Acquired haemolytic anaemias

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Chapter 13 Acquired haemolytic anaemias

Assessment of the blood film and count in suspected acquired haemolytic anaemia

If haemolytic anaemia is suspected, a full blood count, reticulocyte count and blood film should always be performed. The blood count shows a reduced haemoglobin concentration (Hb) and, usually, an increased mean cell volume (MCV). The increased MCV is attributable to the fact that reticulocytes, which may constitute a significant proportion of total red cells, are larger than mature red cells. The abnormalities that may be detected in the blood film and their possible significance in acquired haemolytic anaemia are shown in Table 13.1. Abnormalities detected in the blood film will direct further investigations. For example, a Heinz body preparation would be relevant if irregularly contracted cells were present, particularly if there appeared to be red cell inclusions. Similarly, a direct antiglobulin test (DAT) would be indicated if the blood film showed spherocytes. Various inherited forms of haemolytic anaemia enter into the differential diagnosis of suspected acquired haemolytic anaemia. Thus, spherocytes could be attributable to hereditary spherocytosis as well as to autoimmune or alloimmune haemolytic anaemia. Haemolysis with irregularly contracted cells could be attributable not only to oxidant exposure but also to an unstable haemoglobin, homozygosity for haemoglobin C or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.

Table 13.1 Abnormalities that may be detected on blood film examination and their possible significance

Morphological abnormality observed on blood film examination Type of acquired haemolytic anaemia suggested
Schistocytes Fragmentation syndromes including microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia and mechanical haemolytic anaemia
Spherocytes Autoimmune, alloimmune or drug-induced immune haemolytic anaemia, paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria, burns, Clostridium perfringens sepsis
Microspherocytes Burns, fragmentation syndromes
Irregularly contracted cells Oxidant damage, Zieve’s syndrome
Ghost cells, hemi-ghosts and suspicion of Heinz bodies Acute oxidant damage
Marked red cell agglutination Cold-antibody-induced haemolytic anaemia
Minor red cell agglutination Warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria
Red cell agglutination plus erythrophagocytosis Particularly characteristic of paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria
Hypochromia, microcytosis and basophilic stippling Lead poisoning
Erythrophagocytosis Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria
Atypical lymphocytes Cold-antibody-induced haemolytic anaemia associated with infectious mononucleosis or, less often, other infections
Lymphocytosis with mature small lymphocytes and smear cells Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia associated with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Thrombocytopenia Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (Evans’ syndrome), thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation, paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
Neutropenia Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
No specific red cell features Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria

Immune haemolytic anaemias

Acquired immune-mediated haemolytic anaemias are the result of autoantibodies to a patient’s own red cell antigens or alloantibodies in a patient’s circulation, either present in the plasma or completely bound to red cells (e.g. transfused or neonatal red cells). Alloantibodies may be present in a patient’s plasma and react with antigens on transfused donor red cells to cause haemolysis. Alloantibodies may also occur in maternal plasma and cause haemolytic disease of the newborn. Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) may be ‘idiopathic’ or secondary, associated mainly with lymphoproliferative disorders and autoimmune diseases, particularly systemic lupus erythematosus. AIHA may also follow atypical (Mycoplasma pneumoniae) pneumonia or infectious mononucleosis and other viral infections. AIHA has also been reported following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation1 and other hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in both adult2 and paediatric patients.3 Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria (PCH) also belongs to this group of disorders. Occasionally, drugs may give rise to a haemolytic anaemia of immunological origin that closely mimics idiopathic AIHA both clinically and serologically. This was a relatively common occurrence with α-methyldopa, a drug that is now used very infrequently, but it also occurs occasionally with other drugs. A larger range of drugs give rise to an antibody that is directed primarily against the drug and only secondarily involves the red cells. This is an uncommon occurrence. Such drugs include penicillin, phenacetin, quinidine, quinine, the sodium salt of p-aminosalicylic acid, salicylazosulphapyridine and cephalosporins.4

Types of Autoantibody

The diagnosis of an AIHA requires evidence of anaemia and haemolysis and demonstration of autoantibodies attached to the patient’s red cells (i.e. a positive DAT, see p. 279). A positive DAT may also be caused by the presence of alloantibodies (e.g. owing to a delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction), so details of any transfusion in the past months must be sought.

Autoantibodies can often be demonstrated free in the serum of a patient suffering from an AIHA. The ease with which the antibodies can be detected depends on how much antibody is being produced, its affinity for the corresponding antigen on the red cell surface and the effect that temperature has on the adsorption of the antibody, as well as on the technique used to detect it. The autoantibodies associated with AIHA can be separated into two broad categories depending on how their interaction with antigen is affected by temperature: warm antibodies, which are able to combine with their corresponding red cell antigen readily at 37°C and cold antibodies, which cannot combine with antigen at 37°C but form an increasingly stable combination with antigen as the temperature falls from 30–32°C to 2–4°C.

Cases of AIHA can similarly be separated into two broad categories according to the temperature characteristics of the associated autoantibodies: warm-type AIHA and the less frequent cold-type AIHA. The relative frequency of the two categories is illustrated in Table 13.2.5 In unusual instances, both warm autoantibody and cold autoantibody are detected in the patient’s serum and those cases are referred to as mixed-typed AIHA. This can be further classified into idiopathic or secondary, the latter often associated with systemic lupus erythematosus or lymphoma.6,7

Warm Autoantibodies

The most common type of warm autoantibody is an immunoglobulin (Ig) G, which behaves in vitro very similarly to an Rh alloantibody; indeed, many IgG autoantibodies have a mimicking Rh specificity. IgA and IgM warm autoantibodies are much less common and when present they are usually formed in addition to an IgG autoantibody (Table 13.3).8

Frequently, patients with warm-type AIHA have complement adsorbed onto their red cells and the red cells are therefore agglutinated by antisera specific for complement or a complement component such as C3d (Table 13.3). In these cases, the complement is probably not being bound by an IgG antibody but is on the cell surface as the result of the action of small and otherwise undetected amounts of IgM autoantibody.

IgG can fix complement and sometimes patients with warm-type AIHA appear to have a positive DAT with complement components only on the red cell surface. Similar results (positive DAT with complement only) are seen in some patients with no evidence of increased red cell destruction, due to binding of circulating immune complexes to the red cells.

Warm autoantibodies free in the patient’s serum are best detected by means of the indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) or by the use of enzyme-treated (e.g. trypsinized or papainized) red cells. (Antibodies that agglutinate unmodified cells directly in vitro are seldom present.) Not infrequently, antibodies that agglutinate enzyme-treated cells, sometimes at high titres, are present in the sera of patients in whom the IAT using unmodified cells is negative (Table 13.4). Occasionally, too, they are present in the sera of patients in whom the DAT is negative.

Antibodies in serum that can be shown to lyse (rather than simply agglutinate) unmodified red cells at 37°C in the presence of complement (warm haemolysins) are rarely demonstrable. If they are present, the patient is likely to suffer from extremely severe haemolysis. Antibodies in serum that lyse as well as agglutinate enzyme-treated cells but do not affect unmodified cells are, however, quite common. Their specificity is uncertain – they are not anti-Rh – and their presence is not necessarily associated with increased haemolysis.

Cold Autoantibodies

Cold autoantibodies are nearly always IgM in type. In vivo the majority do not cause haemolysis, although a minority can cause chronic intravascular haemolysis, the intensity of which is characteristically influenced by the ambient temperature. The resultant clinical picture is generally referred to as the cold haemagglutinin syndrome or disease (CHAD). Haemolysis results from destruction of the red cells by complement that is bound to the red cell surface by the antigen–antibody reaction, which takes place in the blood vessels of the exposed skin where the temperature is 28–32°C or less. The cold autoantibody in CHAD is monoclonal because this syndrome is the result of a low-grade lymphoproliferative disorder.

The red cells of patients suffering from CHAD characteristically give positive antiglobulin reactions only with anticomplement (anti-C′) sera. (The C′ notation is used to distinguish anticomplement antibodies from anti-C antibodies of the Rh system.) This is because of the presence of red cells that have irreversibly adsorbed sublytic amounts of complement; it is an indication of an antigen–antibody reaction that has taken place at a temperature below 37°C. The complement component responsible for the reaction with anti-C′ sera is the C3dg derivative of C3 (see p. 494).

In vitro, a cold-type autoantibody will often lyse normal red cells at 20–30°C in the presence of fresh human complement, especially if the cell-serum mixture is acidified to pH 6.5–7.0; it will usually lyse enzyme-treated red cells readily in unacidified serum and agglutination and lysis of these cells may still occur at 37°C. Most of these cold-type autoantibodies have anti-I specificity (i.e. they react strongly with the vast majority of adult red cells and only weakly with cord-blood red cells). A minority are anti-i and react strongly with cord-blood cells and weakly with adult red cells. Rarely, the antibodies have anti-Pr or anti-M specificity and react with antigens on the red cell surface that are destroyed by enzyme treatment.

Combined Warm and Cold Autoantibodies

In approximately 7% of cases with AIHA, both warm IgG antibody and cold IgM autoantibody are simultaneously detected in the patient’s serum.6,7 These cases are referred to as ‘combined warm and cold AIHA’ or mixed-type AIHA. The serological characteristics in these patients are the presence of IgM cold autoantibody with a high thermal amplitude (reacting at or above 30°C) in association with a warm IgG autoantibody. In some cases, high- titre cold agglutinins (>1024 at 4°C) were reported9,10 and in others the cold agglutinin titre were reported as >64 at 4°C.11,12

Another quite distinct, but rarely encountered, type of cold antibody is the Donath–Landsteiner (D–L) antibody. This is IgG and has anti-P specificity. The clinical syndrome the antibody produces is PCH.

PCH is caused by a biphasic IgG autoantibody, usually with anti-P specificity, and is commonly seen as an acute condition in children. This antibody binds to the red cells in the cold but activates complement and causes haemolysis on rewarming to 37°C. Cases may be idiopathic or can be secondary to acute viral infection in children. Other tests of value in the diagnosis of PCH are discussed on p. 287.

The DAT is positive for complement only. A negative antibody screen by the standard IAT at 37°C is a common finding in a suspected case of PCH because of the low thermal amplitude of the autoantibody. If the antibody investigation is carried out at a lower temperature in PCH cases, panreactive cold antibodies may be detected because the majority of autoantibodies show anti-P specificity with thermal amplitude range up to 15–24°C. Usually the antibody titre is low (<64), even when investigated at 4°C.

Some of the characteristics of IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies are listed in Table 13.5.

The clinical, haematological and serological aspects of the AIHAs have been summarized by Dacie13 and others.1418

Methods of Investigation

Many of the methods used in the investigation of a patient suspected of suffering from AIHA are described in Chapter 21. Detailed description is given here of precautions to be taken when collecting blood samples from patients and of methods of particular value in the investigations.

Scheme for Serological Investigation of Haemolytic Anaemia Suspected to be of Immunological Origin

It is important to consider which are the most useful tests to carry out and the order in which they should be done. A suggested scheme has been set out in the form of answers to questions.19 Whereas some information may be helpful in classifying the type of AIHA, the single most important practical consideration is to determine whether, in addition to an autoantibody, there is any underlying alloantibody present. This should be identified before transfusion is undertaken to avoid a delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction that would compound existing haemolysis.

Detection of Incomplete Antibodies by Means of the Direct Antiglobulin (Coombs) Test

Significance of Positive Direct Antiglobulin Test

A positive DAT plus anaemia does not necessarily mean that the patient has autoimmune haemolytic anaemia.5,8,20 The causes of a positive test include the following:

12. False-positive agglutination may occur with a silica gel derived from glass.33 Also, albeit rarely, the DAT has been positive with the blood of apparently perfectly healthy individuals (e.g. blood donors). Such occurrences have not been satisfactorily explained (see below).

Positive DATs in Normal Subjects

The occurrence of a clearly positive DAT in an apparently healthy subject is a rare but well-known phenomenon. Worlledge20 reported a prevalence in blood donors of approximately 1 in 9000. In a later report, Gorst et al.34 estimated that the prevalence was approximately 1 in 14 000 with an increasing likelihood of a positive test with increasing age. Their report and subsequent reports,25,35 suggest that the finding of a positive DAT, using an anti-IgG serum, in an apparently healthy person is usually of little clinical significance and that, although overt AIHA may subsequently develop, this is infrequent. In some such individuals the DAT eventually becomes negative.

Positive DATs in Hospital Patients

In contrast to the rarity of positive DATs in healthy people, positive tests are much more frequent in hospital patients. Worlledge20 reported that the red cells of 40 out of 489 blood samples (8.9%) submitted for routine tests were agglutinated by anti-C′ sera. Only one sample was agglutinated by an anti-IgG serum and this had been obtained from a patient being treated with α-methyldopa. Freedman36 reported a similar incidence – 7.8% positive tests with anti-C′ sera. Lau et al.37 used anti-IgG sera only. The tests were seldom positive (0.9% positive out of 4664 tests). The probable explanation for the relatively high incidence of positive tests with anti-C′ sera is that the reaction is between anti-C′ antibodies and immune complexes adsorbed to the red cells.

DAT-Negative Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia

Most hospital blood banks use polyspecific ‘broad-spectrum’ AHG reagents for screening for diagnosis of AIHA. These reagents contain antibody to human IgG and the C3d component of human complement and have little activity against IgA and IgM proteins. The incidence of IgA-only warm AIHA has been reported as 0.2% to 2.7%,38 and the diagnosis may be missed if such polyspecific AHG is used for the DAT screen. In approximately 2–6% of patients who present with the clinical and haematological features of AIHA, the DAT is negative on repeated testing.20,39,40

Low-affinity IgG autoantibodies dissociate from the red cells during the washing phase if a tube technique is used, resulting in a negative DAT. Alternatively, there may be few IgG molecules coating the red cells and this number may fall below the threshold of detection, which is 300–4000 molecules per red blood cell if a tube technique is used. In such cases, a positive DAT may be demonstrated by a more sensitive technique, such as a column agglutination method, an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay or flow cytometry.4143

If polyspecific AHG is used and the DAT remains negative with clinical evidence of haemolysis, a more sensitive technique should be used for further investigation.44

The DiaMed DAT gel card, which contains a set of monospecific AHG reagents (i.e. anti-IgG, -IgA, -IgM, -C3c, -C3d and an inert control) can be used. Because there is no washing phase, this permits the detection of low-affinity IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies. A gel card can also pick up the rare IgA-only autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. In warm-type AIHA the DAT may be positive with anti-IgG or anti-IgG plus anti-C3d. In cold–type AIHA the DAT may be positive with anti-IgM or anti-IgM plus anti-C3d and in mixed-type AIHA the DAT may be positive with anti-IgG, anti-IgM and anti-C3d.

Manual Direct Polybrene Test

The following method45 is modified from that of Lalezari and Jiang.46 Polybrene is a polyvalent cationic molecule, hexadimethrine bromide, that can overcome the electrostatic repulsive forces between adjacent red cells, bringing the cells closer together. When low levels of IgG are present on the red cell surface, antibody linkage of adjacent red cells is enhanced. The Polybrene is then neutralized using a negatively charged molecule such as trisodium citrate. Sensitized red cells remain agglutinated after neutralization of the Polybrene. Unsensitized red cells will disaggregate after neutralization.