- ClinicalGate is the clinical search engine that can support your clinical decisions by making it easier to find and apply relevant knowledge, anytime, anywhere.
- ClinicalGate contains about 100,000 updating articles in over 30 clinical areas, ranging from Anesthesiology, Nephrology,Opthalmology to Dermatology, Internal Medicine and so on, which can help you find and apply relevant knowledge quickly.
- ClinicalGate answers questions quickly because it thinks like a physician, recognis
ing relevant clinical concepts as you type and offering shortcuts to critical answers.
- ClinicalGate keeps you moving by bringing the most clinically relevant content to the top of your results page.
- ClinicalGate can narrow results by category type and date. Results update automatically.
- Customer First Formula: We treat our customer as they were our mother.
- Convenience: Not only we help students quickly and comprehensively access all clinical knowledge but also help teachers prepare lectures easily.
- Keep up to date: ClinicalGate is continuously updated, so it always offer the most complete and current collection of trusted content and muiltimedia cross clinical specialties.
- Huge database: We provide up to 100,000 articles about clinical-related issues.
- Perfect search engine: Just fill in the search bar, you can reach everything you want in the shortest time
- We are reliable: We are available to solve all problems for you. Hundreds of people around the world say big thanks for our service.
Mark: “Absolutely fascinating! All clinical questions are answer in this site in the most convient and fastest way.”
David: “ClinicalGate is the most amazing clinical search engine. Never had any problems, lots of unique features, what else could i ask for ?”
John: ” My skills and knowledge increased remarkably after becoming the member of ClinicalGate. Big thanks for helping me on the path to become an excellent doctor.”