Acute renal failure
Kidney failure or uraemia can be classified as (Fig 18.1):
Pre-renal: the kidney fails to receive a proper blood supply.
Post-renal: the urinary drainage of the kidneys is impaired because of an obstruction.
Renal: intrinsic damage to the kidney tissue. This may be due to a variety of diseases, or the renal damage may be a consequence of prolonged pre-renal or post-renal problems.
Biochemical findings in pre-renal uraemia include the following:
Serum urea and creatinine are increased. Urea is increased disproportionately more than creatinine because of its reabsorption by the tubular cells, particularly at low urine flow rates. This leads to a relatively higher serum urea concentration than creatinine, which is not so readily reabsorbed.
Metabolic acidosis: because of the inability of the kidney to excrete hydrogen ions.