7 Blood and cancer
Iron deficiency anaemia
As shown in Case 7.1, tiredness, lethargy and listlessness are suggestive of anaemia. Pallor may be harder to detect in darker skin but may be apparent to parents, and will be clearly evident from inspection of mucous membranes. A pale blue tinge to the sclera is characteristic of iron deficiency. The findings of tachycardia with a flow murmur reflect the compensatory increase in cardiac output.
Iron deficiency causes a range of effects:
• Symptoms of anaemia (see above)
• Impaired or abnormal appetite
• Mucosal abnormalities, e.g. angular cheilitis and atrophic glossitis, pruritis vulvae
• Impaired cognitive and motor development in toddlers; impaired short-term memory in older children
• Malabsorption, e.g. coeliac disease (see Chapter 12, p. 172)
• Chronic blood loss from gastroesophageal reflux (see Chapter 13, p. 164) or Meckel’s diverticulum, when ectopic gastric mucosa secretes acid, leading to ulceration and bleeding in the small bowel.
Haemolytic anaemia
Haemolytic disease of the newborn
Haemolytic disease of the newborn is a condition of rapid red cell destruction in the fetus or newborn infant caused by maternal antibodies raised against the infant’s red cells (see also Chapter 17, p. 252). Where a pregnant mother is blood group rhesus negative and the fetus rhesus positive, the leak of even a few fetal cells into the maternal circulation may be sufficient to trigger the production of IgG antibodies. These cross the placenta in the same, or more commonly in a subsequent, pregnancy to cause immune-mediated destruction of antibody-coated red cells. The same process occurs with ABO incompatibility (as shown in Case 7.2), although this usually causes milder haemolysis.
Haemolytic disorders of childhood
Haemolytic anaemias are characterized by shortened red cell lifespan, with a compensatory increase in erythropoiesis, increased synthesis of bilirubin, and anaemia. Presentation may occur at birth with early-onset or severe neonatal jaundice, with inter-current infection provoking haemolysis or aplastic crisis, with symptoms of anaemia, with specific complications such as dactylitis in sickle-cell anaemia (see below), or by chance, following routine investigations (see Case 7.3).
General principles of treatment of haemolytic anaemias
• Folic acid requirements are increased due to high red cell turnover, and supplementation is usually required to optimize erythropoiesis
• Chronic anaemia is usually well-tolerated and transfusion is done as infrequently as symptoms allow
• Transfusion may be required for acute haemolytic crises. These occur secondary to inter-current infection, notably with parvovirus which causes a temporary depression of erythropoiesis – aplastic crisis. In G6PD deficiency (an X-linked condition, therefore very rare in girls) a variety of oxidant drugs will provoke acute haemolysis
• Blood transfusions ultimately may lead to iron overload, particularly in thalassaemia, requiring use of iron chelation therapy with desferrioxamine administered by overnight subcutaneous infusion 5–6 days per week. Newer oral agents, deferiprone (DFP) and deferasirox (DFX), approved for use in 2006, are available. DFP is less effective than DFO in treating liver disease, and so is usually used in combination with DFO. DFX is as effective as DFO, but long-term efficacy and safety is not yet established, and use is not recommended in patients with cardiac involvement. All chelation agents have significant side-effects, notably agranulocytosis with DFP.
• Symptomatic pigment gallstones require cholecystectomy
• Bone marrow transplantation may be appropriate for thalassaemia and severe sickle-cell disease
Hereditary spherocytosis
The hallmark of thalassaemia major is hypochromic, microcytic anaemia, which may be severe, with associated hypersplenism due to increased red cell destruction (see Figure 7.1). Beta-thalassaemia also produces skeletal abnormalities, most notably frontal bossing, due to hyperplasic marrow, and growth failure.
Sickle-cell disease
Sickle-cell anaemia results from a glutamate to valine substitution in position 6 of the beta-globin gene. When present in the homozygous form this renders the red cell prone to sickling. Common triggers are hypoxia, dehydration and fever, and the result is less compliant sickle-shaped red cells which occlude small vessels causing tissue ischaemia and end-organ damage. The sickle cells are rapidly removed from the circulation causing anaemia and hypersplenism (as shown in Case 7.4). Ultimately, hyposplenism results from recurrent splenic infarction. Hydroxycarbamide (see below) may help preserve splenic function, thereby reducing infection risk.
There are a number of clinical problems particular to sickle-cell disease:
• Vaso-occlusive crises leading to:
• Sequestration crises where large amounts of blood are sequestered to the spleen or liver, leading to anaemia, shock and severe abdominal pain
• Sickle chest in which widespread pulmonary infiltrates occur, leading to respiratory failure
• Infection with encapsulated organisms notably Pneumococcus, Haemophilus and Salmonella, due to progressive infarction of the spleen, leading to hyposplenism
• Impaired growth with delayed puberty (special growth charts are available in the UK for children with sickle-cell anaemia).