Chapter 52 Asbestosis
Inhalational exposure to asbestos produces both malignant and nonmalignant diseases of the chest. The focus of this chapter is on the two major categories of nonmalignant disease—asbestosis and asbestos-related pleural disorders, listed in Table 52-1. These conditions have received a great deal of attention from the scientific and medical communities because of the ubiquitous use of asbestos in modern society and its diverse and pernicious toxicities. Despite major progress in awareness of the issues and in control of exposure, a large burden of asbestos-related disease will continue to accrue as a consequence of ongoing exposure and the characteristic disease latency.
Table 52-1 Nonmalignant Asbestos-Related Diseases
Condition | Locus of Pathologic Change | Description |
Asbestosis | Parenchyma | Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis |
Benign nodules | Parenchyma | Lymphoid or fibrotic nodular scars |
Benign pleural effusion | Pleura | Exudative, transient effusion |
Pleural plaques | Pleura | Collagenous, hyalinized masses; circumscribed, avascular; usually involving the parietal pleura |
Diffuse pleural thickening | Pleura | Collagenous, hyalinized masses; diffuse, avascular; involving the parietal and visceral pleura and interlobular space |
Rounded atelectasis | Combined pleura and parenchyma | Scarring of pleura and adjacent lung tissue, resulting in retraction, entrapment, and local partial collapse of lung |
Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Pathophysiology
Etiology and Risk Factors
The minerals referred to herein as “asbestos” are a family of naturally occurring, flexible, fibrous hydrous silicates found in soil worldwide. Mined asbestos fibers are categorized as either long and curly (serpentine) or straight and rodlike (amphibole). The serpentine fiber, chrysotile, accounts for most of the commercially used asbestos, favored for its properties of heat resistance, flexibility, and ease of spinning for textiles. Five categories of amphiboles are recognized: crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite. These more rigid fibers are less commonly used but are still pathogenic. All major commercial forms have been associated with development of nonmalignant respiratory disorders and of lung cancer and mesothelioma, as discussed in Chapters 47, 65, and 70.
Asbestosis is the result of either direct or “bystander” exposure to asbestos-containing materials. Major sources of exposure are summarized in Table 52-2. During the first half of the 20th century, high-level exposures to asbestos dust occurred in the manufacturing of asbestos textiles and construction materials and in the construction and ship-building trades. Potential exposures still occur in the construction trades and in the process of asbestos abatement. Although the use of asbestos has been curtailed in many developed nations since the 1970s, in less developed countries this inexpensive but hazardous material continues to be used widely. High cumulative, occupational exposures in these settings are still commonplace.
Environment | Type of Exposure | Source of Exposure |
Occupational | Asbestos-cement products | Construction industry (sheeting used in roofing and cladding of structural materials, molded into roof tiles, pipes, gutters; filler for wall cracks, cement, joint compound, adhesive, caulking putty) |
Floor tiling | Filler and reinforcing agent in asphalt flooring, vinyl tile, adhesive | |
Insulation, fireproofing | Insulators, pipefitters | |
Construction industry (pipes, boiler covers, ship bulkheads, sprayed on walls and ceilings as fireproofing, soundproofing) | ||
Textiles | Fireproof textiles used in clothing, blankets | |
Paper products | Roofing felt, wall coverings, mill board, insulating paper | |
Friction materials | Brake linings | |
Rubber, plastic manufacture | Filler in rubber and plastics | |
Building trades, secondhand exposure | Building maintenance activities, pipefitting, electrical repair, boiler tending and secondhand exposure repair, boiler tending and repair, power station maintenance | |
Carpenters, plumbers, welders | ||
Domestic | “Fouling the nest” | Carrying home asbestos in hair and clothes of exposed workers results in exposure to family members |
Secondhand exposure | Residential remodeling, removal, handling of frayed, friable asbestos in homes can cause environmental exposure | |
General | Contaminated buildings | Found in low levels in buildings under normal use |
Elevated exposures from remodeling, renovation, asbestos removal, disturbance of contaminated materials such as acoustic ceiling tiles, vinyl floor tiles, paints, plaster, pipes, boilers, steel beams | ||
Geologic exposure | Living near asbestos mines or cement factories, or in geographic areas in which naturally occurring asbestos is found in ambient air | |
Urban environment | Ambient air levels slightly higher in cities, perhaps because of asbestos shed from automotive brakes in denser traffic, and high concentration of industry and construction |
Histopathology and grading
Asbestosis is defined histopathologically as bilateral, diffuse interstitial fibrosis of the lungs caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers (Figure 52-1). Gray streaks of fibrosis can be seen in the parenchyma along interlobar and interlobular septa. Later, the pleural surface becomes more nodular in appearance, and the parenchyma loses volume and elasticity and forms more fibrotic scars and honeycombing. The gross pathologic changes are most obvious in the lower lung zones bilaterally, with the worst disease nearest to the pleura.
Grade 0—no appreciable peribronchiolar fibrosis, or fibrosis confined to the bronchiolar walls