Behavioral Development

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Last modified 27/02/2015

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CHAPTER 2 Behavioral Development

Assessment of growth and development of infants and children typically falls under the domain of the pediatrician or pediatric subspecialist. Delays or deviations from normal often dictate the need to conduct extensive diagnostic evaluations and management strategies. Familiarity with developmental stages may also benefit the pediatric anesthesiologist, allowing the practitioner to recognize the different coping mechanisms children use to respond to the anxiety and stresses throughout the perioperative period. Growth issues, especially failure to thrive, may indicate a serious underlying medical condition that could affect the management and anesthetic plan for children.

A variety of processes are encompassed in growth and development: the formation of tissue; an increase in physical size; the progressive increases in strength and ability to control large and small muscles (gross motor and fine motor development); and the advancement of complexities of thought, problem solving, learning, and verbal skills (cognitive and language development). There is a systematic approach for tracking neurologic development and physical growth in infants, because attainment of milestones is orderly and predictable. However, a wide range exists for normal achievement. The mastering of a particular skill often builds on the achievement of an earlier skill. Delays in one developmental domain may impair development in another (Gessel and Amatruda, 1951). For example, immobility caused by a neuromuscular disorder prevents an infant from exploration of the environment, thus impeding cognitive development. A deficit in one domain might interfere with the ability to assess progress in another area. For example, a child with cerebral palsy who is capable of conceptualizing matching geometric shapes but does not have the gross or fine motor skills necessary to perform the function could erroneously be labeled as developmentally delayed.

It is possible for the anesthesiologist to obtain a gestalt of a child’s growth and development level while recording a preoperative history and during the physical examination. However, the anesthesiologist needs to realize that these assessments are usually done by pediatricians over time and are best performed when the child is physically well, familiar with the examiner, and under minimal stress. Therefore, a child who is developing normally could be assessed as delayed during a preoperative assessment.

The goal of this chapter is to review the developmental and behavioral issues faced in routine pediatric practice to help the anesthesiologist tailor an anesthetic plan that is geared to the appropriate age of the child with the goal of decreasing postoperative complications such as behavioral disturbances, emotional reactions, or escalation in medical care. The chapter is divided into sections addressing growth and developmental milestones, including gross motor skills, fine motor skills, cognition, and language, followed by a section of clinical scenarios illustrating the relevance of developmental issues in pediatric anesthesia. The last section contains several common developmental disorders and related anesthetic issues.

Prenatal growth

The most dramatic events in growth and development occur before birth. These changes are overwhelmingly somatic, with the transformation of a single cell into an infant. The first eight weeks of gestation are known as the embryonic period and encompasses the time when the rudiments of all of the major organs are developed. This period denotes a time that the fetus is highly sensitive to teratogens such as alcohol, tobacco, mercury, thalidomide, and antiepileptic drugs. The average embryo weighs 9 g and has a crown-to-rump length of 5 cm. The fetal stage (more than 9 weeks’ gestation) consists of increases in cell number and size and structural remodeling of organ systems (Moore, 1972).

During the third trimester, weight triples and length doubles as body stores of protein, calcium, and fat increase. Low birth weight can result from prematurity, intrauterine growth retardation (small for gestational age, SGA) or both. Large-for-gestational-age (LGA) infants are those whose weight is above the 90th percentile at any gestational age. Deviations from the normal relationship of infant weight gain with increasing gestational age can be multifactorial. Potential causes include maternal diseases (e.g., diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and seizure disorders), prenatal exposure to toxins (e.g., alcohol, drugs, and tobacco), fetal toxoplasmosis-rubella-cytomegalovirus-herpes simplex-syphilis (TORCHES) infections, genetic abnormalities (e.g., trisomies 13, 18, and 21), fetal congenital malformations (e.g., cardiopulmonary or renal malformations), and maternal malnutrition or placental insufficiency (Kinney and Kumar, 1988).

Postnatal growth

Postnatal growth is measured by changes in weight, length, and head circumference plotted chronologically on growth charts. This is an essential component of pediatric health surveillance, because almost any problem involving physiologic, interpersonal, or social domains can adversely affect growth.

Growth milestones are the most predictable, taking into context each child’s specific genetic and ethnic influences (Johnson and Blasco, 1997). It is essential to plot the child’s growth on gender- and age-appropriate percentile charts. Charts are now available for certain ethnic groups and genetic syndromes such as Trisomy 21 and Turner’s syndrome. Deviation from growth over time across percentiles is of greater significance for a child than a single weight measurement. For example, an infant at the fifth percentile of weight for age may be growing normally, may be failing to grow, or may be recovering from growth failure, depending on the trajectory of the growth curve.

Of the three parameters, weight is the most sensitive measurement of well-being and is the first to show deviance as an indication of an underlying problem. Causes of weight loss and failure to thrive include congestive heart failure, metabolic or endocrine disorders, malignancy, infections, and malabsorption problems. Inadequate increases in height over time occur secondary to significant weight loss, and decreased head circumference is the last parameter to change, signifying severe malnutrition. Pathologies such as hydrocephalus or increased intracranial pressure may appear on growth charts as head-circumference measurements that are rapidly increasing and crossing percentiles. Small head size can be associated with craniosynostosis or a syndromic feature. Significant changes in head-circumference measurements in children should alert the anesthesiologist to the potential of underlying neurologic problems.

Because significant weight fluctuation is a potential red flag for serious underlying medical conditions, anesthesiologists should be familiar with the normal weight gain expected for children. It is not unusual for a newborn’s weight to decrease by 10% in the first week of life because of the excretion of excess extravascular fluid or possibly poor oral intake. Infants should regain or exceed birth weight by 2 weeks of age and continue to gain approximately 30 g/day, with a gradual decrease to 12 g/day by the first year. Healthy, full-term infants typically double their birth weight at 6 months and triple it by 1 year of age. Many complex formulas are available to estimate the average weight for normal infants and children. A relatively simple calculation to recall is the “rule of tens”; e.g., the weight of a child increases by about 10 pounds per year until approximately 12 to 13 years of age for females and age 16 to 17 years for males. Therefore, one could expect weight gain of 20 pounds by age 2 years, 30 pounds by 3 years, 40 pounds by 4 years, and so on. The weight in pounds can be converted to kilograms by dividing it by 2.2. Length in centimeters is estimated by the following formula: (age in years × 6) + 77.

Developmental assessment

Developmental assessment serves different purposes, depending on the age of the child. In the neonatal period, behavioral assessment can detect a wide range of neurologic impairments. During infancy, assessment serves to reassure parents and to identify sensory, motor, cognitive, and emotional problems early, when they are most amenable to treatment. Middle-childhood and adolescence assessments often help with addressing academic and social problems.

Milestones are useful indicators of mental and physical development and possible deviations from normal. It should be emphasized that milestones represent the average for children to attain and that there can be variable rates of mastery that fall into the normal range. An acceptable developmental screening test must be highly sensitive (detect nearly all children with problems); specific (not identify too many children without problems); have content validity, test-retest, and interrater reliability; and be relatively quick and inexpensive to administer. The most widely used developmental screening test is the Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST), which provides a pass/fail rating in four domains of developmental milestones: gross motor, fine motor, language, and personal-social. The original DDST was criticized for underidentification of children with developmental disabilities, particularity in the area of language. The reissued DDST-II is a better assessment for language delays, which is important because of the strong link between language and overall cognitive development. Table 2-1 lists the prevalence of some common developmental disabilities (Levy and Hyman, 1993).

TABLE 2-1 Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities

Condition Prevalence per 1000
Cerebral palsy 2-3
Visual impairment 0.3-0.6
Hearing impairment 0.8-2
Mental retardation 25
Learning disability 75
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 150
Behavioral disorders 60-130
Autism 9-10

Motor development

Primitive Reflexes

The earliest motor neuromaturational markers are primitive reflexes that development during uterine life and generally disappear between the third and sixth months after birth. Newborn movements are largely uncontrolled, with the exception of eye gaze, head turning, and sucking. Development of the infant’s central nervous system involves strengthening of the higher cortical center that gradually takes over function of the primitive reflexes. Postural reflexes replace primitive reflexes between three and six months of age as a result of this development (Schott and Rossor, 2003). These reactions allow children to maintain a stable posture even if they are rapidly moved or jolted (Box 2-1).

Box 2-1 Definitions of Primitive Reflexes

The asymmetric tonic neck reflex (ATNR) or “fencing posture” is an example of a primitive reflex that is not immediately present at birth because of the high flexor tone of the newborn infant. When the neonate’s head is turned to one side, there is increased extensor tone of the upper extremity on the same side and increased flexor tone on the occipital side. The ATNR is a precursor to hand-eye coordination, preparing the infant for gazing along the upper arm and voluntary reaching. The disappearances of this reflex at 4 to 6 months allows the infant mobility to roll over and begin to examine and manipulate objects in the midline with both hands.

The palmar grasp reflex is present at birth and persists until 4 to 6 months of age. When an object is placed in the infant’s hand, the fingers close and tightly grasp the object. The grip is strong but unpredictable. The waning of the early grasp reflex allows infants to hold objects in both hands and ultimately to voluntarily let them go.

The Moro reflex is probably the most well-known primitive reflex and is present at birth. It is likely to occur as a startle to a loud noise or sudden changes in head position. The legs and head extend while the arms jerk up and out, followed by adduction of the arms and tightly clenched fists. Bilateral absence of the reflex may mean damage to the infant’s central nervous system. Unilateral absence could indicate birth trauma such as a fractured clavicle or brachial plexus injury.

Postural reflexes support control of balance, posture, and movement in a gravity-based environment. The protective equilibrium response can be elicited in a sitting infant by abruptly pushing the infant laterally. The infant will extend the arm on the contralateral side and flex the trunk toward the side of the force to regain the center of gravity (Fig. 2-1). The parachute response develops around 9 months and is a response to a free-fall motion, where the infant extends the extremities in an outward motion to distribute weight over a broader area. Postural reactions are markedly slow in appearance in the infant who has central nervous system damage. Children who fail to gain postural control continue to display traces of primitive reflexes. They also have difficulty with control of movement affecting coordination, fine and gross motor development, and other associated aspects of learning, including reading and writing. Table 2-2 is a list of the average times of appearance and disappearance of the more common primitive reflexes.

TABLE 2-2 Primitive Reflexes

Reflex Present by (Months) Gone by (Months)
Automatic stepping Birth 2
Crossed extension Birth 2
Galant Birth 2
Moro Birth 3-6
Palmar Birth 4-6
Asymmetric tonic neck (“fencing”) 1 4-6
Landau 3 12-24
Derotational head righting 4 Persists
Protective equilibrium 4-6 Persists
Parachute 8-9 Persists

Gross Motor Skills

One principle in neuromaturational development during infancy is that it proceeds from cephalad to caudad and proximal to distal. Thus, arm movement comes before leg movement (Feldman, 2007). The upper extremity attains increasing accuracy in reaching, grasping, transferring, and manipulating objects. Gross motor development in the prone position begins with the infant tightly flexing the upper and lower extremities and evolves to hip extension while lifting the head and shoulders from a table surface around 4 to 6 months of age. When pulled to a sitting position, the newborn has significant head lag, whereas the 6-month-old baby, because of development of muscle tone in the neck, raises the head in anticipation of being pulled up.

Rolling movements start from front to back at approximately 4 months of age as the muscles of the lower extremities strengthen. An infant begins to roll from back to front at about 5 months. The abilities to sit unsupported (about 6 months old) and to pivot while sitting (around 9 to 10 month of age) provide increasing opportunities to manipulate several objects at a time (Needleman, 1996). Once thoracolumbar control is achieved and the sitting position mastered, the child focuses motor development on ambulation and more complex skills. Locomotion begins with commando-style crawling, advances to creeping on hands and knees, and eventually reaches pulling to stand around 9 months of age, with further advancement to cruising around furniture or toys. Standing alone and walking independently occur around the first birthday. Advanced motor achievements correlate with increasing myelinization and cerebellum growth. Walking several steps alone has one of the widest ranges for mastery of all of the gross motor milestones and occurs between 9 and 17 months of age. Milestones of gross motor development are presented in Table 2-3 and Figure 2-2. The accomplishment of locomotion not only expands the infant’s exploratory range and offers new opportunities for cognitive and motor growth, but it also increases the potential for physical dangers (Vaughan, 1992).

TABLE 2-3 Cognitive and Language Communication Skills Development

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Average Age of Attainment (Months) Cognitive Language Communication
2 Stares briefly at area when object is removed Smiles in response to face or voice
4 Stares at own hand Monosyllabic babble