Calmodulin and CaMKII as Ca2+ Switches for Cardiac Ion Channels

Published on 20/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 20/06/2015

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Calmodulin and CaMKII as Ca2+ Switches for Cardiac Ion Channels

Ca2+: The Final Signal of Electrical Activity and Regulator of Ion Channels

In adult cardiomyocytes, voltage-gated ion channels exist solely to change intracellular Ca2+. Whether regulating action potentials in myocytes, neurons, or hormone-secreting cells, ion channels control membrane voltage and thereby either activate or inhibit voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to control Ca2+ entry into the cells. K+ channels can control resting membrane potential and drive action potential repolarization, but they do so to limit Ca2+ entry through L-type CaV1.2 Ca2+ channels. Voltage-gated Na+ channels could be essential for the initiation of action potentials in the working myocardium, but the net effect of action potentials is to open CaV1.2 Ca2+ channels to translate electrical activity into cellular contraction. Not only does Ca2+ serve as the final signal of cellular electrical activity, but Ca2+ also actively participates in the regulation of many of the channels responsible for controlling the cardiac action potential and thereby for controlling CaV1.2 gating and the consequent intracellular Ca2+ signal. Growing evidence over the past decade has demonstrated that Ca2+ can regulate cardiac ion channels at many levels. For example, Ca2+ can control channel transcription, biosynthesis, trafficking, or gating of mature channels at the sarcolemma.

Unique Features of Ca2+ as a Signaling Ion in Myocytes

The efficacy of Ca2+ as an intracellular signal derives from specific properties that set it apart from other intracellular ions. First, Ca2+ signals have a broad dynamic range. Global intracellular Ca2+ can rapidly increase more than tenfold, and even more in certain subcellular locations such as near the mouth of an ion channel. This feature results from the concerted actions of several cellular mechanisms designed to keep free cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations low and thereby prevent precipitation with organic phosphates, a major intracellular counter anion. These Ca2+-limiting mechanisms maintain a free intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) close to 100 nM during diastole, which rises to upwards of 1 µM during the plateau phase of the action potential, in contrast to an extracellular free Ca2+ concentration of 1 to 2 mM. Thus, there is a strong chemical driving force for Ca2+ entry. Second, Ca2+ entry is fast. When CaV1.2 Ca2+ channels (the major route for Ca2+ entry) open during the action potential plateau, Ca2+ flows down a large electrochemical gradient into the cell at rates approaching 106 ions per second. Several pumps and transporters remove Ca2+ from the cytoplasm almost as rapidly, returning [Ca2+]i levels back to baseline in time for the next heartbeat. These swift influx and efflux pathways allow the Ca2+ signal to achieve its large (tenfold) dynamic range within a single beat and trigger downstream responses within the same time scale.

Translating Changes in Ca2+ Into a Cellular Response: CaM as the Prototypical Cardiac Ca2+ Sensor

Several Ca2+ binding proteins serve as the Ca2+ sensors to translate changes in intracellular Ca2+ into cellular actions. For example, Ca2+ binding to troponin C causes dissociation of the troponin complex from the active site on actin, allowing myosin interaction and force generation. For regulation of ion channels, the best-characterized Ca2+ sensor is the ubiquitous Ca2+-binding protein CaM, a 16.8 kDa protein that binds four moles of Ca2+ per mole of protein. CaM is highly abundant in cardiac myocytes, but more than 98% CaM is apoCaM (Ca2+-free) sequestered by binding proteins only to be released upon a significant increase in [Ca2+]i.1 The affinity of CaM for Ca2+ varies significantly depending on whether CaM is free in solution or bound in its apo-state to a target protein, such as an ion channel. Ca2+ binding by CaM occurs in the context of 1 to 2 mM intracellular Mg2+, the major competing divalent cation. The structural motif in CaM capable of distinguishing Ca2+ at levels less than 1 : 1000 of Mg2+ is the “EF hand,” a helix-loop-helix domain also found in many other Ca2+-binding proteins, including troponin C, in which it was originally identified. CaM has two EF hands in an N-terminal lobular domain and two more in a C-terminal lobular domain. The two Ca2+-binding domains are connected by an α-helical segment. Upon Ca2+ binding, CaM undergoes significant conformational changes that expose a hydrophobic surface, which can then interact with target proteins in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Within most well-characterized target proteins, such as CaMKII, the CaM interaction domain is an amphipathic helix for which the hydrophobic amino acid side chains become buried within the hydrophobic surface exposed in Ca2+-saturated CaM. In CaMKII, this amphipathic helix blocks access to the kinase’s constitutively active site; CaM binding to this autoinhibitory domain reveals the active site and thereby endows the kinase with a Ca2+-dependent response. In many of the cardiac ion channels to which CaM binds directly, the CaM binding motif has a similar amphipathic pattern. The actions of CaM on the channels, however, are less well understood, and this will be discussed next.

CaM Effector Functions on Channels: Direct Binding and Indirect Actions Through CaMKII

In the last decade there has been an explosion of functional, biochemical, and structural information about how CaM interacts directly with multiple ion channels to affect their function. Details about how CaM regulates the voltage-gated Na+ channel NaV1.5, the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel CaV1.2, the ryanodine receptor type 2 (RyR2) Ca2+ release channel, and several different voltage-gated K+ channels, including KCNQ1, will be presented in specific parts of this chapter. The regulatory effects of Ca2+ on cardiac ion channels are not mediated solely by CaM interaction with the channels, however, but also indirectly through the actions of other Ca2+-regulated proteins, the most prominent of which is CaMKII. In fact, activation of CaMKII results in the phosphorylation of many of the same channels targeted by CaM, and the resulting protein modulation can have profound effects on channel activity, sometimes in ways that oppose the effects of direct CaM interaction with the same channel. Which Ca2+-dependent regulator dominates depends on the subcellular location, amplitude, frequency, and duration of the intracellular Ca2+ signals, largely because of properties of CaMKII that allow it to target to specific subcellular locations and independently modulate its kinase activity depending on timing of repetitive Ca2+ stimuli. Thus, in the heart, CaMKII has the capacity for graded effects that correlate with changes in heart rate.

Several features of CaMKII endow the kinase with this ability to regulate activity depending on the timing of the Ca2+ stimuli. These include the holoenzyme’s structure and the fact that CaMKII is itself a CaMKII substrate. The kinase is a homododecamer, in which the 12 subunits are arranged in two stacked hexameric rings with the active site and the CaM-binding autoinhibitory helix of each subunit closest to the periphery. If the Ca2+ signal is large enough, or if two Ca2+ signals are temporally spaced so that CaM binds simultaneously to two adjacent subunits in a ring, then one of the activated subunits can phosphorylate the other CaM-bound subunit at a specific Thr residue (Thr287 in the cardiac CaMKIIδ isoform) that is adjacent to the CaM binding helix. This phosphorylation event increases the kinase’s affinity for CaM more than 10,000-fold, causing the kinase to become persistently activated even after the activating Ca2+ signal has subsided. This capacity to respond differentially to changes in Ca2+ influx intensity or frequency make CaMKII therefore ideally suited to respond to changes in cardiac rhythm and the accompanying change in frequency of Ca2+ influx through the L-type CaV1.2 Ca2+ channel with every heartbeat. Thus, CaMKII phosphorylation of the L-type CaV1.2 Ca2+ channel provides a direct Ca2+-dependent means to regulate the major source of Ca2+ influx. Finally, because gating of CaV1.2 Ca2+ channels depends on the concerted actions of Na+ and K+ channels and the consequent regulation of membrane voltage, CaMKII phosphorylation of any of these channels can provide additional, indirect regulation of CaV1.2 Ca2+ channels and subsequent Ca2+ influx, thereby leading back to CaMKII to generate a web of feedback or feed forward mechanisms to control intracellular Ca2+.

Reactive oxygen species provide an additional means to activate CaMKII. Oxidation of two methionine residues, adjacent to the site of transphosphorylation, endows CaMKII with Ca2+-independent activity in a manner similar to transphosphorylation.2 As with transphosphorylation, Ca2+/CaM binding must occur first, exposing the target methionines to oxidation. Given the association of CaMKII with several adverse cardiac outcomes, including arrhythmias, and an increased redox state with those outcomes, this means of activating CaMKII may have important detrimental effects on cardiac ion channels.

Calmodulin Regulation of Cardiac Channel Gating

CaM Regulation of Ca2+-Dependent Inactivation and Membrane Targeting of CaV1.2 Ca2+ Channels

Ca2+-dependent inactivation (CDI) of Ca2+ channels serves as a classic example of Ca2+/CaM regulation of ion channel function (Figure 19-1). CDI denotes the accelerated channel inactivation seen in experiments in which Ca2+ is used as the charge carrier rather than another permeant divalent cation, such as Ba2+. That the permeant ion regulates channel gating sets CaV1.2 apart from other voltage-gated cardiac channels, in which gating is solely voltage-dependent. CDI of CaV1.2 in myocytes is critical for regulating Ca2+ entry and for controlling the length of the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential. CaM, bound to the “IQ” motif in the C-terminus of the CaV1.2 pore-forming α1C-subunit, serves as the Ca2+ sensor for CDI of CaV1.2. Interaction between CaM and the IQ motif appears essential: homozygous mice with a knock-in mutation in the IQ motif that disrupted CaM interaction died during embryogenesis.3 Adult mice with an IQ motif mutation, obtained with an inducible Cre-recombinase strategy, died within three weeks after inducing the mutant allele.

An interesting phenotype observed in these mice was a reduction in the number of channels, as indicated by reduced CaV1.2 Ca2+ current density and α1C protein. This finding confirmed previous reports showing that CaM interaction with the α1C IQ motif regulates trafficking of the α1C protein to the plasma membrane.4 Thus, regulation of channel biosynthesis demonstrates another means by which Ca2+, via CaM, can affect cellular electrical activity. Although CaM control of channel biosynthesis is best studied for CaV1.2 Ca2+ channels, CaM appears to play a similar role for other cardiac channels, such as the KCNQ1 K+ channel and the NaV1.5 Na+ channel, as discussed next.

Recent data suggest that CaM interaction with the α1C N-terminus also contributes to CDI.5 The mechanisms by which CaM accelerates channel inactivation, and whether the CaM bound to the α1C C-terminus is the same molecule bound to the N-terminus, are not clear.

Crystal structures that identify putative interaction residues for CaM on the α1C C-terminus6,7 provide a framework for future investigations. These models show an unexpected dimerization of two α1C C-termini through simultaneous binding of multiple CaMs to the two C-termini. In cardiac myocytes, the stoichiometry of CaM with the α1C C-terminus is not known, but experimental evidence from a heterologous expression system suggests that a single CaM can regulate CDI.8

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