The ideal sedative agent
The ideal sedative agent for use in ICU probably does not exist. All sedative agents cause some degree of cardiovascular instability in critically ill patients. Longer-acting agents can be given by bolus, but may accumulate and do not allow rapid change in response to alterations in a patient’s condition. Shorter-acting agents are often preferred because they can be given by infusion, are less likely to accumulate and allow rapid change in depth, but they can be difficult to titrate.
In general single agents are not effective, either because they fail to achieve all the goals of sedation or because of unacceptable side-effects as the dose is increased. For this reason, it is more common to use a tailored combination of drugs. The principle employed is similar to that of ‘balanced anaesthesia’. By combining the benefits of more than one class of agent, satisfactory levels of sedation can be achieved at much lower doses than could be achieved using either agent alone, thus allowing some of the adverse effects of individual agents to be reduced. A typical combination is that of an opioid (e.g. fentanyl) together with a benzodiazepine (e.g. midazolam). This combination provides analgesia, sedation and anxiolysis. The advantages and disadvantages of these agents are shown in Table 3.1.
TABLE 3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of opioids and benzodiazepines for ICU sedation
Advantages | Disadvantages | |
Opioids | Respiratory depression Cough suppression Some sedative effects Analgesic |
Nausea and vomiting Delayed gastric emptying and ileus Potential accumulation Respiratory depression Potential cardiovascular instability Withdrawal phenomenon |
Benzodiazepines | Hypnotic Anxiolytic Amnesia Anticonvulsant |
No analgesic activity Unpredictable duration of action Potential cardiovascular instability Withdrawal phenomenon |
Choice of agents
The choice of agents will depend on local protocols and the clinical condition of the patient. If the balance of a patient’s problem is pain, then analgesia is the main requirement. Epidural anaesthesia, other regional anaesthetic techniques and patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) may be useful. (See Postoperative analgesia, p. 349.) If the balance of the patient’s problem is agitation, then the main requirement may be for sedative or anxiolytic agents. Haloperidol and other major tranquillizers are appropriate for the treatment of delirium and psychosis and recent guidelines have placed greater emphasis on the use of these agents (see Acute confusional states below). Tables 3.2 and 3.3 provide a guide to commonly used analgesic and sedative drugs.
Drug | Dose | Notes |
Morphine | 2–5 mg i.v. bolus 10–50 μg / kg / h |
Cheap, long acting Good analgesic, reasonable sedative Standard agent for PCAS and postoperative pain Metabolized by liver, active metabolites accumulate in renal failure |
Fentanyl | 2–6 μg / kg / h | Shorter acting than morphine Good analgesic less sedative Metabolized by liver No active metabolites No accumulation in renal failure |
Alfentanil | 20–50 μg / kg / h | Shorter acting than fentanyl Good analgesic, less sedative No active metabolites, no accumulation in renal failure Rapid termination of effects after discontinuation |
Remifentanil | 0.1–0.25 μg / kg / min | Ultrashort-acting analgesic, very titratable Metabolized by plasma esterases Rapid clearance even after prolonged infusion Mostly used intra-operatively or for short-term ventilation Causes significant bradycardia and hypotension; avoid boluses |
TABLE 3.3 Commonly used sedative agents (doses based on 70 kg adult)
Drug | Dose | Notes |
Diazepam | 5–10 mg bolus i.v. | Cheap, long-acting benzodiazepine Reasonable cardiovascular stability Sedative, amnesic, anticonvulsant actions Given by intermittent boluses. Metabolized in liver. Long elimination half-life. Active drug and active metabolites can accumulate in sicker patients, therefore avoid continuous infusions |
Midazolam | 2–5 mg bolus i.v., 2–10 mg / h | Similar properties to diazepam but shorter acting Metabolized by the liver Can be given by continuous infusion |
Etomidate | 0.2 mg / kg bolus i.v. | Short acting cardiovascular stable anaesthetic induction agent Used only as single bolus dose for induction of anaesthesia, e.g. prior to intubation. Associated with significant adrenal suppression Not to be used by infusion |
Propofol | 1–3 mg / kg bolus, i.v., 2–5 mg / kg / h | Short-acting intravenous anaesthetic agent Sedative, anticonvulsant and amnesic properties Used for induction of anaesthesia and intubation May cause significant hypotension Avoid infusions in children |
Propofol is perhaps one of the most widely used sedative agents in adult ICU. Bolus doses of 1–3 mg / kg are sufficient to induce anaesthesia (e.g. prior to intubation). Smaller doses of 10–20 mg repeated to effect may be useful for increasing the depth of sedation, e.g. prior to suction or painful procedures.
There have been ongoing reports of inhaled anaesthetic agents being used for sedation in critical care. These may be of value in specific circumstances. Isoflurane and other volatile agents may be useful in asthma and severe bronchospasm because of their bronchodilator properties. Specific systems for delivering volatile agents into ventilator circuits on the ICU have been developed. Nitrous oxide may be of value for changes of burns dressings, but should not be used for more than 12 h because of bone marrow suppression.
Problems associated with over-sedation
Sedation scoring
Sedation scoring systems may be useful in helping titrate levels of sedation. A typical score (performed hourly) together with appropriate responses is shown in Table 3.4.
Description | Score | Comment |
Agitated and restless Awake and uncomfortable |
+3 +2 |
Levels +3 to +2: inadequate sedation. Give bolus of sedative / analgesic drugs and increase infusion rates |
Awake but comfortable Roused by voice |
+1 0 |
Levels +1 to 0 appropriate levels of sedation. Reassess regularly |
Roused by touch Roused by painful stimuli Unrousable |
−1 −2 −3 |
Level −1 to −3 excessive level of sedation Reduce or stop infusion of sedative/analgesic drugs Restart when desired level attained |
Natural sleep | A | Ideal |
Paralysed | P | Difficult to assess level of sedation. Consider physiological response to stimulation |
Patient who is difficult to sedate

Patient who is slow to wake up
If a patient fails to regain full consciousness after sedative and analgesic drugs have been stopped for a period of time, the question invariably arises as to ‘why?’ This may be due to the accumulation of drugs or their active metabolites, which resolves with time, but other causes of coma or ‘apparent coma’ should be excluded. Consider:
Severe muscle weakness is common following critical illness so it may not be immediately apparent that the patient is actually awake, but unable to move. A similar clinical picture may also be seen in the presence of pontine lesions (e.g. following central pontine myelinolysis or brainstem stroke). Careful clinical examination is required to ascertain the true clinical picture. An EEG and CT scan may be helpful. If no other cause of coma can be established and failure to wake up is considered to result from the accumulation of sedative agents, a trial of naloxone or flumazenil may occasionally be diagnostic (Table 3.5). This is not without risk, however, and may precipitate convulsions. Seek senior advice.
Drug | Dose | Notes |
Naloxone | 0.4–2 mg bolus i.v. | Competitive antagonist of opioid receptors* Used to reverse sedation and respiratory depression caused by opioids |
Flumazenil | 0.2–0.5 mg bolus i.v. | Competitive antagonist of benzodiazepine receptors* Used to reverse sedation and respiratory depression caused by benzodiazepines |
Withdrawal phenomena / acute confusional states
When drugs used before admission, or sedative drugs given in ICU are stopped, drug withdrawal states may develop. This may result in seizures, hallucinations, delirium tremens, confusional states, agitation and aggression. Elderly patients are particularly susceptible. These phenomena are difficult to control without further heavy sedation, but usually settle over time. You should look for and treat any reversible causes of confusion (Box 3.1).
Box 3.1 Causes of acute confusional states
Side-effects of prescribed drugs
Withdrawal of alcohol or other centrally acting drugs
Renal and hepatic encephalopathy
Brain injury (e.g. stroke, cerebral haemorrhage)
Endocrine abnormalities (e.g. use of steroids, thyroid abnormalities)
Drugs that can be useful for the control of acute confusional states, including those induced by the withdrawal of mixed sedative agents, are shown in Table 3.6. You should generally seek senior advice before resorting to these agents.
TABLE 3.6 Drugs for the treatment of acute confusional states
Drug | Dose | Notes |
Lorazepam | 1–3 mg bolus i.v. | Long acting benzodiazepine Useful for controlling seizures and withdrawal phenomenon |
Clonidine | 50–150 μg bolus i.v. | α2 agonist Useful for controlling withdrawal phenomenon See previous notes |
Chlorpromazine | 5–10 mg bolus i.v. Repeat as necessary |
Major tranquillizer* Useful in acute confusional states |
Haloperidol | 5–10 mg bolus Repeat as necessary |
Major tranquillizer* Useful in acute confusional states |