CHAPTER 49 Diabetes Mellitus
1 Describe the principal types of diabetes mellitus

3 What comorbidities are frequently observed in patients with diabetes mellitus and to what significance?

4 What oral medications are currently used in type 2 diabetes?
There are two categories of drugs used in treating type 2 diabetes: those that enhance the effectiveness of insulin and those that increase the supply of insulin to the cells. These drugs are outlined in Table 49-1.
5 What insulins are in current use?
Modern intensive insulin therapy relies on newly designed insulin analogs. Insulin therapy is given using a basal-bolus construct: long-acting (24-hour) insulin is used to provide a steady basal platform, and rapid-acting insulin is used to provide boluses for carbohydrate intake in meals and snacks. This necessitates giving at least four injections per day or the use of an insulin pump. The specific insulins are outlined in Table 49-1.