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Last modified 23/05/2015

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Chapter 45 Bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis was first described by Laënnec in 1819 as irreversible dilation and destruction of airways associated with chronic bacterial infection. It is characterized by inflamed and dilated thick-walled bronchi. The clinical features of bronchiectasis include chronic production of often mucopurulent or purulent sputum, persistent bacterial colonization, and recurrent lower respiratory tract infection.


The most comprehensive description of bronchiectasis pathology remains that of Whitwell, who examined 200 consecutive resected surgical specimens in 1952. The findings revealed dilated, thickened bronchi, often containing pus with distortion of the bronchial lumen. The inflammatory reaction, visible macroscopically, was shown often to cause complete occlusion of the smaller bronchioles. These findings may be widespread or localized depending on the cause. Microscopically, examination of the bronchial epithelium showed ulceration with granulation tissue in areas where healing had begun. Other specimens had evidence of infiltration of inflammatory cells in the subepithelial tissues and hyperplasia of mucous glands. Supporting connective “elastic” tissues may also be damaged to varying degrees. These features may all be present in varying degrees, in keeping with the varying clinical symptomatology and severity of the disease.

Whitwell classified bronchiectasis into three groups based on pathologic findings—saccular, atelectatic, and follicular—and although these terms may have changed, the descriptions remain the same. Cylindrical bronchiectasis is characterized by bronchi showing a regular outline, with dilated airways only and usually ending abruptly. Varicose bronchiectasis has similarities to the appearance of varicose veins, with dilation that is deformed by areas of relative constriction. These bronchi also have a distorted and bulbous end. Cystic (saccular) bronchiectasis is considered the most severe form of bronchiectasis; its most prominent feature is progressively increasing dilation as the bronchi progress toward the lung periphery and airways, ending in cystlike clusters. These three basic forms of bronchiectasis are demonstrated in Figure 45-1 by high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scanning.


The cause of non-CF bronchiectasis may only be identifiable in up to 50% of patients. However, a number of recognized conditions and factors are associated with bronchiectasis, and an underlying cause should be assessed in all patients (Box 45-1).

The genetic influence on the development of non-CF bronchiectasis is the subject of ongoing research, often on the role of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. The most common mutation of this gene, ΔF508 (F508del), is associated with severe CF (see Chapter 44). Numerous other mutations have been identified and associated with a milder clinical phenotype. As a consequence, late first presentation of CF has been described in patients who would otherwise have been considered to have idiopathic non-CF bronchiectasis. It is now recognized that mutations of the CFTR gene are more frequently observed in patients with bronchiectasis and a normal sweat chloride test than in the general population. Studies show that the spectrum of CFTR genotypes is associated with a continuum of CFTR dysfunction in the airways. Phenotypes range from patients with bronchiectasis, normal sweat test, and no other features suggestive of CF to those with classic CF. Also, some evidence suggests the CFTR mutations are associated with non-CF bronchiectasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, CFTR dysfunction can be identified as a cause of bronchiectasis in patients previously diagnosed with idiopathic non-CF bronchiectasis, but without fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for CF. How this affects patient management is currently unknown.

Establishing a cause for bronchiectasis depends on an accurate recollection of events by patients, making it difficult to establish a direct cause and effect in most patients. Nonetheless, an infective insult undoubtedly plays a role in establishing and maintaining the pathologic changes seen in bronchiectasis. This is demonstrated by the falling incidence since the widespread use of antibiotic therapy and immunizations in childhood. The role of infection is further emphasized by the association between the immune defects, and therefore increased susceptibility to infection, and the development of bronchiectasis.

The “vicious cycle” hypothesis of bronchiectasis suggests an initial failure or overwhelmed host defenses, leading to a host-mediated chronic inflammatory response, which in turn causes new or further impairment of mucociliary clearance and defenses, amplifying the problem. This interaction between chronic infection and excessive inflammation, which is predominantly neutrophilic, ensures ongoing damage to the airways and the development and maintenance of the features seen in bronchiectasis. Inflammatory mediators such as the neutrophil chemoattractant interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) are found in bronchial mucosal biopsies and secretions from bronchiectatic airways, in addition to tissue neutrophilia. This initiation of the inflammatory reaction results in the recruitment of phagocytes, dendritic cells, and lymphocytes, which contribute to the adaptive response (Figure 45-2).

Clinical Features

The severity of clinicopathologic events varies widely in patients with bronchiectasis. At the milder end of the spectrum, patients may have occasional exacerbations, with little or no intervening sputum production. Others have frequent exacerbations with chronic production of purulent sputum, even in the stable state. Symptoms can include hemoptysis, especially during exacerbations, and breathlessness, characterized by mild to moderate airflow obstruction, lethargy, and reduced health status. Hemoptysis may be only a minor problem, although erosion of mucosal neovascular arterioles during an acute exacerbation can result in massive hemoptysis. Quantitative analysis of HRCT scanning in bronchiectasis shows that the airflow obstruction is primarily linked to disease of small and medium-sized airways and not to bronchiectatic abnormalities in large airways, emphysema, or retained endobronchial secretions. Nonspecific chest pain varying in severity is also reported with increased frequency in bronchiectatic patients.

Clinical Signs

Finger (digital) clubbing has long been recognized as a sign of chronic suppurative lung disease. Despite previous reports of being frequently encountered in bronchiectasis, clubbing is much less common in more recent studies, perhaps because of a lower threshold for diagnosis of bronchiectasis. Studies report that the prevalence of clubbing is 1% to 2%, both in patients who develop symptoms as adults or in childhood and in adult patients. Overall, this suggests that finger clubbing is now seen only in a minority of patients with non-CF bronchiectasis.

The characteristic clinical finding in bronchiectasis is coarse crackles heard on auscultation, consistently reported in up to 73% of patients in more recent studies. Interestingly, an in-depth study of the phenotypes of bronchiectasis found the frequency of crackles to be much less in patients with adult onset of the symptom of chronic productive cough than in those with childhood onset of symptoms (20% vs. 64%). This difference was also associated with a greater amount of sputum production in the childhood-onset group. The crackles typically heard in bronchiectasis occur in the early and middle phases of inspiration, fading by the end of inspiration. Crackles also are usually present at expiration, which differentiates these from the finer crackles in alveolitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Although crackles are profuse, this may be reduced with coughing and expectoration. The location and extent of the crackles on physical examination, however, does not necessarily relate to the extent or area of distribution of bronchiectasis on the CT scan.

Diagnosis and patient assessment


Chest radiography is often the first imaging modality used to investigate patients with suspected bronchiectasis. However, radiographs are insensitive as a diagnostic tool for bronchiectasis and suggest the diagnosis in less than 50% of cases in some studies. There is also little evidence for the use of chest radiographs in monitoring patients with bronchiectasis with no change in symptoms.

HRCT is the radiologic modality of choice for establishing the diagnosis of bronchiectasis, although its reported sensitivity and specificity vary. It is difficult to assess fully the accuracy of HRCT in diagnosing all patients with bronchiectasis, but it is believed to be highly specific for the diagnosis of moderate or severe disease. However, the features of early bronchiectasis with bronchial wall thickening are also seen in other conditions (e.g., COPD, asthma), suggesting its specificity is less for frank bronchiectasis. Furthermore, a comparison of thin-section CT with bronchography demonstrated that although bronchial wall thickening is often seen, bronchography shows this is not always bronchiectatic in origin. The increasing use of multi-detector CT scanners, which allow for greater variance in section thickness compared to standard HRCT (sections obtained only at 10-mm intervals), may lead to improved detection of bronchiectasis, although this has yet to be assessed for early disease. However, this must be weighed against an increased radiation burden, and at present, standard HRCT remains the recommended investigation for the diagnosis of bronchiectasis.