Procedure 86 Proximal Row Carpectomy
See Video 64: Proximal Row Carpectomy
Plain radiographs are usually sufficient to stage the disease and ensure that the midcarpal joint is preserved (Figs. 86-1 and 86-2).
Advanced imaging (computed tomography) can be performed to determine the status of the midcarpal joint; however, patients are made aware preoperatively that an intraoperative decision to convert to a limited wrist fusion can be made if there is excessive, unrecognized midcarpal joint degenerative change.
Surgical Anatomy
In either SLAC or SNAC, there will be widening at the scapholunate interval.
Significant scaphoid flexion, lunate extension, and dorsal lunate prominence develop.
Radioscaphoid degenerative change with styloid prominence or osteophytes.
Proximal scaphoid pole necrosis and/or arthrosis.
Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid arthrosis may be present.
The volar extrinsic ligaments (radioscaphocapitate, short and long radiolunate) originate from the volar radius and extend obliquely to the carpus. These should be intact; insufficiency or iatrogenic damage could lead to ulnar translation and radiocapitate instability after surgery (Fig. 86-3). The dorsal ligaments of the wrist—dorsal radiocarpal (DRC) and dorsal intercarpal (DIC)—have a conjoined insertion on the triquetrum. They provide the capsulotomy landmarks for wrist exposure (Fig. 86-4).
A straight dorsal midline incision centered over the radiocarpal joint is used (Fig. 86-5).
Flap elevation is performed sharply, protecting the cutaneous branches of the superficial radial and dorsal ulnar sensory nerves within the subcutaneous tissue.
The retinaculum over the third dorsal compartment is incised and the extensor pollicis longus (EPL) retracted (Fig. 86-6).
Retinacular flaps are raised exposing the second through fifth dorsal compartments.
Retractors are placed between the second and fourth dorsal compartment tendons.
A posterior interosseous neurectomy is performed. The PIN is located on the floor of the fourth dorsal compartment