Burns and Inhalation Injury

Published on 26/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Critical Care Medicine

Last modified 26/03/2015

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70 Burns and Inhalation Injury

Inhalation injury often occurs in combination with thermal injury and leads to serious complications that manifest at different points in the disease process. Inhalation injury alone carries a 5% to 8% risk of mortality; when combined with burn injury, mortality from inhalational injury can increase to 20% or more.1 These factors, combined with a complicated pathologic course, make inhalation injury a potentially difficult and dangerous disease process.

image Initial Inhalation Insult

The initial manifestations of inhalation injury are due to direct damage to airway surfaces that result in inflammation and edema.4 Clinically, patients initially present with symptoms of stridor, hypoxia, and respiratory distress.5 Management of the initial insult incorporates a thorough physical examination as well as a careful and specific history that provides details about the extent of exposure to the inhaled substance and the nature of the substance itself. Physical examination should include inspection of the oropharynx for direct damage and documentation of stridor, cyanosis, and confusion; it is not unusual for there to be no obvious physical symptoms of inhalation injury at the time of original assessment. Initial management includes providing adequate oxygenation as well reevaluation and maintenance of airway patency.6

image Pathology

Lower Airway Injury

Tracheobronchial Injury

Cytoplasmic vacuolization and cytoplasmic blebbing are seen in epithelial cells of the bronchial tree 48 hours after severe smoke inhalation.9 This is followed by epithelial necrosis, hemorrhage, and perivascular congestion. Such damage initiates an inflammatory cascade that recruits activated neutrophils and macrophages to the injured area, causing further damage.10 Airway congestion and increased lymphatic flow lead to obstruction of bronchial segments and impaired gas exchange.

Parenchymal Damage

Direct damage to the lung epithelium causes the recruitment of inflammatory mediators that produce increased parenchymal damage; neutrophils are among the first mediators recruited. In addition to growth factors and cytokines, neutrophils release reactive oxygen species and proteases that cause direct cellular damage. Such damage triggers further inflammation and leads to pulmonary dysfunction.11 This dysfunction includes evidence of increased apoptosis of lung epithelial cells, leading to decrease in surfactant release and defective surfactant mechanisms, resulting in obstruction and collapse of lung segments.12 In addition, alveolar macrophages release free radicals that cause further damage to the pulmonary parenchyma.13 With extensive destruction and inflammation, pulmonary compliance is reduced and gas exchange is impaired, leading to altered pulmonary blood flow patterns and ventilation/perfusion mismatches.14

image Damage From Asphyxiants

Smoke generates two compounds—carbon monoxide (CO) and cyanide—that are absorbed systemically and impair oxygen utilization and delivery. These compounds directly interfere with oxygen uptake and delivery mechanisms resulting in cellular and local tissue hypoxia and eventually organ failure and death.

Carbon Monoxide Toxicity

CO is an odorless, nonirritating gas that is responsible for up to 600 accidental deaths per year. The pathology of CO poisoning is attributable to its ability to rapidly diffuse into the bloodstream and bind to the iron moiety of heme that is normally bound by oxygen. Because of higher affinity (240 times) for the heme-binding site, CO easily displaces oxygen and impairs the ability of hemoglobin to deliver oxygen. The stoichiometry of hemoglobin is also altered, further impairing oxygen delivery by the other sites of hemoglobin. CO also binds to enzymes within mitochondria involved in the utilization of oxygen by cells and tissues. By binding to these enzymes, myoglobin, cytochromes, and NAPDH reductase, cellular and local tissue acidosis increases, further impairing oxygen delivery. This results in progressive cellular dysfunction and ultimately organ failure.15

Neurologic symptoms are often the first manifestation of CO poisoning. Mild carboxyhemoglobin levels (5%–10%) are usually well tolerated. When concentrations reach 10% to 30%, symptoms usually begin to manifest. Headaches, nausea, and dizziness are the most common initial symptoms in mild to moderate CO poisoning. With severe poisoning (50% carboxyhemoglobin levels), more significant neurologic symptoms occur, such as syncope, seizures, and coma. The diagnosis of CO poisoning is made based on the combination of physical symptoms and elevated levels of systemic carboxyhemoglobin. Pulse oximetry values do not differentiate between carboxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin and thus remain paradoxically elevated. Blood PO2 level remains normal because it reflects oxygen dissolved in plasma that is not affected by CO.16 Neurologic symptoms may persist in the form of delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae with symptoms that include a persistent vegetative state, parkinsonism, short-term memory loss, behavioral changes, hearing loss, and psychosis. These symptoms may manifest anytime from 3 to 240 days after recovery. Approximately 50% to 75% of patients with delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae recover fully in 1 year.17

The hallmark of treatment of CO poisoning involves maintaining adequate oxygenation. The CO half-life decreases from 6 to 8 hours to 40 to 80 minutes within 1 hour of treatment with 100% oxygen. Administration of 100% oxygen can be done via facemask or by mechanical ventilation. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment has been shown to have an advantage over normobaric oxygen treatment for CO poisoning; when administered in a hyperbaric chamber, the half-life of CO decreases to 15 to 30 minutes.18 However, given the limited number of hyperbaric chambers available, the widespread use of hyperbaric therapy is limited.17,19

Cyanide Toxicity

Cyanide inhalation is a potentially life-threatening occurrence that requires immediate intervention. Once inhaled, cyanide rapidly crosses into the blood and disrupts normal cellular utilization of oxygen by binding to cytochrome oxidase, thus interfering with cellular respiration. As in CO toxicity, cellular lactic acid production is increased, and cellular dysfunction soon follows.20

Diagnosis of cyanide toxicity is made by careful review of the history of inhalation, duration of exposure, and clinical symptoms. Physical manifestations of cyanide poisoning include headache and confusion followed by fixed pupils, bradycardia, hypotension, seizures, arrhythmias, heart block, cardiac failure, and coma. Diagnosis is aided by measurement of blood concentrations of cyanide, which are considered toxic at levels greater than 0.5 mg/L.20

The treatment of cyanide toxicity includes administration of oxygen as well as decontamination agents. When cyanide toxicity is suggested, 100% oxygen should be administered immediately. This can be done under normobaric or hyperbaric conditions, but the use of hyperbaric chambers is yet to be proven to provide a benefit.21 Amyl and sodium nitrates are often used as decontamination agents; these compounds induce the formation of methemoglobin, to which cyanide has high affinity. Methemoglobin thus acts as a scavenger for cyanide. Another utilized compound for treatment of cyanide toxicity is sodium thiosulfate, which acts by transferring a sulfur group to cyanide and converting it to renally excreted thiocyanate. Hydroxycobalamin (not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA]) detoxifies cyanide by binding to it and forming cyanocobalamin, an inert vitamer of the vitamin B12 family.22,23

image Features of Specific Irritants

Smoke produces a variety of compounds that have been shown to cause or initiate damage to the lung. The mechanism of damage for many of these compounds is unknown, but the location of damage within the respiratory tract is related to the ability of the compound to reach that location (Table 70-1). The ability of gases and toxins to exert damage on the tracheobronchial tree depends on the capacity of the toxin to reach different areas of the airway.5 Water solubility affects the location of deposit of gases and toxins. Mucous membranes line much of the upper respiratory tract, which allows gases that are highly water soluble to be absorbed in the upper respiratory tract and cause irritation to these structures. Because less-soluble gases are not absorbed in the upper airway, they travel to the lower airway and cause irritation and damage to those structures.3

TABLE 70-1 Specific Lung Irritants

Chemical Irritants Properties Mechanism of Toxicity
Acrolein Lipophilic Direct epithelial damage
Chlorine Water soluble Forms free radicals
Phosgene Low solubility Causes the release of arachidonic acid metabolites
Nitric oxide Lipid soluble Causes lipid peroxidation
Sulfur dioxide Water soluble Causes lipid peroxidation
Ammonia Water soluble Forms hydroxyl ions and causes liquefactive necrosis

image Role of a Cutaneous Thermal Injury

The combined effect of thermal injury and inhalation injury is synergistic on morbidity and mortality, creating increased pulmonary vascular changes and inflammation that lead to decreased pulmonary compliance and pulmonary function. Burn injury alone increases vascular permeability and can result in pulmonary edema. When associated with inhalation injury, this increase in pulmonary edema is exacerbated and results in a massive influx of inflammatory mediators, which increases damage to the lung parenchyma.36 With increasing damage to lung parenchyma, pulmonary compliance decreases and ventilation/perfusion mismatch occurs. With the resulting edema, atelectasis and consolidation of the lung (from the increased vascular permeability and increased lymphatic flow) set the stage for secondary bacterial infections.3739 In addition, pulmonary edema and decreased pulmonary compliance result in increased intrathoracic pressure, which causes a left side–dominant myocardial depression and contributes to the altered hemodynamic profile observed in combined thermal and inhalation injury.40

image Postinhalation Pulmonary Complications

Inhalation injury directly injures upper and lower airway structures through thermal energy, toxic irritants, and particulate matter deposition. Lung parenchymal damage caused by alveolar macrophages and toxin exposure contributes to pulmonary dysfunction, increased infectious complications, and the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Concomitant burn injury also increases vascular permeability and causes a release of inflammatory mediators.

Local Factors

Ciliary Dysfunction

Inhalation injury causes direct damage to mucosal and ciliary elements, leading to ciliary dysmotility. Such damage is caused by several agents, including acrolein and other aldehydes.26 In addition, the release of inflammatory mediators (such as thromboxane) has been shown to decrease mucociliary activity.41 This allows particles and toxins to exert their effects on local defense mechanisms as well as initiate a cascade that leads to parenchymal damage and bacterial infection.42