Prominence of the apical impulse is diagnostically less helpful in infants than in older children, except in rare instances, such as in tricuspid atresia in which the right ventricle is hypoplastic. Then palpate in the second interspace at the left sternal border, where a prominent pulmonary artery pulsation may be elicited. Finally, place one index finger carefully in the suprasternal notch (Fig. 10–3), searching first for an abnormal pulsation and then for a thrill. Then work in the opposite direction, searching for thrills and palpable sounds. At this point, you should have made a reasonable appraisal of the child’s cardiac dynamics.

Liver size and position

Whether you are right- or left-handed, stand or sit on the baby’s right side to palpate for the liver. Use the tip of your right thumb and begin well down in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, pressing inward and upward (Fig. 10–4). If the baby has just been fed, do not press very deeply. If the edge of the liver is soft, its margin may be difficult to detect; nevertheless, if the liver is enlarged, you should appreciate a sense of resistance as your thumb tip moves superiorly. If the edge is difficult to feel, use soft percussion, tapping the second digit of your left hand with the second digit of your right hand, beginning low in the right lower quadrant and placing the second digit of your left hand parallel to the liver edge (Fig. 10–5). You should be able to sense the change in the percussion note signifying the liver’s edge. Except in the presence of pulmonary hyperinflation, the edge of the liver normally should not be more than 1 to 2 cm below the costal margin.

Finally, remember that the liver can be ectopic (i.e., on the left side or up in the thorax).


You need all the acoustic help you can get during cardiac auscultation, so be sure to turn off radios and televisions, close the door, and have everything and everyone be as quiet as possible. Cardiac auscultation is not easy, even in older cooperative patients, but coping with a restless baby with rapid cardiac and respiratory rates in a noisy nursery is a real trial. Having the child eat or giving him or her a pacifier may help. Hospital stethoscopes frequently are of poor quality, so find and use a good one.

Remember that the two main determinants of auscultatory proficiency are the fit of the earpieces and the quality (or at least the education!) of the gray matter between them.

Recognition of normal splitting of the second heart sound often is impossible when the heart rate is rapid. However, you should be able to assess the intensity or loudness of the second sound. Its intensity increases in the presence of pulmonary hypertension or when the aorta is anteriorly placed, as in transposition of the great vessels. Occasionally an ejection sound can be appreciated, which is an abnormal finding. Listen over the back for the murmur of coarctation and to both sides of the skull for the bruit of an intracranial arteriovenous malformation.

A detailed description of cardiac auscultation and the types of findings possible is contained in a subsequent section of this chapter. The following list contains a few dogmatic but valuable generalizations concerning auscultatory findings in young infants:

Blood pressure

Although measuring the systemic blood pressure can be a difficult task, you should try to do so. The normal systolic blood pressure of an infant is between 60 and 80 mm Hg in both the arm and the leg (Table 10–1). The four methods of measuring blood pressure are (1) auscultatory, (2) palpatory, (3) visual (flush), and (4) Doppler.

All methods require the use of an inflatable cuff. The first decision is to choose the size of the cuff; the size is of great importance because the measuring the pressure involves occlusion of the arterial pulse (or the brachial arterial pulse when the arm is used). If the cuff used is too small, greater pressure must be used to obliterate the pulse, and the blood pressure measured will be artificially high. Use a cuff that covers almost the full extent of the upper arm, with the elbow bent. Always have a full selection of cuff sizes available. The right arm should be chosen when possible because of the proximity of the LSCA to a coarctation.

For all methods of measuring blood pressure, first supinate the child’s arm to make the radial artery easily accessible. Apply the cuff, elevate the arm, and then inflate the cuff. Prior elevation of the arm (or opening and closing the hand) prevents the auscultatory gap phenomenon (Fig. 10–6). If this procedure is not followed, when you inflate the cuff and listen for Korotkoff sounds, as you decrease the pressure in the cuff you may hear a sound appear, then disappear, and then reappear as the pressure is further decreased. This phenomenon, known as the auscultatory gap, occurs because of increased vascular resistance distal to the cuff.

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