Blood and cancer

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Last modified 21/03/2015

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7 Blood and cancer


Iron deficiency anaemia

As shown in Case 7.1, tiredness, lethargy and listlessness are suggestive of anaemia. Pallor may be harder to detect in darker skin but may be apparent to parents, and will be clearly evident from inspection of mucous membranes. A pale blue tinge to the sclera is characteristic of iron deficiency. The findings of tachycardia with a flow murmur reflect the compensatory increase in cardiac output.

Iron deficiency is suggested by microcytic, hypochromic anaemia, but thalassaemia (see below) may also cause this picture. Iron deficiency is confirmed by the low ferritin level. Ferritin is an acute phase reactant and rises with infection or inflammation, so may be misleadingly normal in the unwell child.

Iron deficiency causes a range of effects:

Iron deficiency is extremely common, affecting 15–20% of children in the UK. The commonest explanation for iron deficiency anaemia in young children is inadequate dietary intake but other causes should be considered, such as:

Malabsorption, e.g. coeliac disease (see Chapter 12, p. 172)

Chronic blood loss from gastroesophageal reflux (see Chapter 13, p. 164) or Meckel’s diverticulum, when ectopic gastric mucosa secretes acid, leading to ulceration and bleeding in the small bowel.

Menstrual losses in older girls.

Iron deficiency may be prevented with adequate dietary intake in otherwise healthy children. Standard infant formulas and many weaning foods are iron-fortified. Premature infants are at higher risk and require supplementation with iron in the first months. Treatment of established iron deficiency usually requires a few weeks of oral supplementation with elemental iron.

Haemolytic anaemia

Haemolytic disease of the newborn

Haemolytic disease of the newborn is a condition of rapid red cell destruction in the fetus or newborn infant caused by maternal antibodies raised against the infant’s red cells (see also Chapter 17, p. 252). Where a pregnant mother is blood group rhesus negative and the fetus rhesus positive, the leak of even a few fetal cells into the maternal circulation may be sufficient to trigger the production of IgG antibodies. These cross the placenta in the same, or more commonly in a subsequent, pregnancy to cause immune-mediated destruction of antibody-coated red cells. The same process occurs with ABO incompatibility (as shown in Case 7.2), although this usually causes milder haemolysis.

Clinical effects range from mild jaundice in the newborn period, sometimes associated with a greater drop in the physiological nadir of haemoglobin at around 10–12 weeks of age, to a severe fetal anaemia, with hydrops fetalis and fetal death.

Detection of potential rhesus haemolytic disease in ‘at-risk’ fetuses requires monitoring of maternal antibody status and fetal well-being. Treatment options include in-utero transfusion, and, if necessary, early delivery. First-line therapy in the affected newborn infant is phototherapy. If this is ineffective, exchange blood transfusion is performed in which blood is drawn from the infant and replaced with an equal volume of packed cells. Infants with haemolytic disease of the newborn require folate supplementation, and occasionally require late transfusion for correction of anaemia, typically at 6–8 weeks of age. Administration of anti-D immunoglobulin to rhesus negative women after pregnancy (including miscarriage and termination of pregnancy) reduces the risk of recurrence in subsequent pregnancies.

General principles of treatment of haemolytic anaemias

Hyposplenism secondary to progressive splenic infarction in sickle-cell disease, or following splenectomy, is treated with prophylactic phenoxymethylpenicillin (‘penicillin V’) and pneumococcal immunization due to the risk of overwhelming pneumococcal infection.

Hereditary spherocytosis


Thalassaemia is the commonest single-gene disorder worldwide. A gene deletion results in reduced synthesis of either alpha- or beta-globin chains, producing alpha- or beta-thalassaemia, respectively.

Normal individuals have four alpha-globin and two beta-globin genes. Alpha- and beta-globin chains combine to form α2β2 tetramers. Loss of a single alpha gene is asymptomatic, but loss of impairment of two or three alpha-globin genes results in alpha-thalassaemia trait and haemoglobin H disease respectively, characterized by hypochromic microcytic anaemia. Haemoglobin H is a β4 tetramer which results from inadequate alpha-globin synthesis. If all four alpha chains are affected, no normal haemoglobin is made, resulting in fetal death from hydrops fetalis.

Similarly, partial or complete loss of a single beta-globin gene produces beta-thalassaemia trait, whereas if both genes are affected, beta-thalassaemia major results. Beta-thalassaemia major may be partly ameliorated by persistence of fetal haemoglobin.

There is considerable variation in ethnic distribution of the different abnormal genes, with the Mediterranean, Middle East, Indian subcontinent and South-East Asia most affected.

Clinical features result from increased erythropoiesis occurring in the bone marrow and in extramedullary sites such as the liver. This process is driven by erythropoietin produced in response to relative tissue hypoxia.

The hallmark of thalassaemia major is hypochromic, microcytic anaemia, which may be severe, with associated hypersplenism due to increased red cell destruction (see Figure 7.1). Beta-thalassaemia also produces skeletal abnormalities, most notably frontal bossing, due to hyperplasic marrow, and growth failure.

Sickle-cell disease

Sickle-cell anaemia results from a glutamate to valine substitution in position 6 of the beta-globin gene. When present in the homozygous form this renders the red cell prone to sickling. Common triggers are hypoxia, dehydration and fever, and the result is less compliant sickle-shaped red cells which occlude small vessels causing tissue ischaemia and end-organ damage. The sickle cells are rapidly removed from the circulation causing anaemia and hypersplenism (as shown in Case 7.4). Ultimately, hyposplenism results from recurrent splenic infarction. Hydroxycarbamide (see below) may help preserve splenic function, thereby reducing infection risk.

There are a number of clinical problems particular to sickle-cell disease:

Hydroxycarbamide is now established as an effective treatment for sickle-cell disease. It is a ribonucleoside reductase inhibitor which inhibits cell division, and is widely used for the adult conditions chronic myeloid leukaemia and polycythaemia rubra vera. Randomized trials have shown that it is effective in reducing painful crises, dactylitis, episodes of sickle chest, and transfusion requirements, with an overall survival benefit. It has several actions:

Use of hydroxycarbamide in trials was associated with a 60% reduction in hospital admissions. Its use is indicated in patients with more than three admissions per year with painful crises, over the last 2 years, two or more episodes of sickle chest, or severe impairment in normal life due to pain. However, in May 2011 the outcome of a randomized control trial of hydroxycarbamide in children aged 9–18 months, treated for 2 years, showed very significantly improved outcomes compared with placebo, suggesting that it may have a wider role in the treatment of children.

Hydroxyurea is potentially leukaemogenic, and has significant toxicity. The most significant side-effect is myelosuppression. Skin rashes, nail discoloration, nausea/vomiting and diarrhoea may also occur. Frequent blood tests for monitoring purposes are required whilst on treatment.