5. Lifespan and Cultural Modifications

Published on 02/03/2015 by admin

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Lifespan and Cultural Modifications


Key Terms

adolescence (ăd-ō-LĚS-ěns, p. 43)

culture (p. 53)

geriatric (jěr-ē-T-rĭk, p. 46)

infants (p. 44)

neonates (NĔ-ō-nāts, p. 43)

noncompliance (NŌN-cŏm-PLĪ-ăns, p. 54)

pediatric (pē-dē-ĀT-rĭk, p. 45)

regimen (RĔJ-ĭ-měn, p. 48)

teratogenic (TĔR-ă-tō-JĔN-ĭk, p. 49)

image  http://evolve.elsevier.com/Edmunds/LPN/


As the nurse learns how to give medications, he or she will see there are many differences in the medications patients take. There are differences in the patients as well. For example, small infants cannot take the same medication dosages as adults. Older adult patients may have several diseases that require many drugs; their risk for drug problems increases with every new product given. What type of special information does the nurse need to know to care for patients from birth to death?

Patient variables, or differences such as age, weight, and other diseases or medications they may be taking, affect how a drug acts in the body. Many cultural and even religious beliefs may influence whether a patient is willing to even take medication. Helping the patient understand how important it is to take a medication and how to take it properly can be a challenge. Learning about patients’ backgrounds and the things that are important to the nurse will assist the nurse in helping patients to get well.

Patient Factors That May Affect Drug Action

Before a drug can be sold, a lot of research is done, and after people begin using the new drug, much additional information is gathered. Standards have been set up by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require drug companies to provide certain information to people who may prescribe, administer, or take the drugs they manufacture. This information includes a description of the therapeutic response, side effects, and adverse effects of the drug, and a list of other drugs that may interact with this drug. Information must be printed by the manufacturer and put into the drug box (the “product package insert”).

General factors that influence drug activity help the nurse figure out what the response to the medication should be. Some of these patient factors or variables are listed in Box 5-1.

Box 5-1

Patient Variables Influencing Drug Action

Body Weight

An overweight individual requires a larger dosage. An underweight individual requires a smaller dosage.


Infants and children require smaller dosages. They have smaller fat and total water content, immature enzyme systems, reduced kidney function, and variation in circulating blood proteins.

Older adults may require smaller dosages because of changes in cellular composition and functioning throughout the body (especially in the liver and kidney), the presence of several disease processes, and the necessity for many medications.


The type of pathologic process influences body processes. Nephrotic syndrome, dehydration, malabsorption, or malnutrition may cause changes in blood volume and protein composition. Kidney disease produces changes in blood and electrolyte concentrations. Liver disease leads to decreased metabolism of some drugs and foods. Hyperthyroidism may produce a higher metabolic rate, which increases drug metabolism. A patient in shock may have reduced circulation with delays in drug distribution in tissues.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy because of the teratogenic effect on the fetus. Medications may also be passed to the child through breast milk. Therefore no pregnant or breastfeeding mother should take any medications without contacting her health care provider. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) requires that all drug manufacturers supply published information regarding the safety of drugs when taken during pregnancy.


The genetic makeup of each individual influences such factors as the cytochrome P-450 enzyme system of metabolism in the liver, as well as patient intolerance to some medications. For example, atropine is contraindicated in patients with angle-closure glaucoma, anesthetic agents may precipitate sickle cell anemia crisis, and salicylates may trigger Crigler-Najjar syndrome.

Cumulative Drug Effects

A drug may reach a higher level than needed because it is administered too often, the dosage is too high, or other drugs or chemicals (such as alcohol) that increase the effect of the drug are taken at the same time. The drug may accumulate in a high concentration and produce side effects.

Individual Psychology

The patient’s attitude about drug acceptability and effectiveness is important. Some patients can be given a placebo, which is made of an inert or ineffective substance, which can be as effective as real medication in certain cases. Other patients develop tolerance or a need for an increased dosage over time to produce the same effects. This is often a symptom of psychologic dependence.


An individual may develop both a physical and a psychologic need for a drug, usually a controlled substance. This may also be termed addiction or habituation.

Special Considerations for the Pediatric Patient

The changes that occur as a child grows from birth to adolescence (12 to 16 years of age) have a huge or profound effect on drug action and effect. Some changes are obvious, but mild or subtle changes in their responses to drugs occur as children grow and develop.

The terms child or children cover a very broad category from neonates to 16-year-old adolescents. A very small amount of drug may have a big effect on neonates (less than 1 month of age) because of their small body mass, low body-fat content, high body-water volume, and increased membrane permeability (for example, the skin or the blood-brain barrier). Immediately after birth, several factors influence drug absorption: no gastric acid is present to help break down drugs, no intestinal bacteria or enzyme function is present to metabolize a drug, and the gastrointestinal (GI) transit time (the time it takes for a drug to move through the stomach and intestines) is slow. The systems that deactivate drugs in the liver are immature, and even the immaturity of the kidney and renal excretion system adds to the speed with which a drug might be eliminated in the neonate.

In infants (1 month to 12 to 24 months of age) and young children, the decrease in total body water, increase in body mass, decrease in membrane permeability, and changes in body fat produce less obvious changes in drug response. The infant has a high metabolic rate and a rapid turnover of body water, which result in relatively higher fluid, calorie, and drug dosage requirements per kilogram of body weight than those of the adolescent. Growth and development or maturation of drug-metabolizing systems and the development of the urinary tract also results in changes in drug response.


Drug absorption in infants and children follows the same basic principles as in adults. However, three factors tend to be especially important in children. First, the physiologic status of the infant or child determines the blood flow at the site of intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous drug administration. Factors that may reduce blood flow to muscular or subcutaneous tissues include cardiovascular shock, vasoconstriction caused by sympathomimetic agents, or heart failure. In these conditions, there would be reduced absorption of any drugs injected intramuscularly or into subcutaneous tissues. In premature infants with little muscle mass, the blood supply to these areas and the resulting absorption are very irregular. In older children, muscle size and circulation in the muscles affect how rapidly a medication is absorbed. There is more rapid absorption from the deltoid muscle (shoulder and upper arm) than from the vastus lateralis muscle (thigh), and the slowest absorption is from the gluteal (buttock) muscles.

Compared with older children and adults, the instability or immaturity of different body processes in premature infants is a second influence on drug absorption from IM sites. For example, toxic drug levels may occur if the blood supply to muscle or subcutaneous tissues suddenly increases, leading to greater absorption of medication and increasing the amount of the drug entering the blood. With some drugs, there is only a small difference between the level of drug that is helpful and the level of drug that is toxic and harmful. We say that these drugs have a narrow therapeutic margin. Examples of these drugs are antic­onvulsants, cardiac glycosides, and aminoglycoside antibiotics. With these drugs, it would be easy for an infant to get too much medicine when absorption is variable.

A final factor in drug absorption is that the skin of premature and newborn infants has a greater ability to absorb some chemicals because of its greater hydration. That is, the outside stratum corneum of the epidermal barrier in the skin may allow more fluid to enter because the system is not well developed. The transdermal route may be used with some infants to reduce the unpredictability of some medications that are usually given orally or intramuscularly (for example, theophylline). However, transdermal dosage patches available for sale are not intended for pediatric patients and would deliver doses much higher than what is needed for infants and children. Instead, rubbing the drug into the skin, putting the drug in an oil base, or using an occlusive dressing (covering the skin on which the drug is placed by wrapping the area in plastic wrap) are all different ways that may increase the absorption of topical or skin products.


Drug distribution is determined by two factors: (1) the chemical properties of the drug itself (for example, the molecular weight), which do not vary; and (2) the physiologic factors specific to the patient, including total body water, extracellular water, protein binding, and pathologic conditions modifying physiologic function, all of which vary widely in different patient populations.


The biotransformation of drugs in the body into usable substances involves chemical reactions that convert a drug to an inactive or less active compound. In general, drug metabolism in infants is much slower than that in older children and adults. Because most drug metabolism takes place in the liver, the fact that the levels of cytochrome P-450 enzymes of infants are only 50% to 70% of adult values is important in treatment of children. The amounts vary for the different enzymes, but the ability to increase production of all enzymes continues until the third or fourth year of life.

Because neonates have a decreased ability to metabolize drugs, they may be at increased risk for adverse effects as a result of slow clearance rates and prolonged half-lives, particularly when drugs must be given over long periods.


As with metabolism, the growth and maturity of the child’s organs has an important effect on the child’s ability to excrete the end products of the drug reactions. Problems caused by the incomplete development of the renal excretion system, including glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and tubular reabsorption, are slowly resolved as the child develops prior to birth. However, this system may still be very immature at birth and may only slowly develop to normal over the first year of life.

This process of normal development has implications for drug clearance, particularly of common drugs such as penicillin, aminoglycosides, and digoxin, for which clearance rates may fall to 17% to 34% of the adult clearance rate. If a child is sick enough to require these drugs, the glomerular filtration rate may not improve as predicted during the first weeks and months of life. This means that adjustments must be made in dosage and dosing schedules. The child will also require more careful monitoring, and dosages should be determined based on plasma drug levels determined at intervals throughout the course of therapy.

The growth spurt and the increase in adrenal steroid and sex hormone (estrogen in girls, androgens in both sexes) levels that occur before puberty affect drug response in children who are near puberty and in adolescents. The increase in male muscle mass, increase in female body fat, and stability of the body temperature in both sexes also affect adolescent drug response.

These facts about the drug-metabolizing system in pediatric (infants through adolescents) patients are important to remember in looking at a child’s sensitivity to medication. For example, infants and children require a total daily digoxin dose that is approximately twice that of an adult on a basis of the ratio of weight to dose. It is thought that this increased requirement for digoxin is the result of a greater binding strength of the child’s developing myocardial digoxin receptors for digitalis derivatives. Variations in the development of drug receptors may make a neonate very sensitive to anesthetics such as curare but resistant to other anesthetics such as succinylcholine.

Adverse Reactions

The risk for drug-drug interactions and adverse effects is increased in very ill children and infants. Children may be exposed to drugs in three major ways: (1) transplacentally, when the drug is given to the mother during pregnancy and delivery; (2) receiving the drug as a result of direct administration; and (3) getting the drug through breast milk if the mother has taken the drug. Fetal exposure to drugs through the placenta and neonatal exposure through breast milk share a common characteristic: These are the only stages in life in which one is exposed to and affected by drugs given to another person, the mother.

The number of adverse reactions in pediatric patients is unknown. Because young children are vulnerable, their diseases are often complex, their drug therapy is often complicated, and adverse drug reactions are unavoidable or hard to assess. However, studies have generally found that rates of adverse reactions in children are equal to those in adults. The rate may be as high as 5.8% of drugs administered to children, although the rate is higher if the child is hospitalized rather than at home. Adverse drug reactions may have a large and immediate, delayed, or long-term effect on the child’s neurologic and somatic development.

With younger children, it may be difficult to tell whether the child is having an adverse reaction, is just experiencing symptoms of the underlying illness, or is having a paradoxic reaction to a drug (e.g., hyperactive behavior with antihistamines or chloral hydrate, sleepiness with stimulants such as Ritalin). Over-the-counter preparations (particularly antihistamines and adrenergic drugs found in various cough syrups, cold remedies, decongestants, and nose drops) may also provoke adverse reactions in pediatric patients, and many of these medications have now been banned for this age group. A broad spectrum of reactions may be seen, varying from minor hypersensitivity reactions to more serious problems, including alterations in growth, damage to anatomic or physiologic systems, and numerous other problems.

Children are not just small adults who require a smaller dose of medication. Although we know that children do respond differently to drugs, less research has been done to determine the safety and efficacy of many specific drugs when used in children. It has only been since 1996 that the FDA has required drug companies to label all medications with specific information related to their use in different pediatric age groups. In many cases, the information gathered during research on a drug used in an adult population may be safely extended to pediatric patients. But in some cases, the FDA has required companies to file additional information about their products when used with pediatric patients. Very frequently, nurses find that drugs are labeled with “safety for use in infants and children not determined” when they look for pediatric information about a drug. Thus all drug use in very young children should be approached with caution because of their immature metabolic and elimination systems. Toxic effects may develop more quickly and stay around longer, so special dosages are required (see Chapter 9).

Special Considerations for the Geriatric Patient

Older adult patients also react differently to drugs. Medications are absorbed, metabolized, and excreted more slowly and less completely in older adults. In geriatric persons (adults older than 65), problems with medications are often due to a lack of understanding of the way drugs are processed in the aging body and the body’s changed response to drugs. To further complicate matters, people age differently, and their individual body systems may also age at different rates.


The overall importance of changes in the absorption of drugs with aging is not completely clear. There may be some delay in the absorption process. Physiologic changes that affect the GI tract include a reduction in acid output, so there is a more alkaline environment, which may affect drugs that require an acid medium for absorption. Reductions in blood flow, enzyme activity, gastric emptying, and bowel motility may increase the delay in absorption of some drugs, although they probably have little if any effect on the extent of absorption. Compounds such as iron, calcium, and certain vitamins that depend on active transport mechanisms for absorption may be affected by the decreased blood flow in the aging patient’s GI tract.


The distribution of drugs in the body may also be affected by the aging process and is linked to the chemical makeup of the agent involved. There is a decline in total body water and lean body mass with aging that may result in less movement or distribution of water-soluble drugs into some tissues. If the dose of these drugs is not decreased, the patient may develop higher serum concentrations, leading to an increased effect or toxicity. Thus the usual rule is to start drugs using a low dose and then increase the dose slowly in older adult patients. Drugs that are distributed into body water or lean body mass include digoxin, cimetidine, lithium, gentamicin, meperidine, phenytoin, and theophylline.

The distribution of fat-soluble drugs may also be changed by the aging process. With aging, there is usually a decrease in lean body mass but an increase in total body fat. Thus, lipid-soluble drugs may be stored in larger amounts in fat tissues and remain in the body for a longer time. Diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, flurazepam, thiopental, antipsychotics, and some antidepressants are lipid-soluble drugs that may require a lower dose and slow increases if used in the older adult population.

Another important concern that may exist with older adult patients is a decrease in serum proteins such as albumin. Albumin is the most common protein that binds to various acidic drugs, and a large decrease in albumin may result in a greater amount of unbound drug that may circulate freely. Highly protein-bound drugs that tend to bind quickly to albumin include phenytoin, warfarin, naproxen, theophylline, phenobarbital, and some antidepressants.


The effect of aging on liver function is difficult to determine because there is no good marker for measuring liver, or hepatic, function. Overall, a decrease in liver mass occurs with age, along with a reduction in hepatic blood flow. The result of lowered hepatic blood flow may be seen with drugs that are mostly broken down the first time they go through the liver (high first-pass metabolism). The extent to which these drugs are metabolized depends on how fast they go through the liver. When blood flow is reduced, as may occur with aging, less of the drug is metabolized, so increased amounts of the active form may remain the blood.

In an aging liver, there may also be changes in the specific pathways or phases of metabolism during which certain chemical and molecular changes occur to prepare the drug for metabolism. During phase I metabolism, drugs are generally made more water soluble so they may be excreted in the urine. Because of age-related changes in this process, drugs that are metabolized by phase I pathways may have decreased or unchanged clearance, so the drug may stay in the body and not be eliminated. Drugs that undergo phase I metabolism include diazepam, flurazepam, chlordiazepoxide, piroxicam, quinidine, and barbiturates. Such drugs should be used with caution and at lower doses in older adult patients, and the nurse will observe these patients carefully for adverse effects. If possible, these drugs should be avoided, and other drugs that are metabolized differently (phase II metabolism) should be used. No changes with aging have been reported with drugs that are metabolized by phase II metabolic processes, including conjugation, acetylation, sulfonation, and glucuronidation.

Drugs that are metabolized by the liver may have less or reduced metabolism because of other changes in the liver and also because of the influence of other diseases. The aging liver often gets smaller, has less blood flow, is affected by changes in nutritional status, and may become overloaded with fluid from diseases such as chronic heart failure. These factors may result in a loss of “hepatic reserve,” or the liver’s ability to handle all the different chemicals it must process. In this situation, the patient may have more risk of adverse effects when drugs are added to the existing treatment plan.

The important point in terms of giving medications to older adult patients is to use greater care in treating each patient individually and report patient response so that the dosage may be changed, if necessary.


Kidney, or renal, function is the single most important factor that causes adverse drug reactions. Studies show that renal function varies with aging. Biologic changes in the aging kidney include decreases in the number of nephrons; decreases in renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, and tubular secretion rate; and an increase in the number of damaged glomeruli. In addition, damage to the arterial walls of blood vessels and lowered cardiac output reduce the amount of blood that flows to the kidneys by 40% to 50% between the ages of 25 and 65. The result of these changes may be a decrease in excretion of creatinine, which is reported to decrease 10% for each decade (10 years) after age 40 years.