Chapter 6
Blood Gases and Related Tests
1. Describe how pH and Pco2 are used to assess acid-base status.
2. Interpret Po2 and oxygen saturation to assess oxygenation.
3. Identify the appropriate procedure for obtaining an arterial blood gas specimen.
4. List situations in which pulse oximetry can be used to evaluate a patient’s oxygenation.
1. Describe at least two limitations of pulse oximetry.
2. Describe the use of capnography to assess changes in ventilation-perfusion patterns of the lung.
3. Assess oxygenation, using arterial oxygen content.
4. Calculate the shunt fraction, using appropriate laboratory data.
The chapter addresses how blood gas measurements are used in the pulmonary function laboratory. A complete description of blood gas electrodes and other measuring devices is included in Chapter 11. The use of pulse oximetry and capnography as adjuncts to traditional invasive measures is discussed. Two methods of calculating shunt fraction are detailed so that the most appropriate method may be used.
Oxygen tension
Po2 measures the partial pressure exerted by oxygen (O2) dissolved in the blood. Like Pco2, it is recorded in millimeters of mercury or in kilopascals. The normal range for arterial Po2 is 70–100 mm Hg (10.64–13.30 kPa) for healthy young adults breathing air at sea level. The normal range declines slightly in older adults. Mixed venous Po2 averages 40 mm Hg (5.32 kPa) in healthy patients. Barometric pressure (at altitudes significantly above sea level) also influences the expected arterial Po2 (see Evolve site for Conversion and Correction Factors).
Blood pH is measured by exposing the specimen to a glass electrode (see Figure 11-28) or by measuring light absorbance with an optical pH indicator under anaerobic conditions. pH measurements are made at 37°C. The pH of arterial blood is related to the Paco2 by the
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

pK=negative log of dissociation constant for carbonic acid (6.1)
[]=molar concentration of serum bicarbonate
[CO2]=molar concentration of CO2

Carbon Dioxide Tension
Pco2 has been measured traditionally by exposing whole blood to a modified pH electrode contained in a jacket with a Teflon membrane at its tip (see Chapter 11). The jacket contains a bicarbonate buffer. As CO2 diffuses through the membrane, it combines with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). The H2CO3 dissociates into H+ and , thereby changing the pH of the bicarbonate buffer. The change in pH is measured by the electrode and is proportional to the Pco2. Newer blood gas analyzers use a spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of CO2 in the infrared portion of the spectrum. The blood must be anticoagulated and kept in an anaerobic state until analysis. Pco2 may also be estimated using a transcutaneous electrode. Measurement of end-tidal CO2 (Petco2) is sometimes used to track Pco2 (see later section, Capnography).
Oxygen Tension
The Po2 (arterial or mixed venous) has been traditionally measured by exposing whole blood, obtained anaerobically, to a platinum electrode covered with a thin polypropylene membrane. This type of electrode is called a polarographic electrode or Clark electrode. Oxygen molecules are reduced at the platinum cathode after diffusing through the membrane (see Chapter 11). Newer blood gas analyzers use an optical system that senses the ability of O2 to change the intensity and duration of phosphorescence in a phosphorescent dye. Po2 may also be measured using a transcutaneous electrode (see Chapter 11).
Blood gas values (pH, Pco2, Po2) are influenced by the patient’s temperature. Alteration of body temperature affects the partial pressure of dissolved CO2, which influences pH as described in the previous equations. Table 6-1 describes the expected blood gas changes when the patient’s temperature is not 37°C. Although blood gas measurements are made at 37°C, the value reported is sometimes corrected to the patient’s temperature.
Table 6-1
Effects of Body Temperature on Blood Gas Values*
Temperature (°C) | 34° | 37° | 40° |
pH | 7.44 | 7.40 | 7.36 |
Pco2 | 35 | 40 | 46 |
Po2 | 79 | 95 | 114 |
*Temperature corrections based on algorithms from CLSI (formerly NCCLS): C46-A2. Definitions of quantities and conventions related to blood pH and gas analysis; approved standard, 2009.
Specimen Collection for Blood Gases
Before a radial artery puncture, adequacy of collateral circulation to the hand from the ulnar artery should be established, using the modified Allen’s test (Figure 6-1). The original Allen’s test was described by Dr. Edgar Allen, a vascular surgeon at the Mayo Clinic in the 1920s, to assist in the diagnosis of thromboangiitis obliterans (e.g., Raynaud’s disease). A positive test in his description denoted reduced circulation; however, using the modified technique, a “positive test” demonstrates adequate collateral circulation. In performing the modified Allen’s test, the technologist occludes both the radial and ulnar arteries by pressing down over the wrist. The patient is instructed to make a fist, then open the hand and relax the fingers. The palm of the hand is pale and bloodless because both arteries are occluded. The ulnar artery is released while the radial remains occluded. The hand should be reperfused rapidly (5–15 seconds) if the ulnar supply is adequate. If perfusion is inadequate, an alternative site should be used.

The modified Allen’s test assesses collateral circulation for the hand. A “positive test” demonstrates adequate collateral circulation and the radial artery may be used to harvest an arterial blood gas sample. (From Pagana K. Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and laboratory testing. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2010.)
Arterial puncture should not be performed through any type of lesion. Similarly, puncture distal to a surgical shunt (e.g., shunts used for dialysis) should be avoided. Infection or evidence of peripheral vascular disease should prompt selection of an alternative site. Some patients may be using anticoagulant drugs such as heparin, warfarin (Coumadin), or streptokinase. High doses of these drugs or a history of prolonged clotting times may be relative contraindications to arterial puncture. Box 6-1 lists some of the potential hazards associated with arterial puncture.
Success in obtaining an arterial specimen by radial puncture requires careful positioning of the patient’s wrist. The hand should be hyperextended with good support under the wrist (Figure 6-2, arterial puncture). A topical anesthetic may be useful for some patients, but is usually unnecessary. Always perform the modified Allen’s test to ensure adequate collateral circulation before puncturing the artery. The person drawing the sample should be in a comfortable position (i.e., sitting) to maximize control of the needle during insertion. It is recommended that the person drawing the sample use standard precautions and personal protective equipment, including gloves and eyewear. A vented syringe or similar device allows the blood to “pulse” into the syringe, ensuring that the needle is in the lumen of the artery.
Blood is usually collected in a syringe to which an anticoagulant (e.g., heparin) has been added, and sealed from the atmosphere immediately (Criteria for Acceptability 6-1). Blood gases are typically drawn using specially designed syringes containing a dry anticoagulant (i.e., a blood gas “kit”). Dry heparin is applied to the lumen of the needle and the interior of the syringe. A small heparin pellet is often placed in the syringe to provide additional anticoagulation. Care must be taken that heparin solution (sometimes used for flushing arterial catheters) does not contaminate the sample. Contamination by flush solution may affect Po2 and Pco2 values by dilution, but the buffering capacity of whole blood prevents large changes in pH.
After the syringe has been capped (see Chapter 12 for safe handling of blood specimens), the sample should be thoroughly mixed by rolling or gently shaking. Mixing helps prevent the sample from clotting, whether dry or liquid heparin is used. Mixing is also important for analyzers that use spectrophotometric methods for measuring blood gases. Lithium heparin or a similar preparation should be used for specimens that will also be used for electrolyte analysis.
Air contamination of arterial or mixed venous blood specimens can seriously alter blood gas values. Room air at sea level has a Po2 of approximately 150 mm Hg, and a Pco2 near 0. If air bubbles are present in a blood gas specimen, equilibration of gases between the sample and air occurs (Table 6-2). Contamination commonly occurs during sampling when air is left in the syringe after the sample is collected. Small bubbles may also be introduced if the needle does not connect tightly to the syringe. Other sources of air contamination include poorly fitting plungers and failure to properly cap the syringe. Use of a vented syringe or one in which the pulse pressure of the blood displaces the plunger can help prevent air bubble contamination.
Table 6-2
Air Contamination of Blood Gas Samples
In Vivo Values | Air Contamination* | |
pH | 7.40 | 7.45 |
Pco2 | 40 | 30 |
Po2 | 95 | 110 |
*Typical values that might occur when a blood gas specimen is exposed to air, either directly or by mixing with a solution that has been exposed to air (e.g., heparinized flush solution). The change in pH occurs because of the change in Pco2.
Capillary samples are useful in infants when arterial puncture is impractical. The area for collection (the heel is commonly chosen) should be heated by a warm compress and lanced. Blood is then allowed to fill the required volume of heparinized glass/plastic capillary tubes. Squeezing the tissue should be avoided because predominantly venous blood will be obtained. The capillary tubes should be carefully sealed to avoid air bubbles. Guidelines for quality control of blood gas analyzers and for the safe handling of blood specimens are included in Chapter 12.
Significance and Pathophysiology
See Interpretive Strategies 6-1.
The pH of arterial blood in healthy adults averages 7.40 with a range of 7.35–7.45. Arterial pH below 7.35 constitutes acidemia. A pH above 7.45 constitutes alkalemia. Because of the logarithmic scale, a change of 0.3 pH units represents a twofold change in [H+] concentration. If the pH decreases from 7.40 to 7.10 with no change in Pco2, the concentration of hydrogen ions has doubled. Conversely, if the concentration of [H+] is halved, the pH increases from 7.40 to 7.70, assuming the Pco2 remains at 40 mm Hg. Changes of this magnitude represent marked abnormalities in the acid-base status of the blood and are almost always accompanied by clinical symptoms (e.g., cardiac arrhythmias) (Figure 6-3). If a metabolic acidemia is present, examination of the Anion Gap (AG) needs to be assessed. The anion gap is the difference between routinely measured cations (sodium) and anions (chloride and bicarbonate) in serum, plasma, or urine. The magnitude of the difference in serum is calculated to help identify the cause of a metabolic acidemia. The anion gap also reflects unmeasured cations (e.g., proteins, organic acids, phosphates) and anions (e.g., calcium, potassium, magnesium) (Table 6-3). The AG is expressed in units of mEg/L or mmol/L and is calculated by subtracting the serum concentrations of chloride and bicarbonate from the concentrations of sodium and potassium. However, in routine clinical practice, the potassium is frequently ignored, which leaves the following equation:
Table 6-3
Metabolic Acidosis | |
Wide Gap | Normal Gap |
Methanol (Osm gap high) | Hyperventilation |
Uremia | Acid infusion/carbonic anhydrase inhibitors/Addison’s disease |
Diabetic/alcoholic ketoacidosis | Renal tubular acidosis (urine gap positive) |
Paraldehyde | Diarrhea (urine gap normal; i.e., negative) |
Isoniazid/Iron | Ureterosigmoidostomy |
Lactic acidosis | Pancreatic fistula/drainage |
Ethylene glycol (Osm gap high) | |
Salicylates/solvents |

This tool assists the user to identify and characterize the acid base disturbance. (From Cogan MG, Rector FC Jr. Acid-base disturbances. In Brenner BM, Rector FC Jr., eds. The kidney. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1986.)

Acid-base disorders arising from lung disease are often related to Pco2 and its transport as carbonic acid. If the pH is outside of its normal range (i.e., acidemia or alkalemia) but Pco2 is within normal limits, the condition is termed nonrespiratory or metabolic (Table 6-4). The calculated is a useful indicator of the relationship between pH and Pco2. In the presence of acidemia (pH less than 7.35) and normal CO2 (Pco2 35–45 mm Hg),
will be low and a metabolic acidosis is present. A Pco2 of less than 35 mm Hg in the presence of acidosis suggests that ventilatory compensation for acidemia is occurring. The acid-base status would be considered partially compensated nonrespiratory (i.e., metabolic) acidosis. Complete compensation occurs if pH returns to the normal range. This happens when ventilation reduces Pco2 in proportion to the
Table 6-4
Status | pH | Pco2 | ![]() |
Simple Disorders | |||
Metabolic acidosis | Low | Normal | Low |
Metabolic alkalosis | High | Normal | High |
Respiratory acidosis | Low | High | Normal |
Respiratory alkalosis | High | Low | Normal |
Compensated Disorders | |||
Compensated respiratory acidosis, or metabolic alkalosis | Normal* | High | High |
Compensated metabolic acidosis, or respiratory alkalosis | Normal* | Low | Low |
Combined Disorders | |||
Metabolic/respiratory acidosis | Low | High | Low |
Metabolic/respiratory alkalosis | High | Low | High |
*Compensation cannot return values to within normal limits in severe acid-base disturbances. In addition, a normal pH may result in instances of respiratory and metabolic disturbances that occur together but are not compensatory.
Carbon Dioxide Tension
The arterial carbon dioxide tension (Paco2) in a healthy adult is approximately 40 mm Hg; it may range from 35–45 mm Hg. The Pco2 of venous or mixed venous blood is seldom used clinically. Body temperature affects Paco2, as described in Table 6-1.
Paco2 is inversely proportional to alveolar ventilation (A) (see Chapter 5). When
A decreases, CO2 may not be removed by the lungs as fast as it is produced. This causes Paco2 to increase. The pH falls (i.e., [H+] increases) as CO2 is hydrated to form carbonic acid:

Increased Paco2 (i.e., hypercapnia) commonly occurs in patients who have advanced obstructive or restrictive disease. These individuals are characterized by markedly abnormal ventilation-perfusion (/
) patterns. They are unable to maintain adequate alveolar ventilation. Not all patients with advanced pulmonary disease retain CO2. Those who do become hypercapnic often have a low ventilatory response to CO2 (see Chapter 5). Their response to the increased work of breathing caused by obstruction or restriction is to allow CO2 to increase rather than increase ventilation. When respiratory acidosis results from increased Pco2, renal compensation usually occurs (see Table 6-4).
Oxygen Tension

FIO2= fractional concentration of inspired O2
47= partial pressure of water vapor at 37°C

Paco2= arterial CO2 tension (presumed equal to alveolar CO2 tension)
R= respiratory exchange ratio (co2/
Substituting 40 mm Hg for Paco2, and 0.8 for R: