Chapter 23
Cardiopulmonary Response to Exercise in Health and Disease
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• Describe why continual regeneration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is necessary to sustain exercise
• Explain how aerobic and anaerobic metabolic processes differ in their ability to generate ATP
• Explain how oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production differ in aerobic metabolism of carbohydrates and fats
• Explain why the changes in respiratory, cardiovascular, and metabolic processes are different below than above the anaerobic threshold
• Explain how caloric expenditure is related to oxygen consumption
• Use exercise test data to differentiate cardiac and pulmonary limitations to exercise
• Explain why sedentary and athletically trained individuals differ in their ability to perform exercise
• Use exercise test data to differentiate obstructive and restrictive pulmonary limitations to physical activity
• Use exercise test data to prescribe appropriate physical activity in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation programs
maximum exercise ventilation (< ?xml:namespace prefix = "mml" />max)
maximum oxygen consumption (O2max)
Physiology of Exercise
Strenuous exercise greatly increases the body’s requirements for oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide elimination. Close coupling between increased metabolic activity and cardiopulmonary function is necessary to supply adequate oxygen to exercising muscles and maintain a normal blood acid-base balance. This coupling is schematically represented in Figure 23-1.
Normal exchange of O2 and CO2 between muscle cells and the air requires the following:1 (1) efficient alveolar ventilation, (2) pulmonary blood flow matched to ventilation, (3) adequate blood hemoglobin content, (4) adequate cardiac pump function, (5) systemic blood flow matched to tissue requirements, and (6) ventilatory control mechanisms sensitive to arterial blood gas changes. These factors normally interact in a finely coordinated fashion, responding precisely to the metabolic needs of exercising muscle.
Metabolism during Exercise
The source of energy for skeletal muscle contraction is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The structure of the ATP molecule is symbolized as follows:2

The bonds between the radicals, designated by the symbol ~, are high-energy phosphate bonds. The process of metabolism breaks these bonds, releasing the energy needed to form and break cross-bridges between the muscle’s actin and myosin myofibrils, as described in Chapter 17; in this way, muscle fibers shorten and generate force. During exercise conditions, each high-energy bond stores about 7300 calories (7.3 kcal) per mole of ATP molecules.2 The hydrolysis of the first
bond produces 7300 calories, generating adenosine diphosphate (ADP) in the process. Hydrolysis of the remaining
bond yields yet another 7300 calories and creates adenosine monophosphate (AMP) for a total energy release of about 14.6 kcal/mol.2
ATP stores in skeletal muscle are extremely small and can sustain strenuous muscular activity for only about 3 seconds.2 Therefore ATP molecules must be reconstituted continuously during exercise through aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolic processes.
The energy required for sustained exercise is derived from internal and external mechanisms.3 Internal mechanisms include anaerobic production of ATP, O2 release from hemoglobin, and dissolved O2 uptake from plasma and tissue fluids. External mechanisms involve the delivery of atmospheric O2 molecules to the tissues. Atmospheric O2 is relatively unimportant for power surges of a few seconds and the first few minutes of exercise. Internal mechanisms are crucial for initiating exercise because of the delay involved in transporting atmospheric O2 to the tissues. As exercise continues, energy production becomes primarily dependent on the adequate delivery of atmospheric O2 to the tissues. As exercise intensity reaches maximum limits, internal anaerobic sources of energy become increasingly important.
Aerobic Metabolism
Aerobic metabolism of carbohydrates (glucose), fats (fatty acids), and proteins (amino acids) provides the major energy source for ATP synthesis.2 During exercise, stored glycogen in the muscles breaks down into glucose. Glucose breaks down into pyruvic acid, which reacts with O2 in the cell’s mitochondria, forming ATP, CO2, and water; thus the aerobic or oxidative process of ATP synthesis consumes O2 and generates CO2.
Aerobic metabolism of fatty acids also produces ATP molecules. For a given rate of ATP production, fat metabolism requires more O2 than carbohydrate metabolism (Figure 23-2). This means carbohydrate metabolism uses O2 more efficiently and requires less cardiovascular work per mole of ATP synthesis. However, fat metabolism generates less CO2 per mole of ATP produced than carbohydrate metabolism (see Figure 23-2); in other words, fat metabolism requires less ventilatory work than carbohydrate metabolism in generating a given amount of energy.2
Anaerobic Metabolism and Lactic Acid Production

The breakdown of this bond supplies the immediate energy for ATP resynthesis from ADP, as shown:

However, this process produces only enough ATP to fuel muscle contraction for 8 to 10 seconds during heavy exercise.2
If the cardiovascular system does not supply enough O2 for aerobic metabolism, glucose from muscle glycogen is metabolized in a process called anaerobic glycolysis. In this process, pyruvic acid is metabolized anaerobically into lactic acid and ATP (see Figure 23-2). The lactic acid subsequently diffuses into the interstitial fluid and blood, creating lactic acidosis, a form of metabolic acidosis. Increased blood lactic acid concentration indicates the presence of anaerobic metabolism, implying inadequate O2 delivery to the tissues.
Anaerobic Threshold
As exercise intensity increases, energy requirements gradually increase until aerobic metabolism alone can no longer meet the demand for ATP resynthesis. Consequently, the body must rely on anaerobic metabolism to generate additional ATP. The onset of anaerobic metabolism, the anaerobic threshold, normally occurs at about 50% to 65% of the body’s maximum oxygen consumption (O2max).3 Because fat cannot be metabolized anaerobically, less fat is used as exercise intensity increases.2 The major energy sources at maximal exercise are aerobic and anaerobic glucose metabolism. For this reason, the body’s glucose stores limit exercise endurance. Sustained exercise such as marathon running may totally deplete glucose stores, explaining the reason some marathon runners suddenly fatigue or “hit the wall” after about 20 miles.
Figure 23-2 shows that aerobic metabolism produces ATP far more efficiently than anaerobic metabolism. In aerobic metabolism, one molecule of glucose produces 36 molecules of ATP compared with only two molecules of ATP in anaerobic glucose metabolism. In addition, anaerobic glucose metabolism generates two lactic acid molecules. Blood bicarbonate immediately buffers newly formed lactic acid, generating more CO2, adding to the CO2 already produced by aerobic metabolism (see Figure 23-2). This increased CO2 production stimulates a proportional increase in ventilation.3
Respiratory Quotient and Respiratory Exchange Ratio
The respiratory quotient (RQ) is the ratio of CO2 molecules produced to O2 molecules consumed by the tissues (), as shown in Figure 23-1.2 (In Figure 23-2, the RQ for glucose is about 1.0, whereas for fat, it is 0.71.) The fat RQ is lower because fat metabolism generates less CO2 per ATP molecule than carbohydrate metabolism. At rest, the body metabolizes nearly equal amounts of fats and carbohydrates, yielding an RQ of about 0.85.2 As exercise intensity increases, the RQ rises toward 1.0 as the metabolic substrate changes to glucose.
The respiratory exchange ratio (R) is the ratio between CO2 elimination and O2 uptake, measured from inhaled and exhaled gases at the mouth (see Figure 23-1).2 In steady-state conditions, R equals RQ. The steady state is characterized by a CO2 elimination rate that matches the CO2 production rate; likewise, the lung’s O2 uptake rate equals the tissue’s O2 consumption rate in steady-state conditions. During short bursts of maximal exercise such as the 100-yard dash, RQ and R are different because tissue O2 consumption and CO2 production momentarily exceed the lung’s O2 uptake and CO2 elimination. Like RQ, R increases as exercise intensity increases; the onset of anaerobic metabolism further increases R as bicarbonate reacts with lactic acid and generates more CO2
Exercise Testing Methods
bicycle’s pedal resistance. For example, the subject may exercise at a certain treadmill speed and angle for 3 minutes, after which the speed and angle are increased for the next 3 minutes, and so on. The subject exercises through a well-defined series of stages, each more difficult than the last, until maximum capacity is reached. During this time, a machine called a metabolic cart measures the inhaled and exhaled O2 and CO2 concentrations, tidal volume (VT), respiratory rate, and minute ventilation.
To obtain these measurements, the subject breathes through a specially designed mouthpiece attached to the metabolic cart by large-bore tubes. Nose clips prevent breathing through the nose. The lips must be sealed tightly around the mouthpiece to prevent mixing of respiratory gases with atmospheric air. An electrocardiogram (ECG) machine measures the heart rate (HR) and ECG pattern during the exercise test. Depending on the data desired, various other physiological parameters may be measured. Table 23-1 lists physiological measurements grouped according to the invasiveness of the test and the monitoring equipment needed.
TABLE 23-1
Measurements during Graded Exercise Testing
Level of Rest | Measurements |
Group 1 | No mouthpiece |
Patient response and symptoms | |
Heart rate | |
Blood pressure | |
ECG | |
SaO2 by oximetry | |
Group 2 | Mouthpiece, oxygen, and carbon dioxide analyzer |
Respiratory rate | |
Tidal volume | |
Minute ventilation | |
End-tidal gas measurements | |
![]() |
![]() |
Respiratory exchange ratio | |
Group 3 | Arterial line |
Blood gas values: PaO2, PaCO2, and pH | |
![]() |
VD/VT | |
Group 4 | Right-sided heart catheter |
Pulmonary artery pressures | |
Cardiac output | |
Mixed venous PO2 and SO2 |
Modified from Martin L: Pulmonary physiology in clinical practice: the essentials for patient care and evaluation, St Louis, 1987, Mosby.
Physiological Changes during Exercise
Oxygen Consumption, Cardiac Output, and Blood Pressure
Figure 23-3 represents the exercise performance of a normal person. O2 increases linearly with the work rate from rest to maximal exercise. The slope of
O2 increase is about the same for all normal people; it is unaffected by training, age, or gender.1 Because
O2 depends primarily on the amount of work done by exercising muscle,
O2 can be predicted from the work rate.2,3
As exercise intensifies, contracting muscles consume ever greater amounts of ATP, which means aerobic ATP regeneration requires an increasingly greater O2 supply from the blood flow. Cardiac output rises to meet this demand by increasing stroke volume (SV) and heart rate. SV increases to its maximum value within the first half of the tolerable work rate range (at about 45% of the maximum O2).3 From that point on, SV remains fairly constant; the only way the heart can increase its output further is to increase its rate of contraction. The early increase in SV is the result of an increased ejection fraction rather than greater diastolic filling; sympathetic nervous stimulation and circulating epinephrine increase systolic ejection.3 Heart rate increases linearly with O2 requirements until the maximum heart rate (HRmax) is achieved (Figure 23-4).
As cardiac output increases with exercise, systolic blood pressure rises significantly (often ≥200 mm Hg). Diastolic pressure changes little, if at all, in normal, healthy people because the peripheral vasculature dilates significantly in response to increased O2 demand, which greatly reduces vascular resistance.2,3 Thus, the pulse pressure (systolic – diastolic) increases significantly, forcing open all of the capillaries in working skeletal muscle. In heavy exercise, up to 80% of the cardiac output is diverted to skeletal muscle, making possible greatly increased O2 delivery and O2 rates.
HRmax is age related and does not change with fitness. The predicted HRmax for adults is as follows:4

HRmax, and thus, cardiac output are reduced in older persons because their hearts are less responsive to beta-adrenergic stimulation.4 An unconditioned person and a conditioned athlete of the same age have the same HRmax, but the conditioned athlete has a much greater SV and therefore a much higher cardiac output at HRmax. For a given amount of submaximal exercise, a conditioned person’s HR is much lower than the HR of a sedentary person. This explains why a sedentary person reaches the HRmax sooner and at much lower exercise intensity than an athlete. Because the unconditioned person’s cardiac output is lower at the HRmax, maximum O2 delivery and O2 are also lower.
Carbon Dioxide Production, Respiratory Exchange Ratio, and Minute Ventilation
The increased metabolic activity of exercising muscles raises not only the O2 but also the
CO2. Before the anaerobic threshold is reached,
CO2 increases linearly and parallel with
O2. Thus, R remains constant. The ventilation rate and depth rise to accommodate the increase in
CO2, producing a linear increase in
parallel with
CO2 and
O2 (see Figure 23-3, before anaerobic threshold).
Although it is generally accepted that increased CO2 during exercise is the stimulus for the higher
, some evidence suggests that a neurally mediated, muscle-derived signal plays a role. Apparently, peripheral muscle receptors send signals to the central nervous system, increasing blood pressure, HR, and ventilation. These signals are enhanced by muscle ischemia but are not present in ischemia alone without exercise.5 Thus, muscle movement appears to be partly responsible for the increased
of exercise.
The ventilatory response to exercise was discussed in Chapter 11. The immediate hyperpnea of exercise has long been a controversial subject and remains incompletely understood.3 The abrupt increase in at the onset of exercise (phase I) occurs long before any chemical or humoral change can occur in the body. Rather than being geared to a chemoreceptor reflex mechanism, the abrupt increase in ventilation appears to be a response to anticipated future metabolic demand. Evidence points to a sophisticated internal respiratory controller that integrates multiple afferent and efferent signals to predict the level of metabolic activity that will occur and then adjusts ventilation before the fact.6 A study of children with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome revealed that passive leg motion induced by a motor-driven ergocycle increased
, although these children had no
response to inhaled CO2.7 Increased
occurred immediately with the first breath after the onset of pedaling motion in children with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome and normal controls. This study supports the idea that muscle or joint receptors play a role in exercise hyperpnea.
Normal people increase by increasing both VT and respiratory rate. Early in exercise, a higher VT produces most of the increase in
. After about 60% to 70% of the vital capacity is reached, VT plateaus, and increased respiratory rate is responsible for additional
Figure 23-5 shows that dead space-to-tidal volume ratio (VD/VT) decreases as exercise progresses. The initial steep reduction in VD/VT reflects early increases in VT with respect to the fixed anatomical dead space. VD/VT decreases from normal values of 0.3 to 0.4 at rest to 0.15 to 0.2 in exercise, in part due to a larger VT but also because of significant blood flow diversion to previously underperfused upper lung zones.3,8 As the respiratory rate begins to account for more of the increase in , the decline in VD/VT is less steep.
Events Occurring after Anaerobic Threshold
As shown in Figure 23-3, the anaerobic threshold is the point at which the CO2 slope becomes steeper than the
O2 slope, indicating an increase in CO2 generation rate. This increase in CO2 generation is due to the bicarbonate buffering of anaerobically produced lactic acid.3,4 The increased generation of CO2 stimulates ventilation, and the
slope rises in parallel with the
CO2 slope, maintaining a constant PaCO2. In the end, the amount of CO2 exhaled per minute increases with respect to the amount of O2 taken up by the lungs, and R increases. The new
slope has two phases. For some time, immediately after an aerobic threshold (AT) appears, the
slope rises to match the increased
CO2 slope. This short phase is referred to as isocapnic buffering, in which ventilation increases in concert with CO2, momentarily compensating for the evolving lactic acidosis (see Figure 23-3).
As bicarbonate stores diminish and arterial pH falls, ventilation is stimulated more intensely, causing a second-phase increase in , out of proportion with the
CO2 increase. (See the steeper
slope after the second dotted vertical line in Figure 23-3