Advances in Anesthesia, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2010
ISSN: 0737-6146
doi: 10.1016/j.aan.2010.07.005
Peripheral Blocks of the Chest and Abdomen
Thoracic paravertebral block
Pioneered by Sellheim in 1905 [1], the technique for thoracic paravertebral blockade (TPVB) commonly used today was originally described by Kappis in 1919 [2]. During the early part of the 20th century, the TPVB was used as a diagnostic tool to differentiate between different causes of abdominal pain [3,4], as well as to treat conditions including angina pectoris, supraventricular tachycardias, and bronchial asthma in addition to providing relief from pain associated with surgery, traumatic injuries, herpes zoster, malignancy, and sympathetic dystrophies [5]. Despite the versatility and early enthusiasm for the TPVB, it became less frequently used during the mid-twentieth century as refinements in general anesthetic agents and monitoring techniques outpaced developments in local/regional anesthesia.
More recently, there has been renewed interest in regional techniques to overcome persistent limitations of general anesthesia (GA) and systemic opioid-based analgesic techniques. Eason and Wyatt [6] renewed interest in the TPVB specifically with their 1979 description of a technique for placing catheters within the thoracic paravertebral space (TPVS). At present, developments in ultrasound (US) imaging technology and increasing operator experience with interventional US techniques are contributing to increased TPVB use. In addition, intriguing preliminary data suggesting that TPVBs may be associated with a reduction in the recurrence rate of breast cancer following surgical excision [7] may potentially increase surgeons’ requests for TPVBs in their patients.
The TPVB has been used to provide surgical anesthesia for superficial procedures of the chest or abdomen. It is most commonly used to provide surgical anesthesia for breast surgery, including radical mastectomy procedures [8,10]. The TPVB can serve as an alternative to systemic or epidural analgesia following thoracotomy, thoracoscopy, laparotomy, open cholecystectomy, and liver or kidney surgery [11–16]. It may be especially useful in situations where epidural techniques may not be possible (such as in patients with spinal trauma [17,18] or previous posterior fusion of the thoracic spine). A paravertebral catheter can be used to provide and extend the duration of analgesia after such procedures or for painful conditions including multiple traumatic rib fractures [19,21] or herpes zoster [5,22].
Specific contraindications for TPVB are few. TVPB should be avoided in patients with ipsilateral empyema or severe disease of the contralateral lung. Contraindications to any regional anesthetic/analgesic technique (overlying infection or neoplasm, allergy to local anesthetics, patient or surgeon refusal, inability to obtain informed consent) apply to the TVPB as well. Patients who have significantly abnormal anatomy may be at an increased risk for complications such as inadvertent pleural or dural puncture. The use of TPVBs in patients with coagulopathy or receiving anticoagulant medications is controversial, and the TPVB currently is not considered safer than neuraxial techniques [23]. It is possible that that there is less potential for neurologic injury than with central neuraxial techniques. That a hematoma confined to the central neuraxial space could lead to spinal cord injury is well known. However, a hematoma in the TPVS could possibly extend to the adjoining epidural space through the intervertebral foramina and subsequently cause compression of the spinal cord. In addition, because the TPVS is within the thoracic cage (deep to the ribs/transverse processes), applying external pressure may not control bleeding, and significant blood loss into the pleural cavity could occur.
Specific Risks
Risks specific to the TPVB include hemothorax/pneumothorax [24,26], epidural or intrathecal injection [27–30], mediastinal puncture [31,32] and systemic local anesthetic toxicity [33]. Of importance, it is possible that pneumothoraces resulting from pleural puncture during TPVB placement may be subclinical before patient discharge and develop slowly (more likely for single-injection techniques using small-gauge needles). Thus, patients should be advised to seek medical care immediately should they experience shortness of breath, and to avoid air travel or other significant changes in atmospheric pressure soon after TPVB placement.
Performing bilateral blocks could theoretically increase the risks for several reasons: bilateral sympathetic blockade can produce hemodynamic effects (bradycardia and hypotension) similar to epidural techniques [34], the increased doses of local anesthetics used to achieve bilateral blockade may increase the risk of systemic local anesthetic toxicity [33,35], and there is a risk of bilateral hemothorax/pneumothorax. Rostral or caudal spread of anesthetic within the paravertebral space can produce a block of cervical or lumbar nerve roots causing a motor, sensory, or sympathetic block of the arm (cervical plexus or stellate ganglion block) or leg [36,37]. The inferior boundary of the TPVS is controversial, however, as the origin of the psoas muscle may prevent spread below T12. In addition, anesthetic fluid injected in the lower part of the TPVS could spread via the epidural space to effect a lumbar plexus block [38], or via the transversalis fascia to the celiac ganglion, and produce splanchnic vasodilation and hypotension [39].
The TPVS is a wedge-shaped triangular space located on both sides of the thoracic vertebral column. The anterolateral boundary is formed by the parietal pleura and the base (medial boundary) is formed by the posterolateral aspect of the vertebral body, intervertebral disc, and the intervertebral foramina. The posterior border is formed by the superior costotransverse ligament, which extends from the lower border of the transverse process above to the upper border of the transverse process below. The TPVS communicates with the epidural space medially via the intervertebral foramina, and at the tips of the transverse processes the TPVS is continuous with the intercostal space laterally. The TPVS contains the proximal intercostal nerves (as continuation of the ventral rami), the dorsal rami, the sympathetic chain, the intercostal vessels, the endothoracic fascia, and adipose tissue (Fig. 1A) [37,40].
For anesthesia and/or analgesia of the chest and/or abdominal wall, blocks can be performed from the first thoracic to the first lumbar spinal level. Local anesthetics spread easily to adjacent levels and occasionally spread to the contralateral space via the prevertebral fascia or to the epidural space medially [41,43]. The extent of rostral/caudad spread of local anesthetic is determined by the volume of fluid injected for single-injection techniques as well as the number of levels blocked for multiple-injection techniques [44,45]. Local anesthetics placed within the TPVS act on somatic fibers as well as the sympathetic chain. As a result, TPVBs can have greater hemodynamic effects (such as vasodilation or bradycardia) than more peripheral truncal blocks, such as those of individual intercostal nerves [46].
After determining the appropriate level(s) to be blocked based on the surgical procedure, the midline is marked, and a line parallel to the midline is marked 2.5 cm lateral on the side(s) to be blocked (Fig. 1B). After sterile preparation of the skin, subcutaneous infiltration of local anesthetic is performed along the paramedian line. Infiltration may be performed with chloroprocaine to minimize the risk of systemic local anesthetic toxicity while allowing infiltration of the entire area. The block needle is then introduced along this line at the level of the respective spinous processes and perpendicular to all skin planes, and it is advanced until its tip contacts the posterior surface of the transverse process. The depth to the transverse process varies with patient size and block level [47,48]. In an adult patient of normal body habitus, the needle should not be advanced past 4 cm without bony contact. If no bony contact is made, the needle should be reoriented cephalad or caudad to seek bony contact. After contact, the depth of contact is noted, the needle is partially withdrawn slightly, and oriented slightly more cephalad or caudad to “walk off” the transverse process. The needle is advanced 1 to 1.5 cm past the depth of bony contact, and local anesthetic is injected. Using a needle with depth markings on the shaft, or placing a “depth guard” on the needle may be helpful. A distinct “pop” may be felt as the needle tip enters the paravertebral space (through the costotransverse ligament), though this is not consistent.
It is important to not advance the needle more than 1.5 cm past the depth of bony contact, as this could lead to pleural puncture. The needle should not be redirected medially, as this can increase the risk of epidural or intrathecal injection [40]. Whether it is better to perform multiple small-volume injections or a single large-volume injection remains controversial. Multiple-injection techniques may be associated with an increased likelihood of block success [44,49], though each needle pass carries a risk of puncturing the pleura. Single-injection techniques may decrease this risk, although injecting a large volume of local anesthetic in a single paravertebral space may promote contralateral or epidural spread of anesthetic and produce more severe hemodynamic effects [50].
Surgical placement of catheters within the paravertebral space under direct vision [51], and video assistance during thoracoscopic procedures [52] have also been described.
Loss of resistance
The technique is identical to that described for the landmark-based approach, except that loss of resistance (LOR) is used to confirm positioning of the needle tip within the paravertebral space [17]. The LOR technique generally uses larger-gauge needles, and is especially well suited to placing catheters within the paravertebral space for continuous blocks [6]. A “pressure measurement technique” has been advocated as an objective and reproducible means to identify the TPVS [53]. This technique relies on measuring pressure changes during phases of the respiratory cycle, with a classic “pressure inversion” (pressure during expiration higher than during inspiration) indicating needle tip position within the TPVS. Fluoroscopy [42] may be used as a supplementary method of confirming correct needle or catheter placement within the TPVS.
Nerve stimulation
The technique is essentially identical to that described for landmark-based and LOR techniques, with the addition of electrical neurostimulation as an additional confirmatory end point [54]. High stimulating currents (5 mA, 2 Hz, 0.3 ms pulse width) may be used initially, and contraction of the paraspinal muscles may be observed before the needle tip makes contact with the transverse process. Stimulation can be used to confirm positioning of the needle tip within the TPVS, as contractions of appropriate intercostal/abdominal muscles may be observed at low stimulating currents (0.4–0.6 mA). Because these contractions may be subtle and difficult to see (especially in obese patients) it may be helpful to have an assistant palpate the patient’s intercostal muscles during block placement. Slight movements of the needle tip within the TPVS may help elicit contractions by moving the needle tip closer to nerve roots. It is important that these movements should not be “in-and-out” as this could increase the risk or pleural puncture. Rather, “side-to-side,” “up-and-down,” or rotational maneuvers should be used. It is also helpful to use insulated needles designed for use with a nerve stimulator.
As an aid to traditional techniques, ultrasonography can be helpful for measuring the depth to the transverse process and pleura as well as planning the trajectory of the needle, which may be especially helpful in patients with abnormal anatomy. Jamieson and Mariano [55] published a case report of 2 TPVBs placed using a nerve-stimulator guided technique after a US prescan. Pusch and colleagues [56] reported a series of 22 patients who had TPVBs placed using a landmark-based technique after measuring the depth to the transverse process and pleura at the T4 level. These studies found that the US prescan reliably measured the depth to the transverse process. Hara and colleagues [57] reported a series of 25 patients with TPVBs placed at the T4 and T1 level using an LOR technique in combination with real-time US guidance, using ultrasonography to guide the needle to make contact with the transverse process. After contact was made, the needle was advanced without US visualization and LOR was used to confirm entry of the needle tip into the TPVS.
To obtain a long-axis view of the TPVS, the US transducer is placed in a sagittal orientation (parallel to the long axis of the spine, Fig. 2A) and moved medially and laterally to identify the spinous processes, the transverse processes, the ribs, and the pleura (Fig. 2B). By scanning medially and laterally, the transverse process and rib (Fig. 2C) can be identified, and the spatial relationship of the rib and transverse process can be delineated (Fig. 2D). This parasagittal view has the advantage of allowing simultaneous visualization of multiple levels. Use of a curved-array US transducer may provide a “wider” field of view (more levels). It may be difficult to use an in-plane needling technique with this view as the transducer’s “footprint” (50 mm) may make it difficult to pass the needle’s tip between the transverse processes (Fig. 2E). Use of a transducer with a smaller “footprint” (20–25 mm) may eliminate this problem, however. Alternatively, this technique can be used to guide the needle to contact the transverse process, and it can then be “walked off” using needle depth or LOR to confirm entry of the needle’s tip into the TPVS. This long-axis view can also be helpful to determine the extent of spread of local anesthetic within the TPVS. After the block is performed, the anesthetic fluid can be seen as a hypoechoic (dark) stripe superficial to the pleura. Scanning rostrally and caudally, the superior and inferior limits of local anesthetic spread can be determined.
O’Riain and colleagues [58] described a similar parasagittal long-axis in-plane technique and reported block success in 8 of 9 patients undergoing breast surgery. All patients received a continuous TPVB placed at the T3 level on the operative side. The TPVS was expanded with saline and a catheter was then passed 3 cm past the needle’s tip. If there was no hemodynamic response to a standard test dose, 10 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine was injected through the catheter. The number of dermatomes blocked using this technique was not formally assessed. All patients had GA for the surgical procedure. No complications were reported. The investigators stated that needle visualization may be challenging using this approach due to the “acute angle the needle must take to enter between adjacent transverse processes.” Although the reported block success rate was high in this series, the small number of patients, the fact that blocks were not used for surgical anesthesia, and the lack of a control group (TPVBs performed without US guidance) make it difficult to make definitive statements regarding the efficacy of this approach. Confirmation with larger series and prospective comparisons with standard approaches are still needed.
To obtain a short-axis view of the TPVS, the transducer is placed in an axial orientation (perpendicular to the long axis of the spine, Fig. 3A). With the transducer in this orientation, the spinous processes, laminae, transverse processes, ribs, and pleura can be seen simultaneously (Fig. 3B). Because these structures cannot be seen simultaneously using the long-axis view, this type of imaging may allow better appreciation of the TPVS. The TPVS can be imaged using this view by scanning in a rostral or caudal orientation until the rib is not in view (Fig. 3C). The rib and pleura may appear similar on the US image, and must be distinguished from one another for the block to be performed safely. The rib can usually be identified by the characteristic acoustic dropout “shadowing” seen during US imaging of bone (hyperechoic surface, US waves unable to penetrate past the surface, see Fig. 3C). In contrast, the parenchyma of the lung can usually be visualized deep to the hyperechoic pleura. In addition, the “sliding lung sign” can help confirm the identity of the pleura. By having the patient take a deep breath, the sliding of the parietal and visceral pleura can be seen. After confirmation of the relevant anatomic relationships, the needle tip can then be positioned in the TVPS using an in-plane needling technique by inserting the needle from the lateral edge of the transducer (see Fig. 3A). This short-axis in-plane technique has the advantage of consistently allowing visualization of the needle as it is advanced toward the paravertebral space. However, this approach should be used with great caution, as failure to maintain visualization of the needle’s tip could allow the needle tip to pass through the intervertebral foramen into the central neuraxial space or the spinal cord itself.
Luyet and colleagues [59], using the short-axis in-plane technique, placed styleted catheters in the TPVS of 20 cadavers. In all cases, the relevant anatomy and needle were easily visualized, and the catheters were easy to pass. However, during the subsequent anatomic dissection, a mixture of local anesthetic and contrast dye injected through 9 of the 20 catheters was seen in the epidural space, the pleural cavity, or the mediastinum. Although it is not clear how this could impact blocks performed in clinical situations, the high incidence of concerning patterns of local anesthetic spread in this study highlight that caution should be exercised using this technique.
Renes and colleagues [60] recently described a similar technique in a series of 36 patients undergoing various surgical procedures of the chest or abdomen. Each block was placed at a level deemed appropriate for the surgical procedure. Under real-time US guidance, the needle’s tip was positioned within the TVPS. Fifteen milliliters of 0.75% ropivacaine was then injected through the needle and a catheter passed 2 cm past the needle’s tip. Placement of the catheter was confirmed by injecting an additional 5 mL of 0.75% ropivacaine with US visualization of spread within the TPVS. A blinded observer assessed block success, and catheter placement was confirmed radiographically by injecting contrast dye through the catheter tip. Renes and colleagues reported a block success rate of 100% with reduced cold sensation in a median of 6 dermatomal segments, and all catheters were radiographically well -positioned. One patient had evidence of epidural spread of contrast dye, but had no sensory changes on the contralateral side. All patients in this series reported adequate pain relief, and no complications were reported. No control group was included for comparison.