Ankle Arthroscopy

Published on 17/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 17/03/2015

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Ankle Arthroscopy

Tom Burton, Danny Arora, Benjamin Cornell, Lisa Maxey and Richard D. Ferkel

The first arthroscopic inspection of a cadaveric joint was performed by Takagi in Japan in 1918.1 In 1939 he reported on the arthroscopic examination of an ankle joint in a human patient.1 With the advent of fiberoptic light transmission, video cameras, instruments for small joints, and distraction devices, arthroscopy has become an important diagnostic and therapeutic modality for disorders of the ankle. Arthroscopic examination of the ankle joint allows direct visualization during stress testing of intraarticular structures and ligaments about the ankle joint. Various arthroscopic procedures have been developed with less attendant morbidity and mortality to patients.26 With the advent of better, smaller joint arthroscopes and instrumentation, and the introduction of more efficient noninvasive distraction devices, ankle arthroscopy is now state of the art. It has become a standard procedure in many institutions as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for the practicing surgeon.

Surgical Indications and Contraindications

Foot and ankle arthroscopy has become a valuable adjuvant to the diagnosis and treatment of an increasing amount of disorders. Diagnostic indications (Box 30-1) for ankle arthroscopy include unexplained pain, swelling, stiffness, instability, hemarthrosis, locking, and abnormal snapping or popping.

Operative indications for ankle arthroscopy include loose body removal, excision of anterior tibiotalar osteophytes, débridement of soft tissue impingement and arthrofibrosis, and treatment of osteochondral lesions and ankle instability. Other indications include arthrodesis for posttraumatic degenerative arthritis and treatment for ankle fractures and postfracture defects.

imageAbsolute contraindications for ankle arthroscopy include localized soft tissue or systemic infection, and severe degenerative joint disease (DJD). With end-stage DJD, occasionally successful distraction may not be possible, precluding visualization of the ankle joint. Relative contraindications include complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), moderate DJD with restricted range of motion (ROM), severe edema, and tenuous vascular supply.

Patient Evaluation

Successful outcomes following ankle arthroscopy depend on accurate diagnosis and concise preoperative planning. It is important to understand the nature of the patient’s complaint and gather the following information: date of injury, duration and severity of symptoms, provocative events, previous injuries and presence of any redness, swelling, instability, stiffness, locking, or popping.

A general medical examination should be obtained, with special attention to rheumatologic disorders. The physical examination should include: inspection, palpation, ROM, and special tests. The contralateral side should always be inspected for comparison. Stability of the ankle and the subtalar joint should be evaluated. Often, a local anesthetic agent can be injected into a specific joint to aid in diagnosis.

Routine blood tests should be performed to check for systemic and rheumatologic conditions and infection. Aspiration of the ankle joint and analysis of the joint fluid can be helpful in distinguishing inflammatory from septic conditions of the ankle joint.

Routine radiographs (anteroposterior [AP], lateral, and mortise view) should be obtained for all patients. Stress radiographs can provide useful information when instability is suspected. Computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are often helpful in evaluating soft tissue and bony disorders about the foot and ankle. Three-phase bone scans can also aid in distinguishing soft tissue from bony pathology.

Surgical Technique

Ankle arthroscopy is usually performed in one of four ways: (1) in the supine position, (2) with the knee bent 90° over the end of the table, (3) in the decubitus position, or (4) in the prone position for posterior ankle arthroscopy. The method of choice is a surgeon’s preference, while taking into account specific surgical circumstances. Different types and sizes of arthroscopic equipment can be used depending on surgeon’s preference and availability of equipment. The procedure described is that used most commonly by the senior author of this chapter; a more detailed description of ankle arthroscopy can be found in his textbook.2


The patient is taken to the operating room and placed in the supine position. The hip is flexed to 45°, and the thigh is placed onto a well-padded support placed proximal to the popliteal fossa and distal to the tourniquet. The lower extremity (LE) is then prepared and draped so that good access is available posteriorly. A tourniquet is applied as needed. A noninvasive distraction strap is placed over the foot and ankle. Distraction is used to separate the distal tibia from the talus so that at least 4 mm of joint space opening is obtained (Fig. 30-1). Without distraction, the surgeon has difficulty positioning the arthroscopic instruments in the ankle without scuffing the articular cartilage; visualizing the central and posterior portions of the ankle also is difficult without adequate joint separation. The distraction device is carefully positioned so as not to injure the neurovascular structures, and approximately 30 to 40 lb of force is placed across the ankle for no more than 60 to 90 minutes. Before applying the distraction strap, the surgeon should identify and outline the dorsalis pedis artery, the deep peroneal nerve, saphenous vein, tibialis anterior tendon, peroneus tertius tendon, and superficial peroneal nerve and its branches on the skin with a marker. Identification of the superficial peroneal nerve and its branches is facilitated by inverting and plantar flexing the foot and flexing the toes.

Arthroscopic Portal Placement

The surgeon uses three primary portals or access areas to insert the arthroscope and instrumentation (Fig. 30-2). These include the anteromedial, anterolateral, and posterolateral portals. Accessory portals can be used as needed but are rarely required. Portals are made by nicking the skin only, then with the use of a clamp spreading through the subcutaneous tissue and into the ankle joint. The surgeon must take great care to avoid injuring the neurovascular and tendinous structures.

The anteromedial portal is established first and a 2.7-mm, 30° oblique small joint videoscope is inserted. The surgeon establishes the anterolateral portal under direct vision, using extreme care to avoid injuring the superficial peroneal nerve branches. The arthroscope is then positioned in the posterior portion of the ankle so the posterolateral portal can be made just lateral to the Achilles tendon, entering the ankle beneath the posterior ankle ligaments.

In recent years, techniques have been developed for arthroscopy in the prone position, using the posterolateral and posteromedial portals. This allows access for treatment of a variety of problems, including osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLT), os trigonum, and flexor hallucis longus tendinitis or tears.710 The senior author of this chapter occasionally uses this position.

Arthroscopic Examination

A 21-point arthroscopic examination of the ankle is performed to ensure a systematic evaluation.2 After completing the arthroscopic evaluation, the surgeon identifies the pathology and treats it accordingly, using small joint instrumentation ranging in size from 2.0 to 3.5 mm. These instruments include baskets, knives, intraarticular shavers, and burrs. Scar tissue is removed using baskets and an intraarticular shaver. Synovectomy is performed with an intraarticular shaver (Fig. 30-3). OLT are carefully evaluated and, if they are found to be loose, excised with a ring curette and banana knife. The surgeon can use transmalleolar or transtalar drilling, and/or microfracture techniques, to promote fibrocartilage formation and new circulation in the avascular area (Fig. 30-4). Acute ankle fractures can be evaluated arthroscopically; the surgeon can perform percutaneous screw insertion while monitoring fracture reduction arthroscopically (see Chapter 29).

After the procedure is performed, the wounds are closed with a nonabsorbable suture, and a compression dressing and posterior splint are applied.

Postoperative Plan

The patient remains non–weight bearing on crutches for 1 week. The splint and the stitches are then removed. If an osteochondral lesion has been treated with one of the previously mentioned methods, the patient may be required to be non-weight bearing for 4 to 6 weeks. During this time, the patient is initially in a removable splint and is allowed to exercise the ankle actively to promote new fibrocartilage formation. The type of arthroscopic procedure performed and individual patient goals determine weight-bearing status and rehabilitation.

Soft Tissue Impingement

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries in sports. One inversion sprain occurs per 10,000 persons per day. It has been estimated that 10% to 50% of patients will have some degree of chronic ankle pain.

The primary cause of chronic ankle pain after an ankle sprain is soft tissue impingement. This can occur along the syndesmosis, the syndesmotic interval between the tibia and fibula, or the medial, lateral, and/or posterior gutters. Most commonly it is located anterolaterally given the common occurrence of a common inversion ankle sprain.11 Diagnosis is done by careful history, physical examination, and selective injections. MRI can also be very helpful in assessing the problem (Fig. 30-5).12

The sequence of lateral ankle pain after a sprain can be explained as shown in Fig. 30-6.

A distraction device may be necessary to identify some of the synovial pathology involving the posterolateral corner of the ankle, because such identification can be sometimes difficult. The inflamed synovium, thickened adhesive bands, osteophytes, and loose bodies are débrided arthroscopically using motorized shavers and burrs, graspers, and baskets (Fig. 30-7).

Postoperatively, patients are splinted for 1 week, and then put into a CAM (controlled angle motion) walker for 2 to 3 weeks. Subsequently, they wear a soft ankle brace and begin formal physiotherapy. Return to activity or sport is allowed only after all rehabilitation goals are achieved.

Arthroscopic treatment of anterolateral soft tissue impingement of the ankle has been proven successful at alleviating chronic ankle pain after an inversion sprain. Numerous authors have reported a good to excellent outcome in approximately 80% to 85% of patients.11,13,14

Osteochondral Lesions

Controversy persists regarding the cause, treatment, and prognosis of osteochondral and chondral lesions of the ankle. OLT comprise 4% of all osteochondral defects. Males are slightly more predominant than females between the ages of 20 to 30 years. Medial talar dome lesions are more common than lateral.

There are many possible causes for OLT. Trauma is believed to play a major role, but there are also instances where atraumatic presentations are possible, secondary to idiopathic avascular necrosis. The diagnosis of OLT requires a high index of suspicion because symptoms may be mild and imaging is not readily available. Patients may present in an acute traumatic setting, complaining of persistent ankle pain (i.e., inversion ankle sprain), or may have a chronic complaint of ongoing ankle pain. The literature has shown that the location of pain is not correlative with the location of the lesion, therefore adding to the vague nature of the condition. Other common symptoms include stiffness, deep aching pain, swelling, clicking, locking, or even instability.

OLT that do not respond to conservative treatment are treated arthroscopically. Most chronic OLT in adults are loose and have to be excised. The osteochondral lesion bed is then microfractured and/or drilled. Occasional they can be pinned back (Fig. 30-8).

Postoperatively, patients are splinted for 1 week in neutral position. Once the portal incisions have healed (approximately 1 to 2 weeks), ROM exercises are begun, since early motion appears to facilitate cartilage healing. Patients remain non–weight bearing for 6 to 8 weeks, depending on the size of the lesion. Usually by 4 to 6 weeks, patients start physical therapy in the pool and then progress to land exercises. Cutting, shear stress, or impact activities are avoided for 6 months.

Arthroscopic treatment of OLT has proven to be comparable with open surgery, with less morbidity and less recovery time. Ankle arthroscopy has proven to be one of the most reliable methods in classifying OLT. Recently, clinical management of articular cartilage defects has generated significant research interest in the orthopedic world. Attempts to stimulate a hyaline cartilage response have included transplantation of various cells, including periosteal and perichondral tissues, woven carbon-fiber pads, and osteochondral autografts/ allografts.

In addition, chondrocyte transplantation has been studied extensively now in the United States. With further research, it is hoped that osteochondral defects can be successfully covered by articular cartilage instead of fibrocartilage replacement.9

Overall Surgical Outcomes

Numerous papers have been published regarding the outcome of arthroscopic surgery of the ankle. Results vary depending on the type of procedure and the study that was undertaken.1523 In general, a large percentage of patients should achieve a successful outcome depending on the nature of the pathology. Expectations after surgery include a full ROM, strength, and full function. The preoperative ROM, strength, and severity of the pathologic condition heavily influence the results.


All arthroscopic procedures have potential complications.24 The most common complications in foot and ankle arthroscopy are injuries to the neurovascular structures, especially the superficial peroneal nerve.8 The overall complication rate has varied with the transition from invasive to noninvasive distraction. Current complication rates are between 6.8% and 9%.25,26 The physical therapist should report to the physician any problems they note after surgery. Sometimes, excessive massage over the portals can even irritate the nerves and cause tingling and numbness. In general, we wait 2 to 3 weeks to initiate physical therapy after ankle and foot arthroscopy to avoid wound problems and increased pain while the soft tissues are healing.

Therapy Guidelines for Rehabilitation

Several factors must be considered in planning a successful rehabilitation program for the postoperative ankle arthroscopy patient. Rehabilitation guidelines can vary greatly for the same injury depending on the patient’s age, severity/chronicity of injury, healing rate of tissue, general medical health, and previous level of activity. The physician, physical therapist, and patient must work together as a team to create an appropriate, effective, and efficient treatment plan that will allow the patient to optimize his or her recovery. The phases in each of the following rehabilitation protocols may overlap 1 to 3 weeks depending on the factors mentioned previously and individual progress.

The physical therapist should consider the following 6 basic principles when planning an ankle rehabilitation protocol:

Protect the healing tissue. What tissues were directly and indirectly affected during the procedure? Was the tissue healthy or frayed?

It is not just about strengthening. Control of acute symptoms and restoration of normalized mobility need to be addressed before embarking on an ankle strengthening regimen. Incorporation of proprioceptive training in conjunction with the patient’s strengthening program will improve overall outcomes.

Minimize the effects of immobilization.

Encourage a neutral subtalar position during exercise to optimize functionally efficient training. This may require orthotics.

The ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to optimize the patient’s function, minimize pain, and restore the patient to a reasonable and acceptable quality of life.

Take into account the whole patient. The ankle is just one part of the patient’s kinetic chain. It is this kinetic chain that needs to be addressed in optimizing outcomes. Putting a plan of care that includes the patient’s UEs, trunk, core, and LEs will improve successful return to function. Recognizing and addressing any dysfunctions within the kinetic chain will improve functional outcomes and lessen future problems.

The following rehabilitation program was designed for a patient who has chronic pain because of a recurring inversion sprain suffered during the basketball season. The patient underwent an arthroscopic procedure to débride the anterolateral soft tissue because of impingement.

Preoperative Phase

GOALS: Restore functional ROM; normalize gait; apply corrective orthoses to improve mechanical neutrality; gait train with the appropriate assistive device(s), taking into consideration postoperative weight-bearing status; create patient’s initial postoperative home exercise program (HEP) to bridge the gap from surgery to initiation of formal postoperative rehabilitation with surgeon’s input; educate patient as to what the next few months will entail and answer any questions the patient may have (Table 30-1)