Chapter 12
Bedside Hemodynamic Monitoring
1. What is a Swan-Ganz catheter?
2. How is a Swan-Ganz catheter constructed?
3. What information can be gained from a Swan-Ganz catheter?
4. How is a Swan-Ganz catheter inserted?
5. Describe the normal pressure waveforms along the path of an advancing Swan-Ganz catheter.
The a wave is produced by atrial contraction and follows the electrical P wave of an electrocardiogram (ECG). The x descent reflects atrial relaxation. The c wave is produced at the beginning of ventricular systole as the closed tricuspid valve bulges into the right atrium. The x′ descent is thought to be the result of the descent of the atrioventricular ring during ventricular contraction as well as continued atrial relaxation. The v wave is caused by venous filling of the atrium during ventricular systole, when the tricuspid valve is closed. This should correspond with the electrical T wave. However, at the bedside, due to a lag in pressure transmission, the a wave will align with the QRS complex and the v wave will follow the T wave. Finally, the y descent is produced by rapid atrial emptying, when the tricuspid valve opens at the onset of diastole (Fig. 12-1).
6. How is the location of the catheter determined?
7. How do we know that the catheter is in the true wedge position?
There are three ways to confirm that the catheter is in the wedge position (Figures 12-1 and 12-2). At the bedside, an atrial tracing (reflecting left atrial pressure) will be seen when the catheter is in the wedge position. Secondly, if the catheter is withdrawn from the wedge position, the mean arterial pressure should be observed to rise from the wedge pressure (reflecting a physiologic gradient between the mean pulmonary artery and mean wedge pressure). Gentle aspiration of blood from the distal port should reveal high-oxygenated blood if the catheter is truly wedged. Additionally, in the catheterization lab, fluoroscopy can be used to determine that the catheter is in a distal pulmonary arteriole, immobile in the wedge position.
Figure 12-2 Pressure tracings as a catheter is advanced through the right-sided chambers. As the catheter moves from the right atrium to the right ventricle, a ventricular wave form is seen representing isovolumic contraction, ejection, and diastole. When the catheter passes into the pulmonary artery, the diastolic pressure rises. The dicrotic notch (dn), is produced by the closure of the pulmonic valve. If the catheter is advanced further, it attains the wedge position. PA, Pulmonary artery; PCW, pulmonary capillary wedge; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.
8. What does the PAWP signify?
When the catheter is in the wedge position (Fig. 12-3, B), proximal blood flow is occluded and a static column of blood is created between the catheter tip and the distal cardiac chambers. With the balloon shielding the catheter tip from the pressure in the pulmonary artery proximally, the pressure transducer measures pressure distally in the pulmonary arterioles. This pressure closely approximates left atrial pressure. When the mitral valve is open at end diastole, left ventricular (LV) end diastolic pressure is measured (Fig. 12-3, C), assuming that there is no obstruction between the catheter tip and the LV (i.e., mitral stenosis). The PAWP can be used to approximate LV preload.
Figure 12-3 A, With the balloon tip deflated, the pressure transducer at the catheter tip sees blood flow from the proximal pulmonary artery. B, With the balloon tip inflated, proximal blood flow is occluded and a static column of blood is created between the catheter tip and the distal cardiac chamber. With the mitral valve closed, left atrial pressure is approximated. C, With the mitral valve open at end diastole, left ventricular end diastolic pressure can be measured, assuming there is no significant mitral stenosis.
9. How is cardiac output determined?
With thermodilution, 5 to 10 mL of normal saline is injected rapidly via the proximal port into the right atrium. The injectate mixes completely with blood and causes a drop in temperature that is measured continuously by a thermocouple near the catheter tip. The area under the curve is calculated and is inversely related to cardiac output (Fig. 12-4). This method of measurement is not reliable in patients with low cardiac output or significant tricuspid regurgitation. In a low cardiac output state, blood is rewarmed by the walls of the cardiac chambers and surrounding tissue, resulting in an overestimation of cardiac output.
Figure 12-4 Area under the curve (AUC) is inversely proportional to cardiac output. The illustration depicts a larger AUC in a patient with low cardiac output (A). B, Temperature equilibrates faster in a patient with a higher cardiac output, resulting in a smaller AUC.
Alternatively, the Fick method can be used to calculate cardiac output.