Bladder and Kidney points

Published on 22/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 22/06/2015

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41. Bladder and Kidney points

Chapter contents

Bladder points318
Kidney points321
The use of the back shu and outer back shu points on the Bladder channel that affect the various Organs are discussed in the section of the respective Organ.

Bladder points (Table 41.1)

The primary pathway of the Bladder channel

The Bladder channel begins at the inner corner of the eye. It ascends the forehead and travels over the head to the nape of the neck. From here it divides into two pathways. The first pathway is the inner Bladder line. This travels down the back at 1.5 cun from the medial line. It then passes over the buttock and travels down the back of the thigh to the knee crease. While travelling down the back it enters the kidneys then the bladder. The second pathway is the outer bladder line. This travels down the back at 3 cun from the medial line and passes over the buttock and down the back of the calf. The two lines join at the knee crease at Bl 40. From here the pathway travels over the gastrocnemius muscle, posterior to the external malleolus, over the calcaneus and along the external edge of the 5th metatarsal to the exit point Bl 67. Here it connects with the Kidney channel at Kid 1.
Table 41.1 Commonly used points on the Bladder channel
Yuan source point Bladder 64
Luo junction point Bladder 58
Tonification point Bladder 67
Sedation point Bladder 65
Back shu point Bladder 28
Outer Back shu point None
Horary point Bladder 66
Xi cleft point Bladder 63
Entry point Bladder 1
Exit point Bladder 67
Window of the Sky Bladder 10

Bladder 1 Jing Ming, Bright Eyes: Meeting point of Bl, SI, St; Entry point

Needle depth 0.3–0.5 cun; no moxa

Ming is the same word that in the phrase shen ming is translated as the ‘radiance of the spirits’. The eyes are often regarded as the best indicator of the state of a person’s spirit. When the eyes shine the spirit is flourishing. This point is the first point on the Bladder channel and is used with SI 19 if a patient has an Entry–Exit block between the two channels.
It is also an important point to bring dynamism and vitality to patients who are deficient and depleted in the qi of their Water Element. It also can have a profound effect on a person’s spirit and can bring lubrication to a person who is lacking in fluidity and flexibility at this level. This point may be beneficial to patients who cling to old habits because they are fearful of making changes. It also can have an important local effect on the eyes and is used for many eye problems.

Bladder 10 Tian Zhu, Heavenly Pillar: Window of the Sky, point of sea of qi

Needle depth 0.5–0.8 cun; moxa cones 3–5

The pillar referred to in the name is probably the trapezius muscle, but tian zhu is also the name of a star. Its location at the top of the spine might also indicate its importance in helping people to stand erect and to ‘face up to’ what is happening to them (Hicks, 1999, p. 25).
This point is extremely powerful, being both a Window of the Sky and a sea of qi. In the absence of many other points that treat the person’s spirit on the Bladder channel, there is a tendency to use this point often. It can also help people to gain new perspectives on areas of their lives.

Bladder 11 Da Zhu, Great Shuttle

Needle depth 0.5–0.7 cun; moxa cones 3–7

This is one of the points used in the External Dragons combination.

Bladder 12 Feng Men, Wind Gate

Needle depth 0.5–0.7 cun; moxa cones 5–10

This point can be reduced or tonified for problems in the Lungs.

Bladder 17 Ge Shu, Diaphragm shu point

Needle depth 0.5–0.7 cun; moxa cones 7–15

Although no emphasis is placed in Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture on the Blood (xue), this point is sometimes used if the person is suffering from disorders of the Blood.

Bladder 28 Pang Guang Shu: Bladder back shu point

Needle depth 0.7–1.2 cun; moxa cones 7–15

A very valuable point for treating problems of the bladder, painful conditions in the sacrum and for strengthening the Bladder in general. Like other back shu points, it can strengthen the Organ directly. By doing this it can strengthen a person at any level of the body, mind and spirit. This is one of the points of choice when the Water Element or lower jiao has been affected by cold. Moxibustion would be used in this case.

Bladder 40 Wei Zhong, Supporting the Middle: 1 Earth point

Needle depth 0.5–1.0 cun; moxa cones 3–5

This point has also been called ‘equilibrium middle’. This is the Earth point and, as the name implies, it also has the ability to stabilise and bring equilibrium to the Organ. Although it is very useful for local problems and for problems in the lower back, it is not commonly used by practitioners of Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture.

Bladder 45 Yi Xi, Cry of Pain

Needle depth 0.3–0.5 cun; moxa cones 5–10

Yi and Xi are both said to denote the kinds of sighing sounds that the patient utters when this point is palpated. This is presumably due to a releasing of qi in the area of the diaphragm. Some practitioners use this point to support people’s spirits when they need internal strength. Its strengthening effect is probably due to it effectively being the outer back shu point of the Governor Vessel.

Bladder 58 Fei Yang, Fly and Scatter: luo junction point

Needle depth 0.7–1.0 cun; moxa cones 3–7

Tonifying this point can bringing vitality and energy to a patient who feels sluggish and depleted. It is the luo junction point, so it is often paired with Kid 4 and Kid 3. Using these Bladder and Kidney points in combination can bring stability to the Element, especially if the two paired Organs are out of harmony.

Bladder 59 Fu Yang, Instep Yang

Needle depth 0.5–1.0 cun; moxa cones 3–7

This point is sometimes paired with LI 4 in order to eliminate toxins from the body, in a combination known as the Great Eliminator.

Bladder 60 Kun Lun, Mountain: Fire point

Needle depth 0.3–0.7 cun; moxa cones 3–7

In a well-known legend in Chinese mythology, the Kun Lun mountain is a mythical mountain in the far west of China (found in the Huainanzi, Chapter 4 and other texts). Believed to be unattainable, it is surrounded by a vermilion lake (this is the Fire point) and is the source of the Yellow River. This mountain is thought to possess powerful qi and offer spiritual and physical renewal (Lade, 1989, p. 171).
Although the name may partly refer to the external malleolus, which is situated close by, this story indicates that this is a powerful point on the channel. It is often used in the treatment of chronic back pain anywhere along the spine, especially if this is associated with deficiency in the Bladder and Kidney channels. Much of this point’s strength comes from its ability to warm the Bladder and to keep the Water from becoming too cold. Cold Water will cause people to become stiff and contracted in their movements and in their spirits. It can also cause pain. Warming the Water will free the person up so that they can move with greater flexibility. Moxa should be used with care if a patient has signs of Heat, but if indicated then moxa can be used to great effect. This point should not be used in pregnancy.
Patient Example
A female patient in her fifties was a Water CF. Her main complaint was tiredness and increasing anxiety, which she realised was often completely inappropriate. Tonifying her Water had good results and the pulse changes from moxibustion were better than from needling. On three occasions Bl 60 was used along with Kid 2, the Fire point on the Kidneys. The use of this point made a clear improvement in the tiredness and anxiety.

Bladder 61 Pu Can, Servant’s Respect: point to release External Dragons

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