Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium and Transport

Published on 12/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 12/06/2015

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Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium and Transport

Carbon Dioxide, Carbonic Acid, and Hydrogen Ion Equilibrium

In an individual breathing room air at sea level, arterial blood enters the systemic capillary with a carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) of about 40 mm Hg. At rest, the body’s tissues produce about 200 mL of carbon dioxide (CO2) each minute; CO2 is a by-product of oxidative (aerobic) metabolism. Each millimole (mmol) of oxygen metabolized by the body produces about 0.7 to 1 mmol of CO2; healthy adults produce about 13,000 mmol of CO2 per day. Blood flow carries CO2 from the body’s tissues to the lungs where CO2 is eliminated in exhaled gas; this is necessary to prevent CO2 buildup in the tissues.

Inspired atmospheric gas contains a negligible amount of CO2; the presence of CO2 in the blood is evidence of the blood’s exposure to metabolically active tissues. Normally, a steady state exists in which blood flow removes CO2 at the same rate that the tissues produce it, maintaining an average tissue PCO2 of about 46 mm Hg. This creates an average CO2 diffusion gradient between tissues and arterial blood of about 6 mm Hg, causing CO2 to diffuse into the capillary (tissue PCO2 = 46 mm Hg and arterial PCO2 = 40 mm Hg). The PCO2 of blood perfusing the systemic capillaries equilibrates with tissue PCO2, creating a venous PCO2 of about 46 mm Hg. Venous blood returns to the lungs, where it is exposed to an average alveolar PCO2 of about 40 mm Hg. Normal alveolar ventilation (V˙Aimage), which eliminates CO2 at the same rate that it is brought to the lungs, maintains the PACO2 at about 40 mm Hg. An average CO2 diffusion gradient of about 6 mm Hg between capillary blood and alveoli causes CO2 to diffuse into the alveoli.

Carbon Dioxide Hydration Reaction

The presence of CO2 in the blood creates a special problem because CO2 reacts with water (i.e., CO2 is hydrated) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). The blood must possess effective buffering mechanisms to prevent harmful increases in acidity as it transports CO2. As the following reaction shows, when CO2 diffuses from tissues into capillary blood, the CO2 hydration reaction occurs:1

Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction in which H2O splits another molecule; the term is incorrect in reference to the reaction between H2O and CO2. Reaction 1 shows that CO2 in the blood is associated with the formation of H2CO3 and the production of hydrogen ions (H+). A fundamental characteristic of an acid is the release of H+ into solution. Although CO2 is technically not an acid, its immediate formation of H2CO3 in physiological fluids allows it to be treated as though it were an acid.

Hydration Reaction: Chemical Equilibrium (Le Chatelier’s Principle)

The CO2 hydration reaction (reaction 1) can proceed in either direction (i.e., it is reversible). Chemical equilibrium exists when the reaction velocities to the left and right are equal. A state of equilibrium does not mean the concentrations of substances on both sides of the equation are equal, and it does not imply a static state of affairs. At equilibrium, the reaction continues to move in both directions at equal rates but in such a way that no net change occurs in the concentrations of constituents on either side of the reaction. This state is called dynamic equilibrium. The reaction between CO2 and H2O in plasma occurs only to a slight extent; in this state of the chemical equilibrium, CO2 and H2O molecules far outnumber H2CO3 molecules. Therefore, at equilibrium, the CO2 hydration reaction is shifted to the left, as the following reaction shows:

The short arrows pointing to the right and the long arrows pointing to the left indicate that at equilibrium the reaction is left shifted. The numbers in parentheses indicate relative concentrations of the constituents.2 At equilibrium, concentrations to the left of the arrows are greater than concentrations to the right of the arrows. Despite these concentration differences, the velocities of right-directed and left-directed reactions are identical at equilibrium.

According to Le Chatelier’s principle, if a system at equilibrium is placed under stress, it will react in such a way that counteracts the stress and creates a new equilibrium at a different point.3 For example, in reaction 2, if we add a certain amount of CO2 molecules to the left side of the reaction, we disrupt the equilibrium and drive the reaction to the right until a new equilibrium is established. Similarly, removing CO2 molecules from the left side “pulls” the reaction to the left. In other words, adding or subtracting CO2 molecules drives the reaction either toward the H+ and HCO3image side or toward the CO2 and H2O side of the reaction.

Relationship between Dissolved Carbon Dioxide and Carbonic Acid Concentrations

All gases dissolve in water to some extent, as discussed in previous chapters. According to Henry’s law, the amount of CO2 dissolving in plasma is proportional to the PCO2 to which the plasma is exposed. In other words, CO2 in the gaseous phase establishes equilibrium with CO2 in the aqueous phase. In the lung, gaseous CO2 in the alveoli establishes equilibrium with dissolved CO2 in capillary blood plasma. The concentration of CO2 in alveolar gas is expressed in terms of its partial pressure (mm Hg). The concentration of dissolved CO2 in plasma is proportional to PACO2 and is measured in millimoles per liter (mmol/L) rather than in milliliters per deciliter (mL/dL), as it is for oxygen content.

At 37° C, 0.03 mmol of CO2 dissolves in 1 L of plasma for each mm Hg PCO2; that is, mmol/L (CO2) = 0.03 mmol/L/mm Hg × PCO2. (The derivation of the conversion factor [0.03] to change PCO2 to millimoles per liter of dissolved CO2 is shown in Box 9-1.) Thus, if plasma PCO2 is 40 mm Hg, the concentration of dissolved CO2 in plasma is as follows: 40 mm Hg × 0.03 mmol/L/mm Hg = 1.2 mmol/L, which is the normal amount of dissolved CO2 in arterial blood. Figure 9-1 summarizes the relationship between gaseous CO2, dissolved CO2, and H2CO3. The slow uncatalyzed reaction between CO2 and H2O theoretically requires about 400 molecules of dissolved CO2 to produce 1 molecule of H2CO3.2 In other words, an extremely small amount of H2CO3 in plasma is in equilibrium with a relatively large pool of dissolved CO2. The reaction in Figure 9-1 shows that an increased alveolar PCO2 increases plasma PCO2, which increases the dissolved CO2 and H2CO3 concentration (law of mass action). Conversely, a decrease in alveolar PCO2 forces the hydration reaction to the left, decreasing the plasma H2CO3 concentration. Because it is in equilibrium with CO2 gas, H2CO3 is called a volatile acid. Plasma PCO2 is an important marker of the blood’s volatile acid content and the adequacy of alveolar ventilation.

Although the concentration of dissolved CO2 in plasma is not equal to the concentration of plasma H2CO3, its concentration is in direct proportion to the concentration of H2CO3; this makes it possible to treat CO2 as if it were the acid instead of H2CO3. Because dissolved CO2 and H2CO3 are indistinguishable from each other by chemical analysis,4 dissolved CO2, which can be easily measured, is commonly substituted for the concentration of H2CO3 in clinical acid-base equations (see Chapter 10).

Role of Ventilation in Regulating Arterial Carbon Dioxide Pressure and Volatile Acid

Changes in alveolar PCO2 ultimately change the plasma H2CO3 concentration (see Figure 9-1). (Chapter 4 discusses the reciprocal relationship between V˙Aimage and PaCO2.) Figure 9-2 shows the chemical events that occur during hypoventilation. In Figure 9-2, V˙Aimage is halved, causing PACO2 to double. Subsequently, PaCO2 and dissolved CO2 double, pushing the hydration reaction to the right. The doubling of CO2 molecules on the left side of the reaction drives the reaction to the right to a new equilibrium point (Le Chatelier’s principle). Figure 9-2 shows that at equilibrium, the amount of H2CO3 molecules doubles, but the ratio of CO2 to H2CO3 molecules stays the same.

At the outset of hypoventilation, the rate of CO2 production momentarily exceeds the rate of alveolar CO2 elimination, causing alveolar and blood CO2 levels to increase. However, CO2 levels cannot continually increase; instead, a new equilibrium point (i.e., a new steady state) is reached at which CO2 production and elimination rates are again equal, but at higher PACO2 and PaCO2 levels. In Figure 9-1, a normal V˙Aimage of 4 L per minute maintains a PACO2 of 40 mm Hg and eliminates 200 mL of CO2

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