Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing

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Chapter 7

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing

The efficiency of the cardiopulmonary system may be different during increased metabolic demand than at rest. Tests designed to assess ventilation, gas exchange, and cardiovascular function during exercise can provide information not obtainable with the patient at rest. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing allows evaluation of the heart and lungs under conditions of increased metabolic demand. Limitations to work are not entirely predictable from any single resting measurement of pulmonary function. To define work limitations, a cardiopulmonary exercise test is necessary. In most exercise tests, cardiopulmonary variables are assessed in relation to the workload (i.e., the level of exercise). The patterns of change in any particular variable (e.g., heart rate) are then compared with the expected normal response.

The primary indications for performing exercise tests are dyspnea on exertion, pain (especially angina), and fatigue. Other indications include exercise-induced bronchospasm and arterial desaturation. Exercise testing can detect the following:

Exercise testing may be indicated in apparently healthy individuals, particularly in adults older than 40 years. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing is indicated to assess fitness before engaging in vigorous physical activities (e.g., running). Cardiopulmonary exercise testing may be useful in assessing risk of postoperative complications, particularly in patients undergoing thoracotomy.

Exercise testing and the protocols used can be diverse in purpose and complexity. The chapter deals primarily with cardiopulmonary measurements during exercise. This does not include simple cardiac stress testing during which only the electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood pressure (BP) are monitored, or more sophisticated tests involving injection of radioisotopes. However, a brief discussion of the six-minute walk is included.

Exercise protocols

Cardiopulmonary exercise tests can be divided into two general categories, depending on the protocols used to perform the test: progressive multistage tests and steady-state tests. The six-minute walk test contains elements of each of these general categories.

Progressive multistage exercise tests examine the effects of increasing workloads on various cardiopulmonary variables, without necessarily allowing a steady state to be achieved. These protocols are often used to determine the workload at which the patient reaches a maximum oxygen uptake (imageo2 max). Multistage protocols can determine maximal ventilation, maximal heart rate, or a symptom limitation (e.g., chest pain) to exercise. Progressive multistage protocols (also called incremental tests) allow cardiopulmonary variables to be compared with expected patterns as workload increases.

In a typical incremental test, the patient’s workload increases at predetermined intervals (Table 7-1). The workload may be increased at intervals of 1–6 minutes. Measurements (e.g., BP or blood gases) are usually made during the last 20–30 seconds of each or alternating intervals. Complex measurements (e.g., cardiac output) may require longer intervals. Computerized systems that continuously measure ventilation, gas exchange, and cardiopulmonary variables permit shorter intervals to be used. The combination of intervals and work increments should allow the patient to reach exhaustion or symptom limitation within a reasonable period. An incremental test lasting 8–10 minutes after a warm-up is typically used as the target. If a computerized cycle ergometer is used, a “ramp” test may be performed. In a ramp protocol, the ergometer’s resistance is increased continuously at a predetermined rate (usually measured in watts per minute).

Table 7-1

Exercise Protocols

Treadmill Speed (mph)/Grade (%) Interval (min) Comment
Bruce 1.7/10
3 Large workload increments; 1.7/0 and 1.7/5 may be used as preliminary stages for deconditioned patients
Balke 3.3–3.4/0 increasing grade by 2.5% to exhaustion 1 Small workload increments; may use 3 mph and 2-minute intervals for deconditioned subjects, or reduce slope changes to 1%
Jones 1.0/0
2–3.5/2.5 increasing grade by 2.5% to exhaustion
1 Small workload increments and low starting workload
Cycle Ergometer Workload Interval (min) Comment
Astrand 50 W/min (300 kpm) to exhaustion 4 Large workload increments and long intervals; 33 W (200 kpm) may be used for women
“RAMP” Variable (e.g., 5, 10, 15) W/min to exhaustion Continuous Requires electronically braked ergometer; different work rates may be used to alter ramp slope
Jones 16 W/min (100 kpm) to exhaustion 1 Smaller increments (50 kpm) may be used for deconditioned subjects
Other Description Interval (min) Comment
Master step test Either constant or variable step height combined with increasing step rates Variable Simple to perform; workload may be difficult to qualify
6MWT Distance covered in 6 minutes of free walking 6 Simple; useful in patients with limited reserves or for evaluation of rehabilitation; can also be done for 12 minutes


During incremental tests with short intervals (1–3 minutes or a ramp protocol), a steady state of gas exchange, ventilation, and cardiovascular response may not be attained. Healthy patients may reach a steady state in 2–3 minutes at low and moderate workloads. Attainment of a steady state, however, is unnecessary if the primary objective of the evaluation is to determine the maximum values (oxygen uptake, heart rate, or ventilation). Short exercise intervals also lessen muscle fatigue that may occur with prolonged tests. Short-interval or ramp protocols may allow better delineation of gas exchange (imageo2, imageco2) kinetics. Progressive multistage tests using intervals of 4–6 minutes may result in a steady state.

Steady-state tests are designed to assess cardiopulmonary function under conditions of constant metabolic demand. Steady-state conditions are usually defined in terms of HR, oxygen consumption (imageo2), or ventilation (imageE). If the HR remains unchanged for 1 minute at a given workload, a steady state may be assumed. Steady-state tests are useful for assessing responses to a known workload. Steady-state protocols may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of various therapies or pharmacologic agents on exercise ability. For example, an incremental test may be performed initially to determine a patient’s maximum tolerable workload. Then a steady-state test may be used to evaluate specific variables at a submaximal level, such as 50% and 75% of the highest imageo2 achieved. The patient exercises for 5–8 minutes at a predetermined level to allow a steady state to develop. Measurements are performed during the last 1 or 2 minutes of the period. Successive steady-state determinations at higher power outputs may be made continuously or spaced with short periods of light exercise or rest. A similar protocol may be used for evaluation of exercise-induced bronchospasm (see Chapter 9).

The six-minute walk test is a simple test that does not require any sophisticated equipment. It is typically performed to assess response to a medical or surgical intervention but has also been used to assess functional capacity as well as to estimate morbidity and mortality. A 100-foot (minimum) hallway that is free of obstructions is needed to perform the test (Figure 7-1). Equipment needed includes the following:

An oxygen delivery device should be available, if appropriate. A pulse oximeter is a useful adjunct but is not required. The objective of the test is to have the patient walk as far as possible in 6 minutes. The patient should be encouraged throughout the test, and it has been recommended that standard phrases be used to reduce intratester and test-to-test variability. Resting during the tests is permitted with encouragement to continue walking as soon as possible, while the timer continues to run. If pulse oximetry is measured, it should be done at the beginning and end of exercise but not during exercise unless a telemetry-type oximeter is available. Documentation should include the distance walked, the oxygen flow and delivery device if used, the mode of oxygen transport (e.g., pulling an O2 cart has a different impact on work than carrying a unit), and the ratings of perceived exertion (RPE). See Table 7-2 for an example of a data record used to record six-minute walk data from a patient.

Table 7-2

Six-Minute Walk Log

Date Distance (ft) Inspired Gas Mode of O2 Transport SpO2 (End Exercise) RPE (6–20)
5/18/2011 1173 3.0 L/min NC Patient carried unit 90 17
7/26/2011 1266 3.0 L/min NC Patient carried unit 94 18
8/15/2011 1420 2.5 L/min Patient carried unit 92 17


7-1   How To…

Perform a Six-Minute Walk Test

1. Tasks common to all procedures

2. Describe the procedure. “You’ll be walking in this hallway, circling the cones at the end of the course with the intent to cover as much ground as possible in six minutes” (see Figure 7-1).

3. You will be asked to rate your perceived exertion at the beginning and end of the test using this chart (review the Ratings of Perceived Exertion [Borg] or modified RPE scale)

4. We will encourage you throughout the test using standardized phrases.

5. You may rest to catch your breath if needed, but start walking again as soon as possible. I will be counting the laps as you exercise.

6. When the 6 minutes are completed I will ask you to stop. Do not move so I can measure the distance you walked on your final lap.

7. If at any time you feel chest discomfort or lightheadedness, please tell me.

8. If the subject is oxygen-dependent, titrate the oxygen before the 6MWT using an independent test. Do not use the 6MWT as a titration test.

9. Optional pulse oximetry; do not influence the subject’s walking pace to monitor. Telemetry oximetry would be preferred. Establish laboratory criteria for test termination, based on SpO2.

10. Monitor the subject for a minimum of 5 minutes post-test. (see Table 7-2).

11. Report results and note comments related to test performance or quality.


Enright and Sherrill suggested the following predicted formulas baseline on a study performed on 117 healthy men and 173 females with an age range of 40–80 years. The median distance walked was 576 m (1889 ft) for men and 494 m (1620 ft) for women.

< ?xml:namespace prefix = "mml" />Men=(7.57×ht[cm])(5.02×age)1.76×(wt[kg])309mWomen=(2.11×ht[cm])(2.29×wt[kg])(5.78×age)667m


A more recent study by Casanova, Celli, and others published their results from the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) Project. They studied 444 subjects (238 males) from ages 40–80 and found that the best predictive equation for the 6MWD included age, height, weight, sex, and HRmax/HRmax% predicted.

Predicted6MWD=361(age in yr×4)+(ht[cm]×2) +(HRmax/HRmax%pred×3) (wt[kg]×1.5)30(if female)


Several studies have investigated what constitutes a significant change following an intervention (e.g., rehab, surgery), which ranges from 35-85 meters. Investigators have also examined the distance walked related to survival in difference disease processes, and, although there needs to be further study, the early data suggest that a cut-point of less than 350-400 meters is significant.

Exercise workload

Two methods of varying exercise workload are commonly used: the treadmill and the cycle ergometer (Figures 7-2 and 7-3). Each device has advantages and disadvantages (Table 7-3). Other methods sometimes used include arm ergometers, steps, and free running or walking (as previously described for the 6MWT).

Table 7-3


Advantages Disadvantages
Treadmill Natural form of exercise
Easy to calibrate
Higher imageo2max
Risk of accidents
Patient anxiety
Motion artifact
Difficult to obtain blood
Difficult to quantify work
Cycle ergometer Safer than treadmill
Easy to monitor
Easy to quantify work
Easy to obtain blood
Difficult to calibrate
Leg fatigue more of an issue
Lower imageo2max


Workload on a treadmill is adjusted by changing the speed and/or slope of the walking surface. The speed of the treadmill may be calibrated either in miles per hour or in kilometers per hour. Treadmill slope is registered as “percent grade.” Percent grade refers to the relationship between the length of the walking surface and the elevation of one end above level. A treadmill with a 6-foot surface and one end elevated 1 foot above level would have an elevation of 1/6 × 100, or approximately 17%. The primary advantage of a treadmill is that it elicits walking, jogging, and running, which are familiar forms of exercise. An additional advantage is that maximal levels of exercise can be easily attained, even in conditioned healthy patients. However, the actual work performed during treadmill walking is a function of the weight of the patient. Patients of different weight walking at the same speed and slope perform different work. Different walking patterns, or stride length, may also affect the actual amount of work being done. Patients who grip the handrails of the treadmill may use their arms to reduce the amount of work being performed. For these reasons, estimating imageo2 from a patient’s weight and the speed and slope of the treadmill may produce erroneous results. imageo2max has been shown to be measured slightly higher (approximately 7%–10%) on a treadmill compared with a cycle ergometer.

The cycle ergometer allows workload to be varied by adjustment of the resistance to pedaling and by the pedaling frequency, usually specified in revolutions per minute (rpm). The flywheel of a mechanical ergometer turns against a belt or strap, both ends of which are connected to a weighted physical balance. The diameter of the wheel is known, and the resistance can be easily measured. When pedaling speed (usually 50–90 rpm) is determined, the amount of work performed can be accurately calculated. One of the chief advantages of the cycle ergometer is that the workload is independent of the weight of the patient. Unlike the treadmill, imageo2 can be reasonably estimated if the pedaling speed and resistance are carefully measured. The normal relationship of workload in watts to oxygen consumption is 10 mL/watt. Another advantage of ergometers is better stability of the patient for gas collection, blood sampling, and blood pressure monitoring. Electronically braked cycle ergometers (see Figure 7-3) provide a smooth, rapid, and more reproducible means of changing exercise workload than mechanical ergometers. Electronically braked ergometers allow continuous adjustment of workload independent of pedaling speed. However, accuracy of the ergometer output may be dependent on a manufacturer’s specified pedal cadence range (e.g., 40–100 rpm). This feature permits the exercise level to be ramped (i.e., the workload increases continuously rather than in increments). The ramp test allows the patient to advance from low to high workloads quickly and provides all of the information normally sought during a progressive maximal exercise test. A ramp protocol typically requires electronic control (usually by a computer) for adjustment of the workload and rapid collection of physiologic data. Box 7-1 provides a systematic method of determining the desired workload increments using a cycle ergometer.

Some differences in maximal performance exist between the treadmill and the cycle ergometer. These differences primarily result from the muscle groups used. In most patients, cycling does not produce as high a maximum O2 consumption as walking on the treadmill (approximately 7%–10% less). Ventilation and lactate production may be slightly greater on the cycle ergometer because of the different muscle groups used. Differences between the treadmill and cycle ergometer are not significant in most clinical situations. The choice of device may be dictated by the patient’s clinical condition (e.g., orthopedic impairments or chief complaint occurs with running only), the types of measurements to be made, or the space and availability of equipment in the laboratory.

Workload may be expressed quantitatively in several ways:

For cardiopulmonary exercise evaluation, it is particularly useful to relate the ventilatory, blood gas, and hemodynamic measurements to the imageo2 as the independent variable. This requires measurement of ventilation and analysis of expired gas during exercise.

A number of cardiopulmonary exercise variables may be used, depending on the clinical questions to be answered. Schemes for measuring these variables are described in Table 7-4. Graded exercise with monitoring of only BP and ECG may be limited to the evaluation of patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease.

Table 7-4

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Variables

Variables Measured Uses
ECG, blood pressure, SpO2 Limited to suspected or known coronary artery disease; pulse oximetry may be misleading if used without blood gases
All of the above plus ventilation imageo2, imageco2, and derived measurements Noninvasive estimate of ventilatory/anerobic threshold (AT), quantify workload; discriminate between cardiovascular and pulmonary limitation to work
All of the above plus arterial blood gases Detailed assessment of gas exchange abnormalities; calculation of VD/VT; titration of O2 In exercise desaturation; measurement of pH and lactate possible
All of the above plus mixed venous blood gases Cardiac output by Fick method, noninvasive techniques, calculation of shunt, thermodilution cardiac output, pulmonary artery pressures, calculation of pulmonary and systemic vascular resistances


Measurement of ventilation, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and related variables permits a comprehensive evaluation of the cardiovascular system. Addition of these measurements to ECG, BP, and pulse oximetry makes it possible to grade the adequacy of cardiopulmonary function. In addition, analysis of exhaled gas allows the relative contributions of cardiovascular, pulmonary, or conditioning limitations to work to be determined. All of these variables can be measured noninvasively. When using pulse oximetry to assess gas exchange, the practitioner needs to be aware of the limitations of the device that may lead to a false-positive result (e.g., motion artifact, peripheral vasoconstriction).

Adding arterial blood gases to the exercise protocol enables detailed analysis of the pulmonary limitations to exercise. Placement of an arterial catheter is preferable to a single sample obtained at peak exercise, although this is subject to the laboratory having the skilled personnel available to place a line. Multiple specimens permit comparison of blood gases at each workload. A single sample at peak exercise may be difficult to obtain and may not adequately describe the pattern of gas exchange abnormality. However, if this technique is used, the sample should be harvested within 30 seconds of achieving the maximal workload because variables of gas exchange return rapidly to baseline in some individuals. In some patients, measurement of cardiac output (CO) using either noninvasive or invasive techniques such as a pulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter may be indicated. Noninvasive CO determination depends on the availability of the technology and the underlying cause of the patient’s condition (e.g., may not work well in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]). Invasive techniques require the placement of a catheter that allows measurement of mixed venous blood gases, cardiac output via the Fick method, and many other derived variables. Thermal dilution cardiac output is also available with most pulmonary artery catheters.

Cardiovascular monitors during exercise

Continuous monitoring of heart rate (HR) and ECG during exercise is essential to the safe performance of the test. Intermittent or continuous monitoring of BP is equally important to ensure that exercise testing is safe. Recording of HR, ECG, and BP allows work limitations caused by cardiac or vascular disease to be identified and quantified. The level of fitness or conditioning can be gauged from the HR response in relation to the maximal work rate achieved during exercise.

Heart Rate and Electrocardiogram

Heart rate and rhythm should be monitored continuously using one or more modified chest leads. Standard precordial chest lead configurations (V1–V6) allow comparison with resting 12-lead tracings (Criteria for Acceptability 7-1). Twelve-lead monitoring during exercise is practical with electrocardiographs designed for exercise testing. These instruments incorporate filters (digital or analog) that eliminate movement artifact and provide ST-segment monitoring. Limb leads normally must be moved to the torso for ergometer or treadmill testing (modified leads). A resting ECG should be performed to record both the standard and modified leads. Single-lead monitoring allows only for gross arrhythmia detection and HR determination. It may not be adequate for testing patients with known or suspected cardiac disease.

The ECG monitor should allow the assessment of intervals and segments up to the patient’s maximal heart rate (HRmax). Computerized arrhythmia recording or manual “freeze-frame” storage allows the subsequent evaluation of conduction abnormalities while the testing protocol continues (Figure 7-4). Some digital ECG systems generate computerized “median” complexes averaged from a series of beats. These may be helpful in analyzing ST-segment depression. The “raw,” or nondigitized, ECG should also be available. Significant ST-segment changes should be easily identifiable from the tracing up to the predicted HRmax.

HR should be analyzed by visual inspection of the ECG, with manual measurement of the rate rather than by an automatic sensor. Most HR meters average RR intervals over multiple beats. Inaccurate HR measurements may occur with nodal or ventricular arrhythmias or because of motion artifact. Tall P or T waves may be falsely identified as R waves, causing automatic calculation of HR to be incorrect. Accurate measurement of HR is necessary to determine the patient’s maximal HR in comparison with the age-related predicted value.

Motion artifact is the most common cause of unacceptable ECG recordings during exercise. Allowing the patient to practice pedaling on the ergometer or walking on the treadmill permits adequacy of the ECG signal to be checked. Carefully applied electrodes, proper skin preparation, and secured lead wires greatly minimize movement artifact (see Criteria for Acceptability 7-1). Electrodes specifically designed for exercise testing are helpful. Most of these use extra adhesive to ensure electrical contact even when the patient begins perspiring. The skin sites should be carefully prepared. Removal of surface skin cells by gentle abrasion is recommended. Patients with excessive body hair may require shaving of the electrode site to ensure good electrical contact. Lead wires must be securely attached to the electrodes. Devices that limit the movement of the lead wires can greatly reduce motion artifact. Spare electrodes and lead wires should be available to avoid test interruption in the event of an electrode failure.

HR increases linearly with increasing workload, up to an age-related maximum. Several formulas are available for predicting HRmax. For most predicted HRmax values, a variability of ±10–15 beats/min exists in healthy adult patients. Two commonly used equations for predicting HRmax are as follows:

HRmax=220Age(years) 1

image 1

HRmax=210(0.65×Age[years]) 2

image 2

Equation 1 yields slightly higher predicted values in young adults. Equation 2 produces higher values in older adults. Other methods of predicting HRmax vary, depending on the type of exercise protocol used in deriving the regression data. Specific criteria for terminating an exercise test should include factors based on symptom limitation as well as HR and BP changes (see the section on safety).

HR increases almost linearly with increasing imageo2. The increase in CO depends on both HR and stroke volume (SV) according to the following equation:



Increases in stroke volume account for a smaller portion of the increase in CO, primarily at low and moderate workloads (Figure 7-5). While HR increases from 70 beats/min up to 200 beats/min in young healthy upright patients, SV increases from 80 mL to approximately 110 mL. At low workloads, increase in CO depends on the patient’s ability to increase both HR and SV. At high workloads, further increases in CO result almost entirely from the increase in HR.

Deconditioned patients usually have a limited SV. High HR values occur with moderate workloads in deconditioned individuals because it is the primary mechanism for increasing CO. Training (e.g., endurance or aerobic) typically improves SV response. This allows the same cardiac output to be achieved at a lower HR. Training usually results in a lower resting HR as well as a higher tolerable maximum workload. Except in highly trained patients, maximal exercise in healthy individuals is limited by the inability to further increase the CO. Reductions in SV are usually related to the preload or afterload of the left ventricle. Increased HR response, in relation to the workload, implies that SV is compromised.

Reduced HR response may occur in patients who have ischemic heart disease or complete heart block (Interpretive Strategies 7-1). Low HR is also common in patients who have been treated with drugs that block the effects of the sympathetic nervous system (β-blockers, calcium channel blockers). HR response may also be reduced if the autonomic nervous system is impaired or the heart is denervated, as occurs after cardiac transplantation (e.g., chronotropic insufficiency).

In patients who have heart disease (e.g., coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy), increased HR is typically accompanied by ECG changes such as arrhythmias or ST-segment depression. Deconditioned patients without heart disease show a high HR at lower than maximal workloads but usually without ECG abnormalities. Horizontal or down-sloping ST-segment depression greater than 1 mm (from the resting baseline) for a duration of 0.08 seconds is usually considered evidence of ischemia. ST-segment depression at low workloads that increases with HR and continues into the post-exercise period is usually indicative of multivessel coronary artery disease. ST-segment depression accompanied by exertional hypotension or marked increase in diastolic pressure is usually associated with significant coronary disease. The predictive value of ST-segment changes during exercise must be related to the patient’s clinical history and risk factors for heart disease.

The most common arrhythmia that occurs during exercise testing is the premature ventricular contraction (PVC) (see Figure 7-4). Exercise-induced PVCs occurring at a rate of more than 10 per minute are often found in ischemic heart disease. Increased PVCs during exercise may also be seen in mitral valve prolapse. Coupled PVCs (couplets) often precede ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. Occurrence of couplets or frequent PVCs may be an indication for terminating the exercise evaluation. Some patients with PVCs at rest or at low workloads may have these ectopic beats suppressed as exercise intensity increases. The most serious ventricular arrhythmias are sometimes seen in the immediate post-exercise phase.

Shortness of breath (SOB) brought on by exertion is perhaps the most widespread indication for cardiopulmonary exercise evaluation. The combination of cardiovascular parameters (e.g., HR, SV) with data obtained from the analysis of exhaled gas (i.e., imageo2) permits the assessment of dyspnea on exertion. Table 7-5 generalizes some of the basic relationships between cardiovascular and pulmonary exercise responses. These relationships help delineate whether exertional dyspnea is a result of cardiac or pulmonary disease, or whether the patient is simply deconditioned. In some instances, poor effort may mimic exertional dyspnea. Comparison of data from cardiovascular and exhaled gas variables can confirm inadequate patient effort.

Table 7-5

Exercise Variables and Dyspnea*

Cardiac Ventilatory Deconditioned Poor Effort
imageo2max Less than 80% of predicted Less than 80% of predicted Less than 80% of predicted Less than 80% of predicted
imageEmax Less than 70% of MVV Greater than 90% of MVV; imageEmax less than 15 L Less than 70% of MVV Variable
Anaerobic threshold Achieved at low imageo2 Usually not achieved Achieved at low imageo2 Not achieved
HR Greater than 85% of predicted Less than 85% of predicted Greater than 85% of predicted Less than 85% of predicted
ECG/signs of ischemia ST changes, arrhythmias, chest pain Usually normal Normal Normal
Sao2 Greater than 90% Often less than 90%, hypoxemia Greater than 90% Greater than 90%


MVV, Maximal voluntary ventilation; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation.

*This table compares the usual findings for the exercise variables listed in subjects with dyspnea caused by cardiac disease, pulmonary disease, or deconditioning. Some subjects may have dyspnea because of a combination of causes. Poor effort during exercise may result from improper instruction, lack of understanding by the subject, or lack of motivation by the subject.

Blood Pressure

Systemic BP may be monitored intermittently with the standard cuff method. Automated noninvasive cuff devices for monitoring BP are also available. Although these methods work well at rest and at low workloads, they may be difficult to implement during high levels of exercise. However, recent advances in automated systems that pair sophisticated Korotkoff sound detection with QRS complex activation have improved the ability to measure exercise BP more accurately with these devices. BP sounds may be difficult to detect because of treadmill noise or patient movement. It is important to monitor the pattern of BP response at low and moderate workloads to establish that both systolic and diastolic pressures respond as anticipated.

Continuous monitoring of the BP may be accomplished by the connection of a pressure transducer to an indwelling arterial catheter (Figure 7-6). An indwelling line allows the continuous display and recording of systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures. In addition, the catheter provides ready access for arterial blood sampling. Arterial catheterization may be easily accomplished using either the radial or the brachial site. The catheter must be adequately secured to prevent loss of patency during vigorous exercise. Insertion of arterial catheters presents some risk of blood splashing or spills. Adequate protection for the individual inserting the catheter, as well as for those withdrawing specimens, is essential. See Chapter 6 for specific recommendations regarding arterial sampling via catheters.

Systolic BP increases in healthy patients during exercise from 120 mm Hg up to approximately 200–250 mm Hg (see Figure 7-5). Diastolic pressure normally rises only slightly (10–15 mm Hg) or not at all. The mean arterial pressure rises from approximately 90 mm Hg to approximately 110 mm Hg, depending on the changes in systolic and diastolic pressures. The increase in systolic pressure is caused almost completely by increased CO and mostly by the SV. Even though CO may increase fivefold, (e.g., from 5–25 L/min), the systolic pressure only increases twofold. Systolic pressure only doubles because of the tremendous decrease in peripheral vascular resistance. Most of this decrease in resistance results from vasodilatation in exercising muscles. Increased systolic pressure (>250–300 mm Hg) should be considered an indication for terminating the exercise evaluation (Box 7-2). Similarly, if the systolic pressure fails to rise with increasing workload, the exercise test should be terminated and the patient’s condition stabilized. Variations in BP during exercise are often caused by the patient’s respiratory effort. Phasic changes with respiration are particularly common in patients who have large transpulmonary pressures because of lung disease (i.e., pulsus paradoxus). Differences of as much as 30 mm Hg between inspiration and expiration may be seen during the continuous monitoring of arterial pressure.